Xiaobai took a look at the current situation of the live broadcast platform.

Some stand-alone game anchors in the console game area are progressing faster, and some of them are progressing faster and have already beaten the Ghost Punishment Department.

The fastest one is fighting fiercely with Madam Butterfly.

Some people are not in a hurry to advance the map of Hirata's mansion three years ago, and first advance the castle tower line in the real timeline.

It was almost time to see Genichiro now.

In other divisions, Sekiro's progress is much slower.

Some are stuck at Red Ghost, some are stuck at White Snake and don't know how to get over, and some are even stuck at Samurai General.

There are even cases where the samurai general is stuck and unable to survive.

On this day, the word "death" was written all over many live broadcast rooms.

Isn't this nothing if not progress?

Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost thought that his level could not keep up with the times and he would be eliminated.

A short break passed.

He was about to go back and continue the fierce battle. After hesitating for a while, he still went to Xiaoyao's live broadcast room to take a look.

Still the murderous style.

Even if he has residual health, he is not in a hurry to drink medicine to restore health. He has his own unique understanding of the rhythm of the game.

[The enemy is here to learn from me! 】

[This is a big taboo in the world, Xiaobai, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person]

Xiaobai coughed lightly and sent a rocket directly, and then blocked the mouths of the fans over there.

Then take a closer look.

The more he looked at it, the more Xiaobai sighed, and couldn't help but say: "We are really two factions with completely different styles."

"I follow the old-school Dark Souls style of play. I first familiarize myself with the skills through testing and practice. As soon as the opponent raises his hand, he will know what move he is going to make, and then I will win steadily."

"Xiaoyao's style is full of offense. He fights the BOSS to the death. He pays attention to a rhythm and suppression."

Which one is better and which one is worse?

It's really hard to say.

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

Although the scene is very intense, with swords and swords flashing, you come and I go.

But after all, this is a BOSS that I just met, and I don’t know the routines of many skills at all.

Genichiro jumped in the sky, and then landed hard.

With a bang, the little demon was hit so hard that only a trace of blood remained.

Then there was another sweep with the word "danger" in it.

Big words like "death" appeared on the screen.

"Oops! I misjudged the skill again. Sometimes it's a thrust, sometimes it's a sweep. There's so little time left for judgment."

The little demon complained and combed his white hair, "Huh? Thank you for the rocket given by Xiaobai. Brother Xiaobai, are you here to admit defeat?"

Xiaobai looked embarrassed and typed: "Don't be proud, the championship is mine."

Seeing this barrage, Xiaoyao laughed evilly and said: "I think we can not rush to clear Sekiro for now. Let's help Xiaobai choose the women's clothes to wear when the time comes!"

Xiaobai looked sad and angry.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

I used to be the leader of the strategy team, okay?

How can you despise my gaming skills so much?

No more messing around, just close the live broadcast room and open the game.


This first kill competition also attracted the attention of the platform.

A page called [Sekiro First Kill Challenge] was quickly launched.

Anchors who sign up will receive certain traffic support.

Among them, the two with the best results and the most attention have reached a critical moment for Genichiro, the boss.

"I'm already familiar with all of Ichiro's moves!"

Xiaobai looked at the screen seriously. From the live broadcast room, the audience could see how tightly he gripped the controller.

The white handle was covered in sweat and the knuckles were red, and you could see the tension in his heart.

"Genichiro jumped! Greedy the sword, then block."

"Calm down and watch your skills - lunge, see through! Cut, cut, twice, then block."

Not only Xiaobai is nervous, but the audience is also nervous.

It's true that it's fun to watch a host being abused.

But a BOSS is difficult to survive, and it is very depressing to watch.

The moment the anchor passes the BOSS, not only the game players will have a strong sense of accomplishment.

The audience will also be overwhelmed by the instant surprise.

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

The red dot on Genichiro's health bar has gone out, indicating that he has been stabbed once by the protagonist's wolf.

Just poke it a second time and you'll be able to pass!

At this time, Genichiro only had one-third of his health left. Due to the reduction in blood volume, the recovery speed of his posture bar also slowed down.

But after the fierce battle until now, Xiaobai was almost exhausted.

The potion gourd that can be filled automatically at campfires, ghosts and Buddhas has been eaten.

Now it all depends on the amount of pills dropped by the mobs.

Just now, the last pill was taken.

This was the best progress I had made in two hours.

[Shit, shit, you can’t pass it, right?]

【come on! The current progress on Xiaoyao’s side is not as good as yours]

[The total score is 56:63, who will win the first kill of Genichiro on the shark platform! 】

Various video recording and broadcasting groups and various live broadcast slicing groups have held their breath and concentrated, preparing to record this crucial scene.

