This post has been seen by many players who want to share interesting stories about the game or check out some strategies.

Then, everyone was surprised.

When "Galaxy Hunter" was released the day before yesterday, many people knew about the turmoil and rhythm in Xiaobai's live broadcast room.

The battle between fans of "Cyberpunk 2077" and "Galaxy Hunter" also lasted for two full days.

The barrage function of Xiaobai's live broadcast room is temporarily closed. Many big anchors see the posts with similar rhythms blocked one by one, and they cherish their feathers.

There is only one unpopular anchor named [Xiao Lei Loves to Play Games] who plans to take advantage of this wave of traffic. He will start a live broadcast to accommodate many grumpy old men, and then rely on methods such as biasing the game to increase his followers crazily.

Many people despise this anchor's character, but there is no good solution.

There were no disturbances during the day after the game was released. On the contrary, because of the failure to find faults, it became even more apparent that the production of "Cyberpunk 2077" was getting better and better.

Xiaolei loves to play games and is even regarded as one of his own. Some people even think that he accidentally injured a friendly force.

An anchor who was almost ignored by no one, but now he is suddenly unboxed?

Many people clicked in and looked at it carefully.

In an instant, this post was ranked first on the homepage, and the number of replies increased rapidly.

The first floor of the post.

【Bros! You all know today that Xiao Lei loves to play games and keeps finding trouble in Cyberpunk 2077, right? Guess what I found? This guy’s true identity!

Everyone knows that Xiao Lei loves to play games and was scolded during the live broadcast, right? We all know that he is in the school dormitory, but we don’t know which school it is.

After he downloaded it, I browsed short videos, and guess what I found? I found a video posted by the person who scolded Xiaolei for playing games!

The address of the person who sent the video is xx University in Zhonghai City, and the dormitory number 3338 can be seen in the video. 】

Reply below.

[Holy shit, is this the guy? ! Are students doing this if they are not doing their jobs properly? 】

[Go crazy thinking about making money! Such a good game still has all kinds of flaws]

[Holy shit, dormitory 3338? Isn't this Yue Lei? I know this person]

【Yue Lei! This person seems to have failed the exam very seriously]

Over the course of one night, the influence of this post gradually expanded, and the number of replies increased.

the other side.

On the first day, 15 million copies were sold!

Lin Mo frowned slightly when he looked at this number.

This number can only be said to be barely satisfactory, a little less than expected.

After all, the game "Galaxy Hunters" took a long time to develop, and the promotion was also very vigorous. Many players pre-ordered the game and were too lazy to refund.

But the problem is that the players who have played "Cyberpunk 2077" are now very happy and focused on exploring the content of the game.

This one is studying girls who can push down, that one is studying the big bird swing bar, and the other one is studying how to save Jack.

The first two studies have achieved good results.

Some were diving with Judy, and some were drinking with Panan.

Those who study how to save Jack can only feel sad.

Jack's death sets the overall tone of the game. This is a plot direction that cannot be affected by network narrative.

On the other hand, those who bought "Galaxy Hunter" are in a different situation.

When I took a look at the post bar, there was a lot of wailing.

[Damn, I really believed in the evil of Electronic Arts and actually gave up Cyberpunk 2077 to buy Galaxy Hunter. I’m a fool]

[Don’t tell me that the content in the back is very interesting. What you did in the front is a mess and you can’t play the back at all]

[Cyberpunk 2077 also has bugs? It’s a black dream, isn’t it! 】

[Yes, yes, there are trigger conditions and there is a bug in the achievement, right? Can your "Galaxy Hunter" also have some bugs like this? 】

Seeing this, Lin Mo looked at Yile.

In terms of the Black Dream mission, this is just a bad idea.

The previous Cyberpunk 2077 did have this bug, and it was even a pretty classic bug.

Because the name of the mission is misleading, and the screen is dark, combined with the previous plot of V being shot in the head.

Many people really think that the prosthetic eye has been damaged, causing them to be unable to see.

Before that, I was still lamenting the high level of immersion in this game, and lamenting that Jackass was really brave enough to do this design.

It wasn't until later that I entered Lao Wei's clinic and started a conversation. Even when the next mission was still dark, I realized something was wrong. Then everyone couldn't laugh or cry, and their heads were covered with black lines.

