In just two days, Yue Lei understood the magic of the Internet.

As long as you can ride on the popularity, it is not a dream to become popular.

In two days, the number of his fans increased countless times.

The so-called black and red are also red. Although there is a lot of obscenity in the live broadcast room, if someone buys a gift, there are signs of fire.

However, Yue Lei also knew that he became "popular" this time entirely because Xiaobai's live broadcast room had turned off the barrage function. There was no battlefield for the two groups of people who wanted to quarrel, and they happened to meet him and wanted to take advantage of this wave of popularity, so Fire.

It is impossible to replicate this wave of popularity in the future.

This heaven-shaking wealth only happens once.

Two days passed very quickly, and soon it was time for the release of Cyberpunk 2077.

On this day, Yue Lei stayed in front of the computer early.

"Hello brothers, let's play a game today to find fault and see how many bugs and false propaganda there are in Naughty Cat's game!"

With that said, he opened the Origin Platform and indicated that it had been downloaded, and he could only start playing once the unlocking time was up.

[You just post that guy that everyone scolds? I@#%! # ¥¥%]

[It’s simply sick. How can there be a promotional video that is exactly the same as the game content? Will the content of the game change during the development process? 】

[Laughing to death, didn’t you, the filial son of a cat, say that Lin Mo was never a clickbait and never made false propaganda? Are you scared if someone takes it seriously? 】

[Waiting and waiting for "Cyberpunk 2077" to be more embarrassing than "Galaxy Hunter\

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