Just when Jianxian 8 was almost massacred in the console game area of ​​the live broadcast platform.

That night.

In the conference room of a large hotel in Zhonghai.

Zhou Wenguang's face was filled with joy and he couldn't hold it back.

The people opposite were the head of Netflix's China region and representatives from the headquarters.

Netflix is ​​a lighthouse company that provides DVD and Blu-ray sales and rentals.

In the era of the Internet, they embarked on the fast track and established a membership-based streaming media subscription platform.

Beginning last year, this wealthy company began a crazy expansion.

Acquire a variety of exciting film and television exclusive broadcast rights around the world.

This time in China, the same is true.

The focus of today's discussion is the exclusive rights to broadcast the TV series adapted from Jian Xian 8, or no, the Jian Xian series.

For today's opportunity, he worked hard and used many connections and resources.

As long as the exclusive rights to the Sword and Fairy TV series are sold, a long-term partnership with Netflix will be reached.

Coupled with the game itself, this is definitely a good deal.

Big profit!

Then, at the stubborn old man's place at home.

He can also stand upright and speak.

Who said that I, Zhou Wenguang, can't accomplish great things and can only rely on my family's resources to make money?

Jian Xian 8, isn’t this a very successful operation?

Who said I only plan to sell games?

Poor Lin Mo, you thought I was playing with you on the game track.

I made a bet with you just to let you mix in my other things every time.

I have long since jumped out of the Three Realms and am no longer in the Five Elements.

The purpose was originally the IP operation of the Jianxian series!

In front of him, the person in charge of Netflix’s China region also had a smile on his face.

Today's negotiation went quite smoothly.

For a moment, Jackson, who came from the Lighthouse Country, still hesitated.

Zhou Wenguang saw this.

"Mr. Jackson, you have to believe that the spending power of Chinese women is definitely beyond your imagination! This is an important step for Chinese audiences to accept Netflix."

Hearing this sentence through the translator, Jackson frowned deeply and said: "However, I think the script and story of Jian Xian 8 is not that good. I still question what you said."

The person in charge of Netflix China quickly said: "Sir, you have to know that the tastes of audiences in different countries are different. Here, this is the most popular type."

Jackson frowned deeply.

This is true. Indeed, the preferences of audiences in different countries vary greatly.

But the thing is, the taste for good storytelling is surprisingly similar everywhere.

This story is far from excellent.

Is it because some things related to cultural heritage are not seen?

So, do you want to sign it?

According to the intention of the head office, in such a huge market in China.

It is necessary to have several long-term strategic partners and choose a series of IP adaptations that are deeply loved in China and have long-lasting success.

This newly established Dongrong Film and Television.

No matter how you look at it, it feels a bit unreliable.

After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't make up my mind.

So Jackson simply stood up, sighed, and said, "Sorry, I think I need to go to the bathroom. Excuse me first."

The person in charge of Huaguo District and Zhou Wenguang knew that they needed to find a place to think about it and make a phone call to discuss it.

At this point, it means progress is good.

Jackson would not have been killed at this step.

Walk out of the conference room.

There was no one in the public lounge.

It itself has no objection to game adaptation. On the contrary, he believes that the story quality of a successful 3A game is quite good.

But not all types of games are suitable for adaptation.

He is not old, and Dark Souls is a game he likes very much.

However, it is not suitable for adaptation.

This Sword Fairy series must have its own merits if it reaches its eighth installment.


The story is definitely not that good.

Especially the eighth one.


"Naughty Cat has an animation? Is it real or fake? Don't lie to me."

"It's all true. I just finished watching it an hour ago."

Two young people in their early twenties sat on the sofa next to them, discussing something enthusiastically.

Jackson frowned and was about to leave when he heard a name.

Lin Mo?

A friend from the management of the Disneyland California Park in Lighthouse Country was full of praise for this person.

Although the pronunciation is different in the two languages, it should be correct.

The name made him a little curious, and he glanced at it secretly.

One of the young people took out his mobile phone and connected to the wireless network. After clicking a few times, he put the mobile phone on the table.

That's an animation.

Although he couldn't understand the Chinese animation name.

But a few letters can still be recognized.


Isn’t this one of the psychoanalytic theories of Jungian psychology?

simply say.

It refers to a mask worn by a person to enable him or her to play a special role in the environment.

How come there is such an animation with the main name?

I looked down with curiosity.

The animation begins with a distant view of a city street bustling with people.

However, the beeping sound of the heart monitor came from the dubbing.

It feels like this city is sick.

The next second, in a TV variety show.

The host said with an excited voice: "The Phantom Thieves of the Heart. Do they exist? This station has conducted a public opinion survey on this."

