Take what Xiaobai thinks he knows about naughty cats.

There will definitely be more difficult BOSS modes to challenge after you clear the game.

After all, the game is a good game, but it is not like Dark Souls where you can change weapons and play through the game in a fancy way.

You can only make it more difficult for yourself, such as prohibiting attacks to pass the level, prohibiting blocking to pass the level, etc.

It would be great if there was an enhanced version of BOSS to challenge.

However, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

The top priority now is to deal with the weakened version of Ashina Isshin in front of him first.

Xiaobai was very focused. He did not change his game style. He still planned and acted, dealing with the various moves of the sword master in front of him.


With a "bang" sound, Ashina hit the palm with a push from Senhoji, and then made a very fast thrust.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiaobai pressed down while dodging.

A perfect revelation at just the right time!

Instantly the posture bar is full and press execute.

"I accepted the first life!" Xiaobai laughed loudly, "You are the sword master, right? Let me see if you have any weird skills that you haven't used yet!"

At this moment, Ashina Isshin seemed to have taken a deep breath, and stepped hard on the ground, causing white catkins on the reed ground to fly.

"Hmph, ahhhhh! My blood is boiling!"

The next second, Ashina Isshin directly took out a long-handled weapon that was two people tall from the reeds that was half a man tall, and swung hard at the surroundings.

Xiaobai was caught off guard and didn't have time to dodge.


"Hesitation leads to defeat."

Xiaobai looked at the weapon that looked like a spear and a gun in confusion, and said: "Isn't this the weapon of the shogunate general Tamura in CG? Damn it, what do you call the sword master with this weapon?"

[Laughing to death, skill? There is no need at all, new weapons are enough]

[This sword master is just a name, not just a master of swords]

[Trivia, Ashina Isshin is a master who can learn and use all weapons, so he is called a sword master]

With the spear, Ashina Isshin once again reached a peak in difficulty.

The desire to attack and the ability to maneuver are further enhanced, and the attack range is instantly expanded countless times. Not only must one beware of sword skills, but also spear attacks.

At this moment, Ashina is holding a sword in one hand and a spear in the other. He is very dangerous whether at close range or in the middle distance.

Every blow is powerful and heavy, dancing with wind.

There was a ping sound.

Xiaobai was sweating profusely as he resisted Ashina's leaping slash from the sky with a spear.

Ashina Genichiro also knows this trick.

But compared to the domineering moves of this sword master, Tan Yilang always has a petty attitude.

Looking at the small amount of blood, Xiaobai quickly turned around and ran away.

In the first stage, Ashina Isshin will come close to him.

But now in the second stage, this belligerent and skilled swordsman is completely in high spirits.

As long as Xiaobai chases away, Yishin will dare to chase.

No chance to replenish blood volume!

Xiaobai felt like crying for a while but couldn't cry: "No! I don't have emergency syrup, why are you chasing me like this!"

【Don't come here.jpg】

[He runs, he chases, he can’t fly without wings]

【I chase you, if I catch you, I will fuck you hehehe】

As if he was getting tired of chasing, Ashina Isshin jumped up high again and slammed his spear down from the air.

This time, Xiaobai avoided the blow with a very precise dodge.

Don't hesitate to use Potion Gourd.

An expression of relief and relief immediately appeared on Xiao Bai's face.

Just the next second, his expression froze.

Ashina stood still and stopped chasing, taking out another weapon.

A gun!

Then, fire without hesitation.

After a while biabiabia.

A big word "death" appeared on the screen.

"What the hell?! A gun?" Xiaobai's eyes almost fell out of his sockets, "Wardfa?! I tolerated the sword master's spear, what do you mean by using a gun?"

[Hahahaha, I already said he is a swordsman, a fierce man who can use any weapon, why not use hot weapons? 】

[Sir, times have changed! 】

Xiaobai looked shocked, pointed at the screen, and looked at the camera with a confused look on his face: "No! Is this reasonable? This fucking repeating gun? Semi-automatic! Is this reasonable?"

[Weiming Technology is shocking! 】

[Why is it unreasonable? People have developed elixirs and insect possessions. What happened to a repeating gun? 】

[That’s right, the shogunate army also used firearms on the way here. Isn’t it strange that the majestic swordsman used a gun? 】

"Ashina's swordsmanship is invincible in the world. It means to do an American Iai when he is not prepared, right?"

After complaining, come again!

The race for the first kill has come to an end.

Many people whose own progress was not good enough have stopped and started to watch the battle between these three anchors.

One has an aggressive style and fights back with a knife without stopping, one plans and then fights cautiously, and one uses the prosthetic hand with a skill blade incomparably gorgeous.

