There is a competitive bet, and the content is to defeat all elite monsters and BOSS that can drop scattered beads and battle memories.

The live broadcasts these days have not been very intense.

Basically, apart from eating and sleeping, I work hard on the game.

Not only do you need to hone your skills, but you also need to read every text carefully.

Because the game has just been released, there is no guide.

In other words, there are strategies, but they are not complete.

It was only with the help of his fan base that Xiaobai was able to reach this point step by step, ensuring that no elites were missed.

At this time, I even had mixed feelings when I saw Genichiro Ashina, whose upper body was completely charred and bare.

Take a few steps forward to trigger the animation.

He was obviously immortal with the power of Long Yin, but at this time Jiulang was wounded and almost died.

Look carefully.

Genichiro looked like a mad ghost, holding a black immortal sword with an ominous meaning in his hand.

"Let's settle this."

The third duel between the two, and it was the last duel anyway, began.

The barrage was a bit puzzled.

【The last battle against Genichiro? No way】

【This guy is not worthy of the final BOSS】

[Come on Xiaobai! Among the anchors on the platform, you are the fastest to reach the final BOSS! 】

The battle has just begun.

Genichiro then shouted: "I want to continue Ashina's lifeline!"

Then the unknown black undead sword was held tightly in his hand, exactly the same as the action of the protagonist wolf using the undead sword.

Xiaobai took a breath: "What the hell!? Isn't this my golden finger? You can do it too?"


Except for the Immortal Slash, the other skills are no different from those of the castle tower.

In the last battle, I had already practiced it very well.

This time, Xiaobai became familiar with the feel after dying twice, and quickly inserted the wedge pill in his hand into Genichiro's chest without mercy.

Another cutscene.

Xiaobai smiled proudly, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and leaned back on the chair.

"Come on, Tanichiro, let me see what special skills you have. Originally, I thought the final BOSS was Ashina Isshin, but it turned out that he was the BOSS in the Shura ending, and he died inexplicably in the ending here. It’s quite a pity. In the end, when the boss beat Genichiro, I still felt like something was missing.”

[Isn’t that right? Genichiro, the BOSS, has no sense of freshness or pressure at all]

[Mainly because I’m too arrogant and totally lacking in character]

[The Resentful Ghost is in line with his status as the final BOSS. After all, he is the last living thief]

[Report! The little demon defeated the resentful ghost and came to the reed field! 】

in previous competitions.

Xiaobai, who is more adaptable to the Black Soul-style BOSS, can defeat the resentful ghost faster.

The little demon who is more adaptable to the Sekiro-style BOSS was able to defeat his adoptive father three years ago faster.

As a result, it was impossible to calculate who was faster than the two people, but they were evenly matched again in front of this reed field.

Xiaobai looked at the barrage and laughed and said: "If I were to fight Ashina Genichiro, maybe I would just pass this one. Genichiro is too good to beat. If his grandfather comes over, I might still There's some trouble."

In the cutscene, it seems to be to match what Xiaobai said.

Genichiro, who was almost stabbed, staggered back a few steps.

He looked up at the burning Ashina Castle in the distance, and said to himself unwillingly: "In the end, I didn't accomplish anything. But"

Genichiro lowered his head and looked at the black immortal sword in his hand, as if he had made up his mind.

"However, Long Yin will continue the lifeline of this country, and Ashina's long night will usher in the dawn!"

As he spoke, the Immortal Slash gradually came closer to his own neck.

Xiaobai looked at it and subconsciously sat up straighter.

"Hey, no, brother, you're not going to commit suicide, are you?"

[If I can’t beat you, I can’t die! 】

[Hey, you are a BOSS after all, why don’t you have any character at all?]

Ridiculing, this knife actually made a cut.

Because the fake immortal body that had transformed into water had its throat cut open directly by the sharp immortal sword, blood spurted out.

However, the blood was not shed on the ground.

Instead, it gathered near the wound like a thick fog.

Xiaobai touched his nose and said: "Hey, I remember saying that the Black Immortal Slash can open the door to the underworld, right? Are there any dead awesome people worth summoning from the underworld?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone thought of a name.

Before I could say anything, the scene suddenly changed.

A dry and "thin" arm suddenly stretched out from the wound on Genichiro's neck, moved with difficulty, and went down to grab the black immortal sword.

"This is the last wish of my poor grandson. I must revive the country of Ashina again."

"Therefore, Sekiro, I'm going to kill you."

A familiar figure wearing a blue robe and one eye struggled to appear.

Exactly the same as the person in the CG at the beginning of the film.

