You'd be really stupid if you still don't notice the problem with this game.

A company that was established less than half a year ago, a boss who doesn’t understand games at all, a group of young actors with average acting skills, and a cost of 1 million U.S. dollars, it is normal for a company to accidentally step on the trend and take off. Unintentionally lead It is normal to follow the trend of the industry.

But making such a DLC?

Only a ghost can believe it!

How can it be?

Is this a DLC that can be made by a small workshop?

This is obviously the level of a 3A masterpiece worth 60 or 70 dollars!

The staff who demonstrated and the three of them were stunned for half a minute. Pawar was the first to recover from the shock and commanded with a stern face: "Continue."

"Okay, okay."

The game continues.

This is a room that takes place in a near future world.

The protagonist has just sat up from bed and needs to be manipulated to complete the things he needs to do in the morning.

The main task of this section is very simple, which is to wash up.

But the small room is filled with many interactive items.

There is a holographic projection system that can be turned on on the table, and the virtual image of the host appears in the air, broadcasting the incident of an abnormal bionic man escaping after injuring others.

You can open the curtains and see the androids outside doing hard work such as mowing lawns and driving garbage trucks to collect garbage.

The biggest feature of bionic people is the light rings about the size of fingernails on their clothes and temples.

Although they are called bionic "people", according to some information in the room, these bionic people have no emotions or thinking ability. They will only act according to preset programs and completely obey humans.

When seeing this information, the protagonist cursed in a low voice: "Lie."

It's exactly what the protagonist said.

This is indeed the case for normal androids, but there are many abnormal androids among them.

They may have been abandoned because of abuse by their owners, because they were on the verge of death, or because they were greatly stimulated.

Once you become an abnormal bionic person, you will disobey human orders and have your own thinking.

To put it simply, it looks a bit like a human being.

The protagonist is a character who is very sympathetic to the abnormal androids.

Seeing this, Spencer scolded with a stern face: "Damn it, if I hadn't asked you to watch this DLC today, when were you going to find this poor competing product with a crashing theme and core again?!"

I always gritted my teeth when I said the word "poor".

Pawar's face twitched, knowing that he was in the wrong and did not defend himself.

I just took out my phone and took a look.

Gaming media of all kinds has reached a fever pitch.

【Surprise from the great eastern country! Mysterious DLC, mysterious gift! 】

["It's over! "I'm Surrounded by Bionic Men" Technical analysis, there are no more than five game developers who can do it]

[A small factory in the East redefines the era of interactive video games! 】

The first people who knew something was wrong with this DLC were all Chinese players, and there were almost no foreigners.

After all, the original game did not have English and was not truly 18+, so it could not attract foreign players.

It was a part of the game media that first discovered something was wrong here, and only then did the players in the Lighthouse Country discover this surprise.

He cursed secretly and put his phone away, then looked at the two people next to him, they both made the same move.

They all look at public opinion on the Internet.

Focus back on the game in front of you.

The Electronic Arts employee was controlling the protagonist in the game to continue walking around the house.

You can look at the old photo albums on the bookshelf, including the protagonist and previous photos.

I could clean up the housework and repair the broken windows that couldn't be opened, but I was too lazy to turn on the sweeping robot.

There is a dusty football in the corner, and you can play a ball-bumping game in the room.

There is a cat in the bedroom that you can play with.

All these playable contents seem to be telling the players in front of them.

Interaction, I can do it to the extreme!

After cleaning up my personal hygiene, I came downstairs.

I was making breakfast and going to work when suddenly there was a noise outside the door.

Two choices will appear on the screen.

[Go and see]

[continue making breakfast]

Arnold was about to give instructions to choose the first one, but the trial staff was a little quicker and chose the second one and continued making breakfast.

While the protagonist was leisurely frying eggs, gunfire suddenly rang out outside, and then his door was suddenly knocked open and a man ran in.

No, it should be said to be an android, a woman.

She was seriously injured, her body was covered with blue blood, and she seemed to have no strength to escape.

"Damn it, where did everyone go?!"


You could see through the window that two policemen with loaded guns were about to rush in.

On the other side was a female android with a look of despair and pleading.

