The black guy with a prosthetic eye covered his nose and fell to the ground.

Some of the surrounding onlookers retreated to the back, some were recording with their mobile phones, and some hurriedly left the place of trouble for fear of affecting themselves.

Yue Lei looked at the policeman who was completely motionless proudly and said, "Look, what I said is the same for everyone. There can be no vicious bugs!"

[Do filial cats slap you in the face? Hahaha, I just love seeing your faces like this]

【What other excuses should I make? I just said how can there be an open world game without vicious bugs]

[In the past, Naughty Cat was a small-scale game. Now it is an open world, and its true colors have been revealed, right? There is no background at all in a large game company]

Danmaku and Yue Lei were both extremely excited.

However, when the latter said this, he still had some doubts in his heart.

Although the two policemen remained motionless, their eyes were really looking towards this place, and their expressions also changed somewhat.

While thinking about what was going on, the black guy with a nosebleed stood up.

"damn it!"

He cursed angrily and rushed forward with his fists.

Yue Lei didn't react and didn't take action in time.

The black guy's fist hit V in the face.

"Hey! You still dare to hit me?"

Just as he was about to fight back, he noticed that the policeman next to him suddenly moved.

"Hey! Stand there, don't move!"

As he said that, the two white police officers took out their portable pistols and aimed them at the black man.

But the warning didn't do much.

The black guy still rushed towards V controlled by Yue Lei.


After a while of crackling.

Empty the magazine.

Yue Lei looked at everything in front of him with a confused expression.

No, this is too real, right?

Moreover, the white police officer’s prosthetic eyes lit up and he was talking to himself, apparently using his built-in prosthetic body to contact the headquarters.

"Cyber ​​psychosis found in Haywood area, killed, over."

Then pull out the light curtain warning tape to protect the scene.

One of the white police officers looked at V and said, "Hey, go farther away. You can see it, it's not peaceful here."

This sentence silenced Yue Leiqian.

He silently controlled the character to move away without saying a word.

The former boomerang hit the front door.

[Heizi screams? You’ve never played a good game, have you? Have you ever seen a game with such high interactivity? 】

[Let me tell you a joke, the background of big companies]

[Why doesn’t the anchor smile? Is it because he is born not to laugh? Hurry up and laugh, if you don’t laugh I will report you]

Yue Lei's stomach was about to explode with anger.

No, is there something wrong? !

Who would be such a good person to make this kind of game content so realistically?

How can Yilin write an article like this?

The streets soon calmed down.

Yue Lei was a little unconvinced. When he saw a blonde girl passing by, he punched her again.

This time, the two police officers did not sit still and wait for death.

He took out his gun and pointed it at V, then emptied the magazine.

Yue Lei:.

"No, is it so real? Damn it, can it be more real?"

Having said this, he directly saved the game and opened a new file.

This time, I pinched my face directly and made a black V.

After spending some time doing preliminary tasks, Hei Pi V walked on the street, once again found a place with police, and walked around in front of him.

When we got to the second round, the white policeman spoke.

"Hey! Stand there and get checked!"

Two policemen walked over directly, and it could be seen that their hands were already on the holsters on their waists.

The perspective automatically shifted to the two policemen, and two options and a countdown appeared on the screen.

[take inspection]

[Rejection of inspection]

Yue Lei was shocked, brother, right?

Do you want it to be so real?

During the daze, the countdown ends.

Empty the magazine.

Looking at the big two words "stop" on the screen after the death of the character, Yue Lei switched back to his original account without saying a word.

[Anchor, I wrongly blamed you. You are not here to cause trouble. You are here to discover the content of the game, right? 】

[Davari, are you one of our own? 】

[The anchor’s silence is deafening]

Seeing the provocation of the barrage, Yue Lei gritted his teeth and said: "Don't get too happy too early, the game has just begun! There is still more content to come."

Stop provoking the police and continue advancing on the main line.

But finding trouble still failed.

The plot is fascinating and interlocking, the game is smooth without a single bug, and the combat system is exciting and interesting.

V and middleman Dexter took on a big job - going to Arasaka Company to steal a biochip.

It's dangerous, but the rewards are huge.

But some preparations are needed before doing this job. You need to find the Uzumaki Gang to get back a robot named "Little Flathead".

Before the mission started, Yue Lei deliberately saved the file.

"According to the official propaganda, there is more than one way to pass the mission, and I don't ask for much. Four, not much, right?"

With that said, he started to advance the task.