Ashina Isshin is in his prime.

The strong man who relied on one man's force to frighten the shogunate who dared not send troops to Ashina for decades.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【What the hell? ! What the hell is this? Ghost movie scene? 】

[Good guy, open the Gate of Underworld so wide, I thought it was a knife to cut out a portal]

【grandson? ! Damn it! Isshin Ashina? Really coming? 】

Xiaobai opened his mouth subconsciously, shocked by this visually shocking scene, and couldn't help but complain: "Damn it! You unfilial grandson. Your grandfather has just been buried. If you die at an older age, you can summon someone." Young adults?"

Although we know that the strength of the character is determined by the designer, if the designer is willing, Genichiro can reach the limit.

But in the plot, when the strong Ashina Isshin who had been exaggerated from the beginning actually appeared in front of him, he still couldn't help but look solemn and scream in his heart that something was wrong.

"Come on! Wolf!"

With Ashina Isshin's sharp shout, the final battle began.

It was different from the twilight Ashina Isshin he had experienced before.

In his prime, Ashina Isshin at his peak had both the combat experience of old age and the physical fitness of a young adult.

Every move is powerful and heavy, and the tiger tiger dances with an immortal sword and makes the wind.

As soon as the battle started, Xiaobai couldn't stand it anymore.

"Isn't this pace a little too fast?!"

One sword after another, there are so many different tricks, it feels like you don’t know where to remember the skills.

And he has a strong desire to attack.

Once the distance is established, he immediately follows and follows up with a set of combos that are difficult to deal with.

Ashina Isshin was dubbed the Sword Master.

It doesn’t mean that he only knows how to use a sword!

The fists and kicks of Senboji, Ashiteru, and even some ninja fighting skills.

He can do it!

Only those who can integrate the strengths of various schools and perfectly integrate them into their own fighting style can be called sword masters.

Ashina pushed Sekiro away with all his heart.

Then the word "danger" appeared, the Immortal Slash was raised high above the head, and then slashed down.

Xiaobai wanted to block, but how could it be so easy to block this time?

The huge force caused white catkins to fly in the reed field, and Xiaobai was directly knocked out of defense.

Before he could stand up, the second and third blows came one after another, unceremoniously.

The first time I met this sword master, the answer sheet Xiaobai handed over was

15 seconds.

[Damn, that’s awesome, you deserve to be a sword master, this combo and the sense of oppression are too strong]

[I found that there is still a chance to play with pressure, but it is more troublesome to give Isshin Ashina a chance to show off himself]

It seems that he is dissatisfied with the opponent's strength.

Ashina Isshin made an unkind comment: "If you hesitate, you will lose."

Xiaobai was not happy when he heard this.

"Hey! Lao Deng, do you understand that I respected the old and loved the young just now? Have you seen fists as big as sandbags?"

This time Xiaobai did not choose to be resurrected, and it would be useless to live.

Because Ashina Isshin has three lives, plus one life of Ashina Genichiro, this final BOSS needs to be killed four times.

Second try.

Still encountered the familiar move, the Immortal Slash raised high above his head.

This time Xiaobai escaped early.

I thought it would split the air this time, but I didn't expect the technique to change again.

Ashina Isshin took a sudden step forward and turned around in a sweeping motion.

"Holy crap! Are you still changing your moves?! Are you done yet?"

"Hesitation leads to defeat."

Third try.

It's still the same move, but this time he hides very far away.

"Come on! Lao Deng! Come and kill me!"

Shouting, Xiaobai started drinking the potion gourd directly.

But this time Ashina's method of accumulating energy has changed.

Instead of accumulating power at the top of the head, it is accumulating power at the waist.

Then, a vertical sword energy slashed out, instantly killing the wolf that was not full of health.

"Hesitation leads to defeat."

the fourth time.

This time, Xiaobai simply stopped running. Seeing the energy stored in Ashina Isshin's waist, he dodged sideways the moment he took action.

"Come on, let's face it!" Xiaobai gritted his teeth, "I'll just rely on my reaction speed to see how strong your skills are! If you hesitate, you will lose. I'll show you decisively."


The vertical sword energy turned into a large horizontal sweep.

"What the hell?!" Xiao Bai looked at the word "death" in front of him and cursed angrily, "How many tricks have you changed? Are you done with it?!"

This time, I lasted just over ten seconds.

"Hesitation leads to defeat."

The barrage burst into laughter.

[If you hesitate, you will lose, if you are decisive, you will be in vain, right?]

[Yixin: Who is responsible for the annual production capacity? 】

[There are too many tricks, this is just the first stage]

The tenth time.

