The game has reached the final part, and it’s time to understand the mystery.

A hundred years ago in Eastern Europe, a horrific Spanish flu ravaged the entire continent and took away countless lives.

Among them, Miranda's daughter is included.

Miranda was extremely grieved and took her daughter to find a suitable burial place.

But a terrifying behemoth was discovered in a cave - the Fungus Master.

It is the root of all mold.

These molds can mutate organisms, greatly enhance recovery capabilities, and absorb personality and memory to form a consciousness network.

In the Baker farm three years ago, Evelin was the degraded version of the "fungus master", relying on the same consciousness network connection to control the Baker family and those irrational fungus beasts.

Miranda gained many abilities after being infected, including a near-immortal lifespan and the ability to change her appearance.

Then, she relied on the ability of the fungus owner to develop a cult while conducting experiments, hoping that the fungus could resurrect her daughter.

The four major families and the werewolves all over the village were cannon fodder for the experiment.

But a hundred years later, the results of this experiment were not ideal, and the opportunity to resurrect his daughter never came.

In a later accident, a college student accidentally entered the village. His name was Spencer. He was shocked by Miranda's experiments and became her apprentice.

But because of different ideas, he left after a few years.

Relying on the knowledge learned with Miranda and some adventures, after leaving, he created a company that is unavoidable and notorious in the biochemical series - Umbrella.

The symbol that appeared in the village together with the four major families, like an umbrella, also became the LOGO of the umbrella.

Then many years ago, a biochemical criminal organization came to the door and cooperated with Miranda, using human embryos and mold to create the unstable failure Evelyn.

A combination of circumstances led to the tragedy of the Baker family.

As a result, Ethan's daughter Rose was born - a child with extraordinary talents.

This is also the best container for Miranda to resurrect her daughter.

Seeing the contents of a series of files that Chris found, Chudong was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

But then he said to himself: "That's not right, isn't it? How could Ethan and Mia give birth to such a strange child as Rose? This child couldn't have been born with Miranda, right?"

Just as he was talking, Chris arrived at the end of the trip, only to find a person imprisoned in the prison.

The real Mia!

Chris told the news of Ethan's death with great regret.

But Mia didn't believe it at all. Instead, she shook her head and told a truth that had been hidden for many years.

It turned out that Ethan had been killed by Old Jack not long after he stepped into Baker's house three years ago.

From then on, Ethan could no longer be considered a human being.

Seeing this, Chu Dong took a breath of cold air.

"Holy shit! Yes, one of the abilities of mold is mimicry. So, in the past three years, Ethan has been a humanoid fungus living in society?! Damn it, thanks to Mia's injection of serum, if not for Ethan Don’t you have to infect whoever you hang out with?”

"Wait! Damn it! Why are many details in the game so weird? Why is it so easy for Ethan to reattach his broken limbs? He just needs staples and just washes his hands when he is injured. This guy is not human! He is originally a human being. monster!"

"No wonder Ethan's daughter Rose is a born monster and can still survive after being dismembered. Isn't it said in the game that hybrids are the strongest. Rose is a hybrid of a fungus and a human! No wonder she was born with a monster no the same."

[Damn, I thought it was a detail that Naughty Cat ignored, but I didn’t expect it was all a hint]

[It’s all round? I didn’t expect that]

[Hey, Ethan and Miranda, two poor people who love their daughters extremely much]

At this time in the game, Ethan in the fungus owner's consciousness network fell into confusion.

Looking at his intact left hand and his right hand covered with mold.

If not human, what is it?

In front of her, Evelin mocked in a high-pitched voice: "You are covered in mold now, and it is impossible to see your family again!"

The word family awakened Ethan.

The strong obsession made Ethan forcefully separate his consciousness from the fungus master's network.

After waking up, the final battle begins.

Miranda's ritual was completed, but her daughter was not resurrected.

What grew from the mold was still the fat, white, baby Rose.

Not only that, but it also swallowed up a lot of Miranda's power.

This battle can be said to have been fought in darkness.

Ethan used all the weapons and tricks and finally defeated the old witch who created hell on earth.

Finally rescued my daughter.

But Ethan no longer had the strength to leave here, so he could only hug Rose tightly, wanting to see his daughter one last time.

It's like taking a panoramic view of the decades when my daughter has grown up healthily.

It seemed that she felt the sense of security brought by her father, no matter how dangerous the environment was, the crying Rose fell into Ethan's arms and fell asleep sweetly.

"It's okay, it's okay, Rose."

By this point, Ethan was already somewhat calcified and fell to his knees weakly.

