I pressed the pause button, took off the VR headset, took a few sips of water, and smoked a cigarette.

Only then did the soaring blood pressure recover a little.

After taking a long breath and looking at the horrifying scene of his hand being sawed off, Chudong subconsciously resisted returning to the game.

I really felt like it was my hand that was sawed off just now, not Ethan in the game.

At this time, the barrage was already extremely happy.

[Laughing to death, Naughty Cat will punish every boy who raises the flag randomly]

[I heard that you are very courageous? Don't you scream? 】

[Anchor, we won’t laugh at you, go change your pants first, it won’t be good if you catch a cold]

"No, big brother! I play with VR!" Chudong was speechless, "This is a crappy game, anyone who plays it will be scared to death, right?"

But Danmaku doesn't care what device you use to play it. Danmaku just wants to see rivers of blood.

No longer paying attention to the taunts from the barrage, Chudong took a deep breath, put on the VR headset again, and started the game.

"Hey. Playing games with VR equipment is so shocking. I don't know how shocking it will be if something like a game warehouse is built one day."

After calming down for a while and being fully mentally prepared, I felt much calmer after returning to the game this time.

Finding an opportunity, Ethan escaped from Mia and fled to the attic, where he picked up a pistol.

In order to protect himself, he had no choice but to use guns to engage in a chasing BOSS battle with Mia and kill her.

After finishing this not too difficult BOSS battle, Chu Dong breathed a sigh of relief and felt a sense of relief that he had not seen for a long time.

"Let me just say, as long as I build my psychology well, it will be difficult for me to have any violent psychological fluctuations."

[It is indeed much better than before. Even the crazy way he chases people with a chainsaw is still a bit scary]

[Waiting for a slap in the face, I have a feeling it’s not far away]

[If the host is too scared, as long as you bow and apologize, you are allowed to take off the VR and play]

Seeing this barrage, Chudong sneered and said: "Are you kidding me, picking up VR? Am I the kind of person who gives up halfway? And I already said that I won't be scared next time."

At this time in the game, Ethan glanced painfully at Mia, who had turned into a "corpse".

I tried to use a ladder to escape outside, but the ladder was broken.

When he was at a loss what to do, a man suddenly appeared in front of him, picked up a fist as big as a casserole and hammered it down.

"Child, welcome to become a member of our family!"

Ethan was hammered to the ground and stepped on several times.

[Fuck, I was so scared]

[Damn, why do you always appear suddenly?]

[Anchor, be afraid when you should be afraid, it’s not the first time anyway]

This sudden scene clearly showed that Chu Dong's body shook violently for a moment.

But you still have to be tough on your words.

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense! Am I afraid? Obviously not!"

From the perspective where Ethan seemed unconscious and awake.

You can see a tall figure carrying Mia and holding Ethan in his hand, walking towards a big house.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ethan woke up leisurely.

The first thing I saw was that Mia’s left hand, which was cut off with a chain saw, was reattached.

However, the next tool is a nail gun.

[Holy shit, can you handle this? The key is, can I still use this hand? 】

[I actually want to pursue realism in the game, I must be sick]

[In the game, if you are fatally injured, you can survive by taking a bottle of medicine. It is normal for a nail gun to nail the broken hand to heal it, right? 】

Seeing this scene, Chudong couldn't help but complain: "Damn it. You want to say that the protagonist is also a zombie, so I can still accept such treatment. The problem is that the protagonist is a human, can he still move his hands like this?"

It’s just that the words of complaint soon stopped coming out.

Looking up, it was a dining table surrounded by the Baker family, enjoying a "delicious" dinner.

Seeing this scene, Chudong stopped breathing, and the barrage became shorter for a moment.

Counting Ethan, there were five people at the table.

The male host Jack directly opposite, the hostess Margaret on the right, Lucas on the left, and an old lady sitting in a wheelchair on the back left who does not know how to live or die.

This happy family warmly welcomed Ethan, who had just arrived, and warmly entertained the guests to enjoy the delicious food on the table.

Some unknown parts of the human body.

It was full of flies and the table was full of cockroaches.

The rancid smell seemed to jump across the screen and into the bedroom in early winter, making him feel sick to his stomach.

Margaret saw Ethan wake up and grinned, showing two rows of disgusting yellow teeth, and said, "Wake up, little lazy boy, it's time to have dinner."