Xiaobai gradually gave up the idea of ​​chatting with the barrage and began to concentrate on defeating the BOSS.

From the beginning, Genichiro always overturned, but now he can enter the second stage of Ashina Isshin more easily.

The more focused and serious you are, the more you will feel.

He himself seemed to have become a wolf in the game.

In the reed field on a full moon night, for the sake of loyalty and the end of immortality, he fought to the death with the strongest swordsman of the contemporary era.

This unique oriental aesthetics made Xiaobai, who was immersed in the battle, extremely addictive.

Although Sekiro and Isshin only knew each other for a short day in the game.

A terminally ill old man, wearing a tengu mask, used his brutal force to kill the rats that had sneaked into Ashina.

He did not hesitate to teach Wei Mingren's subtraction method to others. As long as he could create a rare and powerful person, he would be satisfied.

But that was also an ordinary old man.

They would be greedy for the wine brought by the wolf, and they would also be in high spirits and talk about the past events through the wine.

Talking about the invincible thieves and the far-reaching war between thieves.

Talking about the butterfly who is good at illusions, the owl who steals wine, the crybaby and the ape who is the Buddha carver.

Talking about the lost and powerful Weiming Kingdom.

At this moment, Ashina is focused on facing the last battle of her life and does not want to leave any regrets at all.

He is a swordsman who lives and dies in battle.

So, swords, guns, swords and halberds, fists and feet weapons.

Just for the last hearty fight.

Ashina? Shogunate?

None of it matters!

As Kakimaru stabbed Ashina Isshin's chest, he was blocked and could not complete the kill.

The third stage is here.

It seems that God is applauding this wonderful battle.

Thunder boomed.

Ba Zhilei once again illuminates this reed field.

There are more than just new skills added in the third phase.

An ominous black light lit up on the blade, and the black undead slash was more than twice as powerful as the sword master's hand.

This blow almost covered the reed field. If this opponent was not a wolf, he would be dead.

Xiaobai, who didn't say a word, was completely immersed in the battle.

Inexplicably, he knows the time to replenish blood and the time to avoid without thinking.

He felt like his reflexes had never been faster.

When the sword master jumped into the sky for the last time, Ba Zhilei lit up again, and the golden thunder came with great power.

The wolf jumped up high, and this lightning beam shone on Wedgemaru.

Secret Sakura Dance!

For the sake of his master, Ba once offered this dance.

Jumping like a dance with a spinning motion.

The day of cherry blossoms is approaching.

Since you can't go back home, at least enjoy this dance.

"Thunder and lightning return!"

Xiaobai roared, and the wolf's graceful dance in the air returned the thunder of Ba.

Golden thunder hit the sword master's body, causing him to fall into brief paralysis.

A red dot, the execution mark, appears.

A wolf fell from the sky and stabbed through the chest from behind. Then the red light of the Immortal Slash flooded and slashed across the chest and abdomen.

This arrogant sword master was finally defeated and fell to his knees.

Although the sword master was defeated, there was only happiness on his face.

"Do it!"

The wolf's immortal slash struck down.

This majestic body finally fell.

"Well done, Sekiro"

This ninja who was so powerful that he could kill Ashina Castle had a sad expression on his face.


Finally, comes the ending.

Xiaobai controlled the wolf and walked step by step in front of Jiulang.

He helped the master who was seriously injured by the Immortal Slash and drank Sakura Dragon Tears for Kuro, which was the ending of the Immortal Slash.

Having witnessed so many disasters caused by the immortal curse, now there is finally a chance to cut off the immortality.

The Immortal Slash was hanging above the boy's chest, but the wolf just couldn't move.

Kuro's hand gently held the sharp blade of the Immortal Sword and pressed it against his chest.

"My ninja, can you please kill Immortal for me?"

As the sun rose from the east, the wolf still wielded the Immortal Slash.

Since then, there has not been an immortal ninja named Wolf in the world.

On the contrary, deep in the mountains of Ashina, there is a ruined temple.

The Buddhist sculptor who was once known as ape died of the fire of Shura on the night when the shogunate attacked.

Now, another one-armed Buddha carver has arrived.

There is only one thing I do every day, and that is to carve wooden Buddha statues, praying to bring a little peace to my heart.

"It's up to you to keep this." Behind the scenes, Yongzhen placed the prosthetic hand that symbolized killing and power behind the wolf, "In the future, there will be new ninjas coming to seek strength. "

Watch the animation end and the trophy [Sever the Immortal] pop up.

