"No, if you don't make games well, why don't you make animations or make physical cards?!"

Zhou Wenguang felt that his blood pressure was a little high.

The good mood I felt after watching a wonderful final was instantly gone.

I just came there to have fun.

It turns out that Yu-Gi-Oh! was designed by Lin Mo!

It's not that I didn't think of this at the time, but it just passed through my mind.

Unexpectedly, it is indeed true!

There is a feeling of vomiting blood.

There was a moment of gnashing of teeth.

I should have known that whenever everything goes wrong, it must have something to do with Lin Mo.

Didn't run!

And look at Hearthstone again.

Very desperate.

It's a card game.

specialized? Or was it intentional?

Looking at the chessboard for the battle, it’s very much in the style of Plants vs. Zombies.

One opposite corner is Sunflower and Peashooter, and the other opposite corner is Dr. Zombie and ordinary zombies.

After coming back to his senses, through other comments, many viewers in the live broadcast room knew that Lin Mo was actually the mysterious designer of the Yu-Gi-Oh card.

This time, the fun was great.

Zhou Wenguang went to Lighthouse Country twice to watch games.

Actually met the enemy twice?

[Hahahaha, it must be a special fate]

[Mr. Zhou, you are smiling, why don’t you smile? Is it because you are born not to laugh? If you don’t laugh, I will laugh.]

[Mr. Zhou, what is your next game? I want to know about Naughty Cat’s new trends]

The people in Lezi were happy, and Zhou Wenguang was like mourning his heir.

In such a joyful atmosphere.

Audiences who came in rarely left.

Audience numbers skyrocketed.

15,000, 20,000.

One Hearthstone exhibition match at the venue was not completed.

The popularity is approaching 30,000.

[Brothers, please work harder and give Mr. Zhou some encouragement, okay? 】

[Infinite Future players sent their blessings, wishing Mr. Zhou a happy career and abundant financial resources]

[Players of the Sword Fairy Card Map version send their blessings, wishing Mr. Zhou good health by going to bed early and getting up early]

The number of people in the live broadcast room, while Zhou Wenguang was stunned, really exceeded 30,000.

In an instant, the live broadcast assistant sent congratulations.

Congratulations to the anchor for completing the three-flower achievement. An honorary medal for the anchor who achieved this achievement will be sent to the anchor later. The anchor is requested to submit the delivery address in time.

【ohhhhh! 】

【we are the champion! Long live Mr. Zhou! 】

[Congratulations to Mr. Zhou for becoming the first Dongrong Interactive Entertainment anchor to have more than 30,000 viewers! 】

[Hurry up and say thank you to Mr. Lin]


Thank you for the hammer!

At this moment, Zhou Wenguang's heart trembled the most.

What to do with the independent game version of Sword Fairy Cards!

The independent game version also adds "borrowed" gameplay from Auto Chess, and also makes many changes based on the original.

This was the moment of prosperity.

But hitting Hearthstone? But I have no confidence at all.

Think back to what I was thinking when I left.

"You, Lin Mo, sometimes have insufficient production capacity."

I just want to give myself a try.

Thinking that he was on the second floor, he saw through the naughty cat's thoughts and thought that he was in the basement.

I didn't expect it to be on the fifth floor.

Insufficient production capacity?

The new game has been waiting for a long time!

According to Naughty Cat's habit of releasing games, it might be shortly after this final.

At this time, the competition on the scene has also reached its final stage.

Wang Haocong deserves to be a champion.

I didn’t even understand the novice tutorials and gameplay, but I actually played it well.

The biggest characteristic of warlocks is that they can acquire powerful monsters or special effects by selling their blood and paying a price.

Under the constant burning of blood and the attack of the mage, his blood volume decreased rapidly.

The audience thought that the mage was going to win.

When his health was low, Wang Haocong took out a powerful orange card.

King Jaraxxus.

"Face Jaraxxus! Lord of the Eredar of the Burning Legion!"

Accompanied by cool voices.

Wang Haocong's remaining 3 points of blood were restored to 15 points, but the upper limit of his blood volume was also reduced to 15 points.

Overlord Jaraxxus replaced Gul'dan as the control hero.

Originally, the Warlock's skill was to burn two points of blood to draw a card from the deck, but now it has become the ability to summon a powerful 6-6 Inferno.

When using the skill, the sky was cloudy.

Green flames ignited, lighting up the sky green.

Then a green meteor crashed down and turned into a hellfire whose body was filled with evil flames.

Under the constant pressure of hellfire, the mage was overwhelmed.


As the name suggests, its biggest feature is a variety of powerful spells.

Jaina waved her hand.

A secret card with a question mark appeared in front of it.

Approximately equivalent to, but not quite, Yu-Gi-Oh's Trap Card.

It will take effect when the trigger conditions are met.

Then a fireball was released.

A fireball as big as a head gathered in Jaina's hand, and the abundant fire element attacked forward with scorching energy.

There was a bang.

The warlock's blood volume is -6, with only 9 points left.

King Jaraxxus raised his arms to protect himself, but it was of no use. There were many signs of injury on his body.

On the scene, players all noticed the actual gameplay on the big screen.

Wang Haocong smiled and clicked on the king's profile picture, and several options popped up.

Thanks, compliments, greetings, sorry, mistakes, threats.

After clicking on the threat.

The angry king threatened Jaina across from her: "Annihilation!!"

