At the Baker family's lake house, in early winter, I once again experienced what it means to be terrified but unable to stop.

"I finally discovered that this game is not afraid to bring out the most uncomfortable elements!"

If in the Baker's old house, the sense of terror was created by Old Jack bringing a sense of oppression, power and madness like a tyrant.

In this lakeside cabin, there is the most uncomfortable thing for VR players - trypophobia!

Because the hostess Margaret's theme is bugs.

Yes, bugs.

In this house, dense insect swarms, insect eggs, and insect nests can be seen everywhere.

A common way to get injured is, not surprisingly, a swarm of bugs jumping in the face.

It gives people goosebumps and makes the sanity of playing games in VR crazy.

Margaret's mutated image is equally horrifying.

The whole person was like a bug crawling darkly and twisted in the gap between the wall and the room.

At the same time, there was a huge insect nest in her lower body, which was very disgusting.

Defeat Margaret and collect the materials to make the serum.

Next, we have to face Lucas, the only serious bad guy in the Baker family who still retains the consciousness of being a human but has no humanity.

Here, the style of play changes again.

From horror and horror, it turns into a battle of wits and courage against a perverted murderer.

And many of the scenes have some homage to Chainsaw.

You need to complete the death game set by Lucas within the specified time. If you succeed, you can stay alive and continue playing the game.

Failure is a dead end.

But it's obvious that Lucas doesn't want anyone to live, he just wants to torture for fun.

When I saw Lucas' face in the videotape.

The corner of Chudong's mouth twitched: "No, which designer really puts his image as a perverted murderer into the game?"

[I’m convinced too. Is Lucas really a pervert? How much does he love horror games?]

[I actually admire Naughty Cat’s face, they look exactly the same! 】

After going through many difficulties and obstacles, Ethan finally collected all the materials to make the serum, and rescued the imprisoned Mia and Zoe, who had been calling but had no chance to meet.

There are two serums produced, just one for each of Mia and Zoe.

But how can it be so easy?

Haven't had time to be happy yet.

A huge monster, as tall as several floors, appeared again.

The owner of this farm, Jack Baker, is not dead yet!

It was obvious that he had been cut in half by a chainsaw before, but he just relied on his super recovery ability to mutate into this ghostly appearance.

Another tough BOSS battle.

Ethan had no choice but to inject a serum into the body of the monster version of Jack.

Obviously, this serum is more lethal to mold monsters than guns.

Old Jack shouted and wailed during the struggle, then calcified and finally died.


"My dear, are you dead this time? I always feel that this old monster, oh no, my father-in-law will appear again sooner or later."

Chudong just joked, and then faced a soul torture.

Mia and Zoe, both had mold infections and both needed treatment.

But now I only have one serum in hand, who can I save?

Is it Mia, his married wife, or Zoe, who has spared no effort to help along the way?

Chudong was silent for two seconds, cursed "Lin Mo, the old thief, must die a good death", but still chose to save Mia.

After all, she is my wife, and this is human nature.

Ethan took Mia and left in the boat, but Zoe refused to get on the boat and chose to stay there alone with despair.

I thought that the two of them could leave smoothly, and that everything would return to normal.

But Mia still can't remember her life experience.

While passing a cruise ship, suddenly a large amount of mold appeared and overturned the ship. Ethan was imprisoned, and the game perspective switched to Mia.

Before, it was the husband who saved his wife, but now it's the other way around. It's Mia's turn to save Ethan.

Following Mia's adventure, the story has reached the final part, when the secret is revealed.

It turns out that Mia is an agent of a criminal organization, and Ethan never knew about it.

Three years ago, the organization developed a special biochemical weapon, commonly known as mold, which can give infected people extraordinary recovery capabilities and control their behavior.

Generally, the external artistic expression of infected people in the game is that of a slimy monster.

The tissue combined this primitive strain of bacteria with a human embryo to give birth to a biochemical mother, Evelyn, a thin little girl.