It was easy to adapt to some of Ashina Isshin's rhythms and moves. Although he was in a hurry, he was finally able to find an opportunity to drink medicine to restore health.

But in the end, he was helplessly killed because he had run out of blood medicine.

Xiaobai rubbed his hair a little irritably.

It is true that Ashina is hard to beat with one heart.

But there is another person named Genichiro Tomoeru Aoi in front of him!

It is true that you can pass it.

But it's a bit too much to not hurt.

Genichiro has to consume a lot of blood medicine, and there are still three stages of Ashina Isshin behind!

what is it now?

Xiaobai took a long breath and opened it again, not bothering to revive.

"As expected of the final BOSS." Xiaobai was a little confused, "I even wonder if Naughty Cat has used some black technology. Why do I feel that this BOSS has some tactics aimed at me?"

It was originally meant to be a complaint.

[It seems true. The little demon is also fighting Ashina Isshin, but there are not so many different moves]

【ah? Am I not the only one who thinks so? I thought it was my illusion]

"Ah?" Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, "It's not about reading instructions, right? I didn't notice it either?"

With that said, he minimized the game in confusion, then opened the shark platform and clicked into the partition of Sekiro Shadow Dies Twice.

There was a pause when I clicked into the live broadcast room.

Because he saw in the corner of the section's home page, there was a live broadcast room that was pushed up by the algorithm but was actually not very popular.

He is also wearing a cos suit, which seems to belong to Gan Yu, and is also fighting a wolf.

I was a little surprised.

Isn’t this woman not letting the little demon play Apex because of the gambling situation?

If you don't grab users for such a good opportunity, why play a stand-alone game to join in the fun?

One is a cosplayer who is forced to wear Shen He, and the other is a cosplayer who takes the initiative to wear Ganyu.

These two characters are sisters in the game, but in reality the two anchors are former teammates who played professionally together.

It's so hot.

But I took another look at Xiaoyao’s live broadcast room popularity.

Good guy, because it is supported by the traffic from the Sekiro First Kill Competition on the platform, it is even a little more popular than Apex.

Stop thinking about this, click into the live broadcast room, and watch it carefully for a while.

"It's not that obvious." Xiao Bai frowned deeply, "The little demon does seem to have fewer tricks, but the frequency of attacks has obviously increased."

Hang on to the live broadcast room here, and click on another live broadcast room with strong technology from the home page again.

That is currently the third person on the platform besides the two of them who has come to Ashina Isshin.

The anchor was even more exaggerated.

The attack frequency is not high, and there are not many tricks.

But the number of ultimate moves that are almost impossible to avoid is ridiculous!

This player's game enjoyment is also very high.

Because there are many ultimate moves, you must use appropriate prosthetic blade skills and carrying skills to deal with them.

Both sides played extremely fancy.

Three live broadcast rooms, three styles.

[Looking at it this way, everyone’s BOSS style is really different]

[Other bosses don’t seem to realize what’s going on here with Isshin Ashina]

[Other BOSS does not have such comprehensive and rich skills and attack modules]

Xiaobai looked at the screen in silence for a while, then suddenly laughed.

"I understand, brothers." Xiaobai said leisurely, "The BOSS Ashina Isshin should indeed have some special designs."

"The audience may not be able to see it, but players are very addicted to it no matter how they die. They really like the feeling of growing up in battle. Why?"

"Because the BOSS is fighting the way you like!" Xiaobai said categorically, "The little demon likes short, flat and fast sword attacks, so the skills Ashina uses are also short, flat and fast, and rely on reaction."

"I like to plan and move like I do in Dark Souls, so the BOSS tests your adaptability with a variety of skills."

"This brother probably liked to use skills and prosthetic blades to fight before, so he used a lot of ultimate moves to test his use of skills and prosthetic blades."

"I'm looking forward to it. Will all kinds of fighting styles be integrated into it? If you don't like players, Isshin Ashina, who is super difficult, can challenge it!"

Xiaobai's blood boiled for a while, and he swiped a plane for Xiaoyao, then closed the live broadcast room, returned to his own game, and started a new round.

"Come on, wolf!"

"Come on! Isshin Ashina, let me see your strength!"

Xiaobai's blood boiled and he directly controlled the character to rush forward.

Then half a minute later.

"Hesitation leads to defeat."

Xiaobai looked a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, okay, I admit that the free version of Ashina Isshin is quite strong."

【Depend on! I thought you were going to pass this one! 】

【Coward! I thought you had enlightenment]

Shamelessly ignoring the jeers from the audience.

Come again!

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