The options appear before you again.

[Shouting for help]

[Instruct her to hide upstairs]

[Instruct her to hide in the bathroom]

There is also a countdown timer.


"the second."

"The third!"

Three people spoke and directed at the same time, and actually gave three different answers.

The presenter was stunned, and the countdown ended.

At the same time, the police also broke into the house and saw an abnormal android covered in blue blood.

Then, shoot without hesitation.

After a sound like pouring beans, the female android fell into a pool of blood.

"Read the file! How stupid. I'll do it myself."

Arnold impatiently directed his men to connect a new controller, then load the game and restart the game.

This time, he chose to let the android hide upstairs.

As soon as the android went upstairs, the police rushed in. After seeing the protagonist, they asked: "Hello, sir. Did an android break into your house just now?"

[Yes, she's upstairs]

[no one comes in]

[Who let you in? I want to complain to you]

Choose the third one.

Facing the protagonist's angry questioning, the two policemen ignored it, placed their index fingers near the triggers of their pistols, pointed the muzzles toward the floor, and began searching the house without invitation.

"Sir, please calm down. We are performing official duties. We don't want to cause you any trouble or cause any conflict with you. Do you understand?"

The option pops up again.


[go out! This is my home]

You can choose to continue questioning the police, or you can choose to let the police enter the house and search.

But there is a pressure value of 85% on the police's head.

It could be seen from the expressions of the two policemen that they were very nervous.

After all, they are hunting abnormal androids.

It was known from the morning news that this abnormal android had hurt someone.

In order to prevent the police from being too nervous and causing any misunderstandings, we can only choose the first option [understand].

It can be clearly seen that the pressure value on the policeman's head has dropped by 10 percentage points.

The first thing the two police officers searched in the house was the bathroom.

After confirming that no one was found on the first floor, he walked towards the second floor.

However, once you go upstairs, things are broken.

At the stairwell of the second floor, a few drops of blue blood unique to androids fell there, which was very conspicuous.

At this time, there was suddenly some noise in the house.

"There are blue bloods! Damn it, call for backup, find the unusual android's whereabouts!"

Two policemen rush straight into the protagonist's bedroom with guns drawn and slam open the door.

There were cats with wide eyes and innocent faces inside, and there were wide open windows, but there was no abnormal bionic person anywhere.

"He jumped out of the window and ran away?" Arnold was a little surprised, "Then what would happen if I made other choices after getting up?"

Like, load the file immediately and start again.

If the window is not repaired, turn on the robot vacuum.

Then the blood of the android will be cleaned by the robot, and the movement in the bedroom will be thought to be a cat, thus escaping the disaster.

If nothing is done, the android hiding on the second floor will be discovered and killed.

If you don't play with the cat, the cat will follow the protagonist out of the bedroom and go to the backyard to play by itself.

Making new noises, the two police officers mistakenly thought that an abnormal android was escaping over the fence in the backyard.

Inside the house, verbal pressure can also be used to get the police to back off.

It's just that you need to make the right choice every time, which is not easy.

The trio played in this small room for a full hour.

Although it is just an ordinary little house, every action of the protagonist can affect the development of the subsequent plot.

You can decide the fate of the escaped androids, life or death, and how to live and die.

If you successfully rescue the abnormal android from the police, she will tell you that her name is Caroline, a domestic android who "awakened" due to the abuse of her master.

There is no place for her in the outside world, and she can only stay in the protagonist's house.

There will be more than one group of policemen in the house, and the main plot of being with this android is to try every possible means to hide her.

Since the name of the game is "Done!" I'm surrounded by "androids", so naturally there can't be only one android girl.

If the protagonist wakes up and hears the commotion outside, he goes to the door to watch the excitement.

Caroline will not enter the house, but the protagonist will be hit by a stray bullet fired by the police and sent to the hospital.

In the hospital, the protagonist will meet an abnormal android named Delfina, who is a nurse.

A medical accident occurred because of the doctor's drinking. Although there was no big trouble, poor Delfina became the target of her family's anger. She awakened from the beating and became an abnormal android who can think and have feelings.

Delfina's awakening made some people suspect that there was something going on in the hospital, and many people were sent to investigate.

