Seeing this scene, I can feel it a little more.

This is definitely not a game that a player like Lucas can make!

"Neighbors" is indeed good, and this goodness is reflected in the level design and creativity.

But when it comes to whether there are any problems, there are quite a lot of them. It’s just that a lot of tricks have been used, and players sometimes don’t notice.

For example, in the graphics, when players are being chased crazily by a perverted murderer, they usually happen in relatively fixed locations.

These places are dim and the modeling accuracy is very low, but players have no time to notice.

Another example is optimization.

The game "Neighbors" is locked at 30 frames!

Even so, there are occasional wobbles.

And the picture style, at first glance, is that of the popular U4 engine on the market.

Let’s look at this unknown mysterious game in front of us now.

This amazing modeling accuracy, this photo-level image quality.

As an industry insider, I always feel that this game has a very familiar smell, the kind that I often come into contact with and like very much.

Just from the beginning, you can feel that this will be a high-quality game.

But what exactly?

I just can't remember.

In the screen, after the protagonist controlled by the player stood up, a few words popped up in front of him.

Goal: Escape the room.

Then, the game officially started, and a countdown appeared in the corner of the screen.

Since it was a trial run at the exhibition, time was limited.

The time limit is 12 minutes maximum for each person, or the challenge is deemed successful if one of the endings is cleared.

After successfully completing the challenge, you will receive a CDK, which can be activated on the origin platform after the game name is fully revealed.

Don't dare to waste time, hurry up and continue playing.

First, I looked at the interactive props in the room.

An old tube television set with a video recorder on it.

An electrical box with a fuse missing.

Other than that, there are a few photo frames and photos, on which there is a very kind-looking woman and a somewhat Mediterranean but strong man.

He looks like the owner of this house.

"Or should I say, the previous owner? This protagonist should be one of those young people in horror movies who insist on going to haunted houses to explore without knowing whether to live or die."

Since I didn't have any props with me, I had no choice but to walk out of the room.

Push the door and go to the corridor.

Seeing the scene outside, Jeff hesitated subconsciously.

This scene has a really strong sense of déjà vu.

Dark and cramped, narrow corridors, limited vision, and you never know what will appear around the next corner.

If the countdown time hadn't destroyed the VR immersion, I might have had to muster up courage every time I turned a corner.

In the small room under the stairs, there were many things that looked ominous, including straw dolls one after another, hanging from the ceiling by ropes.

Walk out of the storage room and walk to the kitchen.

The uneasiness in my heart is even worse.

Inside the microwave, there was a crow that was burnt black and covered in blood.

In the refrigerator, countless maggots squirmed on the rotten meat.

Looking at the table, there is rotten food that I don’t know what it is.

There was a mess everywhere.

The double baptism of first-person and VR, I knew I wouldn't smell anything, but I just felt a rancid smell lingering around me.

"damn it."

Jeff cursed secretly, already feeling a little frightened.

The sense of immersion is really strong.

I have obviously been reminding myself repeatedly that this is fake, this is fake!

But it still didn't work.

Walking over to the table, there was a large pot with a lid on it.

The moment you reach out and open it.

Many palm-sized cockroaches crawled out of it. Inside was a dark yellow disgusting liquid and many sticky and disgusting things.

After putting down the pot lid, a cockroach suddenly lay on the palm of my hand!

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something, but my palms feel itchy.

And looking at the cockroach, it seems to be reflecting light, and you can clearly see how many legs it has.


Jeff's scalp went numb for a while, and he couldn't help but curse.

Obviously, all the players present are at about the same progress.

After he cursed out his mouth, many people started yelling curses one after another, which seemed quite disgusting.

Walking along to the outermost side, there are many rotting animals, and there are dense flies flying in the sky.

But I also got a key item, wire cutters.

"Leon is good at this stuff."

After complaining, he took the props, went back and cut the iron chain on the cabinet, and got a new prop video tape.

