As expected, this orc prologue campaign is just for teaching.

How to move, how to form a team, how to place skills.


"Heroes? With skills?" Shen Dingnan started playing with interest, "Although having skills is not a novel idea. But the hero with equipment is indeed a bit innovative."

"The skills are pretty cool, let's take a closer look."

"Oh! The accuracy of this model is really RTS?"

Thrall (the Prophet) is a hero who rides a white wolf.

When stationary, the white wolf will also make some small movements, scratching its neck with its hind legs.

Sal would also reach out and stroke the white wolf on his crotch.

[Naughty Cat Game really loves to pile up stuff]

[Sorry, if you have money, you can do whatever you want]

I quickly reached the next plot point and revealed the main mission.

The crow that appeared in CG turned into the red-robed Medivh.

"The burning shadow is going to engulf the world, and the devil is coming back."


Although I don’t know what the plot is, but I can feel that the background story seems quite grand.

Learn to build bases, cut trees, mine, produce troops, attack and more.

While exploring the road, he discovered something after being reminded by the game.

"Fog of war?" Shen Dingnan was stunned for a moment, "Only when one's own units are nearby, the field of view will be limited. Will the field of view be limited by the terrain?"

Although I couldn’t think of anything interesting that could be created with this design at first.

But his intuition told him.

This is a nice design.

Previously, many RTS on the market had a problem, that is, the map would be permanently lit after path exploration.

Unless some buildings are built in places where the other party has not discovered them, everything will be completely exposed to the other party's sight.

As we all know, being half-covered and half-exposed is called burning and is the most attractive.

Controlling Thrall to rescue Grommash Hellscream, the ship encountered a storm while crossing the ocean, and met Sen'jin, the chief of the Darkspear trolls, on an island.

At the end of the plot, escaping from the island, this plot also comes to an end.

The tribe initially gathered and sailed to the continent of Kalimdor.

I looked at the time, an hour and a half.

"It's almost as expected, one and a half hours for one race, five or six hours for four races." Shen Dingnan nodded, "I can even play Sword Immortal Strategy Edition for a while today."

Click on the Terran campaign below.

Then, there is another high-quality CG.

In the Kingdom of Lordaeron, King Tenaris saw Medivh who had transformed from a crow into a human being.

The king's expression, every hair, every muscle movement is clearly visible.

He rejected Medivh's offer to go west to Kalimdor, deciding to face the plague in the north of the kingdom alone.

Little did they know, a disaster was about to come.

At this time, a new character appeared in the human battle.

The son of King Tenaris, the tall and handsome paladin Prince Arthas with blond hair.

As soon as Alsace appeared, as the plot progressed, it immediately aroused active discussion on the barrage.

[Holy shit, this is the protagonist, right? Halo and BUFF are full]

[There is a king father, an awesome teacher Uther, and a beautiful girlfriend Jaina. You are a winner in life]

However, Shen Dingnan felt something different from the few words in the game.

He smiled and joked: "This prince is worthy of being a prince, but he is no longer confident. His character is a little too arrogant, and he seems to be a little willful and impulsive. Don't end up going as crazy as in a martial arts novel."

"But on the other hand, this young man is quite courageous."

Facing the invasion of the orcs, Arthas had a huge conflict with one of the two masters, the legendary paladin Uther.

Alsace and his party began to investigate the plague in the northern part of the kingdom.

The plague is not only extremely contagious, but those infected will also transform into horrific undead.

This force is called the Scourge Legion.

Neither medicine nor the power of the Holy Light of Arthas' faith were of any use to the Scourge.

Arthas could only execute the undead in front of him with his own hands, even though he knew that they were all people of Lordaeron.

After defeating the cursed cult that spread the plague, Arthas learned a terrible thing.

The infected food has been delivered to Stratholme.

A city where the Paladins originated.

At this time the prophet Medivh appeared.

"Remember, the harder you work to kill your enemy, the faster your people will fall into its clutches."

Finally arrived at Stratholme, but the city was polluted.

The plague is raging, and the people have only one day to finally transform into the undead.

The depression along the way, making decisions that went against his heart, coupled with Alsace's inner arrogance and willfulness.

He made a surprising decision——

Purify Stratholme.

Both his lover Jaina and his master Uther were furious with this decision.

However, no one can stop the Crown Prince of Lordaeron.

Uther was accused of treason by Arthas and left with the Paladin angrily.

Jaina also left him.

In the shot at this time, the prince's back looked a little lonely.

No one wants to support his loneliness.

The corners of Shen Dingnan's mouth twitched, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Damn it, no way, this purification is not the purification I thought of, right?"

But when Arthas raised his butcher knife against the residents of Stratholme.

Everyone was stunned.

