the next day.

Lao Xue, who had fished yesterday, sat up the next day holding his aching head.

I glanced at the time and saw it was almost noon.

"Damn it, next time I drink I'll be a dog."

I got up, washed up, and simply cooked some noodles, which made my stomach feel better after the hangover.

I don’t know how the game is selling?

Lao Xue still felt a little uneasy.

Lin Mo had a lot of investment in this, and he still felt a little sorry for causing his friends to lose money.

And the most important thing is that Lin Mo’s game output in just a few years is more than what many major manufacturers have produced in decades.

No project has ever failed, the only difference is between being super successful and going down in history.

Neither Dongrong Interactive Entertainment nor Electronic Arts caused any trouble at all.

As a result, if he lost his golden body because of investing in him, Lao Xue

It hurts to think about it.

Although it can be seen that the data is acceptable within a period of time after the official launch, it is still unknown whether the cost can be recovered.

“I hope today’s data will not fall off a cliff.”

After clasping his hands together and bowing in the air.

Take a deep breath and click on Create Author Backstage.

Lao Xue:.

"I'll be like a dog if I drink anymore. Damn it, I'm so dazzled."

He patted his face hard to wake up a little and looked again.

Lao Xue:.

"I need to tell Lin Mo whether there is a display bug in this software."

Close the software, reopen it, and look again.

Lao Xue:.

Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Lao Xue swallowed and looked at the sales data line with some disbelief.

No way.

This world-shaking wealth, is it my turn?

Is it finally my turn?

Some couldn't believe it and clicked on the mall to see the best-selling list.

Backend data, combined with the top-selling ranking.

It’s basically confirmed that this game is really popular!

First day sales data, 210,000 copies!

Total sales figures to date, 320,000 copies!

Lao Xue's hands were shaking a little.

It’s day two now, and the sales trend is not slowing down at all.

In other words, the sales on the second day were even worse than the first day!

"No, this damn thing is really popular, isn't it?"

Lao Xue's head was buzzing.

Out of his trust in Lin Mo, he changed the short play into an interactive video game, but in his heart he still had some doubts about the interactive video game track.

Even prepared psychological expectations.

If the cost can be recovered, it will be considered a success, and if you can make a small profit of ten to two hundred thousand, it will be a surprise.

Unexpectedly, it was priced at 42 yuan and sold a full 320,000 copies in just one day after it was released!

Even excluding the platform commission, the cost of 8 million was recovered.

Every game after that is pure profit.

Just, why? !

I quickly opened social media and took a look.

At this time, the fifth most popular search on Weibo was "It's over!" I'm surrounded by beautiful women".

On various short video platforms, any game player can find many marketing accounts recommending them.

Click on the comment section to take a look.

【Zheng Ziyan YYDS! 】

[I only know that Haohao cannot live without a family and a father! 】

[Who can say no to a rich girl’s childhood sweetheart! 】

[I chased the girl who cost 400 a meal for three years. The house was sold and my parents were ruined. Now I finally have Xiao Lu who is willing to endure hardships with me. If you insist that she is fake, how can I not know whether this girl is fake or not? The game only cost 42 yuan, and the game maker made no money at all. I don’t want to be single, I want Xiao Lu. 】

Of course, there are also many unfriendly comments about this game, such as the shrimp-headed man, various watermelon sticks, and the frequent remarks about family members who understand.

But Lao Xue was not angry at all.

The target group of this game is very clear!

Just male players.

So, even if there is abuse from xxn, so what?

"Hey, I, old Xue, am also a game producer with a masterpiece!"

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth were raised high.

that is

Peers sit together.

As soon as we started talking, this one was "Terrorist Force", that one was "Swordsman", or simply "Dark Soul" and "Resident Evil", which are my masterpieces.

"It's over!" I'm surrounded by beautiful women".

It's a bit embarrassing.

Forget it, don’t think about this.

Be happy first!

I stared at the screen for a long time, and then I remembered.

It’s time to announce the good news!

Thinking about it, he picked up the phone excitedly and dialed Lin Mo's number.

"No, he also drank a lot. Is he still resting?"

Just as I was thinking about it, the call was answered.


"Hello? I thought you were still resting." Lao Xue teased, "I have good news for you."

"Are you going to eat the computer? Remember to live broadcast."

Lao Xue was stunned.