Xiaobai let out a long sigh in silence, and said faintly: "Dark Soul transmits fire, Sekiro transmits hands, right? There are other endings, but I plan to play through it again, and each pass corresponds to an ending."

Only then did he have time to look at the barrage.

At this time, the barrage refresh speed is extremely fast.

【Congratulations on completing the level! 】

[Okay, within two days, all the battle memories and scattered beads have been collected]


【Congratulations! Red envelopes! 】

Seeing the barrage flashing so fast and the series of congratulations, a hearty smile appeared on Xiaobai's face.

This is the beauty of Souls-based games.

This unparalleled sense of accomplishment after defeating a powerful enemy.

"Brothers! Restart a save file!" Xiaobai smiled happily, "Play the Shura ending again! Get the first kill on the platform with the Shura ending!"

Shura's ending is an important node on the other side of the game.

On the castle tower, the wolf can choose whether to listen to his adoptive father, Owl.

If you insist on protecting Kuro, you will fight the owl, and then go to the end to fight the sword master Ashina Isshin in a bloody battle.

If you choose to listen to Xiao, you will fight against Miss Yongzhen, and then face the old and terminally ill Ashina Isshin.

This ending will result in fewer elites and bosses to fight.

Therefore, in the first kill competition, the Shura ending route will not be taken by default.

But, after saying this.

[What are you thinking? Another anchor has defeated the old Ashina Isshin long ago. You are not the first kill long ago]

[Yes, and in this first kill competition, you are not the first kill, so what are you talking about?]

Xiao Bai's smile froze, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, "No, don't lie to me. I think my first kill is progressing very quickly."

[It’s true that it’s very fast, but the first kill is indeed not you, the brothers opened two live broadcast rooms to watch]

【yes! The little demon is indeed faster than you, about half a minute]

【Women's clothing! Women's clothing! Women's clothing! 】

Xiaobai almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The previous state was so explosive, such a wonderful battle, such a handsome Sakura Dance against Ba's thunder.

I thought I got the first kill!

It’s unscientific!

Xiaobai straightened his face.

It's over, it's over now.

【Lianmai! It’s time for you to fulfill your promise! 】

[Hurry up, the little demon is waiting for you]

Xiaobai accepted the Lianmai application bitterly.

The delicate face of the little demon appeared on the screen, probably because of the excitement of getting the first kill, with a hint of blush on his cheeks, making him look even more charming and cute.

"You won, congratulations."

When Xiaoyao talks on weekdays or talks to other anchors, she doesn't appear to be an aggressive girl at all.

"Hello Brother Xiaobai, it's my first time to connect with you. The first kill competition was made by the water friends. I will do the COS for Brother Xiaobai. How about you give red envelopes to the water friends?"

Xiaobai's impression of this girl was much better.


【no! ! Xiaobai must wear women's clothing! 】

[This cannot be replaced, this is the bottom line! 】

[Hey hey hey hey hey. Brother, you smell so good]

All right.

Xiaobai smiled bitterly and said: "Forget it, women's clothing is women's clothing. Tell me, what should I cosplay?"

After thinking for a while, Xiaoyao suggested: "Let's do this. You cosplay the next female character that Naughty Cat releases, and then when the game to which this character belongs is released, you can cosplay during the live broadcast."

"That's not impossible. If it's a cooperative stand-alone game, can we come together then?"

"Okay. I cosplay a male character? Haha."

"It's not impossible."

Lian Mai hangs up.

Xiaobai let out a sigh of relief, isn't it just women's clothing?

As an anchor, my professional experience is incomplete without being forced to dress up as a woman by the audience.

Although he had been exhausted for the past two days, Xiaobai still didn't intend to sleep.

"Brothers, Sekiro is over now. Who dares to say that this is not a soul-based game? This is not a masterpiece?"

With that said, a poll was opened directly to rate Sekiro.

Two minutes passed.

80% of the people chose 5 points, 10% chose 4 points, and the remaining 8% chose 1 point.

Xiaobai looked at the score and nodded, and at the same time opened the second game, and said: "I just want to ask. Who said that soul-based games can't be innovative?"

"Practice more. If you don't know how to do the soul system, don't do it. Don't make a piece of trash with low-quality skins and then insist that you are paying homage to the dark soul, okay?"

"Soul system is a way of thinking, an idea that changes countless design concepts."

"It's not a dogma!"

With that said, continue the journey for the second week.

Sekiro relies on its excellent quality to make a Chinese character famous all over the world through a game.

Some are happy and some are sad.

WGA organizing committee.

"I have decided." A young man with an excited face said, "This year's best movie, I vote for "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice"!"

Freeman looked gloomy and couldn't say a word.

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