Live Action Opens Up and Gets Blocked, Backhandedly Rectifying the Gaming Industry

Chapter 306 Promotional Strategy of “Resident Evil: Village”

Lin Mo, who was far away in China, had no idea what impact his inadvertent guidance to Lao Xue to make such an interactive video game had on Electronic Arts, which was far away on the other side of the ocean.

At this time, he was in the company's small conference room, holding a video conference call with Du Rui and Lucas, who were far away in the Lighthouse Country, together with several designers from the Naughty Cat headquarters.

Looking at the pale and wilted Du Rui and the rosy and radiant Lucas on the screen, Lin Mo's face twitched.

No, it's only been a few days?

What have you done to my employees? !

If you don't say what Lucas looks like, no one will associate him with the game producer.

And it's like the various sexual perverts in the series of documentaries on the perverted killers in the Lighthouse Country.

Just thinking about how to ask these questions, I heard Du Rui trembling and said: "Boss Lin, for the new game, my sacrifice is too great"

Zuo Xuming, who was also in a video conference, changed his face when he heard it. I heard that there are many Nantong in the Lighthouse Country?

Hesitantly said: "Or. You should come back? Don't sacrifice your virginity for a game."

"Virtue? What virginity?" Du Rui didn't understand what his colleague meant. "During this period, Lucas and I visited all the famous haunted houses in the Lighthouse Country. I feel like my heart is going to have problems."

Zuo Xuming and others all breathed a sigh of relief and patted their chests.

Was it because of the haunted house?

Fortunately, it's okay.

Lin Mo coughed lightly and asked: "Have you collected the materials? Do you have any suggestions for the promotion plan of the new game?"

Zuo Xuming also looked a little embarrassed, but he glanced at Lucas, who didn't know Chinese and was embarrassed when he heard it, and he was relieved to know that the other party didn't understand the misunderstanding.

Since Lucas had an intersection with Naughty Cat, he has been actively learning Chinese, but his current level is not enough for him to communicate without obstacles.

When talking about business, he switched to English and said, "Since we have collected materials and collected so many haunted houses for the first half of "Resident Evil: Village", hereinafter referred to as "Resident Evil 7", why don't we build our own haunted house?"

Lucas' eyes lit up when he heard it, and he said quickly, "I think this is a good idea. It just so happens that I know an abandoned mental hospital. It doesn't cost much to buy it, and it's perfect to transform it into a haunted house."

Lin Mo shook his head and said, "It's not appropriate. Even if the construction speed is fast, it can't catch up with the speed of the game coming out. Let's think of a way. However, this abandoned mental hospital can be bought to prepare for a future horror game of the company."

Lucas was confused. This project hasn't been completed yet, so he has to think about future projects?

It's worthy of being a naughty cat.

"Okay, I can take time to do this. Mr. Lin, do you have any instructions for this matter?"

Lin Mo thought for a moment, and then said: "After the purchase, change the name to 'Jushan Mental Hospital', and then you can start construction, and the progress does not need to be rushed. As for this "Resident Evil" project, launch a VR trial activity."

VR trial activity?

Many people's eyes lit up.

Du Rui touched his chin and nodded with interest: "This is a good idea. Where should the venue be placed? Should we explain to the players that this is the orthodox sequel to "Resident Evil"? "

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "How can it be so easy? The main venue must naturally be placed at the E4 Electronic Entertainment Expo. This stage is worthy of this great IP to announce the name of the game."

After saying this, many people immediately became excited.

Influenced by the bad taste of the boss Lin Mo, the company likes to see the players being overwhelmed by the sudden surprise.

Then there was a detailed discussion about the publicity plan.

"Since it's a VR trial challenge, how about the CDK of the prize game? What about the content of the challenge?"

Lin Mo: "Leave it to us. We will make a DEMO trial version for players to try on the VR equipment on site."

"Let's talk about some problems in the current development progress. The scene of 'Baker's Dinner' at the opening of the game is very important. This is to set the overall tone of the story and the creation of the villain. But the effect you made is simply a family-friendly one, and it needs to be overturned and redone."

"Redo?" Wang Yi was stunned and a little unexpected, "This is the third time, it's not enough. Isn't it perverted enough?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said, "Not enough, Du Rui and Lucas, don't be restrained, let go and do it!"

The eyes of Du Rui and Lucas on the screen gradually lit up.