When facing the aggressive members of the Whirlpool Gang, Yue Lei chose to settle the matter for the first time and planned to buy Xiao Pingtou with money and pay with the chips previously given by Military Technology.

The atmosphere between the two groups of people who had already drawn their guns calmed down, and the Whirlpool Gang took the chips to trade money.

But it's not that easy?

As expected, there is something wrong with the chip, and there is a virus on it. Hackers from military technology hack in, and the battle begins.

The two sides fought directly, and the fight was so dark.

Relying on V Zhentian's amazing force, the transaction that was originally intended to purchase "Little Flathead" turned into a fight.

Playing for the second time, this time I played more carefully. After entering the battle, I can use many skills learned in advance to turn the journey of massacre into a journey of stealth and assassination.

V turned into a hunter in the night, and the people of the Whirlpool Gang were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, without any resistance.

For the third time, this time Yue Lei even discovered that the chip could be cracked, and he could cooperate with the Whirlpool Gang, start a war with the military technology people, and break out of the siege.

For the fourth time, enter the battle and rescue the former boss of the Whirlpool Gang in a room to start the subsequent plot.

The fifth time, the option to join the Whirlpool Gang was even triggered.

Once you join, you can activate the gang system.

The sixth time, the seventh time.

Yue Lei's eyes were red.

I originally thought that many options were fake options made by the game, and which one I chose would have no impact on the follow-up.

But I never expected that on this task, every option would have different consequences.

Four ways to pass the mission? Far more than that.

If the games you played before were single-line narratives, then Cyberpunk 2077 is a network narrative.

Every option will have a profound impact, change the story plot, and change the fate of many NPCs.

Yue Lei felt a little wilted.

I even had some doubts, what is the purpose of this live broadcast?

Naughty Cat fans who commented on the barrage were actually happy to see it.

[It made me laugh so hard. To be honest, even the die-hard fans of Cyberpunk 2077 are not as diligent as you. They have to choose all the options once in a mission]

[Thank you for your hard work, everyone, I also worked hard to hack this game. You worked harder than the strategy team]

[Great, no need to say more]

[Is this anchor a skewer? Others are pretending to be fans but are actually cheating. Are you pretending to be cheating but actually being a die-hard fan? 】

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room changed unconsciously.

Fans have already confirmed that the quality of the game is great, very good!

Some of the feared things did not happen.

The more you think of ways to be hacky, the more it highlights the quality of the game.

Even with a lantern on, I can’t find anything wrong with it!

At one end of this mission, he chose to join the Maelstrom Gang.

In the introduction of the game entry, the Whirlpool Gang is a group of lunatics who are keen on illegal cybernetic body transformation. They hope to get rid of the weak flesh and blood of human blood.

After joining, V can purchase many illegal prosthetics at gang strongholds, which are very powerful, but also have great side effects.

There are also a series of gang missions.

Such as running the Dance of Death club, producing illegal Mewtwo, etc.

Not only did the gang system in the game perfectly meet Yue Lei's expectations, it even exceeded them.

"damn it"

Yue Lei cursed a little dejectedly, and even the black men in the live broadcast room were a little embarrassed.

Unknowingly, a full eight hours had passed during the live broadcast.

Even after reading the promotional materials for Cyberpunk 2077 countless times in advance, I even placed many players’ guesses on the official propaganda.

I thought it would be easy to discover some of the false advertising content of the game.

The result was totally unexpected.

Some of the content that players guessed has been made!

Since teleport points in the game can be teleported directly, Yue Lei thought that the promoted subway system had been cancelled.

I was about to be happy for a while and planned to criticize excitedly.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a subway entrance near each teleportation point.

After walking in, there is a cave underground.

There is indeed a railway, and a railway network extending in all directions.

If you want to go to a certain station, you can indeed use the teleport function to get there directly.

But if you take the subway, you can get there, but it's more troublesome. You need to change different lines in Night City's complex subway lines.

In the end, Yue Lei was a little desperate.

There was even a little doubt in my heart.

In the past, Naughty Cat played games so fast that it felt like they were conjured out of thin air.

This time, it took four or five months to make Cyberpunk 2077.

Is this the value of the game that Naughty Cat spent four or five months making?

Since you can’t find fault with the gameplay and game system, let’s find fault with the plot!

Continue to advance the plot.

After getting the small crew cut, it's time to start the task of stealing the chip.

V and Jack walked into the Chambi Building and began to perform their tasks.

This mission has the feel of a spy movie. In the dangerous Arasaka Building, we have passed danger several times, but we have taken one step closer to our goal.

