Lin Mo didn't know how to answer this question, and even felt a little puzzled.

Is it the other way around, dear?

I haven't been targeting you, EA, recently, but you're looking for trouble with me?

Although part of the reason is that the recent projects have not been marked with the same surname as Naughty Cat.

But isn't this too coincidental?

Although it's ridiculous, the game "Finished! I'm surrounded by beauties" is really the world's first successful interactive film game.

Thinking about it again, the interactive film game version of "Future World" was hastily established.

Lin Mo's expression was a little strange. Looking at the detailed information of the "Future World" project, and then looking at Lao Xue, the latter's back was scared.

"No, what are you looking at me for?"

Lin Mo patted his shoulder and said, "I used to doubt the butterfly effect, but now I take back my arrogance."

Lao Xue frowned and thought carefully, it seems to be true.

If the first investment in the "Sword Immortal" project had not failed, the idea of ​​investing in this short play would not have emerged.

If it weren't for the investment short play, Lin Mo wouldn't have guided him, this interactive movie game wouldn't have been born, and EA wouldn't have coveted it. EA wouldn't have made "Future World" and wouldn't have collided with "Detroit: Become Human".

And it's well known that Arnold is in a bad situation. He is likely to become the CEO with the shortest tenure in the history of EA.

Surpassing Boken, he will become a legend of a generation, the kind that can leave a cocktail recipe in the afterlife nightclub.

So, will this collision become the fuse for Arnold to step down?

Think about it, it's really possible.

So, Old Xue asked with a strange look on his face: "So, if Arnold stepped down, it might be because I wanted to make a short film?" Lin Mo laughed and said, "Your mind jumps really fast. Are you so sure that the game "Future World" will be a big hit and "Detroit: Become Human" will be a big hit?" Old Xue curled his lips and said, "Don't talk so much nonsense. Just tell me, what do you think is the probability of "Future World" being a big hit and "Detroit: Become Human" being a big hit?" Lin Mo thought for a while and said, "It's definitely not 100%." ​​"90%?" "99%." "Will you die if you don't pretend?" "Yes." Lin Mo didn't say this completely to pretend, or to say that he was a brainless black. There was a reason. He always had a good memory, and the name Spencer was still in his mind. Du Rui used to be a fan of Spencer. When Naughty Cat had not grown into the behemoth it is today, he once applied for the linkage between "Left 4 Dead" and his movie "Land of the Dead 5". It was just rejected without any hesitation.

Later, "Left 4 Dead" became a classic game known to all gamers, and "Land of the Dead 5" became a bad movie that everyone despised.

After the game became popular, Spencer also came to ask for linkage, but was rejected.

After that, some of Spencer's movements were often used by Du Rui to whip his corpse, and he also learned about the self-written and directed movie "Future World" through Du Rui's mouth.

Making an interactive video game with the specifications of a movie is naturally a dimensionality reduction attack on similar games such as "End".

However, "Future World" is originally a movie.

The most direct problem of temporarily adapting a movie into an interactive video game is the problem of game duration.

A movie is at most two and a half hours.

In this time, you may not even be able to defeat a BOSS in a soul-like game.

How much content can there be in an adapted interactive video game?

Is it a linear one-way process? If the player cannot choose the ending and subsequent plot development according to his will, what kind of game is this?

If there are multiple endings and multiple game lines, then reshoots will inevitably be required, which will result in uneven quality and insufficient variables in the game. Many options have limited impact on the plot, and only a few major decisions will affect the fate of the characters.

Not all companies are as wealthy as Naughty Cat, and not all companies have Magic Engine to help render videos for special effects.

Time is definitely too late.

Let's see if EA will hide its shortcomings when adapting it into an interactive film and game.

If it hides well, it will be a classic adaptation case, and interactive film and games will really become one of the hottest investment projects in the future.

If it doesn't hide well.

Looking at the consistent level of EA's first-party studio, I can only wish Arnold good luck.

After speaking out his thoughts, it was strange that Lao Xue did not shout 666 at the first time, but looked surprised.

"You said that there are only a few important options in Future World that will determine the fate of the characters. But isn't it always like this? It's just an interactive movie game, how complicated can it be?"

Lin Mo sighed, tapped his forehead with his index finger, and said: "Let go of your thoughts, since it is called an interactive movie game, are there only a few options that can be called 'interactive'?"

