Arnold couldn't help but frown when he thought of this.

To be honest, this project is somewhat of a rush.

Spencer's movie "The World to Come" was written and directed by himself, and he even financed part of it himself.

Coupled with the resources of Pawar as a partner and Electronic Arts, the risks of this project are equally shared among the three parties.

Do you really want to say how much you expect from this project? All I can say is, it's okay.

I saw "It's over!" in China. "I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women" is so popular that I wouldn't be willing not to give it a try. The rate of return is simply greedy.

The cost of "Future World" is obviously much higher. As long as the profit can be as high as "Done!" 70% of "I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women" can make you laugh out loud.

At least one thing can be proved to the shareholders' meeting.


It proves that he has a good vision and a very keen sense of the market.

I can still do it!

I still have value!

At least it can add a pretty good bargaining chip to keep one's position.

But if this game hits the streets again.

Arnold couldn't help but shudder, it might be that he was really getting cold.

after all

That wave of "Galaxy Hunter" was really hurtful.

After losing a huge sum of money to Hot Sauce, it was embarrassing to grandma's house, and Electronic Arts became the laughing stock of the entire industry.

Let’s look at this collaborative project again.

After thinking about it carefully, is there any possibility of coolness in this game?

After thinking about it, it seems that the only risk is with the Chinese game "It's Over!" which started the trend of interactive video games in China. The DLC of "I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women" crashed.

However, it’s just a DLC, so what threat can it pose?

Think about it again, so that this game can be foolproof, how else can we add insurance?

Arnold frowned, thinking while browsing industry news aimlessly.

"Naughty Cat's official website announced the construction of an IP theme park, designed by the chief designer of Disneyland himself? Haha, sensationalizing!"

"'Resident Evil: Village' is a hymn to a great father? Bah! What's wrong with 'Bedlam'!"

""Extremis 6" will undergo in-depth optimization to provide players with an exquisite open-world shooting game? What's the use of a potato factory?"

"Baofeng Entertainment announced that its Baofeng platform will be connected to third-party games and more."

Arnold's eyes suddenly lit up, he touched his chin, and a plan gradually took shape in his mind.

Electronic Arts has its own platform.

On the platform, there are not only games for sale, but also subscription services, which include most of Electronic Arts' first-party games.

Including F1, street racing, rally, football, basketball, rugby and more.

Every game received rave reviews, and they just made a simple update and continued to sell it.

It’s unrealistic to expect players to keep spending big bucks on new games.

So subscription has become essential.

But this will also affect the sales of other works to a certain extent.

The largest video game distribution platform on the market is undoubtedly the origin platform, and most Electronic Arts games are not logged on.

The main thing is that we still don’t want to capitalize on our enemies.

Baofeng platform has always been their own reserved place before, and it has always only had first-party games.

Have you finally thought about it? Are you planning to connect to third-party games?

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?

If this is really the case, then it is not impossible for the cooperation between the two companies to advance.

For such a big move, publicity will definitely be stepped up to attract players other than fans of Baofeng Entertainment's own games.

After reaching the cooperation, the cost of the interactive video game "Future World" will be shared among all four parties, further reducing the risk.

And you can also use the channels there to earn a lot of money from players buying games in addition to the subscription system.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.


"Achieve a cooperation with Baofeng Entertainment and let "Future World" be launched on the Baofeng platform?" Pawar frowned, "This will give up a lot of dominance."

On the side, Director Spencer snorted and added: "For example, the release date."

Hearing this, Arnold looked embarrassed, and even Pawar had a hint of scorn on his face.

This alliance of frustrated people still got together.

Arnold coughed lightly and said: "The release date means that you need to pay attention to whether there is a collision with the Naughty Cat game. Just in case of a collision,...also..."

I hesitated for a long time on the second half of the sentence, but still didn't say it.

There is really no way to lie to yourself.

"Hey, okay, I admit it." Arnold smiled bitterly, "If a car crashes, you still have to avoid it. You can't be stubborn anymore."

If you try hard again, you will kill yourself.

Although the last time "Bedlam" ran into "Resident Evil: Village" it was a complete accident. It was originally just to target Lucas who didn't give himself face.

But I can also make up my mind that if I encounter a similar situation in the future, I will never take the pride of a so-called big company again.

