I don’t know how long the fierce battle lasted.

It's long past midnight.

"Who said turn-based combat is boring? This is obviously the most suitable game type for telling stories."

Lao Xue let out a sigh of relief and couldn't help but praise him.

In the last combined attack, the monster Kamoshida transformed into screamed and collapsed in the palace.

At the same time, the entire palace was crumbling and about to collapse.

This is the last day of this plot cycle.

Lao Xue played less turn-based games, and many decisions were open to question, resulting in slow progress in the palace.

In addition, sometimes I can't help but date beautiful girls, which will waste a lot of time.

Only then did he defeat the BOSS before the final deadline.

Kamoshida's shadow was forced into a corner by the four phantom thieves. How could he still be as arrogant as before?

Morgana crossed her arms.

"Do you want to simply give him the final blow? It's up to you to decide."

Kamoshida stepped back with trembling legs, begging for mercy in a panic: "Stop, please! Stop!"

Takamaki Anzu approached step by step, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Everyone has begged you like this, right? My friend Zhiho has also felt the same despair as you!"

As he said that, a fireball as big as a basin went straight towards Kamoshida and passed by him.

Takamaki Xing suppressed her anger and turned away.

"If I kill you, you will become a useless person without desires. In this way, your crime will not be proven."

Kamoshida Shadow finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell to his knees with tears streaming from his eyes.

"I lost. It's over. It's over. What should I do from now on?"

The protagonist Ren Amamiya couldn't refuse and said: "Pay for the crime!"

The shadow on Kamoshida's body brightened and gradually dissipated.

"I know, I will return to reality to atone for my sins"

The next day.

At the morning meeting at school.

Kamoshida appeared unexpectedly.

At this time, how can he still have the majesty he had before?

"I have been reborn, so I want to confess all this to everyone."

He walked up to the podium dejectedly and knelt down directly.

"As a teacher, I have been doing some things that I shouldn't do. This includes corporal punishment of students, corporal punishment of club members, and sexual harassment of female students.

I broke Ryuuji Sakamoto's legs, used Suzui Shiho's main position to threaten Takamaki Anzu-san into having a relationship with me, and spread rumors about transfer students.

The reason why Suzui Shiho-san jumped off the building was because of me.

I will die to apologize. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

From today on, I will resign from my job as a teacher and turn myself in. "

This sudden change caused an uproar in the whole place.

Lao Xue looked at Kamoshida's tragic situation and felt inexplicably happy.

Feeling sad at the same time.

Good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years.

In reality, there are already many bad guys who have caused harm to one party, but have not yet received retribution.

Unexpectedly, I experienced a sense of justice in the game.

At the beginning of the story, we knew that Kamoshida would repent.

But even if it was expected.

With the organic combination of sound, text, pictures, and interaction, you will still feel happy and full of thoughts.

It was already one o'clock in the middle of the night.

But he didn't feel sleepy at all.

There is even a feeling that my hands are operating unconsciously, playing day after day.

There is an urgent urge to see the story behind.

There is a feeling in my heart.

This is called storytelling.

It has a beginning and an end, the process is exciting, the logic is clear, and it progresses layer by layer.

On the premise of telling a story well, let the players or the audience like each character.

Not like Jian Xian 8.

I felt that the relationship between the male and female protagonists needed to be heated up, so I came up with a plot that made people dig out two rooms and one living room with their toes on the floor.

If I feel like I need to kill someone, I'll do a plot killing.

Even the villain had a mysterious sneer that made people laugh when he first appeared.

The most intuitive feeling is whether the characters here are all out of their minds.

Back to the game.

As the plot progresses.

The Phantom Thieves of the Heart were formally established to declare war on all the injustices in society, in order to make those evildoers who go unpunished repent and be judged.

Each plot has just the right hook, and each plot introduces new and interesting characters.

In daily life, I also get to know strange people and strange things one after another, and there are some interesting past events hidden behind them.

day after day.

Thinking about playing for one more day, I went to bed.

After finishing this task, go to bed.

Finally, when he came to his senses again, he looked outside again.

It's already dawn!

Realizing that he had been playing all night, Lao Xue quickly turned off the game.

"It's too scary. It's too scary. This game will actually steal your time. No, I can't open it easily in the future."

At this time, some viewers who saw this time asked.

[Does Lao Xueqian think this game can sell for 5 million? 】

[If this wasn’t a turn-based system, it would definitely sell 5 million copies, but it still is, so I’m a little unsure]

[I think there should be no problem, after all, it is a Naughty Cat game, and this sign is worth 1 million copies]

[Brothers, buy the game quickly and let Zhou Wenguang apologize! 】

Seeing the question, Lao Xue replied without hesitation: "What's the point? Brothers, this game actually looks average. But it's really fun to play. Trust me, you won't regret buying one."

With that said, he clicked into the game's review area and took a look.

Unexpected and reasonable.

Rave reviews!

