The protagonist is caught in the interrogation room.

Punches, kicks, deprivation of sleep, even veritaserum, everything.

At this time, a prosecutor named Niijima Sae came to the interrogation room and replaced the previous violent man.

Due to the presence of Veritaserum, the protagonist is completely unable to resist interrogation.

During the interrogation, a blue butterfly flew in front of me.

An unknown voice sounded in my ears.

"This is an unreasonable game with almost zero chance of winning."

"But since you can hear this voice, there is still a glimmer of possibility."

"Please crack this game and save the world"

"The key to reversal is the memory of the bond. You and your companions hold it tightly in your hands. The reality of resurrection."

"Everything starts from the day the game started half a year ago."

The screen flashed and the protagonist took a tram to a strange city.

At the same time, he flashed back to what happened before.

Because of a brave act of justice, a powerful person was injured.

The victim remained silent, making the protagonist a criminal instead. He had no choice but to transfer to another school and start a new life.

If you commit similar crimes during this period, you will be sent directly to prison.

Lao Xue nodded when he saw this scene: "Reverse order? Find the traitor through memories?"

[So the protagonist is suspended from execution? Or released on bail pending trial? Execution outside prison? 】

[Being brave enough to do justice is becoming increasingly rare in this society]

[Indeed, this is not uncommon in any era]

The protagonist comes to the Lublan coffee shop where he is staying, and this is where he will live for the next year.

The boss is Sakura Sojiro.

Although he agreed to stay at the protagonist's coffee shop for a year, his words were filled with defensive taunts and vigilance.

Lao Xue snorted softly: "You'd better not need help from my Phantom Thieves for anything."

Then I took another look at the voting rankings.

"No, what do you mean by voting for Sakura Sojiro? I don't want a statue of an uncle."

"And Mr. Lin and I agreed to wipe the statue and check in and take pictures every day."

[I understand, I will vote for Uncle Sakura now]

[Checking in and taking photos with the uncle’s statue, right? Are you so gay?]

The rhythm of the game's plot advancement is very good.

The mysterious space "Velvet Room" that the protagonist glimpses while sleeping, the "dishumanization" incidents that occur from time to time in society, and the endgame that leads to multiple deaths and injuries, create a suspenseful atmosphere surrounding the protagonist.

On his first day at school, he meets the cynical delinquent Ryuji Sakamoto.

When the two went to school, they were surprised to find that the school was no longer a school.

Instead, it turned into a huge castle.

There are no classmates or teachers inside, but guards, guards who will turn into monsters.

These monsters all obey the orders of the king in the castle - Kamoshida, the school's perverted physical education teacher.

Kamoshida looks like a pervert.

He wears a crown, a cape, and a pair of pink thong panties.

Other than that, there is nothing.

During the real-time calculation of the cutscenes of the plot, Lao Xue also joked: "This is the first time I have seen Lin Mo's game modeling so rough. The cost of 30 million mentioned in the bet is really 30 million!"

Watch the plot carefully and occasionally chat with the barrage.

Lao Xue couldn't tell what magic power this game had, he just couldn't help but click the mouse to advance to the next plot.

[The narrative structure is good, it is relaxing when it should be relaxing, and tense when it should be tense]

[The painting style is good, the characters are all handsome, and the world view seems quite novel and complex]

[I didn’t expect that urban themes can be turned into turn-based RPGs, it’s kind of awesome]

The plot continues to advance.

When Kamoshida is about to execute the protagonist and Ryuji controlled by Lao Xue.

At the critical moment, the protagonist awakens the power of the persona and successfully escapes.

On the way to escape, he rescued Morgana, a cat who stood on two legs and could talk.

He is also the person who knows this mysterious "different world" best, oh no, cat.

he tells the protagonist.

The Kamoshida in this place is not the Kamoshida in reality, but a "shadow" formed by distorted desires.

The real Kamoshida had no idea what was going on in the "palace".

This place is the "palace" of another world formed by reflecting Kamoshida's twisted desires.

At the same time, I also learned a piece of information.

Ryuji is not a bad boy, on the contrary, he is a sprint genius.

However, Kamoshida broke one of Ryuji's legs, causing him to give up sprinting.

Unconsciously, the focus of the game has changed.

From the suspenseful atmosphere at the beginning, impressive villains began to appear.


This villain is so impressive.

After knowing that Kamoshida not only broke Ryuji's legs, but also physically punished the students of his volleyball club.

At the same time, he also had bad thoughts towards several female students.

For example, Kamoshida in the palace was accompanied by an obscene Takamaki Anzu, who only wore three-point underwear and seemed to obey Kamoshida's words.

Lao Xue cursed angrily: "Fuck, you're really angry. I've encountered this kind of idiot teacher before."

