In the previous biochemical series, there was an orthodox sequel with Arabic numerals, but the style was so different from the previous game that you wouldn’t think it was a series without looking at the game name.

The third-person over-the-shoulder perspective is changed to the first-person perspective, which maximizes the sense of horror and introduces the new character Ethan Winters.

This makes some old players very dissatisfied, but it is also one of the best-selling works in the series.

Resident Evil 7, and the subsequent Resident Evil 8 with the same protagonist.

The two games combined together represent the life of the character Ethan.

So in terms of production, we don’t plan to separate them and just merge them into one.

The Resident Evil series is a very successful game series, but its development history is also full of controversy.

One of the most classic disputes is what is a biohazard?

If measured in terms of sales, Resident Evil 5 and 6 were actually very successful.

But if you count it in terms of reputation, it is simply a huge failure.

In this work, the answer the supervisor found is horror!

For the sake of horror, they even went against the grain and broke tradition by changing the game to first-person. This is why many old players don't like it.

But the effect was immediate.

The realistic images combined with the extremely restricted first-person perspective bring the ultimate sense of immersion and horror.

It's so scary.

If you want to ask how to make a AAA level horror game, this is the textbook level.

Especially on the VR side, if you don’t scream out from the beginning to the end, it’s not because you are brave, but because you are scared.

Regarding the release of the game, since Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 8 were produced at the same time and released as one game, they will not be separated in naming, and there is no intention to use numerical naming.

Instead, it is directly called "Resident Evil: Village".

Village is also the original subtitle of Resident Evil 8.

The story of Resident Evil 7 takes place in Baker Farm, Louisiana. It's a bit reluctant to call it a village, but it's not impossible.

When the player specifically chooses which story to enter, a distinction between the Roman numerals 7 and 8 will be made on the game LOGO.

When Lin Mo explained, Du Rui listened very carefully.

at last,

"Okay, that's all you need to know. In the next period of time, you should go to the Lighthouse Country. Lucas is the place where the story takes place. He is from Louisiana. Go and collect some information, and then you two will become perverted. Two Share it with designers. ”

Du Rui didn't care about the slip of the tongue at all.

How long has it been since you made a horror game?

The wait is finally here!

"Promise to complete the mission! I'll contact Lucas right away."

With that said, he ran out of the office happily.

Looking at the excitement, some people thought that this guy had received a promotion and a salary increase.

With this kind of cooking power, you can imagine how many details will be added to the game.

Lin Mo couldn't help but have a toothache.

I still want to rest more, how long has it been?

I'm back to work again, and I really don't have that kind of leisure time.

In the next period of time, life became busy again.

The establishment of a Naughty Cat branch is essential. For such a productive company, there are countless game projects every year.

It is more reliable to leave some game localization or publicity and promotion work to your own branch.

With all kinds of things piled up, including branch offices and new projects, Lin Mo's visits to Lao Xue's studio have become less frequent.

However, Lin Mo can also provide remote guidance on some things, and the difficulty of Lao Xue's project is not that great.

It can be said that there is no script, and the gameplay is to choose your favorite among several options.

The rest is to study how to make beautiful women look better.

This is the most important thing!

As for Lao Xue's project of converting a short play into an interactive video game, he finally chose "It's Over!" I'm surrounded by beautiful women".

Although the decision to change the short play into a game and the name were questioned by many people on the crew, Lao Xue still firmly made the choice.

In his words: "The most knowledgeable people in the world are choosing names to determine the future. If I don't use them, wouldn't I be stupid?"

Then, he shamelessly used the excuse of "you should invest in game projects" to get some investment from Lin Mo.

With no shortage of money, the filming progress was even faster.

"Resident Evil: Village" is not finished yet, but "Done!" "I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women" was the first to be completed.

For this kind of interactive video game that focuses on live-action shooting, the completion of the game means that the game is finished, and the post-production work is actually not much.

However, Lao Xue's game was finished first and is ready for release.

When the day came for the game to be released, Lao Xue, the major shareholder, became nervous.

"Mr. Lin, do you think there will be players who like this kind of game?" Lao Xue sighed with a tangled look on his face, and kept refreshing the creator backend of the Origin platform, "Today's players are spoiled by you. Okay, can this simple game work?”

Lin Mo was not in a hurry to go to work today. An old friend's game was released. On such an important day, not to mention how much he could help openly, at least he had to be present.

