Time comes on the 12th.

Two highly anticipated and doubted RTS masterpieces were released on the same day.

"Warcraft" and "Sword Fairy Tactics".

This kind of scene is really rare in a century.

A game type that can almost be a death sentence, two major productions, released on the same day.

This time, among the players, there was strangely no situation where most players sided with Naughty Cat.

Because, RTS has natural disadvantages.

It’s difficult to get started.

Some players even think that Naughty Cat strives for excellence in everything it does.

Is it even more outrageous to make an RTS?

After thinking about it like this, I immediately felt a little scared.

Although Warcraft is still the one that players are more willing to try, it does not have an overwhelming advantage.

Among map and MOD authors, they are even divided into two groups.

For example, Shen Dingnan at this time.

He looked at two games that seemed to be good and struggled.

He is also well-known in the circle. He is not only a MOD and map author, but also a small anchor.

The live broadcast content is mostly his self-made map.

I have produced several game maps in CSGO with acceptable commercial results.

It can barely support his dream of making games full-time.

Shen Dingnan did not study game design. He is just an ordinary game enthusiast and salesperson.

After CSGO was launched, several PVE maps were produced out of interest.

Unexpectedly, it became popular.

So he resolutely resigned and did this as a career.

Unexpectedly, he discovered that he seemed to be quite talented.

It's just that shooting games have never been his area of ​​expertise.

Now both RTS games with map editors and creative workshops are online at the same time.

Which one to choose as your main project has become the biggest question.

Reason told him that he should choose Naughty Cat.

The reputation is there.

No matter how popular the game map is, there has never been any official black money or other scandals.

However, the Sword Immortal series was also the game he played since childhood.

Who among the Chinese players hasn’t dreamed of being a hero?

Xianxia RTS, maybe it can make some cultivation games?

Since both sides don't know how to choose, let's just toss a coin and decide.

Digital Warcraft, printed Sword Fairy Strategy Edition.

Throw the coin, catch it in your hand and see the stamp.

"It doesn't count this time. Best of three."

Then, two stamps with a number.

"It doesn't count this time. Choose the five who arrive first."

Then 4 numbers: 5 stamps.

The corners of Shen Dingnan's mouth twitched.

Is this God's will?

I sighed internally.

Okay, then Sword Immortal Strategy Edition.

I hope this choice is not wrong.

I hope my creativity can shine.

But before that, let’s play two games to get a feel for them.

Since you have chosen to make a map for the Sword Immortal Strategy Edition, let’s play Warcraft first during the live broadcast.

After all, it is Lin Mo's game, so it must be fun.

Click to start live streaming.

Since I had already announced that I would choose one of the games to make a map, this time the broadcast started, and more viewers came to the live broadcast room.

【What's on today? Warcraft or Swordsman Tactics? 】

[Make a fairy-style cultivation map! Please! 】

[Play World of Warcraft, I think this theme is good]

The barrage was divided into two groups.

I want to watch World of Warcraft on the one hand, and Sword Immortal Strategy Edition on the other.

Shen Dingnan opened the Sword Immortal Strategy Edition first.

"Brothers, I still plan to make a map for the Sword Immortal Strategy Edition. However, I plan to play both games during this period, and I will play World of Warcraft first."

In RTS, there are usually plot battles.

One is for telling stories, and the other is for teaching.

After all, the system is too complex.

No player can stand the rigid teaching.

I'm here to play games, not for classes.

The barrage was divided into two groups.

[Now that you have decided to make a map for Sword Immortal, why are you still playing World of Warcraft? 】

[I’ve already played World of Warcraft, so why not just make a World of Warcraft map? How can Lin Mo trick you? 】

Shen Dingnan explained again: "Brothers, I have played RTS games before. The story campaign of this kind of game is actually a large novice tutorial. The longer one is four or five hours, so it doesn't affect it."

With that said, he stopped paying attention to the barrages of the quarrel and clicked on the story campaign of Warcraft.

However, even if I want to click on the battle mode, I can't do it.

You must play at least a few levels of the campaign and learn the most basic game settings before starting the battle mode.

On the screen, there was darkness.

An unknown voice narrated.

"The sands of time have run out, Son of Durotan."

The scene came to a hilly area.

It was dusk at this time, and the whole land was desolate.

"The horns of war echo in the wind, and the afterimages of the past poison the earth."

A crow kept pecking at grass seeds on the ground, looking left and right from time to time.

"The raging flames of war are burning the world again."

Suddenly, from right to left, an army shouted and roared forward.

Countless strong orc soldiers brandished weapons and charged.

On the huge Kodo beast, an orc wearing a horned helmet beats a war drum.

The huge and rough Orc catapult rushed forward, and the Iron Star was ready to go.

The dense orc army charged towards the bottom of the Arathi Basin.

"The heroes rise and face their fate!"

the other side.

A knight walked up to a high place and glanced at the blue symbol representing Lordaeron on the shield.

He suddenly swung his sword forward.

Then countless warriors in silver armor shouted charging slogans and charged towards the orc army on the opposite side.

The heavily armored knight rode a war horse and rushed to the front line, piercing into the orc army like a sharp knife.

At the moment when the armies of both sides fought together at the bottom of Arathi.

In the orc army.

Orgrim Doomhammer looked up.

The sky was cast an ominous green.

The screen went dark.

Medivh, who was dressed in red robes, could not see his face.

"You must rally the tribe and find your destiny!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was lightning and thunder all around.

With a look of horror on his face and sweat on his forehead, Sal woke up from his dream.

Only then did I realize that everything just now was actually a dream.

CG ends.

The CG, which lasted less than three minutes, made the barrage disappear for a while.

Shen Dingnan touched his nose and said in disbelief: "No. To equip an RTS game with such luxurious CG? Naughty Cat is really rich."

【Fuck! Isn’t this fucking handsome? Naughty Cat Studios has confirmed it]

[No, what is going on with CG of this quality? The game cost 20 million, and the CG cost 50 million? 】

[Why do I feel that something is wrong with this plot battle? Is Naughty Cat taking it too seriously? 】

[Don’t tell me these things can be used in the game! Then I want to refund the Sword Fairy Strategy Edition]

[Lin Mo said that Persona modeling generally has stiff movements and expressions because of a bet. You have forgotten how much I play games, right? 】

Shen Dingnan looked at the barrage and somewhat agreed.

Because the beginning of this plot battle seems to be different from previous RTS.

It doesn't exactly exist as an enhanced novice tutorial.

It seems that he is planning to tell a magnificent story.

For the first time, I was a little skeptical.

Shouldn't you toss a coin?

Is it better to choose Warcraft directly?

Do you want to change the game and make a map?

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