In this section, there is also a surprising web of narrative.

Before the mission officially begins, V can find out a lot of information in the mixed building and get to know many people who have their own agendas.

Of course, you can control V with a crew cut. This game directly gives answers to questions to advance the story and steal chips.

But it’s more than that!

In this building, you can complete a series of interpersonal relationships that require exploration and choosing the right options, and then obtain some special props, use many methods hidden in the game to advance the plot, and steal chips.

V and Jack finally arrived at the 100th floor of the Kanbi Building, the residence of Arasaka Yorinobu, the heir to the Arasaka Empire.

In this world, although Arasaka Company is named a company, it is actually a huge empire, a behemoth integrating technology, economy, and military.

On this floor, it is easy to find the safe containing the biochip.

Seeing this, Yue Lei said disdainfully: "I can guess the following plot. Arasaka Yorinobu must have come back when the safe was cracked, and the two of them hid. They could almost evade the search, Then some little mishap leads to the two being discovered and a fight ensues.”

Sure enough, as expected, the plot really developed like this.

However, although I guessed the plot, the combination of sound and picture still made the tension full.

The box containing the chip was received, but the two of them had no time to leave.

Arasaka Yorinobu has already reached the top floor, and the two of them can only hide in the small room behind the pillar in the center of the room.

There is one-way glass here, V and Jack can see outside, but the outside cannot see inside.

Yue Lei's eyes lit up, as if he finally found a dark spot.


"Look, what did I say? There is still something wrong with this game. The plot is too cliche! To be honest, for a game that flaunts narrative and plot, it's too boring to be able to guess the plot so easily. ?”

He didn't even notice that his focus had changed.

From looking for false propaganda to finding fault with the plot.

Soon, a figure walked into the room, followed by a tall "person".

Adam Hammer!

The moment I saw him, the screen was immediately flooded with barrage.

【Oh shit! Give me back Rebecca, dog Adam, guess why I bought the game? 】

[Stupid Adam Hammer, this game is estimated to have sold 5 million copies on its first day. How many do you think are here to kill you? 】

Yue Lei continued: "Just watch, then the two of them almost evaded the search, and then they were discovered because their cell phones rang or made some noise."

Only this time the plot didn't develop as he expected.

Another big shot in Night City appears.

It should be said that in the cyberpunk worldview, he is the most powerful earthly emperor, the father of Arasaka Yorinobu, and the sole controller of the Arasaka Group.

Saburo Arasaka.

Saburo Arasaka's personal bodyguard Takemura left the room with Adam Hammer, leaving only the father and son, and V and Jack behind the screen who were not discovered.

It's like watching a movie.

[The sense of immersion is so strong, I feel a little nervous for no reason]

[Friendly reminder, you are not hiding behind the screen with V, you can breathe]

[My thigh muscles are all tight]

The relationship between the father and son in the room was not very good.

Arasaka Yorinobu was dissatisfied with everything his father did and had a fierce quarrel.

Yori Xuan paced excitedly in front of the screen where the two were hiding, cursing: "You old fool, you only care about you and your perverted conspiracy!"

Saburo also walked up to the screen and said heartily, word for word: "I know there will be a day when your shamelessness will cross my bottom line sooner or later."

"I have always been tolerant of you, but betrayal cannot be tolerated."

"I'm glad your mother didn't see this. She would be heartbroken by the disappointment."

These words seemed to anger Arasaka Yorinobu.

He suddenly took action, grabbed Saburo Arasaka's neck, and pressed it against the one-way glass.

Yori Xuan scolded with a ferocious face: "Now, you don't have to be tolerant anymore!"

Yue Lei's eyes widened and he subconsciously held his breath.

Then he watched with his own eyes as Arasaka Yorinobu, his son, strangled his biological father, the earthly emperor of this world, to death in front of him.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【What the hell? ! What the hell is this! Absolutely amazing]

【Depend on! A loving father and a filial son, isn’t this too exciting? 】

[Didn’t you say that the development of the plot is very cliché? Host, you can guess.]

Arasaka Yorinobu said to the artificial intelligence: "I want to seal off the entire hotel."

Artificial Intelligence: "Excuse me, what is the reason?"

Arasaka Yorinobu confirmed that his father was no longer breathing and said, "My father was killed."

In an instant, the red alert was activated, and the entire building became filled with a solemn atmosphere.

Only then did Yue Lei let out a sigh of relief, but he still had not recovered from the plot that had shocked him for a whole year.

After holding it in for a long time, I could only curse.

"F*ck!" (End of chapter)

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