As she spoke, she caught a cockroach at random, put it into her mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.

Lucas on the left said nothing, but kept throwing small pieces of human tissue that had been cut on the plate at Ethan, and gave a weird smile.

Ethan suppressed his fear and asked, "Who are you? Where is Mia!"

Got no response.

Seeing that Ethan had no intention of eating.

Lucas on the left directly picked up the plate and threw it over, and cursed: "Asshole, don't be ungrateful!"

But this move angered Jack. He grabbed his son's hand directly, inserted a knife into his arm, cut it off, and threw it to the ground.

Then he walked over to Ethan, picked up a piece of large intestine, and stuffed it into Ethan's mouth.

This scene of family happiness and joy made Bengbu stunned in early winter.

"Fuck! Why don't I set the flag?" He said, pulling off the headset and pressing pause, "Damn it! Is this VR version of this game going to kill people?! I feel like the human intestines It all went into my mouth.yue”

With that said, he roughly threw the controller and headset onto the bed behind him.

Head straight out of camera.

Then there was a sound of retching.

After a long time, Chu Dong, whose face turned a little pale, came back and sat back down, unable to recover for a long time.

[Lin Mo: You fell down before I even exerted any force? 】

[New job is here, why aren’t anchors excited? Don't like it? 】

[We, the Resident Evil, also need to have our own Nine-turn Large Intestine]

[This game is simply the best promotional game for Genting VR2, but it is a bit expensive for consumers]

After finishing smoking a cigarette, Chudong said with a wry smile: "I was wrong. I now know that the return to terror is not an empty slogan, but a solid implementation. But is it too well executed? How many players will have to be dissuaded?"

He said that he was about to put on the headset and continue playing the game, but this time, he was obviously no longer so arrogant.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said emphatically: "Brothers, if I really can't stand it for a while, I still have to take off the VR to play. I've made it up first."

After saying this, I didn’t dare to look at what the barrage was saying and quickly picked up the controller.

The game continues.

Ethan refused to eat human flesh, and an angry Jack picked up a knife and planned to cut his mouth and stuff it inside.

Blood splatters.

Fortunately, the phone in the house rang at this time.

Lucas didn't care about the broken hand at all and cursed: "Damn it! I bet it's the policeman again."

The family leaves the restaurant.

Ethan took this opportunity to break free and finally gained a brief freedom.

But before he could run a few steps, Old Jack came back with a shovel, found Ethan who was running away, and immediately started chasing him.

Chudong immediately understood the designer's thoughts, suppressed his fear of the BOSS, turned around and ran, starting to circle around the small indoor area.

"I'm sorry, where the hell do you want me to go!"

Unarmed humans encounter a terrifying monster that seems to have mutated due to a biochemical virus and is as strong as an ox, a humanoid tyrant with abnormal mental state.

Can only run.

But where to run?

Get rid of Old Jack's pursuit, and then run in the direction Jack had chased before, which was the only place that had not been explored.

If there's a clue, it's there!

I originally thought that old Jack had been left behind and could not catch up.

But unexpectedly, when passing by the wall outside the storage room, this terrifying monster burst out of the wall!

[Shit, did he say here's johnny? A tribute to the movie]

[Nima, who is a tyrant who is both crazy and wise, who can withstand this?]

[Ethan is wearing hand sanitizer, God of War? Is it okay to just wash your hands for serious injuries? 】

In the game.

Jack grabbed Ethan and hit him hard with the shovel.

This time, Chudong was so frightened that he almost threw the controller away, but Xuan made an operation at the last moment and pressed the defense button in time. This was enough to kill him instantly.

Because in early winter, in order to show off the skills of veteran players, the game set the highest difficulty level currently available.

Jack's damage is ridiculously high and he moves very fast.

It is obviously a humanoid monster, but the sense of terror and oppression it brings is not inferior at all.

It is obviously a very common design in horror games now, but in Resident Evil, it is frightening and scary.

I picked up the key and walked down the tunnel to the laundry room.

After walking out of the room again, luckily Jack was no longer there.

At this time, the police who had called just now also arrived, and Ethan thought he had received reinforcements.

Solving the puzzle, not long after meeting the policeman in the garage, Jack suddenly appeared from behind and cut Jack's head in half with a shovel.

