Xiaobai couldn't hold it back and started spraying anyway.

Although the play time is not very long, I can feel that this game does have a lot of content and the game size is indeed large.

Are there any of the more than 1,000 planets advertised?

There are still some, but the quality is a bit worse.

The content of the propaganda must be exaggerated, but it has not reached the level of false propaganda.


That's the problem.

This game is really unplayable.

Countless reading bars, bugs everywhere, and many completely unoptimized game systems completely ruin the gaming experience.

[No, the foundation of this game is quite good. As long as some good MODs are released in the future, it can be saved]

[Except for bugs and loading lines, this game is really good. Please don’t be embarrassed, the rest of the game is really good]

[The game content of "Galaxy Hunter" is much more than other open worlds. This small shortcoming is unacceptable. It can only be said that wild boars cannot eat fine chaff]

Seeing these comments on the barrage, Xiaobai sneered and said: "Those who say this, I doubt whether you have ever played games. As a player, you play games for entertainment and enjoyment, not for suffering. "Galaxy Hunter" Is it reasonable to stretch your hips like this in the opening part?”

Then, he let out a long sigh.

"Your game is like this, I can't even play it anymore. I just want to say something nice, but I can't even say it now, you know!"

"I rarely criticize a game. This time I was really disappointed. Electronic Arts was once brilliant, but why is it like this now? The game company that undertook my childhood doesn't even have a normal game. Can’t make any games?”

While talking, he played a game.

The NPC flew into the sky, and the task was naturally the card owner's.

Luckily it's an open world game, so there's no shortage of things to do.

Turn around and do other things.

I thought that what happened just now was the peak, but I didn't expect that it had just begun.

There are all kinds of NPCs who look like Jesus, standing in the shape of a "cross". Various textures are wrong, the sound is louder and softer, the BGM is lost, the character is stuck in the model, and he jumps from a high place and keeps falling from a high altitude. posture cannot return to normal

No wonder.

The initial high expectations for the game turned into yelling and screaming, and then I became numb afterward, and my mentality changed.

"Brothers, I discovered something." Xiaobai said as if he had a profound realization, "If you expect good game content and encounter so many bugs, it will be extremely annoying. If you encounter some interesting bugs while expecting the next magical bug, The content of the game will make you feel happy! ”

[With so much game content, isn’t it normal for there to be a lot of bugs? 】

[Whether it was "War of the Ancients" or "Infinite Crisis" in previous years, weren't there a lot of bugs? 】

This time, Xiaobai couldn't stand it anymore and said dismissively: "It used to be before, and now is now. The industry must develop and change. The times are different, okay? In the current game industry, don't you be naughty? If the cat gets too close, it’s doomed! “Cyberpunk 2077” won’t have so many bugs.”

When these words were spoken, they immediately caused an uproar.

You know, Naughty Cat game is indeed well optimized and has very few bugs.

Note, less, not none.

As long as it is a game, there must be bugs.

The more complex the game is and the more code there is, the greater the chance of bugs.

This time "Cyberpunk 2077" is different from previous Naughty Cat games. It does not adopt a lazy tap water approach.

But very high-profile!

New game systems are revealed every three days.

"Galaxy Hunter" was so promoted that it was once labeled as false propaganda.

It's even called "Doomsday 2: Galaxy Hunters."

After the game was launched, the gameplay as advertised was not fully achieved, it was still full of moisture, and there were a lot of bugs.

"Galaxy Hunters" is already like this.

Why is "Cyberpunk 2077", which has the same level of publicity, even more so, an exception?

Everyone is a game company. Is there anything special about your Naughty Cat?

Many players held this idea, and the barrage in the live broadcast room completely exploded.

[Laughing, it's just "Liar Punk 2077", I'm afraid it won't be as good as "Galaxy Hunter" by then]

[Isn’t the announcement of “Cyberpunk 2077” even more excessive? I want to see how this game can die suddenly, there will definitely be a lot of bugs]

["Galaxy Hunter" has just been launched. Many updates and MODs have not been launched yet. If you don't understand good games, don't talk nonsense here]

[The dutiful cat is like this, only his naughty cat can have good games, right?]