"Just like my "Finished! I'm surrounded by beauties", you can choose which beauty to play with, doesn't it count as falling in love?" At the end of the words, Lao Xue's expression also became embarrassed, "It seems that the level of interaction is indeed a bit low."

Lin Mo glanced at him with a look of looking at a mentally retarded person, and said helplessly: "Is there a possibility that since we have to talk about interaction, at least let the players combine their own plot story lines?"

Lao Xue was stunned.


"Yes. Stretch the details and variables to the extreme, so that every choice of each protagonist will bring changes and affect a certain part of the game. Whether it is props, lines, branch plots, short-term main plots, or long-term plots The plot is the fate of oneself or other characters. Players must be careful and cautious in every choice. Let these contents be intertwined into an intricate network. Even if the end point is certain, if 100 players play, 100 different kinds will be born. The story makes everyone’s process different!”

After saying many words in one breath, Lin Mo paused slightly and made a final summary: "Let each player have his own unique adventure story. This is called interactive video games!"

Lao Xue was stunned by these words, and his scalp felt numb for a moment.

Which game enthusiast has not imagined that there is such a game in the virtual world?

But it's just fantasy.

Unexpectedly, I would have the opportunity to play such a game one day.

"I think game lovers all over the world owe me a favor." Lao Xue joked jokingly, "I actually indirectly allowed Naughty Cat to define an unprecedented game type, and made this type of game directly available from birth. Reach the pinnacle.”

Lin Mo chuckled lightly and replied: "Yes. I should also thank you for killing Arnold in disguise, making him the CEO of Electronic Arts who has been in power for the shortest time and is the most incompetent."

"Damn! Can you not talk about this?"


Finally, Lao Xue repeatedly confirmed: "Are you sure that the DLC of "It's over! I'm Surrounded by Beauties" will also be produced using the specifications of "Detroit: Become Human"?"

Lin Mo nodded and said: "That's natural. Let players know where the upper limit of this type of game is first. Naughty Cat will not brag with them. Then, only after the official game is released can they buy it without any scruples."

For a month, the wind was light and the clouds were calm.

During this period, many games were released. Some small-scale games received acclaim, while many large-scale productions failed.

I don’t know since when, players no longer blindly trust manufacturers’ mindless touts, and no longer trust manufacturers’ poor sales.

Everything, let the works speak for themselves!

As long as the game is good, don't hesitate to pay.

As long as there is sincerity, even if it is just a single-player game that is paid for testing, I will be happy to help.

But if you don’t want to make progress, you just want to rely on cheating, selling feelings, and gaining sympathy to sell games as before.

Then there is only a dead end.

"Damn Naughty Cat, what has the industry become?" Arnold cursed dissatisfiedly.

Spencer covered his chest and felt a little panicked. He took a few pills and then said, "Don't worry about Naughty Cat for now. Are you sure that DLC won't have any impact on our game?"

At this time, the three members of the Lost Alliance gathered in Arnold's office.

Originally, Arnold, as the CEO, did not need to personally experience the performance of competing products. He only needed to ask his subordinates to submit a report.

But this time, they couldn't resist the strong demands of the old boy Spencer, so they had no choice but to get together.

Looking at the action of taking medicine, Pawar secretly frowned, thinking that this old man was really getting less and less courageous.

Now that the contract has been signed, there is no turning back.

So what if there is a problem?

So he replied a little impatiently: "The DLC of that poor game "It's over! I'm surrounded by beauties"? Are you afraid of this? The production cost of the main body and DLC is even 1 million dollars. If you are afraid of this, What other games are you playing?”

Arnold nodded when he heard this and said: "Director Spencer, you know the quality of the movie version of "The World to Come". The competition in theaters is actually not that great, especially since this is your transition from a thriller to a horror movie. . But adapting it into an interactive video game is a dimensionality reduction attack on a poor game like "It's Over!"

Spencer's face was full of confusion.

He understood the logic, but it was still a bit heart-wrenching. His heart was hanging in his throat and he just couldn't swallow it.

"So, the reason I called you today is to confirm the quality of this DLC as soon as possible. Besides, I am still a little worried about the mysterious surprise that the official said."

The words of this mysterious surprise made Arnold feel a little uncomfortable.

A mysterious surprise.

It's "Resident Evil: Village."