Jackson frowned.

I can roughly guess the meaning of the picture, but I can't understand the dubbing or the subtitles.

The scene changed to a certain store.

In front of the cash register, a young man seemed to have seen something terrible.

No matter how much his teammates urged him, he didn't move at all, sweat dripping from his forehead.

The scene changes.

There wasn't a penny in the cash register.

There is only one card, which reads:

The Phantom Thieves of Heart.

The next second.

Next to the subway station.

"This world is really screwed up. Nothing good happens."

A high school student with dyed yellow hair and a cynical look said dissatisfiedly.

Then, a high school student with blue hair and an artistic flair said, "Yes, there are still countless villains on the loose in this city."

A girl with blond hair, blue eyes and double ponytail curly hair, who looked very fashionable, chuckled lightly.

"But if it were us."

The last scene shows a very calm protagonist with black hair, black eyes, and black-rimmed glasses.

A subway passed by in front of me.

The subway station has completely changed.

Passengers disappeared and the platform became empty.

Covered with an unknown dark red color, something like tentacles or blood vessels spread here.

The four high school students just now changed their costumes instantly.

Just like what is sung in stories and film and television works.

The righteous thief, the strange thief, the knight.

Accompanied by exciting and fast-paced music.

One of the young men couldn't help but sit forward and said, "Okay, so handsome? These people are the Phantom Thieves of the Heart? Are they forcing themselves on Graman?"

"Right." Another young man was very proud, "I told you that a naughty cat who can do "Long 4 Dead: Sacrifice" can do anything."

Although Jackson couldn't understand the subtitles or the subtitles, he couldn't understand what the young people next to him were talking about.

But he could see it.

The rhythm of this animation is very good.

Also, the music is cool.

This made Jackson couldn't help but nod his head slightly and cross his legs little by little with his toes.

The sense of rhythm is really strong.

Then, a cat that the protagonist carries with him jumps off the platform.

It became a bus.

The whole picture is quite absurd, but at the same time it has a strange "cool" style.

This kind of coolness is a special feeling presented by the pictures, combined with the music and the strange painting style.

At first glance, it's hard to forget.

Read on.

He was surprised to find that the amount of information brought by the picture was quite large.

Even if you can’t read the subtitles or understand the dubbing, you can roughly tell the content just from the pictures.

The protagonist group seems to be a group similar to thieves, aiming to punish social injustice.

This time we faced a group of thieves.

In just twenty minutes of animation time.

There are emotional progressions, wonderful reversals, exciting battles, sudden realizations of solving puzzles, and emotional sublimation at the end.

Small but complete.

There are many characters, but they all have impressive memorable points and stand out as characters.

Character logic, causes and consequences.

The story perfectly fits the four stages of succession, transition and integration.

During the climax of the battle, the music that played made the three of them couldn't help but shake their legs.

"What's the name of this song? I must download it."

"I don't know. It will be released later, right? How about it? It's interesting."

Jackson was going crazy inside.

Why can’t I understand what you are talking about! I also want to chat with you!

The animation business is also a very important part of Netflix.

He had an intuition that if this incomplete animation was completed, it would be widely welcomed.

I want to sign it!

The level of storytelling in this short 20-minute animation is comparable to the script of Jian Xian 8 that I just saw.

Ten thousand times better!

Seeing the two young people planning to leave after watching the animation.

Jackson couldn't bear it anymore and stepped forward and asked: "Mud Howl?"

One of the young men was stunned for a moment, and then replied in less than proficient English: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Excuse me, what was this animation just now? I think it's cool."

"Oh, you should have heard of this." One of the young people puffed up his chest proudly, "It's the latest animation launched by Naughty Cat. But I don't know what it is yet."

Naughty cat?

Made Dark Souls, that very talented naughty cat!

It's actually him?

There was a look of surprise on Jackson's face.

After thanking him, he quickly took out his cell phone and made a cross-country call.

After making two calls, it was not until the second one that I finally got through.

Just picked it up.

"Hello? Damn it, do you know what time it is? You'd better come to me if you have something important to do."

"Wilson, I know you've been very busy recently with Disneyland." Jackson asked urgently, "Lin, who is cooperating with you. I need your help. I want to reach a cooperation with him!"

On the phone, it seemed that he was giving this name face.

After hearing it, he calmed down a lot.

"Oh? I heard that you were discussing business in China recently. Will Netflix be involved in the gaming field?"

"Is such that."

Jackson talked enthusiastically about what he had just witnessed and the recent situation.

Not paying attention at all, around the corner.

Zhou Wenguang was hiding in the shadows and heard the conversation just now.

He looked like he had seen a ghost.

His face was full of disbelief.

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