Seeing how nervous he was, he said somewhat speechlessly: "You are also a person who is used to seeing strong winds and waves. Why are you anxious? I have already said that it is either tepid or very hot."

"I trust your judgment, but" Lao Xue pointed to a picture on the home page of the Origin platform with a black line on his face, "Is it true that people won't come looking for me if I listen to your propaganda like this?"

Lin Mo looked in the direction pointed by Lao Xue.

It was a promotional picture that was obviously meant to be popular.

Black background, white fonts, and black fonts with an orange background next to them.

Although the words written in it are exactly the title "Finished!" "I am surrounded by beauties", but this style is obviously the LOGO style of the world-famous website P!


Although the various promotional methods have a sense of marginalization, in fact the scale in the game is not as good as the dance area at Station B.

"Hey, this, it doesn't matter, he doesn't dare." Lin Mo shook his head indifferently, "If it really causes trouble, I will handle it for you."

"You?" Lao Xue didn't believe it. "You run a game company, and you're not the King of Soldiers or the King of Dragons. Can you handle it?"

Lin Mo didn't say anything and directly opened the search rankings of the 3D area and animation game-related categories on Station P.

Lao Xue took a look.

Tracer, DVA, Ada King, Firebender, Sunflower, Big Shroom, Jaina

Ranking the top 20, there are 15 female characters from Naughty Cat games!

Among the top 30, there are 22 female characters from Naughty Cat games.

It can be said to be a massacre.

Lin Mo said with a half-smile: "How much do you think Station P can compensate me for just relying on this? They even invite me to attend their crappy ceremony every year. You have to remember that there are certain game companies that are naturally incompatible with other game companies. It’s different, not all of them are naughty cats.”

This extremely confident sentence left Lao Xue speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he complained in annoyance: "Grandma, you are a bear, I asked you to pretend again, can you stop pretending?"

Lin Mo leaned back in his chair leisurely and said, "No."

While talking and chatting, the time countdown ends.

The game is officially unlocked!

Lin Mo said he didn't want to have anything to do with it, but he actually helped a little bit.

Originally, given the quality and pre-sale results of Lao Xue's game, it was completely unable to reach the level of open-screen advertising on the day of release.

However, after going through the back door, I still got a pretty good recommendation.

Lao Xue took a deep breath, opened the creator backend, and refreshed it.

Before Lin Mo could get closer to see the data clearly, he immediately turned it off.

His face was not pretty, and he looked like he was about to cry without tears.

Lin Mo said dissatisfied: "What is Guan doing so quickly? I haven't seen it yet."

Lao Xue said with a bitter face: "Don't mention it. You will also lose money if you may be harmed this time."

Then he controlled the mouse and opened the background.

Lin Mo glanced at it, and then said calmly: "No, what are you thinking? Are you comparing a low-cost game with my Naughty Cat game? Your data is pretty good among games of the same level. What?”


Lao Xue was suffocated and touched his nose awkwardly.


Lin Mo is a game designer and a company owner.

Under the influence of what I have heard and seen, I have a relatively good understanding of the game industry.

Subconsciously, he would compare this game with the ones Lin Mo usually talks about.

Of course, one against the other without saying a word.

"Then tell me, will this game become popular?"

"Looking at the first day's data, it depends on how popular it is." Lin Mo stood up and greeted, "Let's go, let's go eat!"

"Really? Why do I not believe it so much?"

"Maybe two or three million copies will be sold."

"Bullshit, I'll eat this computer if it sells for so much."

What Lao Xue didn't know was.

During the day when the two of them were eating, drinking and fishing, "It's over!" "I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women" has created such a craze on the Internet.

"Support Lao Xue's career, brothers, play this game." Meng Dazui opened the origin platform, purchased and downloaded.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[What kind of garbage game is this? Do you want to buy it? 】

[No, this yellow and black logo can be broadcast on domestic live broadcast platforms? ! 】

To be honest, Meng Dazui was a little scared when he started the game.

This implies that even experienced drivers can understand it.

The review of the origin platform is very strict. If there is no special label, then there must be no problem. At most, it will be marginal, but there will be no missing points.

"Come on, come on, let's see how this beauty is surrounded!" Meng Dazui clicked to start the game, "I'm just a little confused, why are [Love Simulation] [Visual Novel] [Love] and..." science fiction]?”

In his mind, it was the protagonist who used his own advantages to mediate among the beauties, relying on his EQ and IQ to crush his competitors, and winning the hearts of beauties with his handsome face.