【ah? ? ? ? 】

【What the hell? ! Dashachun, what are you doing! 】

[Nima, are you really obsessed? 】

The fear lord Mal'Ganis appeared and mocked the lonely prince in every possible way.

Without Uther around, the situation finally slipped towards the abyss.

The human prince and the fear devil started a massacre.

Alsace won.

The burning fire illuminated the sky into dark red, and corpses and ruins were everywhere.

The devastated pearl of Lordaeron's civilization has completely turned into a hell on earth today.

Mal'Ganis, who pretended to escape, went to Northrend, the frozen land in the north, to lure Arthas to a decisive battle with him.

In Northrend, Arthas learned from another teacher, Muradin Bronzebeard, that there was a powerful rune sword here.

In order to defeat the Scourge, Arthas must seize all the power in his hands.

After a battle, Arthas finally saw this rune sword——


[It’s over, it’s really the story of the fall of the prince]

[It’s a pity, if Jaina or Uther had stayed around, there might not have been a follow-up]

【One wrong step and one wrong step】

The moment he grasped the hilt of the sword, the proud prince of the people of Lordaeron disappeared.

Relying on the powerful power of Frostmourne, he defeated the enemies of the Northrend Expedition and killed the hated Mal'Ganis.

But the prince's heart has also been corrupted by the current Lich King Ner'zhul.

He is no longer a glorious paladin, his only purpose is to destroy Lordaeron and recruit the Scourge for the Lich King.

Shen Dingnan let out a sigh of relief, his thoughts were very complicated.

Just the plot battle uses countless wonderful CG animations.

It is to change the character's personality and make the actions of each character more understandable.

Frostmourne kept whispering in Arthas's ears, and the Holy Light was almost able to save the fallen prince.

Unfortunately, darkness took over.

Arthas's last sanity was stripped away, and the Holy Light left him.

Completely reduced to the Lich King's minion.

Shen Dingnan was completely attracted by the plot without knowing it.

What is the final outcome of Alsace?

Did the Holy Light appear again and save him? Was the fallen prince killed by the Holy Light?

Did he suddenly wake up after knowing that he had committed a serious crime? Or do you make the same mistake again and again?

The final ending CG.

Return to Lordaeron by boat.

The triumphal bell rang and flower petals sprinkled from the sky to celebrate the safe return of the expeditionary force.

Passionate background music, accompanied by choir singing in a church.

Arthas walked step by step towards the palace of Lordaeron.

The petals fell into the prince's hand and withered and shattered.

Look up to the sky.

The prince no longer had blond hair, but white hair.

His eyes shone blue in the shadow of his hood, and his skin was as pale as death.

Facing his father, King Tenaris, Arthas knelt down with his sword in hand.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were in suspense.

Shen Dingnan moved his sitting posture unnaturally and swallowed.

[Holy shit, shit, aren’t you trying to corrupt the old king? 】

[Damn it, that crow man Medivh really made it right. If you don’t go to Kalimdor, you will die.]

[King: Don’t come over here ah ah ah ah ah]

Tenaris stood up from the throne, a trace of relief appeared on his wrinkled face, as if he was happy that his son had returned triumphantly.

At this moment, Alsace was not as childish as before, but more like a king.

"My son." The old king seemed to have made an important decision.

"When you were born, the forests of Lordaeron whispered your name - Arthas.

I am proud to watch you grow up day by day and become the embodiment of justice.

Remember, we have always ruled this country with wisdom and strength, and I trust you will use your great power with caution.

But the real victory is to inspire the inner fighting spirit of your people.

One day, my life will come to an end. "

The old king approached step by step.

"And you will be crowned king."

When Alsace heard this, his voice didn't waver at all.

"Father, you no longer have to make sacrifices for your people, and you no longer have to bear the weight of the crown. I have taken care of everything."

A hint of cold air appeared on Frostmourne.

Then, Alsace raised his head, took off his hood, and walked forward quickly.

"What's going on? What are you doing, kid?"

"Inherit you, father."

Frostmourne pierced the chest of the old king, and the blood-stained crown fell to the ground.

At this time, outside the palace, the triumphal bell was still ringing.

But what was played was the sad music that represented the kingdom's imminent destruction.

"The kingdom is about to be destroyed, and a new order will emerge from the ashes, and its power will make the whole world tremble!"

The live broadcast room was completely blown away.

Is this a plot battle of an RTS game?

Didn’t it serve as a teaching function for novices as promised?

Shen Dingnan held it in for a long time before he could utter two words.


The barrage was even more confusing.

[I’m stupid, I really didn’t expect this.]

[No, this is just a battle between two races, what about the others? 】

[No, this story has such a big scope, it’s not just an RTS, right? 】

[I didn’t expect that one day I would feel like a blockbuster movie in an RTS]

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