Lin Mo's voice contained a bit of joking and a hint of ridicule, obviously referring to the FLAG he had set.

Obviously you already know it!

"Wait, you already know that? Oh, that's right, the origin platform is yours."

"I'm so bored that I stare at your game all day long." Lin Mo scolded with a smile, "This is the first game in China that features real people and provides players with the emotional value of virtual love. In today's world of antagonism between men and women, violence Isn’t it strange that in an environment where tensions are getting bigger and bigger, you either leave the game tepidly or you burst into flames?”

"But... I still don't understand." Lao Xue touched his nose, "I thought no one would like this kind of script and this kind of male protagonist. It's really illogical."

"Does it matter?" Lin Mo asked back, "The most important thing about this game is how to use limited clips to portray the character of the female character, and how to set up the right love interaction between the protagonist and the female character. As for the male protagonist, the image is on the contrary The more blurry the better, otherwise players will be seriously screwed."

Lao Xue was silent for a long time.

There was a huge wave in my mind.

Looking back at it now, it is indeed the case.

It seems that players who bought the game don't care about story logic or character logic at all.

What I care about is the female character's appearance, different personality xp and sweet love interaction.

In the story, the protagonist is an entrepreneur who is bankrupt and heavily in debt.

Originally, there was a character arc for the male protagonist in the script, and there was a lot of text explaining why the protagonist failed, what his strengths were, and why he was liked by these outstanding female characters.

But they were all chopped off by Lin Mo.

Looking at it now, this extremely fast pace with constant mini-climaxes is the correct answer.

No wonder when I saw the original short play script, I boldly said that it was suitable to be adapted into an interactive video game.

I see.

"I really have to admire you." Lao Xue smiled bitterly, "I originally thought that you looked down on this type of game and were too lazy to study it."

Lin Mo said leisurely: "Why do you look down on it? If I have the chance, I would like to be a Mirror, Honey Select or Fallen Doll."

"Ah? What are these?"

"A great game that explores the origins of humanity."

Lao Xue was confused and didn't know what to say.

"Then what should I do now?"

"What are you doing? Invite a few actresses to start a live broadcast, and then sit back and wait for the incredible wealth."

"how about you?"

"Me? I'm busy working."

Lin Mo stretched his aching wrist, glanced at the unfinished game plan on the screen, and let out a sigh of relief.

The development history of the game in the two worlds is completely different.

In this world, the concept of interactive video games has not yet appeared, and naturally there are not many familiar classics.

"It's over!" It was expected that the game "I'm Surrounded by Beauties" would become popular. After all, the Origin platform gave some recommended resources.

But being able to live like this is indeed far beyond expectations.

The estimated sales of this game are over 2.7 million copies at worst, which is even more exaggerated than the 1.9 million copies sold in the previous game.

This illustrates one thing.

Players in this world seem to be quite receptive to this type of game.

Since I love it so much, I can prepare some good similar games in advance. They can be developed in conjunction with "Resident Evil: Village" and it won't take up much energy.

As for which one, I have already decided.

"Detroit: Become Human".

In the previous life, there was a good game that was not well-received but was actually of good quality and worth playing over and over again.

For many games, success is also broadcast live and failure is also broadcast live.

This is the case with "Detroit: Become Human". With development costs doubled, it only achieved similar sales to "Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer".

But on the live broadcast platform, it became very popular.

and "Done!" The difference with the low price of "I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women" is that many players can buy it directly if they are interested. Anyway, the price is not expensive, so just treat it as a curiosity.

However, "Detroit: Become Human" is priced as a real 3A game. It costs a lot of money to buy a copy, and many people will be put off by it.

Therefore, Lin Mo plans to set up the first free chapter, and subsequent chapters will be paid. If you pay once, you can get a discount.

Lower the entry barrier for players as much as possible. As long as players are interested in playing the first chapter of the game, we will have the confidence to use high-quality game content to attract players to pay.

"By the way, Lao Xue, in order to congratulate you on the success of your game, how about I give you a DLC then?"

"DLC?" Lao Xue didn't understand what it meant. "I can just invite a few adopted daughters to film it. Do I still need to give it away?"

Lin Mo asked with a smile: "Aren't you curious? "It's over! I'm surrounded by beauties" is produced with the specifications of a 3A game. What does such an interactive video game look like?"

