In a villa in Lighthouse Country.

"No! BT!"

"No, it's a bit exaggerated."

Glass frowned, picked up the handheld dv and looked at the clip he had just recorded.

"Well, I used a little too much force and my expression was a little exaggerated."

Glass deleted the paragraph just now, lowered his head and touched the head of a corgi at his feet, sat back in front of the computer, and watched the last plot of the "Titanfall" game again.

Then, continue to figure out your acting skills in front of the mirror.

Rumors of domestic violence two years ago ruined his acting career.

After the initial decadence, Glass did not continue to sink, but cheered up.

Since there is no scene to film, then film it for yourself.

There is no script, so inspiration is drawn from game novels.

Fantasy, if it were you, how would you shoot this section.

This life has been going on for a long time.

Two hours passed.

Only then did he choose the most satisfactory version and upload it to the short video platform.

There are many short videos like this on his video account homepage.

Some about "Titanfall", some about "Resident Evil", some about "Warcraft" and so on.

As long as there are classic shots, no one has escaped his "claws".

After taking a shower, I turned on my phone and looked at the homepage. It was already 99+.

Look at the comments section.

[Is this the desolation of unemployed actors? Need to live by short videos? 】

[Please stop shooting such embarrassing short videos, it’s boring]

[Damn, how many classic game scenes are you going to destroy? Can you please stop?]

[I thought your acting skills were poor back then, and now it proves my point even more]

[You don’t think that you can return to the entertainment industry by shooting embarrassing jokes in short videos all day long, do you? 】

Saw so many unkind comments.

Even though Glass was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help but smile bitterly, his expression a little sad.

Once a person starts being denied, everything is wrong.

In the past two years, the denial, slander and filthy words have never stopped.

Attacking him is like becoming politically correct.

Even the domestic violence scandals rumored by the outside world have long been proven to be false.

It was getting late at this time.

Glass packed up his mood and was about to enjoy dinner.

At this time, the mobile phone rang first.

"Hello? Old man, what's the matter?"

The other party is a broker.

But after getting along with each other over the years, they became somewhat like friends.

He did not abandon Glass just because he fell into a trough, even though life was not that rich.

"Good news!" The manager's hearty laughter came from the phone, "Your wish has finally come true."

"Oh? Why, is there still something to act in?" Glass smiled and walked towards the kitchen.

"Huh? You already know?"

"Stop making trouble, what's going on? My reputation has been ruined for a long time. How can I easily get a role? Is there going to be a sequel to the "Resident Evil" series? I'm really looking forward to this."

Glass put the phone hands-free on the kitchen counter, placed two slices of bread on the plate, and began to spread butter.

"You can't believe that the opportunity you've been looking forward to has come, right?" The manager laughed and cursed, "It's really possible."

"What I lack is an opportunity to prove myself, not an opportunity to make a bad movie."

"This is the opportunity you have been dreaming of, and there are two of them!" The agent's excited voice sounded, "You are a gamer, do you know the game "Galaxy Hunters"?"


"It hasn't been announced yet, but there are plans to adapt this game into a movie. I hope you can audition for the male lead!"

Glass' buttered hand stopped, and he looked at the phone with a hint of astonishment on his face.

Movie adaptation? The male lead?

real or fake?

It’s not April Fool’s Day yet?

I had no hope.


This news must be taken seriously.

The game "Galaxy Hunters" is not small, and it can be imagined that the cost of adapting it into a movie will not be low.

It's not the best opportunity, but it's the only decent one in the past two years.

I wanted to nod immediately and accept the job, but when the words came to my lips, I held back.

"You just said, two?"

After the manager was silent for a few seconds, he smiled bitterly and said, "Aren't you going to agree and listen to the second one?"

"Come on, tell me quickly, don't be pretentious."

"The second opportunity is the face model and motion capture of Johnny Silverhand, a character in Naughty Cat's new project "Cyberpunk 2077"."

After the agent said this, he quickly added: "I hope you choose carefully. I know you like Naughty Cat games, but this is just a game!"