It is precisely because this bug brings the ultimate sense of immersion, coupled with many coincidences, that the Black Dream bug has become a classic.

Players in this world must also experience the fun of black dreams, so a trigger condition and an unlockable achievement were designed.

So far, "Cyberpunk 2077" has beaten "Galaxy Hunter" in every aspect.

In the field of open world games, if 100 players are asked to choose one of the two games as the best of the year, 99 of them will choose the former.

The remaining one is either a money collector or a blind man.

Thinking about last year's WGA finally falling to pieces, "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" was robbed of the best of the year.

Lin Mo's eyes became colder.

Arnold, the current CEO of Electronic Arts, is bold and has means.

No one expected that they could actually put their hands into WGA, and the picture was not small.

Naughty Cat does not need WGA to prove its gold content, but WGA needs Naughty Cat Games to prove its gold content.

If Electronic Arts and WGA are not slapped in the face this year, all their hard work in the gaming industry will be in vain.

Cyberpunk 2077, the biggest project of the year, is completed, and I can take a break to some extent.

I stretched out and opened the Origin platform, intending to see if there were any interesting games and have fun playing them to relax.

The first best-seller is naturally Cyberpunk 2077, which is so far ahead that no one can shake it.

Galaxy Hunter is exclusive to Electronic Arts’ own platform and cannot be released on the Origin platform.

As for the second one, it was quite unexpected.

""Neighbors"?" Lin Mo was a little surprised, "What kind of game is this?"

Sounds familiar?

I clicked on it and took a look at the game introduction, and it became clear instantly.

Last year at the WGA, the award for Best Thriller Horror Game should have gone to Dead by Daylight.

As a result, because Naughty Cat did not attend, the WGA organizing committee simply gave many awards to others.

Among them was the Best Thriller Horror Game Award, which was given to a low-budget game "Neighbors".

An independent game studio that was developing well, later attracted a lot of investment, and gradually broke away from the word "independent".

The producer and chief designer is Lucas, and he refused to accept the award directly at the WGA.

Click in, pay directly for the most expensive version, and download it.

After opening the game, my first impression was that it was poor.

But very smart.

When introducing the background story, CG was not used like the big manufacturers.

Instead, children’s sketches were used to explain the causes and consequences.

Two children were playing with a ball and it bounced to a neighbor's house.

One of them went to pick up the balloon, but the little friend just evaporated and disappeared.

Another child went looking for a scary story in a neighbor's house.

One of the highlights is the perspective of children in the adult world.

For example, a puppy that is originally very cute turns out to be a dangerous giant in the eyes of children.

In this house, there are puzzles, adventures, and the chase of the perverted murderous neighbor.

However, children are limited by their size. Although they can shuttle and escape in complex environments, their movement speed is not as fast as adults, and they are still very scary when being chased.

It was midnight, and Lin Mo, a veteran player who had played countless games, had to admit that he was scared.

Unfortunately, the game is limited by its size, and the game ends before you can enjoy it.

Overall, it's a pity, and I feel like there's still something to be desired.

Turn off the game.

I opened the search engine and searched carefully, and found many interesting little details.

Originally, this game was available on all platforms, which meant it was also available on Electronic Arts’ own distribution channels.

However, on WGA, producer Lucas has a full personality and does not give any face.

Didn't go on stage to receive the award.

This time I offended a lot of people.

The WGA organizing committee, the behemoth Electronic Arts, and so on.

Although I don’t know what happened specifically, this game can only be found on the Origin platform.

And Freeman directly said that as long as Lucas is involved in this project, he will never be able to attend an awards ceremony again in his life.

Seeing this, Lin Mo narrowed his eyes and an idea came to his mind.

As long as it's disgusting to work with WGA or Electronic Arts, you can do it.

And this Lucas is indeed a talent, which can be seen from the game "Neighbors".

There is a lot of game content crammed into the small small map of the small garden, and it is also very interesting.

The first-person perspective has a strong sense of immersion, and has some American cult film style.

The key is that this Lucas is from a very familiar state, Louisiana.

This suddenly made Lin Mo think of a classic thriller and horror game that would definitely win awards on WGA. It is also the sequel to the game that Naughty Cat has brought to the world.