There was silence in the conference room.

Although there has been a feeling of not being able to keep up with Lin Mo's thinking countless times, this feeling has never been so strong.

After discussing for a while, it came to the end of the meeting.

"Is there anything else? If not, adjourn the meeting."


Lucas suddenly spoke, and many eyes focused on him.

Lin Mo also looked at him on the screen and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lucas said with some guilt, "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry. Many members of the production team of "Neighbors" that I worked on previously have resigned and joined a production team of EA to make a horror game. In addition, I once refused to step onto the podium of WGA. If this project is to be kept secret for the time being, I may be targeted if I announce it with my identity."

As soon as these words came out, many people's expressions became strange.

What does it mean that if you don’t take the road to heaven, there will be no door to hell to break in?

Lin Mo also laughed, nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, let him target. In the field of thriller and horror, the Resident Evil series has not encountered any opponents."

With these words, Lucas let out a sigh of relief and straightened his back a little.

He nodded heavily, his face beaming with joy.

"I wonder what the expressions of those who have left me will be like after seeing the new projects I'm involved in? I'm really looking forward to it."

"I'm also looking forward to Arnold's expression." Lin Mo smiled, "Okay, that's the end of the meeting."

After this meeting, the publicity and distribution activities were immediately launched, and the production of the game also entered the assault stage.

Many gaming enthusiasts have also discovered one thing.

Lucas, the big name at last year's WGA and an instant hit after refusing to accept the award, became active again inexplicably after experiencing a breakup in the studio.

On his personal social media, he even became the Riddler.

[On June 1st, at the E4 exhibition, the VR version of the mysterious new game will be available for early access! Officially released on June 15th! 】

[Countdown to the trial of the mysterious new game, guess what kind of game this is? 】

[Ultimate horror, unprecedented experience, warm reminder, please go to the toilet before trying it. 】

Many players are confused.

So fast?

Except for the "Resident Evil" series, most of the thriller and horror games do not actually have such a big fan base, and are generally relatively small in size.

But no matter how small it is, it still takes time to make!

It’s been less than a year since Lucas’ last game “Neighbors” was released, so a new game so soon?

Moreover, the promotion is very serious, as if it is a masterpiece that can surprise everyone.

Many people could not help but sigh.

Isn't it just false propaganda again?

But there are also many people who believe that there might actually be a good quality game ready for release. After all, although "Neighbors" is not big in size, the game is really good.

The two factions held their own opinions and had a heated argument.

Lucas used to feel like a grumpy old man.

I thought that with just a little prodding, I could get this old guy to reveal some little secrets about the game, but this time he remained tight-lipped and refused to reveal any information no matter how provocative the netizens were.

Amidst the debate, the time came for the opening of the E4 exhibition.

Jeff walked into the venue with a press pass.

The E4 exhibition, formerly an internal industry exhibition, mainly focuses on exchanging technology, experience and promoting cooperation.

Later, it was slowly opened to players and became an important channel for direct dialogue between manufacturers and players.

Today is the first day of opening.

As in previous years, almost all famous game manufacturers in the world will not miss this event-except Naughty Cat.

Thinking of this, Jeff felt it was quite a pity.

The announcement of the Naughty Cat game has been online for 90% of the time. It’s a pity that I can’t see players’ expressions of surprise when they see the official announcement of the game offline.

Since being kicked out of the power center of the WGA organizing committee by Freeman, Jeff has returned to his old job as a game reporter.

With many years of fame, he has prospered.

I just feel a little regretful when I think that WGA's many years of hard work have been wasted like this.

"Okay, I don't want to think too much, let's see what surprises there are!"

At this time, it was also time for players to enter the venue, and dense crowds came like a tide.

Many fellow game media reporters also started their day's work.

Since it is a job, it must not be based on your own hobbies. It must be popular and report the content that players are most interested in.

Therefore, the first thing he went to was the Baofeng Entertainment booth. The main purpose was to report and interview the producers and learn about the latest expansion pack for the MMORPG masterpiece "Cosmic Rift".

Then I went to the Electronic Arts booth to interview the producer of "Galaxy Hunters" and learned more about the follow-up expansion pack and movie adaptation.

Although Wirtz, the scapegoat, speaks with great fanfare and eloquent words, there is only one feeling throughout the story.

The IP of "Galaxy Hunter" is hopeless.