In order to survive, Ethan showed his amazing potential and drove the car in the garage to kill Jack.

But the crazy Jack was not afraid at all. He even grabbed the steering wheel and controlled the vehicle to crash into the pile of steel bars in front of him.

In an instant, the chest was squeezed into a meat patty by the force of the vehicle and steel bars, and then burst into flames.

In early winter, I saw old Jack with fire burning all over his body, but he still got out of the car and struggled towards Ethan. Fortunately, he died on the way.

Only then did Chudong finally let out a breath, patted his chest and said, "I'm finally dead. Damn! You're finally dead!"

But is old Jack really dead?


Old Jack suffered severe burns all over his body and half of his head was missing. You can see that his brain is still squirming, but he is still not dead!

And in the next game process, he appeared in various unexpected ways, trying to kill Ethan.

Crazy lines, twisted smile.

What it brings is an extreme sense of oppression.

In the farm's slaughterhouse, Ethan once again faced Old Jack.

It's just that this time it's a battle between trapped beasts, and it has to be decided between life and death.

Rabbits will bite when they are anxious, let alone Ethan?

Watch Old Jack pick up a chainsaw shaped like scissors.

And Ethan was not to be outdone and picked up another one!

Two chainsaws are put together, with a crazy monster on one side and a human being trying to survive on the other.

Sparks burst, blood spurted, and rotten flesh splattered.

"Ahhhhhhhh!! Damn old man, why don't you die? Please, die quickly, die quickly!!!"

Under the immersive feeling of VR equipment, Chudong screamed along with Ethan in the game.

in the game.

You can clearly see the scene where the wounds on Old Jack's body were torn apart by the electric saw, then healed quickly, and then were cut open.

The most primitive violence, the most primitive pleasure.

The anger and suppressed resentment of being chased, oppressed, and hurt by Old Jack for such a long time were all vented under this chainsaw.

After all, Old Jack's flesh and blood body was no match for the power of the chainsaw.

It was cut in half by a chainsaw!

The humanoid tyrant finally lay on the ground.

Chudong kept panting and looked at the powerful enemy in front of him with lingering fear.

[Damn, this cum is so exciting, isn’t it? It’s such a stress reliever]

[Isn’t this game pretty good? It’s time to be scary, it’s time to decompress and decompress]

[To be honest, if the quality of the previous part can be maintained in the future, this game can be regarded as a pioneering work when it is started again]

After the BOSS battle, there was a brief period of calm.

You can come to the search section that is the favorite of biochemical players. Watching the supplies in the backpack increase, you will feel an inexplicable sense of security.

After searching for a while, I saved it in the RV in the atrium of the newly unlocked map.

Then Chudong took a deep breath and laughed at himself: "I have to say, this is indeed a good game. Brothers, I misjudged the game. I actually doubted Naughty Cat's game. I must be blind."

"But now I'm not satisfied at all. Even if we use new characters, at least some old characters should appear, right? Naughty cat, don't force me to beg you to sell my feelings!"

[Laughing to death, as expected, Lin Mo will punish everyone who talks harshly]

[So here’s the question, tomorrow is the release date of “Madhouse”, which one are you going to focus on? 】

[Let’s speed through Resident Evil, after all, it is an orthodox sequel]

[It’s still the madhouse, it looks more like an orthodox biochemical sequel, and it has more speed-running significance]

Opinions vary.

It takes a long time of practice and exploration to speed through a game.

Most of today's speedrunning players are also anchors, and speedrunning is often linked to money.

The more popular a speedrunning game is, the more fans it has and the more money it makes.

Choosing the wrong project means a sharp drop in the popularity and income of the live broadcast room.

The choice must be made carefully.

Generally speaking, this is a small category of live broadcast and cannot bear the risk.

However, although the time spent playing it is not long, I have already gained a full understanding of the quality of the game.

If before playing, which side to choose as the next main event, the tendency was 50-50, then it is 64 now.

But another thought.

If in case, it means just in case.

Which game from Electronic Arts is also of amazing quality?

After struggling for a few seconds, Chudong still sighed and said: "Let's wait until we finish this "Resident Evil: Village" and tomorrow's "Madhouse" before making a decision. Then we will compare the quality of the two games in detail, and then Make a decision.”

The only option is to delay the attack first. (End of chapter)

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