Xiao Bai was sweating profusely, and his hands were slippery and full of sweat.

"Block, block, chop, chop, damn! Fly across the floating boat!!"

He didn't have much health to begin with, but because he misjudged his skills, he was completely knocked out by this series of sword skills.

The blood volume has dropped below half.

Xiaobai gritted his teeth, just as the series of sword skills of Feidu Floating Boat were about to be completed.

"It's a bet! If the last move is blocked, there will definitely be a thrust! This is the only chance!"

But if you want to accurately block this last blow in such a dense attack range, the risk is not small.

Xiaobai's posture bar is basically full.

If you don't block perfectly, your defense will collapse and you will definitely die.

But he still rushed forward resolutely.

"You can question my character, but you can't question my game level!"

Xiaobai shouted angrily, and in a very short gap, he dodged the penultimate sword, and then accurately and perfectly blocked Genichiro's final sword that flew across the floating boat.

"Small stiffness, then sudden stabbing, come on, Dan Yilang! Is this what you said, Lin Mo's malice! Nothing more than that!"

【ohhhhhh! It's on fire! 】

【Fuck! Awesome, now faster than the little demon]

[Hang, hang, hang! Awesome! It's passed! 】

The script, as expected.

Genichiro's last stab at flying across the floating boat was perfectly deflected. After a hard blow, he struck directly with a sudden stab.

Xiaobai has been waiting for this move for a long time.

The only thing that can't be mistaken is a discernment!

Directly pressing the "dodge" button, the sudden stab was stepped on by the wolf.

In an instant, a red dot lit up on Genichiro's chest.

Sign of execution!

"Go to hell! Tan Yilang! Remember, the person who killed you first is called Xiaobai!"

Kakimaru plunged hard into Genichiro's chest.

【All rise! 】

[Awesome, kill Genichiro for the first time on the platform! 】

[Wait, cutscene? Anything else? 】

By this time the sky had become gloomy.

Genichiro, who was seriously injured, propped himself on the ground with his katana.

"Awesome, the ninja of the Son of God."

Xiaobai looked at it with a proud smile, and said to Vukong: "No, if I can praise you, just praise you more. Aren't you very awesome? Come on, if you have the guts, get up and fight again!"

Genichiro slowly raised his head and said, "What a pity. Do you have any thoughts about changing the master?"

The wolf said coldly: "Don't be ridiculous."

"Are you kidding? I'm not joking." The armor on Genichiro's body peeled off piece by piece and fell to the ground. "As long as I can protect Ashina, I can control any power that goes against common sense."

Xiaobai's expression froze, and he laughed dryly and said: "No, brother, brother Xian, I was joking just now."

The barrage was also confusing.

【ah? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Damn it, no way, do I have to fight again? 】

[I just said how could the old thief Lin Mo be so kind? How could it be so easy for famous characters to die one by one?]

Genichiro, who had removed his armor, was naked except for a pair of pants.

The tip of the sword flashed with golden lightning, and there were many dark traces of lightning strikes on his body, especially his two arms.

Outside the castle tower, it was no longer a sunny day with light snowfall.

The clouds were thick, like late at night, and there was thunder in the sky.

Genichiro stood on the castle tower and said coldly: "Now, let you see this Tomoe Thunder!"

Xiaobai slumped backward helplessly.

"Brother, I'm kidding! I won't save this son of a god. I'll save whoever wants to save him! Don't take off your clothes all the time!"

The animation ends.

At this time, BOSS's name has changed.

Ba Liuwei's name is Xianyilang.

As soon as he came up, there was no hesitation about a sudden stabbing attack.

Seeing that he really had to take away Genichiro's life, Xiaobai clenched his teeth and said, "Come on! I want to see how powerful you are, such as Ba-ryu or Ku-ryu, Genichiro!"

As he spoke, he stabbed Genichiro hard under his feet.

Then, like crazy, he started attacking.

"Come on! Come on! That's it? That's it? Where's your Balu? Let me see it!"

It seemed that he heard what Xiaobai said.

Genichiro jumped up, and a bolt of lightning struck his sword.

The bright thunder light illuminated the castle tower with great force, and the violent power seemed to tear everything apart.

Big Danger words appeared on the screen.

After a thunder.

A bright red "death" appears again.

Xiaobai was silent, staring at the screen, motionless, like a sculpture.

【Hahahahaha! It makes me laugh to death, who would have thought that there are three stages?]

[I almost let this guy win the fight, but luckily I, Genichiro, played a better game]

[Why doesn’t the anchor smile? Is it because he is born not to laugh? 】

Although Xiaobai failed to win Genichiro this time, the audience was very generous.