But he was so weak, but he had such a firm will, like a god of war.

The scene was not too sensational, but Chudong felt a sore nose.

Only then did I realize that I had never seen Ethan’s face from the beginning to the end.

"This is to allow players to take on the role of every great father."

When Chu Dong said this, he realized that his voice was choked.

At this time, Chris, who rescued Mia, arrived late and only saw the dying Ethan.

The dead Miranda's consciousness returned to the fungus master network and began to go berserk. She can no longer stay here.

Chris carried Ethan out with difficulty.

"Ethan, we have to go. I've planted a bomb here that will blow up the whole village. You can't stay around until I press this button. Hey! Hold on! Mia's waiting for you! She's Still alive, you hear me!”

This sentence aroused some consciousness in Ethan, he handed his daughter to Chris, and then put his coat on her daughter.

"Take good care of her and teach her to be strong."

Then he pushed forward suddenly, pushed Chris to the outside, and snatched the bomb detonator from his hand.

"Take care, Rosemary"

Ethan's voice had a hint of crying. After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the furious fungus owner without hesitation.

Chris couldn't leave with an adult and a baby who were collapsing.

In this case, Ethan chose to let his daughter live.

Not too much sensationalism.

Ethan just staggered towards the furious fungus owner.

After Chris took Rose to a safe distance.

Although he was so frightened that he was short of breath and hesitant, he still pressed the detonator of the bomb.

Bury the whole village with yourself.

See this scene.

Chudong let out a long breath, his thoughts a little complicated.

"Brothers, I feel very uncomfortable. There are no touching lines or sensational scenes in this ending, but I just feel a little uncomfortable."

After taking a look at the barrage, I found that there were many people who felt the same way.

[This figure from behind shows an ordinary but great father]

[Ethan Winters, a mortal on par with gods! 】

[He rarely speaks, but he is an upright man who loves his wife and daughter]

[Damn, am I the only one crying watching this! ! 】

[Who would have thought that the theme of this Resident Evil movie would be fatherly love]

Chudong sniffed, looked at the screen and sighed: "Brothers, only by playing along with the first person can you understand how difficult it is for Ethan. After experiencing the complete "Resident Evil: Village", who would dare to say anything about Ethan? The image of this character is weak, not as good as the protagonist in the previous game?”

"This is really a good game."

At this point, early winter has completely made its decision.

Switching to the desktop, I deleted "Madhouse" on my computer without hesitation.

He also scolded: "It's a broken plot, and it's better than you to write it with your own hands."

When I switched back to Resident Evil again, the game was just advancing the last bit of the plot.

On the helicopter, Mia, who was holding her child, looked at the village with mushroom clouds rising, with a look of despair on her face.

Chris' face was solemn.

Because the anti-biochemical weapons organization BSAA sent here humanoid biological weapons, that is to say, there is a traitor in the organization.

This can explain how Ethan and Mia's whereabouts were leaked to Miranda.

Chris also made a decision.

Investigate this matter thoroughly!

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

Give the victim of this incident an explanation!

The screen flashed and many years passed.

Rose has transformed from that chubby baby into a juicy girl.

Wearing a beige coat and a baseball cap left behind by her father, she sat on the bus heading to the cemetery in the suburbs.

Today is Ethan's birthday.

However, before Little Rose could say a few more words to Ethan who was sleeping here, a man in black came over.

As Ethan's daughter, a "poisonous second generation" who has been born with powerful mold power, it is obviously impossible to have a childhood like ordinary people.

Live under surveillance.

Even the man in black who was monitoring Rose dared to use the name "Evelyn" to tease Rose.

Then, little Rose pulled her tie and gave her a severe lesson.

When Chu Dong saw this scene, he said with emotion: "Ethan, you have an excellent and lovely daughter. It's a pity that you can't grow up with her, but with Chris here, you can rest assured. No, you can't rest assured with Chris?"

[Chris used to only defeat his teammates, whoever was his teammate would die. Now he has defeated the protagonist, and will he have to defeat the protagonist's daughter in the future? 】

[Chris takes care of Rose, and Ethan will die in peace]

[However, I am very happy to see little Rose growing up healthily. I just really want Ethan to see this scene too.]

Chudong watched Rose get into the car of the man in black and drive away into the distance. He still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and sighed: "Who says it's not the case? Hey, even if there is a little easter egg, it would be nice."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he frowned.

The black SUV stopped just before it disappeared over the horizon.

There is a figure gradually approaching.

Chudong's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly sat up straight, staring at that figure.

The barrage also noticed something was wrong.

