The story continues and is not over yet.

Facing Adam Heavy Hammer and bodyguard Takemura who came over, Yori Nobu was terrifyingly calm. He just said that his father was poisoned and then left this floor.

Although Zhucun was suspicious, he didn't dare to say anything. He could only follow the instructions, seal the hotel, and capture the assassin.

Kanbi Building was immediately surrounded by Arasaka's army.

The hacker TBUG who cooperated with the two men's mission was discovered by Arasaka's hackers and was overloaded on the spot. His brain was burned and he died on the spot.

The blame for assassinating the emperor was completely placed on the two of them.

On the way to escape, the chip's incubator was destroyed and could only be temporarily inserted into his own brain port.

Jack was helplessly shot and bleeding.

Although the two of them fought their way to the underground parking lot and got into the car and successfully escaped, Jack could no longer hold on.

This good friend who was loyal to his partners, brave to his enemies, filial to his mother, and told some cold jokes from time to time, just died in the car.

Yue Lei had complicated thoughts and remained silent.

During the free exploration time before this mission, Jack will also go on adventures with V except for some missions in the main line.

Knowing that this was intentional by the designer, they deliberately used phone messages received or NPC conversations to guide him to do some side tasks to strengthen the bond with Jack and make players like this reliable partner.

But seeing Jack really die in front of me like in the CG, I still subconsciously felt a little sad.

Sound, picture, interaction.

The combination of the three is the charm of the game.

Many people in the barrage couldn't help but sigh.

[Fuck, are you really dead? Lin Mo, I’m your brother! What are you doing? 】

【Depend on! Didn’t you say that the preview was a lie? Brother, are you really dead? Can you lie to me? 】

[I’m really speechless, damn it, I want to curse]

[Silly game, idiot! Why kill Jack? 】

Seeing this, Yue Lei's thoughts became more complicated.

Good news, many people are criticizing Cyberpunk 2077.

Bad news, he was scolded for killing a character who was too well created.

I took a look at the time and saw that it was already 23:00 in the evening. Unconsciously, the live broadcast time had passed a whole day.

Too much time is spent reloading and playing the "Little Flathead" level.

I wanted to take a break, but the plot of the game was like a tide, with one climax after another, and I couldn't bear to put it down.

Now that Jack is really dead, both the audience and Yue Lei can guess the subsequent plot.

V found Dexter, the fat black man, and there was no surprise the betrayal.

Three options popped up in front of you.




There is also a decreasing progress bar.

Yue Lei chose to fight without hesitation.

Needless to say, V Zhentian’s natural strength is not limited to that, but he faces more than one enemy.

This battle is still difficult.

There are three enemies he faces, and they are all of high levels and have a lot of health. The key is that V himself has no time to recover.

Fortunately, Yue Lei's skills were good and he managed to kill Dexter's bodyguard before he fell to the ground.

After that, the black barrel was pointed at V's head.

Dexter looked at the bleeding bodyguard and cursed angrily: "Damn bitch! Go to hell!"

Viewed from the first person perspective, the barrel occupies half of the field of view.

It's like it's pressed against the eyeballs.

Then, shoot.

There were snowflakes in front of me, like a special effect of a broken screen, and then it fell into darkness.

In the dark, it's like a dream.

V dreams about someone else's life, a terrorist named Johnny Silverhand.

Unruly and unruly.

He left a strong mark on the word "legend", and the cocktail named Johnny Silverhand is one of the must-order drinks at Afterlife Nightclub.

Many people have been curious, how to make a strange new character with a story quickly understood and liked by players?

The answer is to be him and experience the most glorious and important moments in his life.

So, taking control of Johnny Silverhand, he entered and blew up Arasaka Tower with a nuclear bomb.

But Silverhand couldn't escape either. It was everyone's nightmare, Adam Hammer, who defeated him in just one face-to-face encounter.

After catching Silver Hand, he did not kill him. Instead, he used a program called Soul Killer to permanently imprison his soul in the relic chip and became a digital prisoner.

You can't live, you can't die.

The scene changed and we came to V, gradually waking up from coma.

A red UI flashed on the black screen.

prosthetic diagnosis

Security system

Network Architecture

The system is loaded.

There was darkness in front of him, and he could only clear away the debris on his body through the key prompts on the screen.

After cleaning up the iron plates, wood, and garbage on your body.

Yue Lei asked in confusion: "Wait a minute, why can I see the UI and text reminders, but not the screen?"

But the barrage cannot answer this question.

【? ? ? ? ? 】

【What the hell is this? 】

[Is this because V’s prosthetic eye was blinded? 】

Although the screen is not completely black, there are occasional flashes of white. My colleagues can barely outline the situation in front of me with simple lines, and I can know what kind of situation the protagonist is in now.