Must be avoided!

Although the reputation is not good, fortunately, it can maintain the sales of the game.

Otherwise, Naughty Cat that armored car.

Whoever was hit was killed, and no one was spared.

Hearing this, Spencer nodded and said: "In this case, I do not advocate cooperation with Baofeng Platform."

After hesitating for a while, Pawar said: "I still think we should cooperate. Baofeng Platform is a strong ally. Although I don't know the purpose of connecting to third-party games, I can see that the intention is very big. This is the best If you have the opportunity, you can take advantage of it.”

When he mentioned taking advantage, Arnold's expression became a little unnatural, and he squirmed on the sofa.

Inexplicably, some not-so-good memories came to mind.

But talk about it, talk about it, and make trouble about it.

Generally speaking, given Arnold's character, he is still inclined to reach this cooperation.

At this point, two votes versus one.

Spencer's face was filled with hesitation.

In the end, I could only sigh and asked: "What if we bump into Naughty Cat Game again this time? Once we reach a cooperation with Baofeng Entertainment, the game must cooperate with the other party's announcement, and the date cannot be changed. You We also know how terrible Naughty Cat’s productivity is.”

Arnold nodded very confidently and said: "You can rest assured about this. Interactive video games are quite popular, but who is Naughty Cat? They will not be interested in such a small project. So, rest assured."

"Also, are you sure that the DLC of China's "It's finished! I'm surrounded by beautiful women" will not affect the game?"

"No, please trust my judgment."

The words had reached this point, and although Spencer still had some doubts in his heart, he could only nod.

"Okay, I'll just trust your judgment for once."


"To be honest, although I can be considered an industry insider who has invested in games, after coming to your company, I feel like a country bumpkin."

Lao Xue was sitting in Lin Mo's office, looking at the photos taken along the way on his mobile phone, still filled with emotion.

Now Naughty Cat’s new headquarters building has been completely built and put into use.

In other words, it is no longer just a building, but a small campus.

Not only does it have the main office building, there is even a 4-story sub-building specifically used for players to visit, try out games, and hold events, similar to a shopping mall.

There are PC area, VR area and console area dedicated to trial play, which contain only Naughty Cat's own games.

Some game tests will be placed here in the future.

There are also theme restaurants related to the Naughty Cat game, peripheral shopping malls, etc.

As for the park, there are models of various IPs owned by Naughty Cat, and you can check in and take photos.

Today is the first day it is open to the public. Lao Xue is the most popular tourist among them because he is accompanied by the boss and he is also the only one among the tourists who can enter the main building.

Lin Mo looked at him like this and said with a smile: "Isn't your investment in the gaming industry just a joke?"

Lao Xue curled his lips and responded dissatisfied: "That's what I said. I also used the blueprint function of the game engine to make a simple trial game, okay?"

"Okay, okay, I blamed you wrongly."

After two seconds of silence, Lao Xue couldn't help but ask again: "There have been rumors on the Internet these days that you want to invest in building a theme park with Naughty Cat game IP? The investment and scale should be on par with Mount Happy? Is it true? ?”

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "Of course it's fake."

"I'll just tell you." Lao Xue patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't know where people came from to spread rumors. It's true."

"Because the investment and scale should be on par with Disneyland."

Lao Xue:.

Staring at each other for a few seconds, Old Xuepi asked with a smile: "Will you die if you don't show off for a day?"

Lin Mo spread his hands helplessly and said: "Naughty cats don't know how to do construction. This matter cannot be hidden. You will know when the time comes."

"I! Yes! Say it!" Lao Xue took a deep breath and asked loudly, "Do you have to take a big breath and pretend to be so cool?!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo suppressed a smile and said seriously: "Yes! How boring is it to pretend to be cool with people you don't know?"

As soon as these words came out, Old Xue was so angry that he puffed his beard and stared, as if he wanted to kill someone.

After chatting for a while, the topic shifted from Naughty Cat’s new park to games.

Lao Xue asked curiously: "By the way, how is the DLC production going? After such a long time, is your game almost ready?"

When talking about business, Lin Mo became more serious, nodded and said: "The DLC has been produced. The production of the main game is in progress. Don't worry, there will be no delays or delays."