The seventh installment of the Resident Evil series.

The scariest and scariest installment in the series.

Doesn’t it mean that no project involving Lucas will be listed on WGA?

You WGA gave the award that belongs to "Dead by Daylight" to "Neighbors", which is barely acceptable.

After all, the game "Neighbors" is indeed of good quality, but it is not large due to cost constraints, and winning awards is full of controversy.

But if it's an orthodox sequel to the Resident Evil series and it still doesn't win an award, then your awards ceremony will be shut down as soon as possible and there's no need to continue it.

I'm looking forward to seeing how wonderful Freeman's face will be when he presents the award at this year's WGA.

And it's a coincidence.

The producer of "Neighbors" is named Lucas.

There is also a perverted Lucas in Resident Evil 7!

What a coincidence, isn't it?

What if this Lucas was really just a designer from Louisiana and not some anonymous perverted murderer?

Then this is indeed a good candidate.

Anyway, in the original plan, branches in various countries would be established sooner or later.

However, before specific cooperation, you can take a small test to test his level.

Cyberpunk 2077 is not a horror-themed game, but it still has some elements of horror.

Mainly because of a setting in the game - cyberpsychosis.

You can invite the other party to do a MOD mission to test your skills. If you pass the test, Lin Mo doesn't mind having his Lucas name added to the sequel to Resident Evil, which will disgust the WGA organizing committee and Electronic Arts. .

This man did look like a perverted murderer, but his way of doing things was quite to Lin Mo's liking.

Not everyone dares to refuse to accept an award on a stage like WGA and severely offend those giants.

As for how to contact this abnormal-looking designer, it’s not that difficult.

Although Lucas got some investment in Neighbors, he was still short of money.

The email address for business cooperation was posted on the homepage of the Origin platform. Lin Mo sent an email directly from his own email address, explained his identity, and then invited the other party to make a mission MOD for Cyberpunk 2077.

As for whether the other party believes it or not, that is the other party's business.

After writing the email, click Send.

I yawned loudly and looked at the time. It was already getting late.

Do you want to go to the Tieba to see player feedback?

Forget it, let's do it tomorrow.

Then he turned off the computer, lay down on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

At the same time, on the other side of Blue Star, the Lighthouse Country.

Lucas let out a long breath, turned off the console and TV, picked up the beer can next to him, drank it all in a few sips, then crushed it and threw it into the trash can.

He took a break from his busy schedule and played Cyberpunk 2077 for a day, which he found extremely enjoyable.

"This game is really good! Who would have thought that a game with this theme could be made before, and it is such a wonderful game!"

The greatest magic of the open world is that you can play the content you like.

Lucas, as a lover of the horror genre and a producer of such games, his interest turned into his hobby.

He has always loved Dead by Daylight and the Resident Evil series.

Because of the many details in it, he felt that there must be some fans of Naughty Cat who are particularly fond of horror movies and horror games.

Being able to make a biochemical-like game is his biggest dream as a gamer.

Lying back on the carpet in the living room, wondering whether he would become one of the representatives of horror games in the future, his cell phone rang.

Picked it up and took a look.

He frowned and sat up quickly.

"Naughty Cat? Lin Mo? Is this true or false? Is it a lie? Invite me to make a MOD for Cyberpunk 2077?"

Lucas was a little confused.

You can get money for making high-quality MODs and maps for the Naughty Cat game, and many fans can also make some profits. The creator incentive program has always been very generous.

But why he was invited, Lucas couldn't figure it out, and the email didn't make it clear.

I asked in reply, but got no response, and the email just disappeared into the sea.

After thinking about it carefully, Lucas decided.


The sales of "Neighbors" have always been good, because his refusal to accept the award at the WGA also helped the game gain a lot of traffic.

However, due to the targeted reasons, investment could not be attracted and new projects could not be launched.

The studio once again has only a few founders left.

There is nothing to do now.

Anyway, I was bored, and the other party also said that I could just follow the normal process and send the mission MOD to the creative workshop.

He shouldn't be a liar.

If it was really Lin Mo, there must be something else going on.

If not, just make some money as a MOD.

No loss whatsoever. (End of chapter)

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