The result was unexpected.

At the beginning of the game, the protagonist woke up from a hangover, picked up a bra, and then a blond man with long legs and a white shirt sat next to him.

The girl's name is Zheng Ziyan, and there is a message revealed between the lines.

It seemed like something happened between the two of them while they were drunk.

Then he recalled what happened yesterday.

In fact, the two of them had only known each other for less than a day. It was only because the male protagonist was working in an art museum and reminded Zheng Ziyan of her broken skirt that they became connected.

When I get off work in the evening.

The foreman of Chesou deducted the male protagonist’s salary.

Zheng Ziyan made a blunt invitation: "Are you off work? I don't want to eat alone. Do you want to go to a nearby bar to have something to eat and drink?"

Male protagonist: "I, I have no money."

Zheng Ziyan: "Don't be so annoying, I'm going to treat you!"

The dim lights, the alluring aroma of wine, the perfectly proportioned figure under the white suspender belt, and the almond-shaped eyes that seem to enchant you when you're tipsy.

Zheng Ziyan's appearance is extremely impressive.

Meng Dazui also admitted this.


"No?! Wait a minute!" Meng Dazui looked confused, "Maybe the customs are different? In our place, the following plot is either the immortal asking you if you can jump high, or the waist asking you if it hurts if you are missing one. pain."

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[No, this is a broken game, it has no logic at all]

[Damn, how can the male protagonist, who is so ordinary and mediocre, like such a good-looking girl? 】

[This is ridiculous, it’s really science fiction! Damn it! 】

Before Meng Dazui could dislocate his jaw in shock, something even more outrageous happened.

The second beauty Li Yunsi appears.

An elf on the dance floor and a gentle big sister.

The two are senior sisters.

Two beauties, fighting for a man they just met not long ago

Fight! wind! eat! vinegar!

Watching the two beauties quarrel and get jealous of each other.

The protagonist makes a surprising statement: "Did the three of us last night..."

This is the kind of thing that in life would be slapped in the face and thought to be a pervert.

The two beauties coquettishly said at the same time: "You want to be beautiful."

This sound immediately made Meng Dazuo curl up, and he laughed like a pig brother.

[It’s against the sky, it’s so against the heavens]

[Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right?]

[Child xx simulator, right? What kind of hard life have I lived?]

[Science fiction, really awesome science fiction, the most ridiculous science fiction this year, "Wandering Blue Star" has opened one door of Chinese science fiction, and this game has opened another door]

Meng Dazui looked at the passing barrage and coughed lightly: "How should I put it, although many plots are actually quite nonsense, but once you accept this setting, it is actually quite satisfying."

At this time, in the game and on the screen, I recall what happened yesterday.

Li Yunsi was shocked by the protagonist's talent, and then helped the protagonist slap the face of the foreman who looked down upon others.

Although the plot is very cliche and even a little bit stupid.


It's really a very mindless feeling.

Who doesn't like to be surrounded by beautiful girls?

Girls of completely different types appear one after another.

Xiao Lu, a female college student who has just graduated and is in love with her first love, Shen Huixing, a childhood sweetheart of the rich second generation, and Zhong Zhen, a domineering female CEO.


Lin Yueqing, a hot single mother, is divorced and has a son named Haohao.

The moment he saw this girl, Meng Dazui's eyes straightened.

Big, too big.

White, so white!

After a while, he said righteously: "Brothers, it doesn't matter what beauties or major events in life. All I know is that Haohao can't live without his father! I want to give Haohao a family!"

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Damn, there’s a Cao thief]

[Haohao cannot live without his father, just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem]

[From today on, Lin Yueqing, your son is my son! 】

[This is not a hot single mom, this is my wet nurse! 】

One plot follows another.

Every beauty has something attractive about her, and I always want to explore all the branch plots of every beauty.

It has a particularly weird look and feel.

It seems that the plot is very retarded. I was scorning and scolding it in my heart, and I couldn't stop playing it.


It’s so cool to be surrounded by beautiful women.

And the girl is really good-looking too.

"It's over!" "I'm Surrounded by Beauties", an interactive video game that no one was optimistic about before its launch, has become an inexplicable hit.

Some live broadcast rooms have already started live broadcasting, and related content is posted on short video platforms, which has quite good traffic.

Inexplicably, he started to get out of the circle. (End of chapter)

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