Then he saw Lin Mo on the other side doing the same thing and clicked on the threat.

Jaina immediately responded handsomely: "My magic will tear you into pieces!"

The audience present was entertained.

"This line is in line with the character's professional style."

"You can't chat with the other party, but you can use the set voice? It's kind of interesting."

"I want to hear the mistakes and apologies! Hurry up!"

When Zhou Wenguang heard this, he snorted and cursed: "Who would apologize to the other party? Boring design, stupid design."

I don’t know if it’s because of the sourness or the last bit of harshness.

Anyway, every time there was an amazing point in Hearthstone on the scene, he couldn't help but want to laugh at it.

The audience torture in the live broadcast room was completely ignored.

On scene.

All the monsters of the mage have been cleaned up, and there are three hellfires on the warlock's side.

The blood-stealing strategy was not so successful. After some magic draws, the warlock's blood volume returned to 15 points.

It's the mage's turn.

It’s also so fun, and there’s no burden of winning or losing in an exhibition match.

The young Wang Haocong couldn't help but get hit twice.

"Hahahaha! Why don't you admit defeat? Mr. Lin, you can't beat me!"

Lin Mo was also amused, and after thinking for a while, he still cooperated: "My turn, Pyroblast."

It's just the tone of voice, it's really not good enough.

On the scene, with the blessing of holographic projection.

An extremely huge fireball, as big as half a field, was gathering.

It crossed the hellfire and hit the king.

Wang Haocong was also having fun, not as nervous as he was in the finals just now.

"How could it be! It's actually a rare spell, Pyroblast! Damn it! My turn, hellfire, total attack!"

Hellfire's iron fist hit Jaina's delicate body hard.

I thought that Jaina, with her remaining health, would lose, but unexpectedly, a thick layer of ice appeared on her body.

Secret card activated.

Ice barrier, when encountering a fatal attack, you are immune to this attack and immune to damage until the beginning of the next turn.

Wang Haocong couldn't help but smile. Although the card was not very difficult to design, it was casual and interesting enough.

Moreover, it does not lose the fun of card game battles.

Just like what DVA in Overwatch says.

Play games to win.

"Damn it, but this is just a struggle to survive. The final victory still belongs to me!"

Wang Haocong is addicted to acting, and he even feels like acting like this in front of countless players around the world.

Very cool.

Lin Mo chuckled, this young man was a bit interesting.

Since you're in the second grade, let's stick to the second grade.

Lin Mo thought for a while and played a BGM, the classic killing song from Yu-Gi-Oh! - the enthusiastic duelists.

I had only thought about this possibility in my mind, but I didn't expect it to actually be used.

There are no cards in hand at this time, and the cards drawn in this round will determine the outcome.

"My turn, draw a card."

It was placed on the chessboard without even looking at it.

The whole audience exclaimed.

From the perspective of God on the big screen, the audience could clearly see the orange card logo and the word "Charge" on this card.

A setting found in many cards.

Monsters summoned in the first round cannot attack and must wait until Jaw's turn.

Charging monsters are not subject to this restriction.

You can attack immediately after putting it down.

"I am, Leeroy!"

A roar appeared in the venue.

A man with a big knife, a white beard and white hair appeared on the field——

Leeroy Rinoai.

Six attack points, two health points, and a high-attack crispy skin with a charge entry.

Lin Mo took a deep breath and chose to attack.

At this time, the exciting BGM has also reached its climax.

Like a reckless warrior, Rinoai rushed towards King Jaraxxus on the opposite side regardless of the danger.

There are many dragon eggs on the way to the charge, and when touched, a black baby dragon will appear.

But Leeroy still ignored it and charged forward.

All it could do was "boom".

Rinoai bumped into King Jaraxxus.

A huge -6 jumps out.

The king's last bit of blood dropped to zero.

Wang Haocong covered his head with his hands possessed by the drama: "Oh no!!! King Jaraxxus!!!"

The body of this powerful eredar demon was torn into pieces, leaving behind a reluctant word.

"You won, but the world is doomed."

Zhou Wenguang's eyes turned red with envy.

Isn't this the coveted pretense? Oh no, is it a scene of the Holy Spirit appearing in front of others?

If this scene happened to a friend, it would be a lifetime of black history.

But what if the boss of the world's greatest gaming company and the Yu-Gi-Oh World Champion were in the second place.

That is the famous scene that is talked about.

The cheers at the scene proved everything.

[I also want to play the holographic projection version of Hearthstone and Yu-Gi-Oh! 】

[My own copyright is arbitrary, you can use the BGM however you want]

"Ohhhh! The fake Yu-Gi-Oh! Muto Yugi, the real Yu-Gi-Oh! Lin Mo!"

"Game release time, time!"

There will naturally be time to announce the game.

A date appears on the field.

Just a week later.

After finishing the second game, Lin Mo said to the audience: "This time Hearthstone is available on all platforms, including VR platforms. Players can wear VR glasses and experience the exciting games in the VR world!"

While saying this, Zhou Wenguang glanced to the side.

A guy from Lighthouse Country immediately sat down.

Open Amazon and search nervously for Genting VR1.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, if you're going to miss it, you're already going to lose it! What kind of speed is this?"

Go to hell!

Zhou Wenguang couldn't bear it anymore and didn't care if there were any other programs.

Turn around and leave.

I can't stand this anger.

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