Lao Xue took a breath of cold air.

It feels like it’s cool!

"Are you really planning to make an interactive video game like this? Do you want to promote your own game by the way?"

"That's natural."

A few days later.

"What? Is it angry? What is it?" Arnold looked at Pawar opposite and frowned, "Calm down and speak slowly."

Pawar unceremoniously picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip of water, and then slowly said: "Do you remember what I said a few days ago, in the form of a real-life performance, the player's choice determines the direction of the story. Games. Interactive video games!”

"Interactive video game? This term is quite appropriate."

Arnold nodded understandingly.

This is a term I have never heard of, but the written meaning is not difficult to guess.

Pawar said with a smile: "You may not know, but we just talked about the concept of interactive video games last time, and then there was a game of this type that became very popular. The profit margin is astonishingly high! Set the origin platform to Huawei You can see it in the national version.”

After hearing this, Arnold immediately became interested and quickly opened the Origin platform in China to watch it.

I thought it was some amazing dark horse, but when I clicked in, my face immediately turned dark.

"Can this kind of thing be so popular? Are you kidding me?"

Pavar spread his hands helplessly: "The fact is that the game has sold 2.1 million copies so far, and versions with various language dubbing are in production. It can be said to be a huge profit."

If it weren't for the facts in front of him, Arnold would never want to believe it.

This thing, the production cost of a game is not as good as the CG of "Galaxy Hunter".

And it became popular?

The sudden popularity of this incomprehensible game suddenly made him a little alert and a little PTSD.

"Which company is this game from? It can't be from Naughty Cat, right?"

Pavar sneered in his heart.

Is he scared by being beaten?

He was in a panic.

How could Naughty Cat make such a game that is obviously borderline.

It seems that he is really scared. As long as he may bump into Naughty Cat's project, he will not consider it at all.

But thinking so in his heart, he said calmly: "Don't worry, this game is not even a properly registered game company, it's just a workshop."

Arnold glanced at his expression and said lightly: "I know what you are thinking, it's just as you think. Lin Mo is a terrible enemy. I admit that I underestimated him at the beginning, and I also admit that Naughty Cat Game is really good. I need to keep my position first, so the next two games must not collide with Naughty Cat."

Said so frankly, but Pavard was a little surprised.

After considering the language, he asked: "What about the next two projects of EA Games?"

"Remember the thriller horror game I mentioned?" Arnold sneered, "Many of the main members are from the production team of "Neighbors", and they are from Lucas's previous team. I heard recently that this guy got investment from somewhere, and the new project has been launched, and the release date is one and a half months later. I heard that he often brags to others that this game will definitely be on the stage of WGA? Ha, I want to see how much energy he has."

Pavar was speechless after listening to it.

Good man, you are so crazy because of being targeted by Naughty Cat, and now you come to bully Lucas, who is considered an independent game producer, right?

Well, this is very EA.

But think about it.

EA games, except for Naughty Cat games, whoever runs into them will be unlucky.

90% of the game companies in this world are not rivals.

The reputation is bad, and the games they make do have problems, but this is also relative to Naughty Cat.

Compared with the other 90% of game companies, it is much stronger.

Then, Pavar sat up a little straighter and asked nervously: "What about the second one?"

"For the second one, let's try this interactive movie game!" Arnold said decisively, "Starting today, let Spencer reshoot the scenes of "Future World" with multiple endings, and strive to launch the game in three months."

Pavar was excited.

Netflix doesn't care. If EA can't be pulled in, fighting alone is not a good choice.


This loser alliance was still formed.

After calming down, he questioned, "Three months later? Isn't this a collision with the DLC of the game "Finished! I'm Surrounded by Beauties"? Is this a good thing?"

Arnold glanced at the game store page of the Chinese region of the Origin platform.

[DLC remaining to release: 80 days]

[Mysterious surprise countdown: 90 days]

[Pre-order DLC, reveal the mysterious surprise! You can also draw a lottery and have a chance to win a mysterious surprise! ]

"It doesn't matter, it's just a DLC of a local workshop, what surprise can there be? It's a collision, as long as it's not a game related to Lin Mo, there's nothing to be afraid of." As he said, Arnold's expression became a little more confident, "This time, the two projects perfectly avoided the naughty cat, I will win!" (End of this chapter)

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