At this time, Xiaoyao had no idea that Sister K was secretly watching her live broadcast after she left the broadcast early.

Even she herself has never thought about anything advanced like a track.

All I know is that this is a good game and can stabilize the popularity of the live broadcast room.

that's enough.

The game Sekiro has not become as popular as Xiaoyao expected.

Not only has the popularity of the live broadcast room not dropped at all, but it has shown an upward trend after stabilizing.

This was an unexpected surprise.

Her offensive-loving live streaming style fits the core gameplay of this game very well.

Coupled with good reaction speed and game understanding ability, a female anchor who does not focus on stand-alone games is actually far ahead in the progress of the game.

Xiaoyao's game progress is ahead.

The one who is under the greatest pressure is Xiaobai, a stand-alone game technology streamer who has always prided himself on his technology, but has gradually developed into a comedian in recent years.

[I’m not good at it, my Little Demon is better than you, Madam Butterfly has already passed it]

[That’s it, you’re a former member of the strategy team? (funny)】

Xiaobai looked at the teasing barrage with a black line on his face, and snorted dissatisfiedly: "I'm enjoying the game, you know, there's no rush."

With that said, he rushed into Madam Butterfly's BOSS room again.

Then two minutes later.

After playing the MOD, a big word "Cai" appeared on the screen.

Xiaobai was a little confused for a moment. Am I really old?

"I don't believe it! I must be too deeply affected by the Dark Souls. I'll give you a roll of 200 red envelope every time I die!"

Maybe it’s because I don’t want to give up money.

Under the stimulation of money, Madam Butterfly's progress has improved qualitatively each time.


"Die! Old Butterfly!" Xiaobai looked at the screen and cursed angrily, "Who is the dog? Ah? I am a one-armed wolf!"

The sharp wedge shot passed through Madam Butterfly's chest, and the old man's screams echoed in the underground Buddhist hall.

He looked at the battle memory that popped up happily, and said proudly to the barrage: "Look, what I said, as long as I am serious, this is nothing at all!"

As a result, it didn't take long for him to be happy.

[Laughing to death, it’s just past Madame Butterfly]

[The little demons have all passed the Ghost Punishment Department and are now trying the Fire Bull]

[Brother, you have to work harder, you are really not as good as a girl like Xiaoyao]

Xiaobai's face instantly became embarrassed after seeing the comment.

"Ahem, if I get serious, I will catch up soon. The first kill on the shark platform must be mine!"

【Do not believe! 】

[The first kill is definitely the little demon]

[It’s ridiculous, a girl progresses faster than a professional stand-alone game anchor]

Xiaobai was furious and gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know about the world's first kill, but the first kill on the platform is definitely mine."

[What if you don’t get it? 】

[I didn’t get the first kill of women’s clothing! Also cos Shen He】

Xiaobai couldn't stand the stimulation and said loudly: "You can question my character, but you can't question my game level! If I don't get the first kill, I will dress as a woman!"

【Video recorded! Women's clothing waiting for you]

[I’m going to ask Xiaoyao if I can lend Shen He’s cosplay costume to Xiaobai to wear]

【Brother, you smell so good】

After saying these words, Xiaobai also regretted for a while, and quickly said harshly: "However, there are so many elite BOSSs in this game. If I don't get the first kill of the final BOSS on the platform because I have defeated all the hidden BOSS elites, what will happen?" Don’t count me as losing.”

At this moment, in another live broadcast room on the Shark Platform.

"First kill competition?" Xiaoyao looked at the barrages in the live broadcast room dumbfounded, "What did Xiaobai say? You want to compete with me? Lost in women's COS?"

After thinking about it, the little demon nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take it. I'll wait for him in front of the fire ox and wait until he catches up with the progress before starting."

【Really answer it? So what do you lose if you lose? 】

[What about the rules? Wouldn’t it be too nonsense if we only fight the final BOSS]

"Let's do this. Defeat the final BOSS after defeating all those who will drop scattered beads and battle memories."

The little demon stretched out and showed off his body curves.

"If I lose, how about I wear Gan Yu's COS again? Or Miss Yongzhen from Sekiro? You choose."

"What? Rolled out this Shen He outfit? Bah! What a beautiful idea!"

After receiving the order, the barrage army immediately rushed towards Xiaobai's live broadcast room.

Xiaobai almost spit out a mouthful of blood after seeing the barrage's reply.

But the matter has come to this, and the arrow has to be fired.

So I could only say stubbornly: "Okay! Since the little demon is so fair, I'll take the bet!"