The anti-biochemical organization discovered Evelin's existence and planned to eliminate her. Mia was ordered to disguise herself as a guardian and take Evelin out of the country.

But on the way, something happened.

Evelin became extremely mentally unstable and developed a perverted affection for Mia, treating her as a mother.

At the same time, mold was used to kill the crew and cause the ship to run aground on stormy days.

That is, near the Baker family.

Jack went to check and kindly rescued the surviving Mia and Evelin.

But unexpectedly, this was the beginning of a family's nightmare.

Evelyn infected the whole family. From then on, the kind and honest Jack and Margaret changed their temperaments and became terrifying murderers.

At the same time, Evelin also manipulated the Baker family to kidnap more victims and come here to play human games with her.

Ethan was able to receive Mia's letters because he was manipulated by Evelin.

So where is Evelin's true body?

It was the old lady in the wheelchair behind the left side of the dining table when Ethan came to Baker's house and had that cozy dinner.

Due to the instability of the virus, Evelin's body rapidly aged shortly after she regained her freedom.

On a cruise ship.

Mia was afraid that she would be controlled by Evelin again, so she imprisoned herself in the cabin after rescuing Ethan.

The final task of killing Evelin was given to Ethan.

In the end, the final battle took place at the Baker's house.

An extra serum toxin was injected into Evelin in a wheelchair, and a huge monster made of mold appeared, as tall as a building.

At this time, a helicopter from an unknown organization also flew over in the sky.

With their help, the monster Evelin finally died, calcified, and became lifeless.

A person landed on the helicopter. After taking off his helmet, his face made Chudong breathe a sigh of relief.

"Old friend Chris, long time no see."

Ethan, who was seriously injured, boarded the helicopter.

To my surprise, Mia has been rescued and is right next to her.

Looking at the smiles of the young couple surviving the disaster, the helicopter flew towards the direction of the rising sun in the distance.

This night of nightmare is finally over.

Chudong took a deep breath, took off the headset he had worn all day, and stretched his somewhat stiff wrists and neck.

【Finish spreading flowers! 】

[Where is Zoe? Where is my wife Zoe? Are you going to ignore such a pretty young lady? 】

[Damn, let Chris have more plot]

After the early winter calmed down, he suddenly sighed: "The previous perspective was either the police or the special forces. This is the first Resident Evil incident to be observed from the perspective of ordinary people. Natural disasters are also man-made disasters. It is really difficult for ordinary people in this world view."

"I take back what I said before and I apologize. This is a great work. Although it is not the traditional third person of the series and does not have the scenes of old characters, the quality is really beyond words."

"I'm just a little confused. If you have a broken hand, wash it and it'll be fine. If you have a broken foot, wash it and it'll be fine. Doesn't this destroy the sense of substitution too much?"

"And many holes have not been filled yet. Where's Lucas? Where's Zoe? What did Chris do? Besides, this two-in-one doesn't seem to have much volume?"

During the chat with the barrage, the ED of the game has ended.

Two countdowns pop up.

The first one is the countdown to free DLC.

Unlock time is tomorrow.

The second is the unlocking time for the second half of the game, the day after tomorrow.

"Free DLC? There really is a second half. Is it really the size of two games? It's only unlocked one day apart?"

In early winter, I couldn’t laugh or cry for a while.

Is this considered considerate from a naughty cat?

If you play the game right after you unlock it on the first day, you can finish it just before going to bed.

In order to prevent players from staying up late, the second half will be unlocked the day after tomorrow?

Satisfy your craving for DLC tomorrow?

"Actually, we played so much, we weren't tired at all, really." Chudong felt a little itchy, but he could only wait eagerly for the second half to be unlocked, "There is no other way, let's meet at the same time tomorrow."

the next day.

It still starts airing early.

The broadcast time is one hour before "Madhouse" is unlocked.

"Brothers, let's play the free DLC today, and then play "Madhouse"."