[Wait a minute, this figure from behind is not Ethan, right? 】

[It’s too far to see clearly, but it seems to be somewhat similar]

[Holy shit, you’re not dead? real or fake? 】

But unfortunately, the perspective never got closer.

In the last scene, a line of words appeared.

[The father’s story ends here]

"Is this the end of my father's story? Does that mean I can understand that my daughter's story is about to begin!"

Chudong himself couldn't believe it.

But the scene changes to the next scene.

[Rose Phantom DLC, remaining time to unlock: 83 hours, 31 minutes and 29 seconds]

"Damn, there really is one! Another free DLC? Is it about Rose?" Chudong took a breath, "Naughty Cat, I beg you to make some money, I'm afraid that your conscience will go bankrupt."

He made a joke and then directly launched a lottery.

"Brothers! Draw 20 "Resident Evil: Village" and have fan cards. As long as you like this game, we are half-brothers."

[No, is this game that fun? Bewitched by a naughty cat? It’s completely different from what I said on the first day]

[Those who didn’t know better thought you were dragging me down]

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was much happier, dispersing some of the sadness and depression caused by the previous plot.

At this time, the room manager of the live broadcast room suddenly sent a paid eye-catching barrage.

【Anchor! I uploaded a MOD in the group, please upload it quickly, and then go to the castle of Madam Bachi]

Chudong quickly emphasized: "I can't play some MODs here, otherwise the live broadcast room will be blocked."

After getting the confirmation that it was not a Qingliang MOD, I installed it with hesitation and started it.

Load the archive and enter the castle.

At this time, Mrs. Bachi, dressed in a white dress and hat, with her index finger nails like sharp knives, was chasing Ethan in the castle.

There doesn't seem to be any difference, right?

[Switch to a knife to attack Mrs. Bashiku, and you will understand]

Chudong walked out of the archive room confused, and happened to see Mrs. Bachi walking with her back to him.

Switch to the knife and step forward.

But he found that there was no dagger in his hand.

It's a fly swatter!

Because of Mrs. Bashiku's huge figure, the position of this slap was just right on the buttocks.


The sound effects were replaced with a crisp "pop" sound.

Chudong was instantly burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and burst into laughter.

"Damn, there is also this kind of MOD. This touching plot, this gameplay that continues the past and forges ahead, this conscience-filled DLC. Now there is no reason to choose "Madhouse"."

[No, what kind of MOD is this? Author, please come out and I will thank you in person]

[Thank you to the MOD author, although it was a bit difficult, I still came out]

[Hahahaha, there is also the effect of ripples in the buttocks, it is really thoughtful]

[Damn, I’m still sad because of Ethan’s death, give me back my tears]

"Okay, it's decided. I will use this MOD during practice during this period." Chudong said and opened a new channel, "By the way, please don't talk about 'biochemical orthodoxy' in this live broadcast room to cause war. Topics, and chatting about games that are not related to the live broadcast are also prohibited, thank you.”

This time, it can be regarded as a complete stand.

A live broadcast room that decided to use "Resident Evil: Village" as its next main project and banned topics such as "Biohazard Orthodoxy".

It is no longer necessary to say who it is aimed at.

There are also some people who are not convinced and want to know what happened.

The result was an unceremonious ban.

A few days later.

DLC unlock date.

It’s also a week since the game was released.

Chudong has already fought fiercely with several old opponents on the speed list for countless rounds.

At this time, he had not slept all day and night, and there were two black circles next to his eyes.

The number one position on the global speedrunning list has changed hands many times, including Xiaorizu, Xiaoxiba, and Lighthouse Chinese.

But on this day, Chudong put aside the work of grabbing the top spot and opened the new DLC Rose Phantom.

A full three hours of gameplay.

The new controllable character Rose, new skills, and new plot flow make up for the regret of many players not seeing the reunion of father and daughter.

Rose was bullied at school because her ability to obtain microbial masters from an early age was very different from ordinary children, such as she would shed milky white sweat.

In order to become a normal person, she chose to return to the fungus master's consciousness network, but unexpectedly she entered the hell that her father encountered back then.

But Rose was lucky to have an "angel" who had been guiding him and spared no effort to help him.

That was naturally Ethan, whose consciousness returned to the fungus owner after death.

At the end of the game, in order for his daughter to live like a normal girl, Ethan chose to sacrifice himself again to block Miranda who had also returned to the consciousness network.

Protecting my daughter for the second time.

Unlike many years ago, Ethan was not alone this time.

He has a daughter who is sensible, well-behaved and loves him.