As he said that, he started to catch up with the progress with red eyes.

Maybe it was because of too much pressure, but Xiaobai's progress was amazing.

Under the teachings of Madam Butterfly, the BOSS Ghost Punishment Department, which has extremely high maneuverability on horseback, did not bring much pressure.

It didn't take long for him to catch up with the little demon's progress.

The first kill competition has officially begun.

I have to say that Xiaobai was like a wolf when he became completely serious.

Relying on recovering battle memories from battle to battle, he becomes stronger and stronger.

The little demon, on the other hand, is like an innate wolf body, and has been dubbed the Valkyrie by players.

In front of Huo Niu, Xiaobai relied on his advantage as a veteran Black Soul player to kill Huo Niu first.

In front of the castle tower, the little demon relied on his good sense of rhythm to regain his disadvantage in front of the samurai general.

The two of them were killing each other in full swing.

The difference between front and rear is extremely small.

The barrage is fun to watch.

If the difficulty of the game was simply high, it would indeed be more fun to watch.

But once the odds are stacked up, the competition becomes different again.

[Fuck, it’s so exciting, I have two live broadcast rooms open at the same time to watch]

[The latest battle report! Xiaoyao’s side is not that good at Black Soul-style BOSS]

The progress of both sides kept up with each other, and soon they arrived in front of the ghost Buddha in the castle tower.

In front of him is another elite Iai brother.

Xiaobai, who was the first to come here, killed him without hesitation, but he didn't expect that Brother Iai seemed to be full of flaws, but he could draw the sword so fast that it was shocking.

Just one move from Iai!

Concentrate and reach the top.

He drew his sword and slashed twice. Xiaobai didn't react at all and was left with blood in an instant.

Xiaobai was startled, took two steps back in a panic, took out the gourd and quickly put it into his mouth.

But Brother Iai also had an astonishing desire to attack. He followed up with two steps and struck with two more swords.

A big word "death" appeared on the screen.


"Good guy, everyone in Ashina Kingdom has a swordsman, right?!"

It is normal to die once when playing Naughty Cat, but this time, death is not just a matter of the game.

[Report! The little demon also successfully sat down on the ghost Buddha and began to challenge Brother Iai]

[Report! The little demon is making good progress this time and successfully counterattacked twice]

"Damn! Don't you want to retaliate again?" Xiaobai felt a toothache, "I'm so nervous."

After saying that, he quickly rushed into the room and fought with Brother Iai again.

The second challenge failed again as expected.

Looking at the barrage again, although Xiaoyao also failed, he had already killed Brother Iai's first life.


Xiaobai quickly entered the BOSS room again.

This time, he discovered a few tricks.

Before Brother Iai takes out the sword, his hand seems to light up? !

Xiaobai was so happy that he almost jumped up because of this discovery, and couldn't stop smiling on his face.

But he held back and didn't say it out loud, for fear that the barrage would reveal his skills and let the little demon take the lead.

This involves the most serious problem for men!

As a pure man, it is impossible to have a real fragrance, and it is impossible to have a real fragrance in this life.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he started a new battle.

This time, he didn't rush to attack, but let the character stay where he was.

A pair of eyes stared like bells, staring closely at the light of the sword in Brother Iai's hand.

Waited for a few seconds.

The opportunity has come!

With almost no forward movement, Brother Iai swung the sword in his hand twice at an extremely fast speed.

Ping ping twice.

Perfect rebound!

Brother Iai's posture bar was filled to one-third.

These two plays were perfect, but Xiaobai didn't dare to relax at all.

Because the two swords below are coming again!

Danmu was a little confused when he saw the four swords with full speed and damage coming down.

[Shit, Xiaobai, is he taking aphrodisiac? Is it open? 】

[It is recommended to check carefully and check whether a USB flash drive is inserted into the computer]

This time, Xiaobai achieved his best performance since playing Sekiro.

No harm!

Watching Brother Iai's body fall to the ground and slowly disappear.

Xiaobai touched his beating heart on his chest and said loudly: "Who else is there? I'm just asking you, is this level worthy of a shark platform's first kill?"


[Brother Bai, I was wrong. I deserve it. You definitely deserve it]

[Report! ! ! The little demon made a detour with his remaining blood, and relied on his shuriken to fill up the last bit of posture bar, and successfully counterattacked Brother Iai! ! 】

Before Xiaobai had time to be happy, he saw the latest battle report from the Cyber ​​Scout on the barrage.

Depend on!

Even if it makes me proud for ten minutes!