[Damn, the second half of Resident Evil is not unlocked today, am I remembering it wrong?]

[It’s better to play the two-week collection of all collections]

["Madhouse" is unlocked in an hour. Is it too late for the second week? 】

Chudong started the Resident Evil client, put on the VR, and said, "That should be enough, right? How much more content can be included in the DLC?"

But after actually entering the game and seeing the contents of the DLC list, I couldn't help but open my mouth.

"Isn't this too much?! And there is really a story about Chris, and there is really a follow-up story about Zoe?" Chudong touched his nose in a daze, "If Naughty Cat wasn't too big now, I’m afraid it will go bankrupt because it is too conscientious to make money.”

He made a joke and entered in a hurry.

In the two DLCs of Not a Hero and Zoe's Ending, it seems that the players are aware of the depressed mood after clearing the main game.

These two are used to relieve players' stress.

It was different from Ethan's trembling steps when facing the fungus beast.

As a professionally trained person, Chris excels in explosive shooting and refreshing. There are sparks and lightning along the way, and the killing is extremely satisfying.

The ultimate goal of this trip is Lucas, who had temporarily escaped before.

In Zoe's ending, the controlling role is changed to Zoe's uncle, Old Jack's brother, a veteran.

Although this old man is old, his fighting ability is not weak at all.

Relying on a pair of fists to smash the head of the fungus beast, he passed the level and beheaded all the way.

However, in the ending, I really saw old Jack again, and he was not dead yet!

But this time, I really can't die anymore.

His head was blown off by his eldest brother himself.

A new antidote was made and Zoe was saved, whose body had crystallized due to the deterioration of the mold.

I have just finished two DLCs, and a full two hours have passed.

"Madhouse" has already been unlocked.

However, I completely forgot about it.

[Hurry up and play "Madhouse", didn't you agree? 】

[That is, this is the orthodoxy of biochemistry, the first person is not biochemistry]

[Biochemical orthodoxy is at Electronic Arts! 】

If it were in the past, not only the audience would say this, but he would also say this, severely criticizing the first-person biochemistry, and then mentioning "Madhouse" which is obviously a reference.

But now, after experiencing the quality and sincerity of the first half of "Resident Evil: Village", I can't think of any discredit at all.

Instead, I want to maintain it.

"House manager, seal the live broadcast room that has a rhythm and a rhythm." Chudong said calmly, "The civilized and quality live broadcast room rejects all derogatory behavior."

This move made countless black people look at the prohibition of speaking prompts on the screen and become confused.

If you weren't a big brother, how could you still be such a person?

A few days ago, didn't you publicly say that the orthodox version of Resident Evil should be in the third person?

Aren't you saying that "Resident Evil: Village"'s approach to a pure horror game is against the team's training and deviant?

Good guy, this backstab was so unexpected!

After cleaning up the atmosphere in the live broadcast room, I reluctantly closed the Resident Evil client and opened "Madhouse" with some reluctance.

start up.

After the game is launched, it is the CG shown at E4.

It has the style of a low-budget cult film.

At the beginning of the game, you control the protagonist and go with some companions from the place where the car broke down to the madhouse.

After getting started, Chudong's face looked a little strange, then he controlled the character to turn the camera, and then performed a simple operation.

"No, with this feel, it wouldn't be a problem if Naughty Cat sued you for plagiarism! This is no longer like Resident Evil 4, it's exactly the same."

[It really looks so similar that I don’t want to play anymore]

[For those who didn’t know, I thought it was the DLC of Biochemical 4]

[But the question is, since they are so similar, why don’t I play Biochemical 4]

Chudong struggled for a while, but sighed and said: "Let's play first. Can we make some differentiated competition in terms of game content?"

Follow the plot and go all the way to the lunatic asylum.

The damage caused by the previous battle is still vivid in our minds, but the protagonist group does not feel scared or feels wrong, not even far-fetched.