Glass remained silent and did not speak. He did not continue to make dinner. He casually added some dog food to the little Corgi's food bowl and sat back on the sofa to think carefully.

The agent also remained silent and did not speak or urge.

We all know that this choice must be made carefully.

Whether you can turn over or not depends on how well you seize this opportunity.

If "Cyberpunk 2077" is not Naughty Cat's game, if "Galaxy Hunter" is not Electronic Arts' game.

It’s not like both opportunities can’t come up.

But it just so happens that these two are sworn enemies. If you accept one, you cannot accept the other.

Glass's face was full of confusion.

Indeed, the movie looks much more reliable. After all, it is a movie with a high investment cost and a track that I am familiar with.

But on the other side is a naughty cat.

If it hadn't been two years ago, Naughty Cat would have been invited to cooperate on projects.

Definitely not to miss it!

No need to pay to participate!

But things are no longer what they used to be.

Which one to choose?

One side has a better chance, it’s a movie.

One side has a higher reputation and ceiling, and is Naughty Cat.

There was no sound at all in the house, only the sound of the little Corgi eating dog food.

After a long time.

"Have you decided yet?"

"I decided to see what kind of character Johnny Silverhand is."

The agent took a deep breath after hearing this, and seemed not surprised at all by this decision.

"From my perspective, I still hope you will star in the movie. But since you have decided, I wish you good luck."

"Wish me good luck!" Glass patted his face, "Okay! Give me the information later. I want to look at cyberpunk-related works."

The phone hangs up.

Glass couldn't help but smile and opened the short video software.

Originally, it was his habit to ignore these Internet trolls.

But today, why do you feel that these trolls are also a little cute?

Without saying a word, he liked several comments that had the most likes criticizing him.

Then he laughed and rushed to the computer in the study room.

I can't even think about eating.

A few days later, Zhonghai City.

One thing that is very important in the recruitment of Naughty Cat employees is that they must be gamers.

Among so many employees, many are this handsome actor whose label is inseparable from his "game".

At this time, the naughty cat is in a messy state.

The new building has been completed and is in the process of moving.

This time, it was Lin Mo's first time meeting guests in the reception room of the new building.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Mo, nice to meet you. "Lost" won the WGA's annual award last year, which was a shame to the WGA organizing committee."

Glass carefully observed Lin Mo in front of him.

A few years ago, he was still in his prime, a rising star in the Lighthouse Country.

At that time, what he enjoyed most was to go home and play CSGO for a while between movie shooting and promotion.

He's been a staunch Naughty Cat fan ever since.

He even praised the Naughty Cat game on Twitter, attracting many fans to the game.

But alas, times have changed.

Nowadays, he is just a confused actor.

The other party has become the most successful game company boss in the world.

none of them.

"WGA? I don't care anymore. Naughty Cat doesn't need a trophy to define honor."

Lin Mo shook hands with Glass in front of him, and then sat down.

After seeing him in person, I have to admit that his appearance is really amazing.

It's the kind that can stand the test of a camera.

"Yes, that's right. I'm very happy to receive this invitation. I'm a big fan of Naughty Cat games. But I still have to make one thing clear."

Glass gave a wry smile and said: "Due to the rumor-mongering incidents in the past two years, my reputation is not very good now. I wonder if it will have an impact on unmet works like "Cyberpunk 2077"."

Lin Mo shook his head lightly and said: "As long as it is not a fundamental mistake, this level is nothing to the naughty cat."

This was said with such confidence that Glass felt a little envious.

But he also knew that even though he came here by accepting the invitation, the role of Johnny Silverhand was not exclusive to him.

There must have been an informal interview staring him in the face.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Lin Mo ask: "Do you know anything about cyberpunk?"

Glass perked up for a while.


Same as thought.

Fortunately, I have not stopped enriching myself during this period, and I have become familiar with the classic works related to this theme.

So, let’s talk about this topic.

The two talked about everything from games to movies, from history to philosophy.