This is in sharp contrast to Jian Xian 8’s 63% favorable rating.

[OK, I believe you, I’ll give it a try. This is my first time buying a turn-based game]

[Old Xue, please take a look at the voting! I’m so anxious]


As soon as the barrage reminded him, Lao Xue finally remembered that there was such a thing.

Look at the voting system.

Who will be first?

There are not many characters that have appeared yet, and many names have not been seen yet.

It should be Takamaki Anzu, right?

When he looked at the voting results, everyone was stunned.

what is this?

Then there was a sharp crack.

"Fuck! No, what are you doing? What did you invest in?!"

The first one is none other than others.

It's none other than Kamoshida!

[I voted, you’re welcome]

[Remember to wipe Kamoshida’s body every day and check in and take a group photo]

[I waited all night, and you finally found it! 】

[Are you surprised or surprised? 】

Lao Xue's face turned green.

It would be nice if Kamoshida's statue had a smaller lead.

It's a cliff-edge lead!

A full 43% of the audience voted for Kamoshida, and all other characters shared the remaining 57% of the votes.

Lao Xue's face turned blue and purple.

He gritted his teeth and said: "As long as you buy the game, let the sales of the game reach 5 million copies, and let Zhou Wenguang apologize. Not to mention taking photos and checking in all day long, I can just hug you and sleep with him!"

Danmu was completely delighted when he heard it, and agreed without hesitation.

Starting from the second day, even players who don’t like the turn-based system are hesitant.

Would you like to buy one and try it?

Because the M station rating is released.

Very unexpected, 95 points!

This rating left many people with their mouths wide open, not expecting it at all.

95? !

A turn-based game gets such high ratings?

Take another look at some of the shortcomings mentioned in various media outlets.

For example, the movements are stiff, the model is rough, etc.

But the players were all very surprised.

Because when I was playing, I didn’t notice this at all!

Only some gamers from China couldn't help but sigh.

Don't use bean bags as dry food.

You know, there is a clear cost of 30 million in the bet.

While the game must have cost more than that, it wouldn't be much.

They are all people in the industry, and this can still be seen.

Only then did they all remember what was said at the Game Exchange Conference.

The biggest advantage of the turn-based system is that it is open to all rivers and can be grafted with almost any element.

There is no such thing as a bad game type, only a bad game designer.

Many players began to ridicule on the official Weibo of Jianxian 8.

[I have said it all, don’t blame the game type if the level is not good. As long as the level is enough, good games can be made in any type! 】

[It cost twice as much as Persona and ended up with such a hot piece of chicken? To tell a joke, combat in action games is not as fun as turn-based combat]

[Can you learn what storytelling is? Is there any way to adapt the disgustingly greasy plot of Jian Xian 8? 】

It is against the background that Dongrong Interactive Entertainment has broken the drum and everyone is hammering.

A week passed quickly.

However, the players found out helplessly.

Persona is actually the most popular game on the live streaming platform!


Because its customs clearance time is 80 hours at the fastest, and even 110 hours at the slowest!

If you broadcast live for 7 hours a day, you can only play the middle and late stages of the game in a week.

Players who bought Jianxian 8 are even more angry and feel that they have been deceived.

Jian Xian 8 only lasted for 30 hours, and a quarter of that time was still spent fighting the crappy mini-game.

Zhou Wenguang had been scolded for a long time and was afraid to show his face.

Of course, in his own explanation, he is busy.

The adaptation of Jian Xian 8 has long been decided and is currently undergoing intense filming.

At this time, he was on the set, holding his mobile phone in his hand, constantly refreshing the Naughty Cat homepage.

Damn Lao Xue, he actually revealed this matter!

And when I think about Sword Immortal 8 again, I get even more angry.

The manuscript for the speech at the game exchange meeting was given by the current chief designer of Soft Moon Studio.

Good job you did!

Persona, sales must not exceed one million in the first week!

In anxiety, I refreshed again, and a new Weibo page came out.

[Naughty Cat thanks players for their support! In the first week, a total of 1.9 million Phantom Thieves started the game, allowing 1.79 million Kamoshidas to repent, and a total of 65 million Jack Frosts were killed]

First week, 1.9 million.

It's over.

Zhou Wenguang's heart dropped.

The continued purchasing power of word-of-mouth games is amazing, and Naughty Cat games have always been like this.

1.9 million in the first week.

The estimated total sales volume of Jianxian 8 during its life cycle is only 1.9 million!

It is only a matter of time before it exceeds 5 million.

Even if you want, you can complete this task within a week with any discount or price reduction.

He glanced at the comment section tremblingly.

[ @Zhou Wenguang, come on, let me show you a big baby]

【Apologize! Where are people? Come out and apologize! 】

[You still want a good ending for going against Momen? Please invite the next victim]

I don’t know how many netizens are waiting for this Weibo.

In less than five minutes, there were thousands of comments.

Thousands of words from netizens turned into one sentence.


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