Instead, I chose to be in this strange place.

have a party!

During the party, the blonde girl Xiaomei drank too much beer and went to the toilet.

But until everyone was tired of playing, they still didn't come back.

Since he is a companion, he must be found.

But the lunatic asylum is very large and the route is complicated, so the protagonist team made a decision that would give the audience a very cerebral hemorrhage in a horror movie.

Split up.

Each person goes to a different area to search.

Everyone has a walkie-talkie, although it's not that easy to use and there's often no signal.

From the player's perspective, because he has seen the opening CG, he knows that there is a group of perverted, crazy and bloodthirsty freaks here.

But the protagonist group didn't know, so naturally, everyone except the protagonist was caught.

The next action of the protagonist is decided.

Go to various areas of the asylum and save people.

But alas, there was not enough time.

The deformed people are cannibals, and a religion has even developed in this lunatic asylum, requiring them to eat at midnight every day.

It's getting late now, and there isn't enough time to save everyone. The protagonist can only choose one person to save, and the rest will have to die.

The life and death of the companions depend on the protagonist's thoughts.

There are many collectibles along the adventure, which contain many contents about this small team that seems to be united and friendly, but in fact secretly fights and slanders each other.

Including, the attitude towards the protagonist.

You can use these contents to decide which ones to save and which ones not to save.

"This game seems to be okay." Chudong said with some excitement, "I can already think of many scenes. Some are greedy for life and choose to betray the protagonist to a deformed person, some die miserably because of stupidity, and some trust the protagonist and survive. Different people, different deformities, different scenes, this drama is full of tension. Which ones are saved and which ones are not saved will definitely affect the subsequent development of the plot. Some are terrifying, some are bloody and violent, and some are bloody. Interactive puzzle solving, this game seems quite interesting! Who said this game is just a reskin of Resident Evil 4?”

[I dare you to say that these exist in Naughty Cat games. Does Electronic Arts have this ability? 】

[Question, always question]

[But with this price and the size of this game, can it hold so much content?]

With that said, Chudong was already happily controlling the protagonist to the first place of the trip - the electrotherapy room.

Go rescue the first blonde girl who disappears.

"The electrotherapy room, this area should be mainly about horror, right?"

"Oh? It's not a thriller style. This combat system is really similar to Resident Evil 4."

After a battle, although the BOSS in this small map was successfully killed, the blonde girl who was about to be rescued died in the battle.

You can only go to the next area with the blonde girl's relics and the stronger weapons you got.

cold storage.

"Brothers, I guess this map should be set with a decreasing time that counts down continuously. Players need to solve the puzzle and escape within the specified time!"

I arrived at the map with great interest and started the mission.

Chu Dong frowned again.

It's different from what I imagined.

Still fighting!

"Why is it another battle?" Chudong frowned deeply, "Can you please add some horror elements? Wherever you go, you kill. If you don't know, you'll think you've jumped into the "War Zone" of Baofeng Entertainment next door. 9". Are you worthy of the name "Madhouse"?"

Unexpectedly, I was unlucky enough to choose two areas that required combat.

But the third one is still the same, still a fight.

It's just a battle in a different place.

[Is there a possibility that this game is really a different style of Biochemical 4? 】

[To be honest, it’s a bit nondescript. There are too many battles, too little decryption, and almost no horror elements. What kind of game is this? 】

[This scene is quite big. Every time I save someone, the map is completely blown up]

[On second thought, if "Resident Evil: Village" hadn't made bold innovations, would the Resident Evil series have developed like this? 】

Finally, this was a paid and eye-catching barrage. After reading it word for word, veteran players of the Chudong series were silenced.

It also silenced many old players in the live broadcast room.

Although I can't imagine it, it still feels very awkward.

In early winter, my face is full of black lines.

"No, I guessed so many ways to play, so I won't say anything if you don't do them all. How did you manage to avoid all my guesses?!" (End of Chapter)

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