The barrages also agreed.

[When I got angry, there were times when I was corporally punished and sent to the hospital]

[Although I have never encountered anyone so extreme, there was someone in my school who liked to tease female classmates]

【Fuck this Kamoshida to death! ! ! 】

The plot has ups and downs, constantly teasing the players' emotions.

It's like a rubber sutra, sometimes loose and sometimes tight.

Every character is memorable, and because they are all students, the incident they encountered resonated with many people.

At the same time, Lao Xue was still having fun.

There is absolutely no sense of constraint like when playing Jian Xian 8 when you are forced to read the plot or fight with your head pressed down.

On the contrary, it feels freeing.

During class, the teacher will ask questions, and successfully answering the questions will increase the knowledge attribute.

After class, you can move around freely and do whatever you want.

Every day, there is almost always something new to do.

Before you get tired of this gameplay, you will encounter new elements.

In this process, the plot is slowly advanced with "day" as the unit.

Give Lao Xue a feeling.

It seems that I am really a student studying at Xiujin High School.

As the plot progresses, the number of interactions between Lao Xue and Danmu becomes less and less.

I pay more attention to the plot more and more often.

There is a very strange phenomenon in the live broadcast room.

There were obviously a lot of people, but no one posted a barrage.

Not even available.

Watch the plot!

Finally, after getting acquainted with Takamaki Anzu, the plot reached its first climax.

Takamaki Anri, a beautiful mixed-race girl who came from abroad and has no friends, has only one friend, Suzui Shiho, who is in the volleyball club.

Kamoshida repeatedly threatened Takamaki Anzu about Suzui Shiho's affairs.

Former rebels like Ryuuji will only end up in a worse end.

Lao Xue gritted his teeth and cursed: "Fuck, I really want to go in and slap this idiot Kamoshida!"

[This feeling of suffocation is so uncomfortable]

【Fuck him! 】

Fortunately, the problem is not without hope.

As long as the secret treasure representing twisted desires can be stolen from the castle, the owner of the "palace" can be made to repent of what he has done.

Just like a spring will rebound when it is pressed to its limit.

In order to help her friends, Takamaki Anzu also joined the protagonist group.

The protagonist group also had a head-on conflict with the real Kamoshida.

Kamoshida has been busy with the national volleyball competition recently, and he must be made to repent before that ends.

Otherwise, once the game is over, Kamoshida will use his power on the school board to expel the three of them.

It's like having your life destroyed.

Three people and one cat began to use their personas and the power of entering another world to resist.

The purpose is to steal the secret treasure in the twisted world like a strange thief and make the other party repent.

At this point, Lao Xue suddenly came back to his senses and looked at the time.

"Damn it, isn't it? It's been five hours? It's past eleven o'clock. I didn't pay attention at all. Isn't this game too time-consuming?"

According to the past, this is the time to broadcast.

But after thinking about damn Kamoshida, Lao Xue chose to broadcast more without hesitation.

He has also played turn-based RPGs. Counting the eighth part of the Sword Immortal series, he has also completed three of them.

To be honest, fighting is boring to him most of the time.

There is no pressure on the mobs at all.

Elite monsters are just a matter of eating more blood bottle supplies.

Finally came the part about exploring the maze.

But Lao Xue was surprised to find that this combat system was quite interesting.

Not boring at all.

There are various types of props, and they have all kinds of effects, including reviving teammates, adding BUFFs, debuffing the opponent, and increasing blood volume.

Only the amount of blue is pitiful!

When facing monsters, reasonable use of skills is the best solution, otherwise it will be difficult to rely solely on ordinary attacks.

Targeting the monster's weakness by using the Fa Shu with corresponding attributes will give you a chance to attack again yourself, or change hands and let your teammates attack.

After all enemies are pressed for weakness, they will receive a super high-damage total attack.

At the same time, the last one to break the weak point is a cool pose.

This requires heavy use of mana.

Lao Xue couldn't help but laugh and said: "This game not only tests tactics within battles, but also tests strategies outside of tactics."

Only then did he understand why the game gave enough time to defeat Kamoshida's shadow in the "palace" of another world.

Because it is almost impossible to penetrate it at once.

And in this period of life.

Sometimes the protagonist will receive an invitation to work, or an invitation from Ryuji to go out for fun. He can go to the movies, read novels, go shopping, go shopping, deepen his relationship with a beautiful doctor, etc.

Each action will increase the character's numerical value and gain new abilities, which will ultimately provide the protagonist with convenience in combat.

It seems chaotic, but it is invisibly unified into a whole.

Lao Xue also became more and more fascinated as he played.

He even complained: "I never thought that I, a streamer who plays shooting games, would become addicted to turn-based games one day."

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