This is a garbage dump, and V is crawling out.

On the task list on the right side of the screen, the task name is clearly written——

Dark dream.

Not long after climbing, I saw two figures outlined in simple lines walking over on the dark screen.

Dexter: "He's pretty heavy."

Dexter: "Hey, listen to me, brother, I've done everything you asked me to do. Can the two of us now--"

Before he finished speaking, the man opposite opened fire.

After a "bang" sound, the fat body fell to the ground.

The person who fired the gun was Takemura, the bodyguard of Saburo Arasaka whom he met on the top floor of Kanbi Building, and secretly rescued V.

The purpose is to expose Yori Xuan's crime of patricide, so V, the only one who is still alive to witness it, is needed.

But how can it be that easy?

On the way back to Night City from the garbage dump, ninjas from Arasaka came to stop them all the way.

Takemura and V, who were meeting for the first time, had a thrilling and thrilling game of speed and passion in the car and on the road.

Unfortunately, this section is still not visible.

There is still only a black screen and characters outlined with simple lines.

[Holy shit, this expression is too bold, right? The sense of immersion is so strong]

[Awesome, so awesome. Because the prosthetic body was damaged by a gun, I can’t see anything. I fight with a black screen. How brave]

【Only naughty cats dare to play like this! No wonder the mission is called Black Dream! 】

[What should this expression be called, a black dream montage? 】

[As expected of a naughty cat, this expression technique is simply art! 】

Although you can't see the specific appearance of the enemy, there are outlines of lines and illusory shadows, so it's no problem to aim with a gun.

Yue Lei's marksmanship is very good. In such a difficult environment, he still shoots the head with a gun, or blows out the tires of motorcycles, causing the enemy to crash and die.

The last enemy was killed, and Takemura was also covered in wounds.

An achievement also pops up in the upper right corner of the screen.

[Family Man]: We are tired of logging! (Kill ten Arasaka ninjas with headshots)

What is all this mess?

Yue Lei looked confused. Who else is playing games like this?

Is it really an artistic expression?


BUG? !

"Damn! Brothers, you've been fooled!" Yue Lei exclaimed, "How can anyone be so artistically expressive? This is a black dream montage. Are you overthinking it? Do you know what a montage is? You just use words like this!"

"Let me tell you, this is an out-and-out BUG! It should be that when the system restart UI appears in the V field of vision, the black screen blocking the environment does not disappear, so the current situation is caused!"

"The black dream refers to V dreaming about Johnny Silverhand while he was in a coma! It's not the mission that Hei Buliaoqiu can't see at all!"

As soon as these words came out, Yue Lei immediately laughed excitedly.



The BUG is finally here! It’s still such a serious BUG!

【ah? ? ? ? No way, there is obviously a UI, how could it be a BUG? 】

[Damn, I don’t believe that there are so many Naughty Cat games, but there have never been such outrageous bugs]

[But don’t say it, it really makes sense. Even if the protagonist in the plot is blind, the players still have to be able to see it. This is a game after all]

[I’m not a brainless fan, if it is a BUG, ​​this BUG is quite artistic]

"Hahahaha! Look! What did I say?" Yue Lei shouted excitedly, "I said, there is no game without bugs! In such a large game, even Naughty Cat will have bugs!"

There were already desperate and even fewer and fewer black fans who had an instant climax.

One by one, barrages were posted frantically.

A moment of infinite madness.

At this time, there was no need for anyone to teach him, his experience as a black boy for so many years taught him.

Start laning!

Why is anchoring such an easy profession?

Because the anchor's point of view is a one-way output, and the output efficiency is very high.

The live broadcast room originally had a bit of a comedian's temperament, but many Naughty Cat fans enjoyed watching a trouble-making anchor being repeatedly slapped in the face.

Suddenly a "Black Dream Bug" appeared, and everyone was confused.

What the hell?

Eat melons and eat, and your house will collapse?

This sudden rhythm caught many people by surprise.

I even doubted for a while that there was really a BUG?

The live broadcast room instantly turned into a carnival for black fans.

[I’ve never seen anything like this before. I don’t think this is a BUG. Maybe it’s just that V’s prosthetic eye was damaged and I can’t see? 】

[The dutiful cat is still washing, right? He’s telling lies with his eyes open]

[It’s really endless. If there are bugs, there will be bugs. Is it so difficult for you Naughty Cat fans to accept it? 】

[You Naughty Cat fans don’t use these excuses when attacking Galaxy Hunter? 】

Seeing that some people were still talking harshly, Yue Lei directly said with disdain: "You are still talking harshly, right? Now Zhucun and V are going to Lao Wei's clinic to see a doctor. When the treatment is completed, they can see it, right? Let's wait and see!"

