Zhou Wenguang walked towards the exit with an expressionless expression.

I've been thinking about this year's game layout in my head, it's like a mess.

Thinking about the cruel words I had said, I felt a little ridiculous for a moment.

Although there are still many players of the Sword Immortal Card, it is only a matter of time before they are all robbed.

He turned his head and glanced.

Behind him, there was a cheering crowd.

The CEO of Kids King, Godno, appeared in person and came out to announce the end of this Duel Kingdom competition.

I would like to thank my close partner Naughty Cat and congratulate the Chinese player Wang Haocong for winning the championship.

However, players are obviously not happy to just leave.

"Where are the Blue Eyes White Dragon numbers 1 to 10? When will the auction start!"

"Shadow, I have never encountered the cards in the animation in real life."

"Do you sell this holographic projection equipment?"

"One more fight, one more fight!"

Looking at the unsatisfied audience, Godno, a man who has never held a competition, is obviously inexperienced.

He even started to explain to the players.

"Please believe that no matter how precious the cards are, they are all hidden in the card pack. As for the Blue Eyes White Dragon, except for the card numbered 1, it has been given to Mr. Lin Mo as a gift. The rest have not been opened yet. .”

As soon as these words came out, many people showed disappointed expressions.

If it is in the hands of ordinary players, it is not a problem to buy it.

But Lin Mo?

Not short of money, and he is a game enthusiast.

Will it sell?

Obviously not.

After hearing these words, Zhou Wenguang trembled all over.

Then I remembered that the live broadcast room was not closed yet.

He quickly looked at the phone screen.

[Mr. Zhou, go and apologize. Maybe Mr. Lin sold the Blue Eyes White Dragon to you? 】

[It is true that there is nothing wrong with 30%. As long as Mr. Lin apologizes, he should sell it]

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: How dare you say you love me without even apologizing? 】

[I love you ≠ I will apologize, the inequality is gone]

Zhou Wenguang's back molars were almost chewed out.

Once upon a time, in his eyes, games were a business, and players were consumers and their parents.

But now, why do I get more and more angry the more I watch it!

And take another look at Lin Mo, who was applauded by tens of thousands of people at the scene, and even millions of people in all live broadcast rooms around the world.

The envy and jealousy in my heart reached a certain point.

Now one of the legs that wants to be rated as a key cultural enterprise going overseas has been broken.

There is only one other option left, the sequel to the best mobile game of the year, "Battlefront 2".

The hope is that it will sell well overseas.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenguang suddenly frowned.

I seem to have heard that Lin Mo also plays this game?

Frontline War is a typical two-dimensional mobile game that draws money and draws cards.

The girls in it are all beautiful girl robots with guns and sissies.

There is also a marriage system.

Zhou Wenguang turned off the live broadcast room without thinking and made an international long-distance call to China.

After being connected, he asked directly without any foreplay: "Check a player, Lin Mo."

"Uh, Mr. Zhou, is this the Lin Mo I thought of?"

"Don't worry, just do it."

The inquiry lasted for a long time, and it wasn't until he walked out of the stadium that the sound came again.

"Mr. Zhou, after screening, we found the person you should be looking for. Lin Mo."

When Zhou Wenguang heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Who did his character marry in Frontline War Generation?"

"not at all."

"What about the favorability?"

"Many characters have the highest popularity rating, but the first character to reach the highest favorability rating is Yanyun."

Zhou Wenguang frowned.

The character Yanyun is one of the most popular female characters in the original Battlefront.

According to statistics, 21% of players married her in the game.

Inexplicably, Zhou Wenguang felt an impulse.

Think about Lin Mo who ruined his own good things several times, and then think about those hateful players.

You all disgust me, right?

I also want to disgust you.

So I was thinking about many plots in my head, and said: "Let the editing team add some modifications to a plot in the game. The first is the mission of Yanyun executing terrorists."

While saying YY, he walked towards the hotel where he was staying recently.

When I turned around, I had already arrived at the hotel and had been talking for more than ten minutes.

There are still some unfinished ideas.


There was silence on the phone for a long time, and everyone thought it was because the signal was poor that they couldn't hear the sound, when the reply came.

"Mr. Zhou, if you change this way, I'm afraid it will be wrong, I'm afraid it will be wrong."

"Stupid!" Zhou Wenguang frowned, "Write it in politely and put it in a small corner of the corner. I'm not asking you to make these the main game content."

"But what if the player is offended?"


As long as it's obscure enough, it won't offend and few people will notice.

"It's nonsense to talk to a guy like you." Zhou Wenguang frowned, "Ask the company's screenwriter, Zhang Ting, to come over and answer the phone, and I'll teach her how to write."

"Oh well."

After a long time, I finished my work and hung up the phone.

Thinking about the unbeatable enemy in the gaming industry and the players who mocked him.

Zhou Wenguang gritted his teeth.

I am disgusting to you!

After all, games are used to make money, and being too obvious will affect your income.

But it's okay to poke in the dark.

After all, is it a mobile game? The plot is not important, as long as the original vertical painting looks good and the long black stockings and white legs are enough.

Thinking about it, I feel a little happy.

I even can’t wait to return to China and participate in the production myself.

A few days after the finals.

During this period, Lin Mo met several business partners from Lighthouse Country and Naughty Cat.

We visited the construction progress of Disney Electronics Park, the filming of the Warcraft TV series and the toy factory of Kids King.

It's getting late and it's time to return home.

At the airport, I tested the mobile version of Hearthstone, and then cleared my stamina as a habit.

In the year when Naughty Cat was founded, mobile games in this world were still in the pay-to-win stage.

Either drive a car and spend money to resurrect.

Either the villain breaks through the level and spends money to resurrect.

The rest is a buyout system, or simply a web game ported to mobile phones.

In this case, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds mobile game is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

For such a long time, the monthly revenue is more than the third to tenth mobile games combined.

If you add the second one, it is just the same as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds mobile version.

The second is Frontline War, a game that combines PVE and PVP with female characters as its selling point.

But it's not without its flaws.

In terms of design, many ideas are still based on PC games.

And the game has a big shortcoming in terms of plot.

Its gold points focus on spending money to draw cards and equipment.

The popularity of this game has also led to the emergence of more similar mobile games.

Players also went from criticizing and criticizing at the beginning to gradually accepting it.

After Hearthstone, can we gradually start game development in the field of mobile games?

Take another look at the character designs in the first generation of Frontline War.

Well, the art is okay.

It's just that the texture of the black silk is a bit off, and the design of the clothes has too little fabric.

A young game company.

If you want players to be willing to spend money to draw characters, in addition to the color and the character's own strength, it must be the story.

This has been proven by several games in previous generations.

Lin Mo shook his head regretfully.

If you have never played any mobile games, you might still be attracted by the ragged paper figurine wife.

As a veteran player, this is too far behind the first generation of Frontline War.

I don’t know what new things the second generation can do.

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