On the way back to the room, I thought something scary would appear, but it was surprisingly quiet.

Occasionally, there are some small movements that will make people excited, but they will not be frightened.


Instead, Jeff hoped something would jump out.

In this depressing atmosphere, it is better to shout out loud!

Go back to the previous room and put the video tape into the video recorder.

The scene changes.

The person Jeff was controlling turned into the person in the frame holding a head-mounted camera.

The three of them, let alone the ones who came to explore this legendary haunted farm.

"A self-media blogger seeking death?" Jeff complained, and then lamented the brilliance of the video tape setting.

You can reuse materials, get more game time, and reveal some game content from another perspective.

For example, in the chat content of several people at this time, you can hear some stories about the background of the game.

Jeff grumbled in his mind.

"The Baker Farm family? Jack, Margaret? Not-so-normal son Lucas? Oh boy, are the producers involved?"

"Louisiana? This place name, what game had its main stage placed here before?"

But as expected for the trio, something unexpected happened.

One of the members, Andre, disappeared inexplicably.

I searched all the way here, in the room where I found it.

Finally some surprising clues were discovered.

Under the Baker's fireplace, you can see a tab when you squat down!

After pulling the tab, a wooden board on the wall next to it retracted, and a path appeared!

“Nice design.”

I praised him in my heart.

At this time, the two people in the game, except for Andre, who has disappeared, are already a little timid.

"As soon as you find Andre, get out of this damn place!"

This house is different from other haunted houses.

There is something really wrong with this house!

Enter the secret passage and follow the ladder to the cellar below.

The uneasy feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Jeff could already feel his heart pounding.

After simply coming down, I saw the person I was looking for.

Andre stood there with his back turned.

Jeff stepped forward step by step, subconsciously wanting to reach out and pat him on the shoulder.

At the same time, the hair on my body had stood up, and my goosebumps were about to fall to the ground.

But before his hand could reach him, Andre fell down in front of him.

It could be seen that an iron hook covered with rust and blood was pulled out of his mouth, and the whole person fell down weakly, falling on Jeff's body.

His orifices were bleeding, his eyes seemed to be melting, and thick blood seeped out from his eye sockets, as if he was still staring at death, as if he was asking Jeff for help.

Next to the corpse, you can still see a pair of legs walking towards here, but I don't know who it is.

At this point, after suppressing it for more than ten minutes, I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Falk! Wardfa!!!"

The flow of this part of the game is very simple, and it is difficult for players to create a big gap between players before.

Many people have also reached this part.

There is a first scream, and there is a second scream.

Then the whole audience screamed!

One after another.

Jeff's heart was pounding.

The perspective of the video tape in front of me has ended, there is a pattern of snowflakes in front of me, and the perspective has returned to the room where I woke up.

But he had no intention of moving forward with the game.

My whole body felt weak, and I really wanted to sit down and rest for a while.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Jeff wanted to curse, but he didn't know who to curse.

Should I blame this VR device for being too good, or should I blame the game for being too immersive?

This game definitely couldn't have been made by Lucas.

He is a good game designer, but he is not that good.

This is a work that can only be produced by a game team of a certain size.

After half a minute's pause, the countdown was over.

Crews began disarming equipment.

Only then did Jeff feel his own embarrassment.

I could feel waves of moisture on my back, my legs were a little weak, and if nothing else, my face was pale.

I thought I was already embarrassed enough, but then I looked around.

Others were no better.

Some people even needed help from staff to get out.

Taking off my glasses and stepping off the universal treadmill, I felt like I was in another world.

It seemed that I was not playing a game just now, but actually experiencing a life-and-death adventure.

However, some people went to receive the cards with CDK written on their faces with excitement.

Is it possible to pass the game for the first time in such a short period of time?

It's not impossible, but I'm afraid it's a little difficult.

These people were probably queuing up to play for the second time, so they were not as frightened as other players.

After rejecting the help from the staff next to him, he looked back sympathetically at the new players who walked into the trial venue with great interest.