While talking, the plot has advanced to the clinic.

V on the hospital bed, his field of vision was still a mess, full of error-reporting UI interfaces.

In a trance, he could see Lao Wei rescuing himself.

The screen went black briefly.

At this moment, Yue Lei and everyone in the live broadcast room became nervous.

The next second, V's eyes slowly opened.

[Heizi, speak! 】

【Scream? Anchor, keep calling! 】

【What did I say? 】

Yue Lei opened his mouth subconsciously, and it felt like it was about to dislocate, with an incredible look.

No, it shouldn't be like this! It shouldn't be like this!

There were storms in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

Because in the field of vision, although it was a little blurry, he could see things! And the vision was still recovering.

Lao Wei was sitting at the table opposite, thinking about something.

Silence was the noise tonight.

After five seconds, Yue Lei stammered: "Maybe it's because I passed this task so the BUG is gone."

As soon as he finished speaking, an achievement popped up in the upper right corner.

[This is a BUG! ]: Surprised or not? (Complete the task when V loses vision - Black Dream)

Now, if I was going to explain it far-fetched, I couldn't say a word.

The achievement popped up.

Looking at the achievement description and the method to achieve it, everyone now understands what's going on.

It's really special!

The name of the key achievement is like a mockery.

This is the BUG

The moment the achievement popped up, the two levels reversed.

[Host, why don't you continue to shout? I still like your rebellious look just now]

[I told you, how could Naughty Cat leave such a ridiculous and serious BUG]

[Damn, I also thought it was a BUG. To be honest, this expression is a bit too bold]

[Damn, I watched so many Cyberpunk 2077 live broadcast rooms today, and your live broadcast room is the most effective one]

[I laughed to death. If you don't know, you might think it was Naughty Cat's official who came to slap you in the face]

The mocking barrage was overwhelming.

Yue Lei's face turned into the color of pig liver, and he felt his face getting hot.

Damn, this is a real clown.

"I don't believe it!!!"

He roared, reloaded the file again, and returned to the time when V met Dexter.

This time, he did not resist in the plot and was killed by the plot.

When he was shot, it was obvious that Dexter was not as angry as seeing the bodyguard being killed, so he did not shoot with his head against his head when he shot.

After the plot arrives at the garbage dump, V can see things after opening his eyes. Yue Lei took a deep breath and cursed: "Damn, are you sick? Why did you design such a crazy hidden content?! Do you think you are very humorous!!" "Putting a BUG gameplay into the game as game content, is this your way of making games, Naughty Cat? Damn! Do you know that players who play here will be very troubled!" "¥! #@%! %¥." The beautiful Chinese language blurted out. However, the more he broke the defense, the happier the audience was. [Guala seeds, drinks, mineral water, come to the Cyber ​​Circus to see clowns] [This is broken? You can't do it] [No, Naughty Cat broke your defense with a little game play, and you are still looking for trouble] Yue Lei was even more furious. Just when he was about to curse with the barrage, the dormitory door was suddenly pushed open. A tall and strong boy in shorts and a vest walked into the dormitory with a mobile phone. "Why are you howling in the middle of the night? Can't you let me sleep? I think you are sick, right? Are you being a NMD anchor in the dormitory?"

Yue Lei reacted suddenly.

Unknowingly, a day has passed.

I haven't eaten yet!

Looking at the time again, it's already one o'clock in the middle of the night.

I wanted to turn around and curse.

But looking at the body that I couldn't beat at all

Forget it, forget it.

He shrank his head and bowed his head to apologize.

"Sorry, senior, I'll go off the air now."

Although he didn't look in the mirror, he could imagine that his face should have turned red like a monkey's butt at this time.

He didn't dare to look at the barrage, and he was laughing at how he looked at this time.

Three minutes later.

A junior student who was cursing walked out of the dormitory and walked downstairs.

As he walked, he casually posted the video of the cursing on the short video platform.

He also wrote: In the middle of the night, there are idiots doing live broadcasts, and I won't stop until I curse!

The next two hours, the boys' dormitory fell into silence.

And then.

Under that short video that no one cared about, a strange comment suddenly popped up.

[Isn't this the person who kept finding fault with Cyberpunk 2077 today? ]

In the following period of time.

In the Cyberpunk 2077 forum, a group of game fans were still enthusiastically sharing their gaming experiences, Easter eggs, strategies, etc.

A post suddenly appeared on the front page and was pushed up high.

"Brothers! I found the information of the idiot who found fault with Cyberpunk 2077 today!" (End of this chapter)

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