Fans of the two games are quarreling with each other, and various cross-talks are adding fuel to the fire. There are also some dissatisfied fans of Xiaobai who are attacking the anchor himself.

The house manager was stunned by this sudden accident and quickly started to ban all kinds of words. Xiaobai was still playing the game.

However, the quarrel in which both sides attacked each other became more and more intense, and the live broadcast room became more and more popular. Countless people poured into the live broadcast room and started to join in the war of words.

The housing management was somewhat unable to control the situation, but now it is completely out of control.

Almost no one is discussing the game, they are all insulting each other and attacking each other's female family members.

The effect of opening the fan card level speech in the live broadcast room is not without effect, but it is really not big.

At the end, the super management came forward and directly turned off the barrage function in the live broadcast room. The live broadcast room was quiet and quiet, just like a recording.

What is the difference between live streaming without barrages and watching videos?

Many people felt that the live broadcast room was boring and simply changed positions.

Tieba, Weibo, Naughty Cat official forum, and all major game communities have voices of fighting.

However, most of the people who troll "Cyberpunk 2077" are black fans.

I can’t say that there are no fans of Electronic Arts, but it is true that some of them are not enough, and the reputation is a little one-sided for a while.

Today's naughty cats are no longer what they used to be.

Even if it is an organized and premeditated smear campaign, the value of the legendary game company Naughty Cat, which sells high-quality products and has over 10 million copies of its most popular game, must be weighed.

Not to mention inadvertently starting an unorganized scolding war.

In a university dormitory.

"It's finally a holiday, seven days! Have fun playing cyberpunk!" Zhang Feng grinned, happily packing his personal belongings and getting ready to go home.

Today is the last day before the May Day holiday.

Two months have already made the current students eager to go home.

A seven-day holiday is neither too long nor too short.

If you stay at home for too long, you will be disliked.

Yue Lei, who was in the dormitory next door, was leaning listlessly on the door frame of the dormitory, looking at the classmates in the dormitory next door who were happily talking, laughing and packing their things.

Zhang Feng asked while cleaning up: "Leizi, are you sure you don't want to go home?"

Yue Lei sighed and said, "I won't go back. My legs will be broken when I go home this time."

"Who asked you to skip so many classes?"

"I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good student."

"Okay, then come on, I'm leaving."

"Bon Voyage."

Seeing several people walking out of the dormitory laughing and joking and locking the door, Yue Lei could only return to his empty dormitory dejectedly and lay down on the bed with a wailing sound.

There were too many absences, and the young counselor did something very unlike what would be done in college.

Sue the parents!

As a result, the miserable Yue Lei received death threats from his own parents.

So, I didn’t dare to go home this time.

However, he could not escape the first grade of junior high school, but he could not escape the fifteenth grade. The second elder directly cut off his living expenses.

Want money?

Then come back and be trained!

Or just fend for yourself!

I originally thought I could have a few meals at Zhang Feng's place during the holiday.

There is nothing we can do now.

Yue Lei sighed and stood up, looked at the few living expenses left, and then looked at the tickets he had bought.

The car is at ten o'clock tonight.

Do you want to go back?

If you continue to stay in school, how will you solve the money problem?

After thinking wildly, I opened the forum.

Then, I was stunned for a moment when I saw the post that the attack power was obviously more than one level stronger than before.

what's the situation?

Looking carefully, I found some clues from some of the details posted.

"Good guys, two groups of fans are fighting each other?" Yue Lei looked excited and quickly looked at the battle situation.

It's a pity that Naughty Cat's fans are still very competitive, not falling behind at all, and their words are full of confidence in the game.

[It is well known that Naughty Cat never makes false propaganda, and the game content it says must be there]

[You don’t have to think about this bug in every game, but there are definitely very few naughty cats. Many players will never encounter it even after completing the game]

[Naughty Cat’s games are so awesome, and the company that makes you like them is also so awesome! 】

Yue Lei frowned subconsciously.

He doesn't like Naughty Cat's games.

He is a typical niche game fan. If the game sells more than 200,000 copies, it is not his cup of tea.

What I like most is the feeling of being alone and independent.

When talking about a certain game, have you never played it? I've played.

You guys, people who just follow the trend, don’t have any independent aesthetics of their own.

How sad.

When CSGO first came out, he also felt that he had encountered a treasure game.

