After waiting for a long time, I can finally enter the game.

But at this time, an hour had passed since the broadcast started.

Xiaobai was in a bad mood.

Because of the inexplicable CPU usage, he couldn't even play a game of Plants vs. Zombies.

Just having such an awkward chat, we waited until the patch download and installation was completed.

"Finally we can start the game." Xiaobai resisted the urge to curse and started the game.

At the beginning of the game, there is a long shot showing the scene.

I don’t know where this place is, but there are lava and monsters everywhere.

What follows is a pretty cool cutscene.

The protagonist is dressed in white Taoist robes and is named Wu Xiu. He seems to be here to slay demons.

After a handsome appearance, the character operation began.

Xiaobai did not rush to fight monsters, but looked at the character's face.

"The protagonist is not ugly, but his style of painting makes him feel like a fairy tale idol drama?"

[Is he a bit of a cold-faced boss that women like? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed about the above, okay? 】

[Haha, the anchor doesn’t understand the Sword Immortal series at all. Which game doesn’t have similar characters? 】

Xiaobai still ignored the barrages spraying him.


When I was a kid, I played along with the first generation of Jian Xian. I don’t understand, right?

Okay, okay, you have the final say.

At this time, the first wave of battle finally began.

Except for the occasional keyboard and mouse in shooting games, Xiaobai mostly uses a controller to play, and this one is the same.

The result enters the game screen.

But I discovered that the game’s key prompts were actually for the keyboard and mouse.

There is no explanation of which button on the handle does what!

I forced myself to learn the functions of all the keys from the settings.

start fighting.

The first few hits didn't cause any problems.

But something went wrong when the monster attacked.



Xiaobai was stunned. Was it too late to press the button?

The second time the monster attacks, dodge again.

Still pops out every time!

The protagonist was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he still couldn't come out.

"No, what's going on with this dodge? Is there another fucking bug?"

In anger, Xiaobai slapped the keyboard angrily.

Something magical happened.

The dodge actually came out!


Xiaobai tentatively pressed the shift key on the keyboard.


Press the B button on the handle, which is the dodge button.

No movement.

However, both light and heavy attack skills can be used as usual.

It's just that the duck key doesn't work, you need to press it on the keyboard.

"No, you are playing an action game, why don't you optimize the controller operation?! How about you make a Hammer action game at this level?"

Xiaobai's mentality was a bit explosive.

You can only unplug the controller and use keyboard and mouse to play games.

In the face of such outrageous low-level mistakes by the manufacturer, the awkward key settings of the keyboard and mouse are nothing.

After killing several hairy monsters, the villain of this trip appeared.

This villain is the popular villain in the previous game who carries the banner of selling emotions in this game.

Demon Lord.

The fighting effect in this battle was pretty good.

Unfortunately, the storyboard is not very good, and the specific actions of both parties cannot be clearly seen at all.

In the end, the defeated cultivator fell to the earth, his life and death unknown.

At this point, Xiaobai's perception is slightly better.

"The action is quite satisfactory, and the impact is acceptable. Overall, it's not bad."

Next, the perspective changes to the human world.

Where my cultivator fell, a girl was riding a big bird and escaped from a ferocious beast.

The person who operated it became a girl named Qingyue.

After landing, a close-up with clear meaning, from bottom to top.

"Hiss, Baisi, it's Baisi!"

Xiao Bai was excited for a moment, but when he saw his face again, his excited expression returned to calm.

Qingyue's face couldn't be said to be unattractive, but she always had a sense of déjà vu as an internet celebrity.

This is harmless, the point is

Talking to oneself, and talking to the big bird Qiaoling.

Some facial expressions consist only of the movements of the eyes and mouth.

The face is like a stone carving.

When the heroine turned her head left and right, her hair actually went past her shoulders.

Not only was Xiaobai speechless for a while, but the barrage also stopped.

[Damn it, I remember that the facial expressions of domestic stand-alone machines were not so bad before? 】

[Wire hair, right? Just cut off the shoulders? 】

Xiaobai sighed and said: "The domestic stand-alone game you are talking about is not talking about the Naughty Cat biochemical series, right?"

[But the previous Sword Fairy games didn’t feel so abrupt? 】

[Yes, that picture is even worse]

Xiaobai explained: "But the previous games have learned to use their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. It's not like Jian Xian 8, which shows off half-baked skills and directly slaps the camera in the face."

Controlling Qingyue, she went through a battle.

While playing, I commented: "The battles in this map are not bad, but the monsters are too repetitive, and the monsters' movements are stiffer and less frequent than the protagonist's."