After squeezing out of the crowded Electronic Arts booth, Jeff let out a sigh of relief, and then heard a colleague next to him talk to him: "It's really worthy of Electronic Arts. It has many product lines and brings many fans, even if it's just temporary. A fan of a certain game.”

Jeff nodded when he heard this and said: "Yes, but this is a kind of false prosperity. There are not many truly profitable product lines, and some are too big to lose. Are you a reporter from BGN?"

"Yes. I'm going to take a look at Lucas's booth. An independent game producer can actually have a booth and such a large trial area. I feel like this game won't be that simple. Besides, I'm into horror games. Loyal fans!"


Jeff was immediately interested.

You know, the E4 exhibition is not a comic exhibition. Individual stall owners can sell peripherals for a fee.

Some well-known manufacturers who have no important works to release this year cannot apply for the exhibition. It can be said that every inch of land is precious. How can an independent game producer be allowed to do such nonsense?

Is there a situation?

The two walked together to the platform where Lucas was.

Unlike other booths with huge logos, this booth highlights a mystery.

There is no stage, no cosplayers, no big screen to play promotional videos.

On the contrary, the fence was tight and there were only two long lines waiting to try it out.

Looking at the players who came out after the trial, their faces were all pale, and many even needed to be helped out, their legs shaking like chaff.

From time to time, a scream would erupt in the unseen trial area, and then the screams would come and go like a contagion.

Jeff walked up curiously and asked a player who had finished the trial: "Hello. What is the game inside? Is it scary? Is it a VR trial?"

The player turned pale, nodded, and said with lingering fear: "I don't know what game it is, and I can't find any clues. On the VR side, it can be said that the "Resident Evil" series is far less scary than it."


After saying this, the BGN reporter next to me immediately became interested.

"Interesting, I want to see how scary this thing is. So far, no horror game can scare me, and the same is true for Resident Evil. I hope this mysterious game can give me some challenges."

Jeff nodded and said: "I don't think I'm very brave, but it's true that the horror games nowadays are too boring. I don't think this game can scare me. I'll try it too."

Both of them showed a confident smile, and then started lining up at the back of the team.

The frightened player whose legs were shaking looked at the two of them and couldn't help but sigh.

This game is specially designed to cure tough talk.

Why don't you believe it?

When the queue started, Jeff felt a little regretful.

On the first day of grabbing hot news, I actually queued up at a so-called "mysterious game" site to try it out of curiosity.

The gain outweighs the loss.

And I only felt it after I started queuing up.

There are too many people lining up here!

Obviously the team was moving forward at a not too slow pace, but they still couldn't get into the final venue for the trial.

It seems that there are still many players who are curious about how scary it is, and they don't believe it.

Two full hours later, it was already noon. Fighting back the hunger in his stomach, Jeff finally walked into the trial venue.

After entering, this is when the surprise begins.

"So big?"

If it weren't for the fact that video materials were not allowed to be left in the trial area, he would have really wanted to film this scene.

There are a hundred VR equipment, and it is a complete set of equipment paired with a universal treadmill for VR. It is also the most expensive and best Genting VR2 at the moment.

Overall, the area is quite large.

"How can an independent game producer have so much energy? This is E4."

When he got here, Jeff felt that he had come right.

This trial is definitely not easy.

After the staff helped put on the equipment, the game officially started.

In the darkness, open your eyes and stand up from the ground.

When I first saw it, my heart skipped a beat.

I was already feeling a little discouraged.

In the past, many people used photo-quality graphics to describe a game’s graphics.

But the one in front of me is truly photo-realistic.

Previous VR games include Naughty Cat games. No matter how good the graphics are, you can still feel that this is a game.

But this one, I feel like this is a place that exists in reality.

As you walk forward in the dilapidated house, you can still hear the creaking sound of your feet on the wooden floor, and waves of dust are flying. The light of the flashlight forms a beam of light in this dark environment, barely illuminating the front. things.

The messy furniture has a sense of life. There are some dark marks on the armrests of the sofa. There are some wooden blocks placed under the corners of the table to prevent them from shaking. There are traces of heavy objects on the bookshelf that have worn away the paint.

It feels like you can smell the pungent dust and the sour smell caused by fermentation of unknown substances through the headset.

It gives people the feeling that such a house really exists now.

You are the one exploring it.

It's very similar to the style of a handheld DV horror movie, with an amazing sense of immersion. (End of chapter)

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