Finally, let’s talk about games.

"If you were a retired soldier who later became a rock star whose job was to be a terrorist. How would you interpret such a line?"

Lin Mo handed over a piece of paper he had prepared in advance.

Glass looked up at the result paper.


Fortunately, there has been no filming in the past two years.

But whether it is performance or line skills, the basic skills of an actor have not fallen behind.

But after seeing these lines, I was still stunned.

He asked with a wry smile: "Mr. Lin, is your line really from the game? It seems a bit..."

"A little difficult?"


Glass cleared his throat, looked at the lines repeatedly, and then tasted how he would say this line based on his identity.

Although the content of the chat just now was not stated clearly, it should be the identity and lines of Johnny Silverhand, who plays a very important role in the game.

Lin Mo didn't say a word, didn't rush, and waited quietly.

The original intention was to test Glass's dialogue skills and see if he could also be given the role of Johnny Silverhand's British counterpart.

Unexpectedly, with just a line of dialogue, no preset scene, and no idea where the dialogue took place, Glass actually wanted to perform this part.

He was mumbling something in his mouth, and in conjunction with his body movements, he looked a little distracted.

It really felt like an audition.

After a long time, Glass put the paper down.

"I'm ready."

"Let's get started." Lin Mo cleared his throat and started following the lines on the paper, "Before, the whole world revolved around Silver Hand. Now, he is nothing."

"I can tell you why I want to destroy Arasaka, but I'll only say it once."

Glass imagined that he was squatting on the roadside of Night City with someone who seemed like an enemy but also a friend, looking up at the Arasaka Tower towering into the clouds.

Look at the iconic building of the Arasaka Group, the largest and most terrifying giant enterprise in this game world.

At this time, what kind of tone would an extreme and pure idealist who has succeeded and failed, who can throw away his own life, speak?

Thinking about it, he spoke out the lines he had just memorized.

“I’ve watched companies take away farmers’ water and ultimately their land.

And watched the Overnight City turn into a machine, fueled by people's broken spirits, shattered dreams, and the wealth and wealth of their people.

For a long time, companies have controlled people's livelihood and taken away everything. Now they don't even spare their souls! "

Lin Mo really listened and watched.

This tone may seem calm, but there is monstrous anger hidden in every word.

The movements performed by Glass are simple, and the control of micro-expressions is amazing.

One more point and Johnny Silverhand, the terrorist, appears to be too emotional.

Anything less and there is no anger towards giant companies like Arasaka.

After saying this line, he looked at the ceiling of the reception room, imagining looking at the non-existent Arasaka Tower. He stood up and paced back and forth excitedly.

"V! I declare war not because capitalism is a thorn in my side, nor because I miss the lighthouse country of the past.

This is a fucking war of the people against a runaway social system. It is also a fucking war against troubled times. Do you understand? "

At this point in the lines, Johnny Silverhand's emotions hidden under the water are finally about to burst out.

But Glass's performance is still very restrained, a calm anger.

He imagined Lin Mo as his companion "V" and continued to speak lines facing him.

“In this era, the world and people are being eaten alive by corporations, and we can no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb.

They must be stopped, defeated, and torn apart at all costs. If I need to kill someone, I will kill him. If I need your body, I will take your body!

V, you still don’t understand.

But sooner or later, you will understand. "

The last line came out.

Glass stared at Lin Mo in front of him.

After three full seconds, Lin Mo took the lead to break the silence, smiled and applauded: "Wonderful, with such a non-physical performance, you are no longer a simple actor."

"It seems that you really don't plan to make an open-world role-playing game with just cyberpunk visual elements."

Glass didn't seem to be completely out of it yet, his expression was very complicated.

Living under that roof, I have a deeper understanding of this line.

Taking a deep breath, he said firmly: "When a character in a game says something like this, it becomes more than just a game. Please leave the role of Johnny Silverhand to me, I can play it." Good for him.”

Lin Mo stood up and shook hands with him again.

"It was natural and a pleasure to work with."

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