Live Action Opens Up and Gets Blocked, Backhandedly Rectifying the Gaming Industry

Chapter 296 The only disadvantage is that there are no advantages

[Laughing so hard, Xiaobai, why don’t you praise me? Keep praising]

[Netizens carefully select trustworthy ones, so I say this game is not trustworthy]

[Laughing to death, is this interstellar navigation? It’s so romantic]

Xiaobai's head was covered with black lines, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

After opening the panel and taking a closer look, I discovered that there was a function to call a spaceship.

After clicking, the spaceship flew over again.

The screen went black, and after a loading message, it was teleported to the spacecraft.

After seeing the interior scenery of the spacecraft, Xiaobai let out a long breath and said with a smile: "Look, I said there must be something wrong. How is it possible that the interior of such a well-made spacecraft can be freely explored? No interstellar voyage?”

As he spoke, he started exploring with great interest.

Exploration is one of the most interesting parts of open world games.

Similarly, if an open world game cannot arouse players' desire to explore, it is undoubtedly a failure.

Although the picture is a bit worse and a bit oily.

But in the face of interesting exploration content, this doesn't matter.

The internal space of the spaceship is quite large, divided into three floors, with many rooms and NPCs.

From the glass window on the bow, you can also see the vast universe outside, which is very beautiful.

And the display can be controlled from the driver's seat!

However, Xiaobai did not rush to control, and still explored first.

On the spaceship, there is the protagonist's house.

After clicking to open the door, the screen goes black and the reading message is loading.

A few seconds later, the protagonist appears in the room.

After seeing the inside of the room, Xiaobai was stunned for a moment.

It's not that there's anything special about it, it's just too ordinary.

[Do you have to read a note to enter such a small room? I thought it was a big map, is this it? 】

[For those who don’t know, I thought I had entered another planet. Why did I think it was seamless? 】

Xiaobai didn't expect it either.

It stands to reason that the spaceship is not a big map as a whole, and the computers of players nowadays are not bad either.

As for such a small room, does it need to be specially switched?

However, Xiaobai still forcefully explained: "Perhaps it's because the protagonist's room can be decorated, so it needs to load more things, so it needs to be read?"

While talking, I briefly looked at the dress-up function.

Yes, it can be dressed up, but there is too little progress in the game so far, and there is nothing to dress up yet.

After walking out of the room, you will once again be greeted by the loading interface for reading the article.

Then he walked to the next room, which was an anatomy laboratory filled with animal carcasses from various planets.

Click to open the door and enter.

As expected, another loading.

Xiaobai felt a bit toothache. This feeling would destroy the smoothness and immersion of exploration too much, wouldn't it?

[It can be said that the protagonist’s room needs to be loaded because it can be decorated, but what about now? 】

[Laughing to death, the slap in the face came too quickly]

[I can’t even imagine how long it would take to read the message if it were a mechanical hard drive]

Although the room is indeed quite interesting, you can even play a little prank to scare the people doing the dissection and think that the monster has survived.

But it is this loading bar that is everywhere, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

I was originally excited to explore this world for a day and night, and to discover more of the exquisite designs left by designers.

As a result, the desire to explore reduced this reading by half.

Directly leads to lack of interest.

I saw some houses that seemed interesting and I wanted to check them out, but when I thought about reading the article, I decided not to.

I wandered around a place where I didn't need to read the article.

"Let's go take a look at the upper and lower floors, and then let's fly the spaceship!"

With that said, he walked towards the elevator that goes up and down.


After choosing to go to the upper floor, choose to take the elevator.

Unexpectedly, the screen went black again.

Another reading.

"Damn! No, is it over yet?" Xiaobai frowned deeply, already feeling a little bad.

Although the focus of open world games is not the sense of immersion, it can't be so ruined, right?

Taking two steps means reading the article. What does this mean?

When playing games, first impression is important.

Just entering the game is when a player is most focused and has the most sense of freshness and desire to explore.

The impression the game leaves on people at this time will often last until the end of the game, and even this impression will form the player group's inherent impression of the game online.

Players will all feel that if you don’t do well in the beginning of a game.

How fun can the content behind it be?

The anchors can still tolerate it, but many players can't stand it.

[I'm at work and I still got a refund. Let's buy 2077. What's going on with this game?]

[Thank you to the Naughty Cat Roll industry for providing a two-hour refund, so go ahead and refund it]

[I’ll give you a refund now. Are you used to the Naughty Cat game? Isn’t that what open world games have always been like? 】

[The problem is that other open world games don’t load so frequently? 】

[Perhaps it is to take care of the functions of the previous generation console. Is everything designed like this? 】

Xiaobai and Danmaku were both a little unhappy and did not continue to explore the interior of the spacecraft.

