Since Glass is currently unemployed and has no other matters involved, Johnny Silverhand's facial capture work is progressing very quickly.

A verbal agreement was made on the first day, the treatment and details were discussed on the second day, and the contract was signed directly.

On the third day, I started working in Naughty Cat’s face capture and motion capture studio.

His speed and determination made the agents who came with him sigh repeatedly.

"Are you not thinking about "Galaxy Hunter" at all? Hey, you should think more about it."

Glass shook his head firmly and said: "Proving yourself does not necessarily have to rely on movies, as long as I can show off my acting skills, it is enough."

"Okay." The agent shook his head helplessly, "What about the other side? Pavar hopes to meet, and he is already a little impatient to wait."

"Reject it. But out of politeness, you should go back to your country and refuse it face to face."

The agent rolled his eyes.

You are like this, what else can I do?

Before he had time to say some words, Glass immediately hurried out.

"What are you so anxious about?"

"There is only one tail left to capture the CG for the Cyberpunk 2077 promotion. I'll finish it as soon as possible. Mr. Lin will officially launch it in three days." Glass grinned, "Johnny Silverhand will appear in the CG ending, and there is one more sentence Cool line."

Seeing this, the agent was speechless.

I could only smile bitterly and start booking flights.

A few days later, Lighthouse Country.

"Damn it, you are so lazy. Do you still want this golden opportunity?"

Pawar was waiting in a quiet cafe, cursing impatiently.

The invitation for the male lead in the movie "Galaxy Hunter: Rise" has been sent out for a long time.

I thought I would receive an enthusiastic response, but I didn't expect it to be a disappointment.

For several days, I didn't wait for a reply from Glass' agent.

It's like I don't care about this opportunity at all.

Two days ago, Pawar couldn't help but contacted the other party again before finally getting a response.

Interview today.

"Mysterious, damn it."

Pawar cursed again, then looked up and saw his agent walking into the coffee shop.

There was no intention to hide his inner thoughts, and an unhappy expression appeared directly on his face.

Let me give you a warning first.

He stood up, shook hands briefly, and then sat down.

Before his agent could speak, Pawar spoke first and said calmly: "For those of you who don't know, you thought I was the one begging you to star in the movie "Galaxy Hunter: Rise"."

The agent smiled bitterly. It was not that he had never thought of such a situation, but it was just that he was so rude to him.

"I'm really sorry, the response was a lot late due to some things." The agent replied with a somewhat apologetic smile.

Pawar felt much happier when he saw this look, but he was still unforgiving.

"I hope you know that I fought for this opportunity for you. It is hard-won."

As Balabala spoke, the manager just smiled and nodded from time to time.

However, Pawar's words can be said to be eloquent.

For a moment, I felt like the more I talked about it, the angrier I became, and I didn’t know where I was venting my inner anger.

But when it came to the latter part, Pawar clearly noticed it.

The agent looked a little impatient.

Seeing this, Pawar became even more angry and said coldly: "I remember I said that I hope to interview Mr. Glass. Where are the others?"

"Sorry, there are some things I'm not comfortable saying."

"Inconvenient?" Pawar said coldly, "Then it's also inconvenient for me. It seems that the movie "Galaxy Hunter: Rise" needs to find another male lead."

Pawar felt a little proud after saying this.

It seems that you can see the other person's panic after saying this.


He's just an actor who has good acting skills but is confused to the core.

You are lucky to find this opportunity.

Do you dare to give up this opportunity?

Then there is no guarantee when we will have such a good opportunity.

Thinking about it, he subconsciously raised his head and looked at the other person through his nostrils.

Waiting for reply.


He saw the agent's expression stunned, as if relieved and relieved of a burden, and replied: "Okay! Then give it to someone else."

"Just know you're wrong... huh?"

Pawar was also stunned.

I thought I heard it wrong.

But it's very quiet here, and it's not like I'm a 7-year-old with hearing loss.

How could you hear it wrong?

"Wait a minute, will you say it again?" Pawar looked at the middle-aged man in front of him in disbelief, "Why?"

Pawar was stunned.

Then I felt something bad on WeChat.

The "Galaxy Hunter" movie intends to complete the story between the first part of the series and the sequel "Galaxy Hunter 2".

The release method is both streaming media and theaters.

Such a good project is an opportunity that many actors dream of.

Inviting Glass to play the leading role in a movie is not a sure thing, but it is a nine-in-ten chance.