"The combat system can only be said to be unsatisfactory, not as amazing as when I first played Monster Hunter and Dark Souls."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm praising the production team and not being too ambitious. Overall, I'm quite satisfied so far."

"I am a cultivator who fell into the mortal world. I am very curious about how a character who looks like a god can interact with the protagonist in the human world. Isn't this a sense of anticipation for the plot?"

"Maybe the plot of this game is really good?"

With that said, he finished defeating a mini-BOSS.

It immediately connected with the previous plot.

Qingyue found a glowing fruit in the grass.

Xiaobai and Danmu both speculated.

Some think it's the murderer's treasure, some think it's a treasure from heaven and earth, and most think it has something to do with my cultivator.

Then, the heroine Qingyue.

He said he didn't know what kind of fruit it was, and he said he didn't know its origin.

Just went up and took a bite.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[No, in this damn world of cultivating immortals, you dare to eat anything? 】

Xiaobai was silent for two seconds.

Unable to complain, he sighed deeply.

"Forget it, action games, the plot is just to tell you why you fight, you can't force logic."


Came to a small mountain village.

At this time, Xiaobai finally felt enlightened.

A peaceful and quiet mountain village, with blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green water, and occasional smoke rising from the kitchen.

The villagers were in groups, chatting or working.

There were playful children running through the village.

Xiaobai stood in front of the village and watched all this. The bad mood he had been in for the two hours since playing the game was relieved a lot.

At the same time, I was thinking, am I too harsh on domestic stand-alone machines?

It is true that not every company is a naughty cat and does not have the funds and technology.

It's better to praise it appropriately.

So he sighed: "Although there are many shortcomings, there are also advantages. At least the scenery is nice. Wait. Huh?? Huh??"

Then, he saw the playful children running towards the protagonist.

There was no change in the running route, and the child's model walked directly behind Qingyue.

Xiaobai's face turned dark.

The barrage burst out laughing.

[Hahahahahaha, the child is so powerful, but is it the art of rejuvenating youth? 】

[Brother Kid said that this demon king will give Qingyue and my cultivator a chance. If you two don’t live up to expectations, we will kill him]

[This technology is really not that good]

The sense of immersion and involvement I had just had disappeared again.

In the subsequent plot, we learn that the heroine Qingyue comes from a small and poor sect and has been dependent on her grandfather since she was a child.

Returning to the sect, he put the fruit in the box and went out again to deliver the message.

At the same time, a main storyline was also explained.

A large sect lost an important child, the Son of God, and as expected, he ended up in the sect where the protagonist was.

For some reason, the Son of God temporarily lived in the sect where the protagonist was.


The villain appears and wants to steal the Son of God.

At this time, Wu Xiu suddenly appeared and destroyed the conspiracy.

Xiao Bai nodded and said: "Sure enough, my cultivator is this fruit. It's not difficult to guess. I'm a little curious about what kind of emotions this so-called god race will feel in the human world."

The sound of Shenzi and fighting woke up Qingyue and rushed to the scene.

Although the villain was beaten away, Ixiu also fainted.

Early the next morning.

The heroine Qingyue and the hero Yue Wuxiu met for the first time.

However, my repair injury was not healed and I left without saying a word.

Qingyue chased after him out of concern, and met Wu Xiu on the way who was injured and unable to continue moving.

Xiaobai bared his teeth and complained: "No, a fairy-themed game, why does it feel like a fairy idol drama about a domineering president falling in love with me?

Do you care so much about female players? Or, for adaptation? "

[What can this tell? Embarrassing? 】

[It’s true that the main audience of the TV series is girls, I understand]

[It would be nice if the emotional scenes could be written well. I am a female gamer, and the appearance and character design of the male and female protagonists are pretty good]

Not long after the two met, they encountered a murderer who injured someone.

Among them, there was an extremely powerful BOSS, which injured Qingyue with just one blow, leaving her helpless in the corner.

Seeing Yue Chuchu's pitiful appearance, the bull demon was unmoved at all and charged directly, its sharp horns shining coldly.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps came running here thinking about it.

The next second, the bull demon missed the target and hit the stone wall.

Looking again, I saw that I was dressed in white clothes, with only a back figure.

He held Qingyue in his arms and slowly walked towards the edge of the field.

Or a princess hug.

Let it go slowly.


"No, the domineering president really fell in love with me?! Brother, you have to be held by a princess to save people? How long have you known her?"

[The Qing Dynasty is not dead yet? In what age do you still use this method to heat up the male and female protagonists? ? 】

[Okay, I just said that the male and female protagonists are good, and I regret it. Nowadays, there is no need for such vulgar clichés when it comes to boss themes! 】

Fortunately, what follows is a BOSS battle using my cultivator.