After loading again, come to the bow of the spacecraft.

Seeing the cosmic scenery outside the spaceship again, I seemed to feel a little better.

"Alright brothers, let's set sail!"

Xiaobai shouted, sat on his seat, and started to fly the spacecraft.

The barrage is also very cooperative.

【aye aye captain! 】

"Oh! This is really not a lie! There are two modes: third-person driving and first-person driving. The experience is completely different. You can sail anywhere in the universe to the destination you want!"

Xiaobai felt agitated for a while.

The spaceship flew aimlessly while looking at the scenery along the way.

It wasn't until the scenery was getting tired of looking at it that I watched a planet flying away in the distance.

"The Mayflower is ready to land! But how to operate this? It should be quite complicated to simulate the landing of such a spaceship, right?"

Before he could get completely close, Xiaobai began to slow down.

He was afraid that an operational error would cause his spacecraft to crash into this unexplored virgin land.

Slowly approaching, slowly testing.

Then, the screen went black again.

After a cutscene.

The character appeared directly on the desert ground.

Looking around, the wind is howling and yellow sand is everywhere.

I can only see an oasis on the map that I can go to.


"No?! Is there something wrong?" Xiaobai's face was full of shock. "What about the process? Landing now? A cutscene? No, you are a game that advertises interstellar travel, and you didn't even do the spaceship landing. ?"

The barrage was also confused, no one expected such a result.

Too much loading, okay, bear with it.

You said you were taking care of the performance of the previous generation console, so you put up with so many loading bars.

But the spacecraft did not take off or land.

So what is the difference between the connection between planets and the actions between maps in other open world games?

There is absolutely no sense of immersion in traveling between the stars, and there is no romance at all.

[Is this too perfunctory? 】

【Electronic Arts game? Haha, that’s all]

[Laughing to death, this has nothing to do with Electronic Arts, even if the naughty cat comes over, you have to do this]

[That’s right, otherwise such huge content would be completely impossible to produce]

This is obviously a false proposition.

Because as we all know, the main stage of Cyberpunk 2077’s story is in Night City.

It's a city!

A city naturally does not have spacecrafts taking off and landing.

Xiaobai's character stood there for a long time before sighing and trying to move around the planet.

"Forget it, forget it. Let's explore the planet and see what kind of world it is inside these at least a thousand different planets, with completely different ecosystems and cultures. Since it is a planet, go around it once Isn’t it a problem to go back to where we were? Let’s go in the opposite direction.”

After the spacecraft landed, there was an off-road vehicle.

Xiaobai got into the car and drove straight ahead without any goal.

But the goal is not the oasis ahead.

He just wanted to see what was on the map in the opposite direction between the oasis and the ruined city.

But within a few minutes of driving, I almost suppressed the urge to curse again.

"No, can this car feel any worse?"

Xiaobai's joystick controlling the direction of the vehicle shook slightly, and the vehicle drifted directly across the desert.

It doesn’t feel like driving on the beach at all!

[Damn, are you kidding me about the feel of this car? The driving experience of games thirty years ago was better than this]

[Is this driving? This driver is a piece of soap! Isn't this too slippery? 】

[Sure enough, Electronic Arts never disappoints when it comes to disappointing people]

Hold it, hold it.

Xiaobai took a deep breath and continued to drive the vehicle.

I haven’t started to experience the missions and plot yet, and a lot of time has passed since I started playing.

Both the first impression and the subsequent content are extremely poor.

They all give people a sense of roughness and lack of care that has not been polished or optimized.

It is impossible to scold. After all, we are live broadcasting, so we must pay attention to the impact.

But it’s okay to talk.

"To be honest, I have a feeling that this so-called planet is completely a gimmick. On a planet, there should be at most one main city or a few places with life. In the end, it is still just a map."

The words were not finished.


A sound.

The off-road vehicle seemed to have hit something, and the front of the vehicle was flattened.

But look at the front, there is nothing?

Xiaobai got out of the car with a dark look on his face and tried to walk forward.

Can't walk.

I changed positions again and still couldn't move.

Even if there is nothing in front of you.

The answer is obvious, air wall!

But look at the map again.

Behind is a "city", and although the front is far away, there is also a city.

Teleportation can also be passed.

But I can't drive through it.

First, we went to the city behind to have a look.

It's said to be a city, but it's actually just a patchwork of short thatched houses.