One gift after another floated out as if it was free of charge.

Xiaobai looked as if he had been ravaged by more than a dozen sports students for five hours. He looked dejected and weak.

After a long time, he angrily threw the handle on the table.

"Lin Mowo, you uncle! There must be something wrong with you! The third stage is the third stage, why don't you hide it!"

"Don't you think it's interesting to see our players' despair after hope?"

"Are you a devil? No, you are the second largest game company in China and the boss of one of the top five game companies in the world, and you are still trying to do this!"

I sprayed for five minutes straight.

【that is! Lin Mo is just a @¥%, what kind of%@#% game do you make?]

【Well done! Naughty cats should be scolded]

Xiaobai let out a long breath and said leisurely: "It feels good to scold me. I feel good. House manager, ban all those who scolded the wolf and the naughty cat game."

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Burning bridges across rivers? ! 】

Xiaobai controlled the wolf from the ghost Buddha to the castle tower again, and continued the fierce battle with Genichiro.

"Are you kidding? I am the immortal of Lothrik, the Blue Star of the New World, the Phantom Thieves of the Heart in the city, and the Watcher who protects the world."

"When I scold you, it's called beating. It's kissing and scolding, which is love. You bunch of little black men, what do you have to say?"

Xiaobai curled his lips, thinking that he was really a simple little Heizi.

Although the styles are very different, it is a game made by Lin Mo himself. No matter what others say, I think it is a soul-based game!

It's too late to like her, so how could she be so obsessed with it?

Although there are constant surprises and surprises, it still feels like relying on the technology to become stronger and defeating powerful enemies.

It's so cool.

Moreover, we have been away for a long time.

"I'll put my words here." Xiaobai and Genichiro fought again, "This is a Souls-based game, this is a masterpiece, there is no doubt about it. You may not like Souls-based games, but if you say the game itself is rubbish, I suggest you watch it Look at the brain.”

With that said, he continued to engage in the exciting battle.

The competition between the two was in full swing, and in the next few days, the two spent almost all their time playing the game.

The first day of playing a Souls-based game is very addictive.

Because there is no strategy, all problems need to be solved by oneself.

In the castle tower, face the dim light of Tomoe's thunder and witness the last effort of Ashina's light, the warrior's crumb.

In Xianfeng Temple, I saw the curse brought by immortality, the disgusting insect possession, the miserable Miniang and the tears of immortality.

In Shuisheng Village, the hell on earth at the bottom of Ashina, Shuisheng Rin's unstoppable love, and the ultimate attack of the phantom monk who broke the precepts.

In the collapse canyon, there is a mysterious and huge white snake, and the white ape who is cursed by immortality is extremely crazy.

Returning to the castle tower, facing the giant ninja owl, the adoptive father with weak thrusts, and experiencing first-hand what it means to fight as a ninja.

In the Palace of Origin, the broken monk guarding the gate, the ugly immortal noble, and the immortal source Sakura Dragon had a battle that was not difficult, but the performance was very exciting.

Here we are, late at night on the second day of Sekiro's release.

"It looks like I'm really close to completing the level."

Xiaobai rubbed his sore eyes. During this period, he and Xiaoyao slept almost every night.

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, the resentful ghost clasped his hands together in a sitting Buddha posture, and then disappeared into the air.

Just leave the last sentence.

"Sekiro, thank you."

Xiaobai's thoughts were a little complicated.

"After enduring the fire of Shura for so many years, did he finally break out for Ashina to resist the shogunate? The Buddhist sculptor should also be very grateful to me for freeing him."

"Wolf's teacher Madam Butterfly is dead, foster father Xiao is dead, and now the Buddha carver is also dead."

"I suddenly understand Genichiro. If you want to save Ashina, you really can't rely on ordinary methods. He is not a genius, and he does not have Ashina's top-notch combat power that has shocked the shogunate for decades with his single-minded focus and one sword."

"He is just an ordinary person who doesn't want his country to perish and is willing to do anything for it."

He sighed and put away his weapon.

From the ghost Buddha, he was transported to the reed field where everything began.

Decades ago, Ashina single-mindedly killed the shogunate general Tamura here and won the war against the pirates. The name of the sword master resounded throughout the world.

Decades later, an immortal ninja who fought for his master met here another samurai who fought for the Ashina Kingdom.

In the reed field, the two met again after a day.

The two of them each held an Immortal Slash.

Weeping and opening the door.

Xiaobai barely slept in the past three days, but he was not sleepy at all.

This long day in Ashina Country is finally coming to an end.

I haven't even met a single nurse these days. I burst into tears.

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