Originally, such a project should not have invited a "bad" artist like Glass.

But Glass also has his benefits.

The first is that it is cheap, the second is that his acting skills are good, and the third is that he likes games and is familiar with the circuit of movie adaptations of games, and he has a somewhat lucky star physique in this circuit.

In the end, Electronic Arts is recognized by game fans.

The domestic violence scandal was sure to destroy him.

But in the eyes of gamers, this doesn't matter. Instead, Glass's reputation is very high.

On weekdays on social media, he does get scolded a lot.

However, the support of gamers has always been not about words, but money, so the movie he adapted from the game at that time was a critical success, and each of the others was worse than the last.

I originally thought that such an opportunity would be given to Glass.

Then the other party can't help but burst into tears of gratitude? Crying and begging for this project?


As a mediator, can I still use this opportunity as a bargaining chip to get some kickbacks?

But I never expected it.

What was thought to be a meeting to discuss the details of the contract ushered in such a result.

got rejected!

Moreover, he was rejected very simply!

I couldn't say a word now that I had prepared in advance.

I'm out of words!

I had already prepared a draft before coming, and thought about the possible requests and questions that the other party might ask.

I also thought of words to respond.

But I never expected that the other party would actually refuse!

"Mr. Glass is indeed very embarrassed because it has been delayed for so long, so I am here to clarify this matter today."

The agent's expression was very calm.

But the calmer he became, the more at a loss Pawar became.

Getting more and more crazy.

Am I asking you this? I'm asking you why you refused!


Where does the confidence come from? !

Who gave you the confidence to reject me?

Pawar still looked like he had seen a ghost.

But then, he immediately calmed himself down.

Could it be that he is playing hard to get?

Pawar snorted inwardly.

Are you going to play this trick?

I don't believe you really want to give up this opportunity.

Then he said bluntly: "Really? Then there is no need to continue talking, I won't send it away."

I thought that these desperate words would make the other party show their cowardice.

Unexpectedly, the agent actually stood up with a hint of relief on his face.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Pawar. I'm really sorry for the trouble I've caused you, so I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye."

Then he stood up and left.


About ten minutes have passed since I came in.

I never expected that this conversation would happen so quickly.

It wasn't until the door of the coffee shop closed and I saw the agent walking away from the glass showcase that I woke up.

The other party really doesn't care about such an opportunity?

damn it!

What confidence do you have to refuse such a good opportunity? !

The corner of Pawar's mouth twitched, and he secretly said something bad.

Before this meeting, I contacted Electronic Arts CEO Arnold in advance.

On the phone, he confidently said that he could help negotiate the matter today and then go see him again.

This time

What should I say when we meet?

Pawar stood up with a pained face and headed towards the Electronic Arts headquarters.

After one hour.

"It seems that the matter has been settled." Arnold stood up from behind the desk and sat on the sofa. "Sit down, you came just in time."

The secretary came in and turned on the display screen opposite the sofa.

Pawar felt guilty, but sat down anyway.

"What are you waiting for? Why is this the official live broadcast room of Naughty Cat?"

Arnold groaned and said: "The latest promotional cg for "Cyberpunk 2077", the official announcement will be announced in ten minutes."

"oh oh."

"By the way, how's the discussion with Glass going?"

Pawar's expression froze, and he laughed awkwardly and said: "The progress is good."

The progress is good, but the talks haven't come to an end yet, and it's possible that something could go wrong in the end.


I'll have to find a chance to try it again.

They also hope to use Electronic Arts' ability to bring down Jackson.

Arnold nodded with satisfaction: "That's good. Let's take a look at the level of this Cyberpunk 2077 promotional CG today."

Before long, the time was up.

【Open the door! ! ! 】

[I’m really looking forward to it, Naughty Cat’s first open world game]

[Will there be any surprises? Will there be any news about Edgewalkers? 】

I saw so many comments and such a high reputation.

Arnold was a little envious and cursed in a low voice.

When will my Electronic Arts games be like this?

The countdown ended and a picture appeared in the live broadcast room.

Without too much fuss, the host of the English live broadcast room spent half a minute introducing the new game and promotional CG to the audience. Then the screen went black and the game officially started.

The scene begins with a distant view of Night City.

Then a bullet-riddled car stopped, and the male protagonist V, wearing a Samurai band jacket, walked into a motel.

[Yes, it’s the cyberpunk light pollution style]

[Every hair can be seen clearly, Naughty Cat Film and Television Company has really nailed it]

[When will a CG movie be released? 】

The scene continues.