Xiaobai felt a pain in his balls, went back and sat on the ghost Buddha for a while, and quickly rushed towards the only way out.

It is also the way up to the top of the castle tower.

At this moment, the viewers who opened the live broadcast rooms on both sides saw a very surprising picture.

Two anchors who didn't know each other inexplicably started a Sekiro Shadow Dies Twice first-kill competition.

The progress of the two was different, but the results were magically tied with Brother Iai.

Then, the two wolves on the screen almost reached the castle tower with hooks.

On the castle tower, three orphans who were adopted during the War of Thieves met briefly.

Wolf, Yong Zhen, Wei's name is Genichiro.

Genichiro is even more the enemy of the wolf.

Although the game was released less than a day ago, Genichiro was considered a plot-killing BOSS when we first met him in the reed field.

But thanks to the tireless efforts of many players.

Some players just defeated Genichiro at the beginning, despite low attack power, low health, and even without the ability to endure the prosthetic hand and see through.

But after defeating Genichiro, the outcome of the wolf's broken arm still remained unchanged.

With one of the hawks attracting attention, Genichiro cuts off the wolf's arm with a sneak attack.

Win the taunt and lose the sneak attack.

Genichiro was also nicknamed "Samurai's Crush" by players, and was also called "Crush Ichiro" by players.

"How is grandfather doing?"

Facing the inquiry, Yongzhen, the pharmacist, shook his head sadly and said, "Isshin-sama, it's a miracle that he can still survive."


Hearing these words, Genichiro's face showed some sadness and a hint of determination.

He walked up to Jiulang and said without any doubt: "Son of God, I say it again, make an immortal contract with me."

But Kuro ignored him at all, shook his head and refused: "I can't do it, Genichiro-sama. Even if you lose for a time, you must still risk your life to save the savior. That is my ninja!"

The words just fell.

A handsome figure descended from the beams.

"I'm here to greet the master. Please wait a moment -"

In order to save his country, Genichiro wants to steal the power of Ryūin.

In order to prevent the "cursed" immortal power from being abused, Kuro is determined not to let his power leak out.

In order to save his master, the wolf fought all the way to this point with almost death.

Xiaobai's heart aroused and he said: "Handsome! Genichiro, although you can be called a samurai, I also understand your desire to save the country. Today, I will give you a death that suits your status. Law!"

[How can a famous BOSS like Tanichiro be defeated so easily? 】

[It’s easy, this is the attack button, this is the defense button, okay, let’s defeat him]

[I get angry just by looking at it, so I beat up Danichiro! 】

【Battle report! Xiaoyao also started to try for the first time. Total score 1:1]

With that said, the battle officially begins.

At the beginning of the battle, Xiaobai was not in a hurry to attack.

He also knew that thinking about it for the first time was simply a fool's errand.

The first few times, focus on understanding the skills.

So, I directly ate a Ganggan candy that reduced the enemy's posture bar towards me.

As a result, before the BUFF was finished, Genichiro's attack arrived.

Xiaobai was still a little confused before, what is this bow and arrow used for?

Now, got it.

I saw Genichiro jump up and shoot a flurry of bows and arrows, and the wolf was instantly transformed into a hedgehog.


Xiaobai hurriedly rolled backwards. Just after taking a sip of the medicine, he saw Genichiro charging up his bow again.

I wanted to dodge, but Sekiro's invincibility frame was horribly short compared to Black Soul.

Not only did he not dodge, the arrow hit him right in the face.

Xiaobai was beaten into a state of embarrassment for a while.

Drink the medicine again.

Just as he filled up his health, he saw Genichiro running over again, with a big word "danger" appearing on his head.

Xiaobai hurriedly dodged back again.

However, this time it flashed a little slower.

After Genichiro got close, with a movement of accumulating force, his elbow, one of the hardest parts of the human body, hit the wolf's face directly and hard.

Then he punched the wolf unceremoniously on the lower abdomen.

This series of combos made Xiaobai a little confused.

The heroic words just now were forgotten long ago.

He quickly controlled the wolf and just wanted to escape from the attack range.

However, when you are far away, there are bows and arrows, and when you are close, there is the light of swords.

Xiaobai didn't even swing a single sword, and he died in such humiliation.

[Who gives whom a decent death? ah? 】

【Genichiro:? 】

【Depend on! Seeing how exaggerated you were, I thought you could take Genichiro away in one go]

[Report! Xiaoyao has already started his second attempt, Xiaobai, don’t worry, you two are half a pound and eight ounces]

Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the information from the Cyber ​​Scouts.

so far so good!

And be saved!

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