For the sake of her father, Rose chose to embrace her own abilities, maximize the potential of the second generation of poison, fight unscientific against unscientific, and defeat Miranda for the second time.

Father and daughter finally met.

Ethan got his wish and saw his daughter again as he wished.

Rose also let go of her knot and no longer felt inferior to her superpowers.

Back to reality.

The scene changed and Rose got on a bus heading to a suburban cemetery.

At this time, both Chudong and the audience suddenly realized.

It turns out that this plot happened before the ending of the novel.

Watching the ending again, I have a new feeling now.

Seeing Ethan was like seeing an old friend with a rough fate, and seeing Rose was like seeing a lovely junior.

When the angle of view is zoomed out to the farthest, there is still the black off-road vehicle, and there is also Ethan's very small figure, which is difficult to see clearly.

【Complete spreading flowers】

[I didn’t expect that the biochemical series could have such pure and simple feelings, and it’s still about father’s love]

[So does this ending imply that Ethan may not be dead? 】

[How many years will it take to wait? No】

Chu Dong took a long breath, sucked in his sore nose, and chuckled: "Hey. Brothers, the fight is finally over. This has slowed down the progress for three hours. My first place may be gone again. I don't know when. Only then can we catch up again. Those beasts don’t even sleep to get the first place.”

I sighed and took another look at the speedrunning rankings.


Chudong glanced at the data in front of him in surprise.

Almost never moved.

Most of the latest data are three hours ago.

Chudong said with a bit of laughter and tears: "Isn't it because everyone is playing the DLC of Rose Phantom, so they stopped speedrunning?"

With that said, he opened the mouse table.

An old competitor was playing the DLC content and burst into tears watching the father and daughter reconcile and embrace each other.

Open Twitter again and take a look.

Competitors of Xiaozhi also posted one.

[I can’t wait to see Rose’s story. I'm a dad too, and this has been one of my favorite games in recent years. I would give anything for my daughter. ]

Look further down.

Almost all the competitors were experiencing Rose's plot and stopped rushing to the list.

Chudong was silent for a long time and suddenly laughed.

"Brothers. The orthodoxy of biochemistry is not the names, the gameplay, or the style of painting. It is the vivid and heart-warming characters in this cold world view.

Leon, Ada Wang, Jill, Claire, Chris, Ashley. Including Ethan Winters. "

"Okay! Let's look forward to the next Resident Evil game many years later! Now, it's time to speed through!"

With that said, he read the archive.

He took a fly swatter and hit Mrs. Bachi's ass hard, and then went to practice running the map.

On the other side, Lighthouse Country.

"What's the difference? You said it's a few times worse?"

"Exactly ten times."

Seeing the embarrassed Fermin in front of him, Arnold was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"'Asylum' sold 410,000 copies. Are you telling me that 'Resident Evil: Village' sold 4.1 million copies?!"

"Yes, it is."

This sentence is yes, Arnold was almost angry and cursed loudly.

After all, that IP series is called Resident Evil.

It is normal that "Bedlam" cannot be beaten, but it has no impact on the sales of "Resident Evil: Village", which is really unexpected.

Because the previous game is also the best-selling work in the series, "Resident Evil 4", with a total of 4.2 million copies.

"Resident Evil: Village" only lost 100,000 copies, which is not a pain or an itch.

On the contrary, "Madhouse"'s own sales were greatly affected.

At present, it seems that the plan to ride on the popularity has failed.

Many old fans of the Resident Evil series did not buy "Bedlam", but they still bought "Resident Evil: Village".

I originally wanted to take a gamble and try to rebel against Tiangang, and try to see if Resident Evil could be dethroned from the throne, or at least become a strong competitor.

Unexpectedly, the game turned cold without even a splash.

No, it's not even cold.

The sales volume of 410,000 is still a good number in this track.

But for him as a CEO, that was a number that sounded the death knell.

Coming on stage with high expectations.

But for now, there is no difference from the previous Baoken.

If there is no more popular work with explosive sales or word-of-mouth, it will really be the end!

If he really became the CEO with the shortest tenure in the history of Electronic Arts, it would be really embarrassing, and his name would be directly engraved on the pillar of shame.

I drove Fermin away from the office and now I don’t want to look at him again.

"Bedlam" is hopeless.

I already knew this when the sales data for the first week was not released, but I didn't expect that the data of the two games would be so different.

What you need to think about is how to make a comeback and how to stay alive?

Do we really have to place our hope in that interactive video game?

That project that is pinning its hopes on Pavard and Spencer? (End of chapter)

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