Surprised, but not happy at all.

Pawar is indeed a little impatient.

But after all, it is still during the cooperation period, and the game also needs fans of Spencer, the old director, to contribute part of its sales.

Looking at small things like the quality of DLC is a waste of time in his eyes, but since it has been brought up, there is no way to refute it.

"That kind of poor game that doesn't even have English is a huge success just because of good luck. Is there any need to pay attention to it? Okay, okay, it's up to you."

Anyway, I downloaded it and deleted it after just two glances.

This time, an employee of the company was asked to take charge of the task of demonstrating the DLC.

The three of them are only responsible for watching.

In the words of Arnold.

"Is it an interactive video game? It means you play it in person. That's the difference in options. It's the same for anyone who plays it."

However, during the preparation stage, some clues were discovered.

Spencer looked at the download progress of 7.8GB/39GB on the Origin platform, then looked at the cheap beauty mug shot on the game cover and introduction, and the P station style LOGO that obviously had an edge to it, and frowned. : "Have you ever played this game? Is it so big?"

Arnold also noticed something was wrong, and replied confusedly: "I heard that it only takes 10 hours of game time to complete all the endings. How can it take up such a large hard drive space?"

At this time, an EA employee spoke: "Boss, the game was downloaded in advance and totals 14GB. What is being downloaded now is all DLC content."

As soon as this was said, the three "bosses" were all stunned.

39GB of DLC?

Are you sure you downloaded a DLC? Instead of a "Resident Evil: Village"?

Let alone an expansion pack, even an expansion pack for a large-scale MMORPG cannot be so many times larger than the main body capacity, right?

Why did you turn the beautiful woman's first half of her life into a game?

This obviously unreasonable scene made the three of them feel a little confused, a little confused, and even vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Spencer, who was already dark-faced, turned even darker.

Pavard and Arnold, who had not taken it seriously at first, became more solemn on their faces.

The DLC is downloaded before it is officially unlocked. When the time comes two minutes later, it is officially launched!

After that, two options pop up.

[Start the game "Done!" I am surrounded by beauties》]

[Start DLC "Finished!" I am surrounded by androids》]

"Bionic man?" Spencer looked confused. "Is this game still a science fiction game? Is it really a competitor to "Future World"?"

Pawar put away his impatience at this time and said hesitantly: "It must be a coincidence. I have learned that this is an ordinary low-quality and shabby love game."

Select Launch DLC.

The first moment they entered the game made the three of them frown.

What does it feel like?

It feels like driving screws with Iron Man's high-tech armor.

The beginning is a CG showing off skills.

The original game "Done!" "I'm Surrounded by Beauties" opens with a live-action video showing the cute highlights of beauties, which is a bit of a short video.

"It's over!" The title sequence of "I'm Surrounded by Bionic Men" has been replaced with high-quality CG, and the rest, whether it's storyboarding or pacing, is exactly the same as the original live-action shot.

"Isn't this too wasteful?" Arnold stared at him with a look of disbelief, "Such a precise CG is used on such a boring DLC?! I at Electronic Arts don't dare to be so extravagant, not everyone It’s worthy of every game!”

The other two people also seemed to have seen a ghost.

How is this different from using a cannon to kill mosquitoes?

The cost of a CG of this quality in a few seconds is comparable to that of "It's Finished!" I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women" is the main game!

"The DLC of such a poor game will be paired with such a high-quality CG?!" Spencer subconsciously covered his chest, "What I'm worried about won't happen, right?"

Pawar was trying to comfort him and convince himself.

But when the CG was over and the game entered, it became even more confusing.

He subconsciously looked at the employee who was operating the demonstration and asked: "Are you sure you didn't open the wrong game? Are you sure this is the DLC of that low-cost interactive video game?"

The employee also had a look of disbelief on his face. He even switched back to the desktop to take a look and repeatedly confirmed that it was DLC.

But this exquisite picture, the same face capture as a real person, smooth movements, freely moving characters, and a pop-up operation prompt UI

This is clearly a well-made 3A masterpiece!

The name clearly written on the LOGO in the corner of the game - "Finished!" "I'm surrounded by androids", again reminding everyone present.

Yes, you bought it right and started it wrong.

Start the game now and enjoy this hard-won surprise!

Arnold had only one thought in his mind.

Frightened, it’s coming again. (End of chapter)

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