late at night.

“Naughty Cat is awesome!!!”

In a hotel in Zhonghai, Jackson shouted loudly.

On the day the game was released, he got a piece of information.

A "book" as thick as a brick.

I thought this was a series of novels.

But after opening it, I was surprised to find it.

How is this a novel? This is the set!

In other words, the origin setting and outline of this world.

Incredibly detailed!

Every character, every force, every faction, every continent, every world.

What kind of customs, what kind of beliefs, what kind of history, what kind of natural environment, what kind of political system.

With this set of settings, playing the game is even more powerful.

Whenever there is a plot that you don’t understand, you can find the story that hasn’t been told yet in the setting collection.

For example, before Illidan was imprisoned, the first demonic invasion caused the Well of Eternity to explode and the earth shattered.

Another example is the five-color Aspect Dragon and the crazy Earth Guardian Deathwing.

The buried ancient gods of Northrend, the Endless Sea, Kalimdor, and Pandaria.

In the end, I watched Arthas get rid of control, step by step onto the Frozen Throne, put on the Helm of Command, and the real Lich King was born.

The plot of Warcraft officially ends here.

But, it’s not enough!

Haven’t seen enough!

The subsequent story is in the synopsis.

But there's no polish, not even dialogue.

Just who went where and did what.

I felt unbearably itchy.

This is what Netflix should sign!

The only thing is that Naughty Cat Fang mentioned that Netflix would be responsible for filming the TV series.

A bit unacceptable.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a knock on the guest room door.

Could it be Lin Mo?

He quickly went to open the door.

Seeing Zhou Wenguang with a flattering smile at the door, Jackson's face immediately dropped.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ah? Didn't we agree when we contacted you before that after the Sword Immortal Strategy Edition is released, you will experience it and then have an interview?"

When Jackson thought about it, it seemed that this was the case.

But there was no intention of letting him in.

"It's too late today, let's do it tomorrow."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Wenguang listened to the faint voice coming from the notebook in the room, "What do you think of Sword Immortal Tactics Edition?"

How about it?

I didn’t even play!

The story campaign of Warcraft is really exciting.

It wasn't until just now that I got through.

It took almost 20 hours, just like a large-scale stand-alone game.

But it didn't seem very good to say it directly, so I responded impatiently: "It's not bad. The plot battle of Mingmen in the game is quite interesting."


Zhou Wenguang was confused. There was no such camp in the game?

So he asked tentatively: "Mr. Jackson, are you not playing?"

Jackson looked embarrassed. Did he remember it wrong?

But it cannot be admitted.

So his face turned serious: "Are you questioning me and doubting the sincerity of Netflix? I seem to be reconsidering my cooperation with you."

Zhou Wenguang became anxious upon hearing this and quickly lowered his voice.

"Maybe the translation problem of the English version caused Mr. Jackson to remember it wrong. I will criticize Soft Moon's translation work."

After saying that, Zhou Wenguang didn't dare to stay any longer and left quickly.

Before leaving, I did not forget to remind you: "I have no doubt about your sincerity, please reconsider."

Watching the door close without hesitation.

His expression changed immediately.

damn it!

This attitude is really infuriating!

If it weren't for the purpose of making money through the Netflix platform, and using the international stage as an opportunity to smoothen connections in the entertainment industry.

I don’t want to be so humble!

Thinking about it, he felt a little worried.

The live broadcasts of Warcraft are very popular.

I didn’t expect there to be such a long story campaign.

However, it is just a cliché story about some demons invading and then running away.

It shouldn't pose any threat, right?

How can Chinese people write a good story with a full Western flavor?

Will this kind of plot look good to Chinese players?

probably not.


"The Sword Immortal series? Bah, if it weren't for Warcraft to be released as soon as possible. I would call and care about your Sword Immortal strategy version?"

Jackson curled his lips disdainfully.

Look at Warcraft, the story campaign has received rave reviews.

Unexpectedly, this kind of story actually comes from a game company.

The original appointment was to meet again after the Warcraft project was completed.

But, can't wait any longer.

One is to get a verbal commitment quickly, and the other is to know the follow-up plot.


Regarding the other party’s request for Netflix to take over the filming, we need to further discuss it.

After thinking about it, he coughed lightly and called Lin Mo again.

The call was connected after a few seconds, and the voice coming from the phone was a little helpless.

"Mr. Jackson, I seem to have said that I'm very busy recently. If there's nothing important, don't call me."

These words made Jackson a little depressed.

I've only been calling you four or five times a day lately. Why am I so impatient?

Where can Netflix go to discuss cooperation without being asked to do so by others?

That Zhou Xian from the Sword Immortal series, look at his attitude.

This is obviously a very good opportunity, so you should pay attention to it!

"Mr. Lin Mo, I think Warcraft is very suitable to be adapted into a TV series and to achieve cooperation between the two parties."

"Oh? Well, as I said before. Naughty Cat is responsible for the script, post-production, and money, and we need the best team. You can handle the rest of the filming, okay?"

"I'm afraid this is impossible." Jackson refused and bargained, "I am interested in the story, but we are here to sign works, not to help make TV series."

"I don't have that much time and energy to devote to the filming of TV series. It is very troublesome to form a team. The prerequisite for cooperation is that you form the world's best TV series shooting team. This is non-negotiable."