V knocked on the door and walked into a room.

The person who opened the door was a sturdy bodyguard. He carefully made sure that no one was chasing him, and then he let V in.

inside the house.

A tall and fat man wearing sunglasses and a golden arm walked up and greeted him warmly.

"Okay V, you actually succeeded? The news has exploded! Is it just you?"

V's expression was a little dazed, and a lot of blood could be seen on his cheeks and arms.

He glanced at the fat black man, glanced at the female hacker on the sofa, and asked, "Where's the money you promised me?"

"Where's my chip?"

V turned his head and gestured to the chip slot behind his ear.

The fat black man laughed loudly and said: "Very good, ready to inspect the goods! But before that, don't you go wash it off? Your body is covered with blood."

Go into the bathroom.

V looked at himself in the mirror, as if he had seen what happened during the day.

Fierce fighting, dense rain of bullets.

V and his companions hurriedly fled into a car and fled into the distance.

After confirming that it was safe, V couldn't help but cheer.

"Woohoo~! It's so relaxing and happy. I feel so good! Let's go, buddy, let's go eat X! We've made a fortune Jack, let's Jack?"

V felt something bad and quickly looked to the side.

The strong Jack's face and lips were pale at this time. Looking down, blood could not stop oozing from his abdomen.

"Hey, hold on, you can't die! We will enjoy the happiness soon."

Unfortunately, no matter how much he said, there was no hope of treatment for this serious gunshot wound.

Jack's expression became worse and worse, and finally he could only put a chip in V's hand.

The screen turned and came to the current timeline.

After washing away the blood, V walked out of the bathroom.

The moment he opened the door, Fatty Hei's bodyguard punched him mercilessly.

V was caught off guard and was subdued.

Although I didn’t know why, I still struggled and said, “Give me the money and take the chip!”

The fat black man Dexter's eyes widened and he cursed: "Just because of you and your idiot friend, the city's policemen may come here at any time. Who asked you to provoke them!"

After saying that, he made a gesture of wiping his throat towards the bodyguard, signaling to take action.

Can't sit still and wait for death!

When the bodyguard was not paying attention, V took out the mantis knives on both arms with his backhand and swung them violently.

The sharp alloy blade directly cut off the bodyguard's arm, and stabbed into his chest as Kongku screamed.

It all happened so fast, Dexter took a step back and fell to the ground, shouting: "Help me!"

The female hacker on the couch is already in action.

The modified prosthetics of the eyes slid past the lines of code, and V's mantis knife immediately became ineffective.

But V also has a pistol hidden in advance!

He took it out with difficulty, pointed it at the female hacker and pulled the trigger without hesitation, blood and brains splattered everywhere in an instant.

When pointing the gun at Dexter, the chess move was missed by half a beat due to the interference of the hacker.

Dexter also had a pistol in his hand and fired in advance.

There was a loud "bang", and there was a burst of darkness in front of V. Yi could only see some garbled characters in front of his eyes.

The next second, the LOGO popped up.


Arnold snorted dissatisfied.

This is a CG related to the plot, and it really whetted the audience's appetite.

[The V I control couldn’t have crawled out of the graveyard, right? 】

【revenge! revenge! 】

[Can I use the Mantis Knife? Feeling so cool]

[Can you be a hacker? I like that feeling very much]

【Gunfight is the way to go! 】

Arnold said sourly: "When my "Galaxy Hunters: Rise" movie is released, it will only be more shocking! By the way, Glass' side"

I was about to talk about something serious.

However, I found that after the LOGO appeared, the video went dark again.

A red text on a black background indicates that the system has restarted.

Arnold was stunned, what else?

The next second, V had vision again.

In front of us is a garbage dump.

The barrage, including Arnold and Pavard, did not react.

When looking at the left side of the camera.

A man wearing dark brown leather pants, a belt made of bullet casings, and a silver mechanical prosthetic hand on his left arm walked in front of the screen.

"Wake up, samurai."

This "person" seems to be a virtual image that flashes and has snowflake patterns.

He squatted down slowly, revealing a face that was familiar to many people.

Take off your sunglasses and look at the protagonist V.

"Let us burn this city to ashes!"

Pawar's mouth opened wider and wider, as if he had seen a ghost.

He looked to the side tremblingly.

Arnold looked confused, and then looked at Pavar with an extremely ugly expression.

"You just said that the negotiations with Glass are going well? Huh?"

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