The fierce battles diluted some of the awkwardness brought about by the plot.

ten minutes later.

Seeing the boss fall to the ground, Xiaobai sighed: "I'm begging you, please don't have such an embarrassing relationship-heating drama, okay?

If you treat Wu Xiu as BT and Qingyue as Cooper, the emotional drama you can write will be better than this! "

However, things didn't go as he expected.

After healing her injuries, Qingyue's physical strength did not recover. She was unsteady when she stood up and was about to fall down when she was supported by Wu Xiu.

Their eyes looked at each other, and the camera shot at their faces again.

Xiaobai felt that his anger level was rising.


Do you think this series is dominated by male players?

What do you mean by writing the plot this way?

Look at the corpse of the ferocious beast under the cliff.

Wu Xiu: "There seems to be something fishy about the black energy on its body."

Qingyue: "I'll go down and take a look."

Then, Wuxiu picked up Qingyue and jumped off the cliff.

"Yeah! What are you doing?"

Hug it! Princess hug!


Xiaobai couldn't help it anymore, his anger level was 70%.

"No, isn't this heroine responsible for the revival of the sect, independent, brave, kind, reserved, pure and in love?!"

Xiaobai felt goosebumps all over his body, "This inexplicable man was hugged by the princess? Twice!"

"No, eldest sister. It's understandable that I got hurt when I hugged you the first time. Now your injury has healed. You are a cultivator! Are you so easy to be hugged?"

"My girlfriend injured her leg last year. I carried her on my back wherever we went. How could a princess jump up and down in her arms?!"

[I apologize again for saying that the male and female protagonists are good. Why does the plot arrangement feel a bit greasy? 】

[I vomited. Isn’t this industrial saccharin? You don't think this is sweet, do you? 】

[Who is a nice guy who hugs the girl he meets for the first time like a gangster all day long? 】

After defeating the BOSS, I learned in the plot that Wuxiu is actually a god in the sky.

The role of the Son of God is to be the tool for the descending of God Lord Jiang.

The plot continues to advance.

Because of my status as a god cultivator, I was invited to be a guest at Tianmen, the most prestigious and upright sect at the moment.

Xiaobai clasped his hands and prayed, "I beg you, please don't use industrial saccharin again."

The gods from heaven come to this world and do not understand the pain, emotions, and desires of the human world.

Travel around the world with a girl cultivating immortality in the world.

What changes will happen to Ice Cube Face in the human world, what things will he see, how will the concepts of two people conflict, and what impact will it have on the other party?

You don’t have so many good ideas to write, but you insist on writing this industrial saccharine shabby ancient puppet plot?

What's behind a "sword"? Where is the fairy? Where is Xia?


How can things go as planned easily?

"Miss Yue, when my cultivator was seriously injured and endangered, I became symbiotic with you by chance. I have to be by your side to maintain my strength."

"How is that possible?" Qingyue was a little puzzled, "He and I met by chance and had no interaction at all. How can we talk about symbiosis?"

Wuxiu said calmly: "You have."

Then he stood up, walked to Qingyue, and pointed to a tooth mark on his neck.

In other words, strawberry print.

Only then did Qingyue remember.

"Wait, are you that fruit?"

When Xiaobai saw this scene, his anger level reached 100%.

"No, what kind of bullshit plot is this? Is this the plot of the Sword Fairy series? Is this some inferior ancient puppet show?"

"Are you sick? No, will this thing be sweet to anyone? Yes?"

"I just thought of an advertising slogan right now. The little duck is oily, oily, oily."

"If you can't take a bite, why should it be on the neck? Why are you growing strawberries? Why can't they be symbiotic if you just take a bite? Is it symbiotic with saliva?"

"How can there be a manufacturer with such poor skills when he still doesn't forget to wear molds and face stone faces when he is greasy?"

"How can there be such a greasy plot!"

【ah? ? ? ? ? 】

[No, this is too disgusting. Adding drama without any emotional basis? These two have only known each other for a day]

[I can't stand it anymore, I'll run away first]

[Isn’t this just to heat up the relationship? ! 】

[The female player said that she really doesn’t like this greasy man. We hugged each other as soon as we met]

[I think it’s pretty good. Isn’t the plot pretty good? Full of suspense behind]

"Okay?" Xiaobai pointed to the characters still talking on the screen, "That god is probably the villain."

"And they are all fucking symbiotic. I can guess the ending. In all likelihood, either the man will die for the other, or the woman will die for the other!"

"Maybe I'll even have to say 'Resurrect my love'! Believe it or not? We'll see you in the end!"

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