We at Netflix also find it troublesome!

Although there are resources, yes.

But the company is expanding rapidly, so how can it have the energy to do these things?

Are you really not taking a step back?

Therefore, Jackson planned to put a little pressure on him and test the bottom line.

"Mr. Lin Mo, I don't see your sincerity in cooperating with Netflix. It seems that I want to reconsider this cooperation."

However, a reply came immediately from the phone.

"Reconsider? Can I understand this as rejection?"

Jackson didn't know what to say for a moment, refuse? How dare you refuse.

He could only make a long nasal sound.


"'Huh'? I understand, forget it, I'll go find Dinis, there are streaming media over there too."

Toot, toot, toot.

The phone was hung up.

Jackson was silent for two seconds.

Did you hear that long nasal sound as "um"?

Think I refused?

Then you will give up!

Jackson went a little crazy and threw the phone on the bed, bounced up and fell on the carpet again.

“I hope to sign the Warcraft IP, but it’s not Warcraft!! I’m not a licker, I have to sign Warcraft!!”

Jackson sat on the sofa angrily and took a few breaths.

After calming down, he frowned deeply.


There have been a lot of phone calls lately, which is annoying.

What to do?

Sword Immortal must not be signed, it is best to sign Warcraft.

The Swordsman movie and TV series may be popular in China, but Warcraft may be popular around the world.

It's still clear which one is more important.

It's just that today's negotiation is like this, so let's take it slow first and give the other party some time to think.

Don't give in easily, this is a very important part of negotiation.

Absolutely not!

I glanced at the time and saw that it was already time for the regular meeting.

It's morning in Lighthouse Country.

Let’s get busy with the company first.

After waiting for a while, the video call started to work remotely.

After everything else was settled, it was Jackson's turn to report.

"In order to open up the Chinese market for independent dramas, there are currently four projects under consideration, namely the fairy tale drama "Sword Fairy" series, the war drama "Green River", the criminal investigation drama "Chasing the Murderer", and the game adaptation of the Western-style magic game "Warcraft" "."

Just as he was about to continue talking about the pros and cons of each drama, his immediate boss unexpectedly spoke.

"Warcraft? Is that game released today?"


Jackson felt something was wrong.

The boss nodded with satisfaction: "You are in China, and you seem to know about the popularity of this game in the Lighthouse Country? I have learned that it is indeed suitable for adaptation. I would have informed you today that you would be sent to play with Naughty Cat contacted.”

Several black lines appeared on Jackson's forehead.

"We are already in contact and have made full progress."

"Really? Haha, I know your ability to work makes me feel at ease."

"It's just..." Jackson hesitated but decided to tell the truth, "The other party asked us to undertake the filming of the "Warcraft" TV series."

Then he conveyed all Lin Mo's requests.

Look at your boss's thoughtful look.

Jackson thought, look!

This is a request that no one can accept.

who knows.

"Is that all? Promise him. Naughty Cat's post-production capabilities are a hundred times better than those of post-production companies. They all produced the game CGs themselves. Moreover, Lin Mo also agreed to provide the money and script. This is A partnership that was impossible to refuse.”

"Okay, okay."

"Why do you look so bad?"

Jackson smiled uglier than crying.

Am I going to tell you that my relationship with Lin Mo broke down half an hour ago?

Now, people are looking for Dinis?

Although Dinis's streaming media has not started yet, Lin Mo's honeymoon relationship there is well known.

The new campus is almost ready, designed by Naughty Cat.

"No, it's okay."

If the headquarters finds out about this, your skin will not be peeled off, right?

You won't lose your job, right?

Watching the video call hang up in a daze.

Jackson felt like vomiting blood.

No, Mr. Lin, why did you hang up the phone just now?

You should listen to my explanation!

Negotiate, negotiate, let’s talk!

You should give me a step down.

If you don't step down, I will...

Can't I build a step myself?

So, his momentum became much weaker and he got through the phone call again.

This time, the voice was even more dissatisfied.

"Mr. Jackson, what's going on?"

"Ahem. Mr. Lin Mo, I think we can talk more."

"Oh?" The tone of the voice on the phone was still a little bad, "What are you talking about? Didn't I say I wasn't sincere? Do you want to reconsider?"

"I mean, mean"

Jackson was sweating profusely, how can I say this! I don’t have that experience! I have never been so groveling.

But then, he thought of Zhou Wenguang, who came to see him tonight.

An idea struck.

I'm not good at it, but that guy named Zhou is good at it!

So he immediately rephrased Zhou Wenguang's words.

"Maybe Mr. Lin Mo misunderstood what I said. I will conduct a deep self-examination. I have no doubt about your sincerity. What I mean is, reconsider the production specifications! Do you want to shoot in movie specifications? Netflix , I really hope to reach this cooperation with Naughty Cat!”

As he spoke, he felt the bitter taste in his mouth.

I just thought I couldn’t give in.

As a result, I retreated to my grandma's house.

Is this a negotiation?

This is asking for help!

The key is that the adaptation of Warcraft must not be allowed to air exclusively on Disney.

I waited anxiously for a long time.

Finally the reply came.

"Well, that makes sense. The movie's specifications are really good. Let's have an interview at a later date."

This time, I finally hung up the phone without emotion.

Jackson let out a sigh of relief.

The job was saved.


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