Walking out of the trial venue with trembling legs.

Then he found a corner and sat down, panting.

Around him, there were many players who had also just finished the trial. They were scared and excited, and they were discussing the series in the game enthusiastically.

"So, next time, can you not watch the tape and just pull the trigger?"

"There is a key inside the secret door, but if you open the door and go out, you will meet Jack, which shows a bad ending."

"I heard them say that there is a fuse inside the secret door, and there should be other endings."

“There’s quite a lot of game content in one demo, right?”

"I have to queue up again! This game is so fun!"

Jeff nodded secretly.

This time I tried it out, it really paid off!

I was thinking about whether to rush back and publish a manuscript immediately.

Seeing that the person on the other side was even worse than him, the staff helped him out and sat next to him - a BGN game media reporter whom he had just met before queuing up.

The two looked at each other, their old faces flushed, and they pretended not to know each other and looked around at the scenery.

Jeff recovered faster and stood up first.

I don’t want to continue shopping anymore.

This report must be published before others!

Good quality mystery game, what a great gimmick?

In order to report as good content as possible, we also left the contact information of many players.

We made an appointment to contact him as soon as there is any new content.

Will be on fire.

This one is really hot.

Thinking about it, he quickly stood up and walked out.

When I passed by the queue, I found that there were more people in line than before.

Looking at the Electronic Arts booth, the number of players is not much different from here.

It's really strange.

On the main stage of the E4 exhibition, many game promotional videos are released every day, and many new games are announced every day.

It was thought that the name of this mysterious game would be announced on the first day.

But unexpectedly, it didn't.

It was still the same the next day, continuing the suspense.

Until the last day.

On this day, it is the day that attracts the most attention.

It’s the time when the world’s top manufacturers announce new works and release new promotional videos and new content.

This left countless people speechless.

Doesn’t this mean that this mysterious game is at the level of top manufacturers?

Everyone else was curious, but Arnold was really a little bit defensive.

"Lucas's crappy game was announced after our game?! Are you kidding me! Why did you announce it today! Who can join my team?!" Arnold was shocked and angry, "Damn it, why should he? He's not afraid of offending Did you kill me Electronic Arts?”

When the game is released, E4 also follows a principle.

The heavier ones go further back.

Among several top manufacturers, they generally don’t care much about who comes first.

Everyone has great years, and everyone has relatively mediocre years.

But that mysterious horror game that's behind all of Electronic Arts' products?

I just have to say it clearly, you Electronic Arts are not good enough.

The staff member responsible for liaison with E4 also felt a little incredible and replied: "I even said that if Lucas's crappy game must be adjusted behind our Electronic Arts, we will consider refusing to log in to E4 to release games in the future."

"Then what?"

"Then, I was still rejected."

Arnold frowned.

Would you rather offend Electronic Arts than refuse to adjust the release order?

Since when did Lucas have such great magic power? Is this because he is in his lap?

How thick is this?

It doesn't matter if someone else's game jumps to the back of the queue.

But this Lucas slapped Electronic Arts and WGA in the face at the awards ceremony.

We have poached most of the Lucas team, and the new horror game we plan to announce today will coincide with this Lucas game on its release date.

All this is for targeting, with a sense of revenge.

A word of warning for many small studios.

You can scold me and slander me, you can make me unhappy, but don't cause trouble for me.

A car crash in the game is a matter of injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging yourself eight hundred times.

If Electronic Arts can afford the loss, can you small workshops afford the loss?

But if this is done, the warning effect will be greatly reduced.

"Damn Lucas, damn E4!" Arnold cursed angrily, "I want to see what kind of support you have, and what kind of game is worthy of your protection!"

The loser next to him quickly agreed: "It's definitely not as good as ours, nothing is as good as ours. Unless Lucas can make a "Resident Evil"."

But, how is it possible?

Everyone added in their hearts. (End of chapter)

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