Naughty cat.

Although it was night, it was long past the time to get off work.

But there are still many people who have not left yet.

Some people, such as Du Rui and Zuo Xuming, are actively discussing how to make a fun map with such a powerful map editor.

This is also where Lin Mo is very satisfied with this group of subordinates.

I will always have a passion for games, and I will never give up my former hobby just because making games is work.

At this time, several people were playing a 4v4 Warcraft game together.

Lin Mo took two girls, Wang Yi and Gu Ranmin, and another young man, Du Rui, Zuo Xuming, Wang Zichen and Zhengming together.

This battle can be described as a dark one.

When it comes to the final battle, it's basically A that goes up.

"Damn it! Who made the dragon eagle? My frost dragon!!"

"Where's the Wolf Rider? Hurry and net down the Destroyer on the opposite side. All my magic effects are about to be exhausted."

"Holy crap! There's a team of tanks stealing the house!"

"Interrupt the falling stars!"

"Whose Juggernaut! Didn't you have any operations after the Wind Step? I've been watching the movie for a long time!"

This fight was extremely lively.

The operation was completely useless, even Lin Mo couldn't operate it.

There are too many unknown AOEs.

Eight people with full population will fight in the middle of the map. Who wins and who loses depends on luck.

The Xiong De Tauren Abomination and the Knight are in front with soul connection, the frost dragon in the sky, the Chimera covering the sky, the male and female witches in the back slow down the treatment, and the Shaman is bloodthirsty.

It feels like the Alliance of Tribes war has restarted, launching an all-out war with you and without me.

By the end of the fight, all the heroes who were lucky enough to survive had reached level six.

Transformed into a demon hunter, the Juggernaut activates Blade Storm, stars fall and gods descend to earth, and Paladins and Death Knights both resurrect friendly units.

At the end of the fight, the Juggernaut in Lin Mo's hand narrowly won, and struck three fatal blows in succession, killing Du Rui's death knight.

"It's great!" Du Rui let out a long breath, "Actually, I prefer to control the heroes to fight instead of starting a battle and operating a large army."

Lin Mo smiled and said: "It's indeed a good idea. If you want to make a map, recently is a good time."

Du Rui nodded and said: "I plan to make a map to test the waters first. It won't be fancy. I just want to improve my skills and operate multiple heroes on a fixed route to fight with bayonets. As for the name."

Lin Mo smiled slightly: "Since there are three ways, let's do 3C."

"What a name! Jincheng 3C? Or Zhonghai 3C?" Du Rui then chuckled, "Mr. Lin, please tell me about the Cyber ​​Mahjong idea."

"I told you, who made it?"

Du Rui scratched his head: "All I can think of is that the heroes can be matched together to produce special effects, and the heroes can be used as cards or chess pieces, but there are many design problems in this way."

Lin Mo listened and gave a simple prompt: "Is it a character bond? For example, Thrall's profession is a shaman, but his race is an orc. Jaina is a magician, and her race is human."

After saying this, several designers were stunned.

"For example, Thrall and Sen'jin, who are both shamans, can produce a mana recovery effect when they are together. Thrall and Grommash, who are both orcs, can increase their health."

"You can even join a faction, such as the Burning Legion, Kirin Tor, Horde, and Alliance."

"This mode seems to be quite casual and fun. What should I call it?"

Lin Mo smiled and said: "How about Warcraft Auto Chess."

"Good name!"

Seeing a new wave of brainstorming, Lin Mo did not intend to continue participating in the discussion.

It's fun to have fun imagining what the new game will look like.

He didn't want to take away this pleasure.

Anyway, the cost of using a map editor to make games is not high, and there is no rush. You can slowly try and make mistakes.

I returned to the office and took a look at the background data.

On the first day, most players haven't started playing the battle mode yet, and the data isn't very large yet.

Since the tactics have not yet been developed, currently the Orcs have the highest winning rate.

Relying on the tough skin and thick flesh of the soldiers, the Juggernaut's extremely strong single-target ability, and the strongest second-level technology, it has become the race with the highest winning rate.

With the subsequent development of tactics, the winning rates of the four races will gradually stabilize.

Of course, some restraint is inevitable.

It is foreseeable that the Warcraft e-sports competition will not gain too much popularity at the moment.

But since it is considered an e-sports project, Lin Mo naturally cannot give up on these players who want to enter the RTS e-sports hall.

So like the previous model, part of the map revenue is used to host the annual Warcraft World Finals.

The game is divided into two parts: 1v1 group and 2v2 group, with the former being the main one.

Just like the CSGO model, teams are selected in the form of clubs using divisional divisions.

Then the three groups will advance through the Swiss round. After the top eight are determined, the Swiss round will be used to select the champion.

The next day, Lin Mo went to meet with Jackson to finalize the adaptation.

Starting today, many players who have completed the campaign have begun to interact with the battle mode.

However, some voices began to ferment online.

[Isn’t the balance of Warcraft too bad? The orcs are invincible, right? 】

[In the battle, the orcs are awesome, there’s nothing wrong with them]

[Tell me how to fight the orcs in the dark night? The emergence of huntresses slows down the progress of technology, and the archers and swordsmen have two swords]

[The elves are not like the orcs who can burrow into the ground to protect themselves, nor are the human militia who can protect themselves]

Lin Mo looked at such remarks and guessed who was behind it, so he simply ignored them.

But as time goes by, this kind of rhetoric has not become less, but has become more and more common.

Even some of the die-hard RTS fans who have the strongest rankings on the ladder have come forward to speak out.

A player named Elf King said publicly: "If I meet an Orc player I know on the ladder, I will use Orc Civil War. The Elf really can't fight the Orc."

This player Lin Mo also knows that he is one of the top players on the ladder.

Since then, the trend has gradually changed.

[Among the two RTSs on the same day, Warcraft’s campaign plot is indeed the best, but the balance and map editor are still the best in Sword Fairy Strategy Edition]

[Indeed, the battle balance of Sword Immortal Strategy Edition is quite good, and the map editor is also easy to use]

[The battle mode of Warcraft is fun, but the balance is indeed bad. After all, it is difficult to balance due to skills and equipment factors]

Looking at these remarks, Lin Mo sneered.

Zhou Wenguang, how afraid are you that the Warcraft series will steal your exclusive rights to adapt the TV series?

But I didn't steal this.

It’s your work that doesn’t live up to expectations, and Netflix and I are here to get it.

On the live broadcast platform, the two games are mostly evenly matched.

Warcraft has an advantage, but it is not overwhelming.

Lin Mo also understood Zhou Wenguang's thoughts.

It should be a bit disappointing to see the story campaign of Warcraft so amazing on the first day.

But later I discovered that the battle mode of the Sword Immortal Strategy Edition was not dead yet.

I thought about rescuing him.

By the way, hack Warcraft.

You're still jumping the gun if you don't apologize, right?


If you have to seek death, then do whatever you want.

Thinking about it, Lin Mo sent a message to Lao Xue.

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