Lao Xue nodded, then quickly shook his head and said, "I'm not rushing you! I'm just asking. I'm lucky that you can make DLC for my game."

The game in question is, of course, Lao Xue’s original plan to make it into a short play, but later on Lin Mo’s suggestion, he changed his mind and made it into an interactive video game called “It’s Over!” I'm surrounded by beautiful women".

Lin Mo had guessed the success of this game.

But it was even more successful than in the previous life. To be honest, I didn’t expect it.

In this world, there is no interactive video game that can be named. This is a blind spot for all game producers.

Since this type of game is so popular, Naughty Cat cannot miss it.

Therefore, the planned "Detroit: Become Human" is in production.

As for the DLC produced for Lao Xue, one is to help, and the other is to advertise for his own game.

It's been quite some time since the game was released.

But "It's over!" The popularity of the game "I'm Surrounded by Beauties" on the short video platform has not diminished at all.

Even several female protagonists make a lot of money from live broadcasts.

Lao Xue authorizes Naughty Cat to make DLC, which is a win-win situation.

While harvesting a high-quality DLC, I made money.

On the other hand, Naughty Cat borrowed "Done!" The popularity of "I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women" promoted its own game.

It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

However, although the new DLC is still "Finished!" "I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women", but the core has changed a lot.

The story of "Detroit: Become Human" takes place in the near future.

This is a world with a crooked technological infrastructure, and bionic humans have been born who can play the roles of security guards, nannies, workers, and cleaners, liberating humans from basic and hard manual labor.

Players can choose and control the lives of three android protagonists - Kara, the housekeeping android, Marcus, the leader of the android rebellion, and Connor, who helps the police investigate abnormal androids.

During the game, there are a lot of philosophical speculations about what "human" is, and even some of the spiritual core and discussion content are very similar to the cyberpunk theme.

Although the concept of androids is rarely mentioned in "Cyberpunk 2077", it is indeed a classic element that cannot be avoided in the cyberpunk genre.

This DLC is intended to be a warm-up for the game, a "wedge" in the background story.

If you are not interested in this subject, then it is a "Done!" "I'm Surrounded by Beauties" is a high-quality collaborative DLC.

If you are interested, there is a lot of information and copywriting to learn about and read.

The two chatted for a long time about the DLC.

"By the way, I heard that Baofeng Entertainment's platform will be connected to third-party games? Why do you think this is?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said: "You can't tell yet. Although I am an insider in the industry, I am not a god. It is impossible for me to guess every behavior of my peers."

"Really? Baofeng Entertainment seems to be a little hostile to you." Lao Xue smirked, "I guess you are not happy for this company to grow bigger."

Lin Mo turned on the computer casually, entered keywords and clicked search. While reading the news, he said: "You should ask how many of my colleagues in the industry don't want me to die. Let me take a look. Huh? The first batch of game lists has been released. Come out?"

Hearing this, Lao Xue quickly came over and looked curiously at what third-party games were logged in.

"Oh, yes, this game has a lot of lineups, and the discounts for new platforms are pretty big."

Since July 15th, Baofeng Platform has almost maintained the progress of unlocking one third-party game every day.

The game unlocked every day has a huge discount on that day, and you will get an additional free game if you purchase it.

There are quite a lot of benefits.

Among them, there are new games and old games.

Lin Mo nodded: "It's indeed quite a lot. Moreover, Electronic Arts is ready to make a move."

"Electronic Arts?"

Lao Xue looked down and saw a game called "Future World", priced at 60 dollars.

There are three points that are most noteworthy.

One is its game type: interactive movie game.

The second is the time it logged into the Baofeng platform, August 3.

Finally, there are a few big words written clearly by the developer.

Electronic Arts Entertainment.

It’s also a first-party game from Electronic Arts!

"This, this, Electronic Arts is here specifically to snipe you?" Lao Xue looked surprised, "Oh no, the DLC has not been disclosed to the public. Is this here specifically to snipe me?"

"It's over!" The DLC for "I'm Surrounded by Beauties" was released on July 20, and "Detroit: Become Human" was released ten days later on July 30.

Lin Mo glanced at him with a pleased expression.

"Maybe so. Congratulations, you've grown up."

"Go away! So, is this Electronic Arts game crashing with you again?" (End of Chapter)

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