Unexpectedly, the game became popular.

As Naughty Cat rose to fame, there was even a sense of betrayal.

There is a sense of loss that the treasure that only you have is owned by everyone.

But since then, Naughty Cat has become more popular than any other game.

He also changed from a staunch Naughty Cat fan to a little black guy.

Nowadays, seeing that naughty cats are increasingly being ignored, I feel a little disappointed.


Yue Lei frowned.

Even if those companies spent money in the past, they never seemed to have such a huge momentum.

Nowadays, Electronic Arts has too much to take care of itself, and the lawsuit over the popular hot sauce brand has made the company disgraced and disgraced.

Moreover, Electronic Arts is a company from the lighthouse country after all, and the navy cannot attack the country.

In other words, is this time simply a fight between "cat fans" and "cat blacks" caused by a strange combination of circumstances?

Yue Lei touched his chin and suddenly felt as if he had found a way to become popular.

live streaming!

Find bugs and unfulfilled game content for "Cyberpunk 2077".

Eating black traffic is just a waste of money!

He glanced at the time.

Today is the first day of release of "Galaxy Hunters", and two days later it will be the release day of "Cyberpunk 2077".

However, if you really want to do this, there is another problem.

Buy games.

I was already strapped for money, and a lot of the money I had was borrowed.

To do live broadcast like this, this investment is indispensable.

If you succeed, you can make a lot of money and don't have to go home to be trained for the time being.

If it fails.

Then I can only go home honestly and live a dayless life for a while.

After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth.


In case the fire out? Yes or no?

Isn't the worst outcome just to buy a game and then go home and be punished?

Anyway, I have to go home sooner or later.

Just do it.

Refund your ticket home.

Pay, download the game.

Then immediately start preparing the live broadcast content two days later.

Collect all the information during the promotion process of "Cyberpunk 2077".

Watch them one by one, and then summarize them one by one to extract all the information in the video.

As for "Cyberpunk 2077", will it fulfill all the promotional materials?

Yue Lei was not worried at all.

You did what the promotional materials said clearly, right? What about the YY and imaginative gameplay that the players guessed?

As long as you fail to do these in the game, it will be counted as your false propaganda.

For example, the gameplay has been mentioned many times in the game-the gang system.

The official promotion says that you can join gangs and have gang missions.

However, since they have all joined gangs, it makes sense that there is no war between gangs, right?



Needless to say, false propaganda.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this idea was feasible.

Thinking about it, Yue Lei's expression gradually turned ferocious.

Naughty cat, right? Who told you to live up to our expectations and become popular without permission?

By the time the game is finished downloading, the information is almost done.

Take a deep breath.

Start broadcasting!

Let’s warm up for the official live broadcast the day after tomorrow.

Live broadcast room name: Tell you why "Cyberpunk 2077" is full of bugs and false propaganda

While turning on the live broadcast, he was also playing "Galaxy Hunter".

Previously, he had a hobby of live streaming and playing games, and he had a somewhat fan base. In addition, the title contained the four keywords of cyberpunk.

Soon after the broadcast started, many viewers were attracted to the live broadcast room.

This blunt statement about the false propaganda of cyberpunk also made many fans dissatisfied and directly started to complain.

On the other side, the battle on Xiaobai's main battlefield had just ended, and the barrage system was directly shut down.

Not long after, a live broadcast room came out that was obviously trying to stir up trouble.

The popularity doubled directly.

[Anchor, are you sick? Have you played it and said "Cyberpunk 2077" is false advertising? Are they all bugs? 】

Seeing this barrage, Yue Lei didn't say anything and blocked it without hesitation.

"This is a fair, open and neutral live broadcast room for discussion. We reject any abusive behavior and discuss rationally."

Then, using seemingly neutral words, he pulled the trigger.

There are many scoldings, but there are also many gifts.

It is estimated that today alone, the money spent on purchasing 2077 can be recouped.

Yue Lei almost smiled crookedly.

"Brothers, today is just a discussion. You are welcome to come to my live broadcast on the day of release." Yue Lei said with a smile, "At that time, I will take the brothers to play together to find faults. Personally look for every "Cyberpunk" 2077》Vicious BUG and false propaganda points!”

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