The largest building is a statue in the middle of the city.

The area is not large.

Then I teleported to the second city on the planet and looked at it, and it was the same.

[Laughing to death, this is a completely different civilization and ecosystem? That's it? 】

[I should have guessed earlier that this so-called planet is a false proposition. I have waited in vain. It is actually just a small map that is not connected together.]

[What’s the point of doing this? Are there so many planets here waiting for people to be disappointed? 】

Xiaobai took on a few tasks with his last hope.

As expected, go kill a few of them somewhere.

There is no plot at all, not even a makeshift one.

The hanging one is finally dead.

Let’s do the main story.

This time, we will no longer engage in space navigation and directly use the teleportation function.

It makes no difference anyway.

When we arrived at the main city where the main mission required us to go, we finally had a feeling that was eye-catching.

It is different from the previous planet that was full of primitive tribes and completely randomly generated and rough.

Here, it feels a bit like the "space punk" mentioned in the promotion.

A very futuristic city, with floating cars floating in the sky, bionic people walking on the road, clean and tidy roads, and working robots that can be seen at any time.

The art style of the entire city is a very transparent "white".

Xiaobai's mood also improved a lot. Instead of rushing to complete tasks, he slowly walked on the widest main road in the city.

Looking at the towering buildings on both sides, he praised: "This is the first time that this game has made me feel that the money I spent on the game was not in vain. It's worth it!"

"Although it's not as stunning as the Night City in the promotion, it's still acceptable. After all, there's only one Night City, and there are several such cities."

"Although the picture is a bit bad, look at this building, look at this animal, look at this robot, look at this plant, look at this man, what the hell?!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiaobai screamed, and there was a creepy feeling, and the hair on his back stood up.

Because the NPC walking in front of me has no head.

But there are hair and eyes, but they are just floating in the air.

When he came to the side, the eyes floating in the air turned to Xiaobai and said hello!

【What the hell? ! What a ghost story]

[Damn it, it’s so scary in broad daylight, isn’t it]

[I’m a real man, no matter how much content there is in this game, there are too many problems, so I’m refunding it]

[I also refunded the money, it’s a bit outrageous]

[Isn’t it enough that the main game content is done well? Isn’t that what an open world game of this size is like? It’s still like this when the naughty cat comes]

[How can a game based on the universe compare to a game based on a city like "Cyberpunk 2077"? 】

The barrage is still arguing.

Xiaobai also knows that this game has a lot of game content, quite a lot.

But he really wanted to curse, so he held it back.

After all, it is a live broadcast, and it takes so long to develop such a large game.

Maybe it will be fun later?

It's a bit too early to start criticizing now.

He suppressed his anger and went straight to the mission point.

There is no time to look at the scenery after the whole story, so let’s advance the main plot.

I hope to see some wonderful mission designs to dilute the boring and torturous game content in these few hours.

"Come on, let me see how good your main quest design is at Electronic Arts."

When you reach your destination, the target NPC is an old man.

After talking to the protagonist, the two chatted and walked forward.

"What happened under the mine is really regrettable. Thanks to you, otherwise the damage caused would be immeasurable. I know your appeal. Now there is an opportunity for you to get rid of your identity as a miner and lead to the sky of freedom."

Xiaobai said casually: "I have been to the free sky, but it is a bit too free. I want freedom without any problems. Lao Deng, you should go and see for yourself."

Maybe it was Xiaobai's words that infected the old man.

He was still leading the way, but in front of him it was like there were stairs made of air.

Every step you take is like stepping up a staircase, heading into the air.

Xiao Bai watched in stunned silence as the old man walked step by step towards the sky like a martial arts master performing Qing Kung Fu.

The head passes through the bottom of the overhead bridge, then the body.

All the way up, all the way to the sky.

Only a lonely figure was left to Xiao Bai on the ground.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Damn it, if I ask you to go to heaven, you will go to heaven]

[Oh my god, is there ever a minute in this crappy game without bugs?]

[The same goes for Naughty Cat, such a big size]

Electronic Arts fans are still bitching.

Xiaobai couldn't stand it anymore, so he closed the game without saying a word, and then yelled.

"I'll fuck you! Go away! What a stupid game! If I play your stupid EA game again, I'll be your grandson!"

"Don't talk about Naughty Cat, it's the same thing. Naughty Cat's games vary in size, but the game experience is all very good!"

"Is this crappy game so big that it's useless? If you insist on playing this crappy game, you're considered awesome!"

"The only drawback of this crappy game is that it has no advantages! None at all!"

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