In this plot, the protagonist tries every possible means to help her hide her identity, making outsiders think that Delfina is just a normal and somewhat outdated android.

In the subsequent plots, you will encounter many various abnormal androids, starting a series of stories.


Although the process and ups and downs of meeting a certain android lady were exciting, after saving the life of the abnormal android, things suddenly became different.

The atmosphere gradually became "ambiguous", and it would be an understatement to say that the painting style suddenly changed.

For example, to help the android lady repair the injured place, or to hide a certain android lady, the two of them must hide together in a place that is so small that their bodies are close together so that they cannot be discovered.

There is even a favorability system in the game.

In the background setting, the company that manufactures androids is in Detroit, and the protagonist also lives in this city.

If you have a good relationship with a certain android, the plot will be triggered, and you will either go to the wilderness to spend a lifetime together, or sneak away to the Maple Leaf Kingdom in the north to escape. Every android has such an ending.

The more Arnold played, the uglier his face became. In the end, he even lost his defense and threw the controller directly on the table.

"Damn it. This is just showing off! You can obviously make an interactive video game with thoughtful ideas, core, fun and interesting plot. As a result, the production team just let the protagonist play ambiguously with the rescued android girls. ?”

Hearing this, Spencer said calmly: "The name of this DLC is "Done! I'm Surrounded by Androids". It was originally a DLC for a brainless love-themed interactive video game. However, it is well-made. Many, the cost is much higher than the original work, the technology is much better, there is no need to be bitter.”

"Afraid?! Why am I angry? I'm not angry!" Arnold emphasized repeatedly, "Although the technical power displayed by this game is amazing, it's not that Electronic Arts can't do it. It's just that the game form of interactive video games has just begun. The risk is too great”

Balabala explained a lot, but the more she explained, the more sour the air became.

Pawar chuckled to himself.

The design level, technical strength, engine technology, etc. that Electronic Arts desires are all present in a DLC with a somewhat spoof style.

It's like chasing a goddess for many years only to find out that she is a licking dog that others look down upon.

To break the defense, you must break the defense.

Especially since Arnold is now facing an uncertainty about his coaching position.

Now that we know the quality of the DLC, there is no need to continue playing.

Handing the controller to their employees, the three of them began to seriously discuss how to deal with this competing product DLC and this little-known small game company.

Spencer: "If it doesn't work out, just buy it! Anyway, you at Electronic Arts have done this kind of thing more than once."

"It's not that acquisition is impossible, but the problem is" Pawar frowned, "How did a small company make such a shocking DLC? Design can rely on talent, gameplay can rely on inspiration, but this technical action screen requires a complete set of production line!"

This time the question came to the point.

Spencer hesitated for two seconds and said: "As for China, do you think it will be?"

"No!" Arnold emphasized like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "Why would Naughty Cat make this kind of DLC? Unless it's for advertising."

"Well I haven't said who it is yet."

"In short, it's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Such a decisive sentence made the room quiet for a moment.

But, if you say it’s not, then it’s not?

In such an abnormal situation, apart from the willful naughty cat boss who is not short of money, would anyone else do this kind of money-losing business?


"Boss," the EA employee greeted weakly, "Do you want to take a look at this?"

The three people looked at the screen.

All characters have reached full favorability and a new plot has been unlocked.

The protagonist walked onto the street and unexpectedly discovered a pure black cat.

There is a light ring about the size of a thumb at the temple, symbolizing the android logo.

The protagonist took a few steps closer, but unexpectedly the cat immediately left and ran away.

Where it was just now, there was a wrinkled game promotion poster, which read: "Detroit: Become Human" will be officially released on July 30.

Ten days later!

Seeing this extremely symbolic scene, Arnold's face twitched.

"This, this manufacturer can really make jokes and arouse people's imagination."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the office door.

"Mr. Arnold! There's a situation!"

The secretary walked in in small steps and was about to speak when he saw the poster on the screen first.

He was stunned for a moment and said, "You already know?"

After hearing these words, my hanging heart finally died.

"what do you know?"

"I know Naughty Cat's new game has been announced. Didn't you see it?" (End of Chapter)

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