You already know it.

You have seen it, haven't you?

This familiar language sounds more and more strange.

What do you know? What do you see?

The new game of Naughty Cat?

This "Detroit: Become Human"?

Once you know this information, look at the distance in the game.

The cat that just stepped on the advertisement in the game has not gone far, and it is all black, looking like a nightmare.

Just like the cat in the opening logo of Naughty Cat's previous games, it is dressed up in a different way.

So this DLC is really made by Naughty Cat? Why would Naughty Cat make a DLC comparable to 3A games for this kind of game? !

But what do you want!

Arnold felt a breath stuck in his chest, and he wanted to vomit, but he couldn't vomit no matter what.

It was extremely uncomfortable.

Look at the others again.

Well, it's not much better.

Pavard opened his mouth wide and didn't close it for a long time, as if it was dislocated.

Both eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets.

The old man Spencer covered his chest with a pale face, looking like he was dying. It was a bit worrying that he would die in the office.

It was not until he took out a pill and took it that his face looked much better.

Then, the three of them made the same move almost at the same time.

Take out your phone!

At this time, the players in the social network and game community had not yet reacted.

The surprise and happiness came too suddenly.

On many social media, players were still immersed in the shock brought by "Finished! I'm Surrounded by Bionics", a conscientious DLC that can be recorded in history.

They were still actively posting to share their discoveries and discuss game details.

[Brothers, I found another point. In the same neighborhood where the protagonist lives, there is a domestic bionic person named Kara who suffered serious domestic violence and was even sent for repair many times. I am studying whether I can capture it! ]

[Brothers, a party dispute game without a Shura plot is not a good game! Now I have found several ways to make bionic girls jealous of each other]

[Fuck! I just treated them a little worse. The two android girls eloped and left me behind.]

[I am dying of laughter. It is really an interactive movie game. It can be so interactive. It would be better if it was made into an independent game. This is a bit of a waste of talent.]

Further down, there are posts discussing the latest discoveries.

[What the hell? !!! I said, how can that boring and non-exposing original game have such a good DLC! It turned out that Naughty Cat made it?]

[Brothers, this news is true. "Finished! I am surrounded by beauties" and Naughty Cat official forwarded and liked each other's tweets.]

[Why? ! How many game companies in the world can have Naughty Cat make DLC?]

[Let me explain. This is an international student from China. The investor and producer of "Finished! I am surrounded by beauties" is a friend of Naughty Cat boss Lin Mo who knew him when he was still a UP master.]

Seeing the last tweet, the three of them were silent.

No one could speak.

Arnold's hair stood up on his back, and he understood many things instantly.

If that's the case, then it makes sense.

What poor little company accidentally influenced the trend, what genius designer suddenly had a flash of inspiration and led the trend in the game industry.

All bullshit!

There is only one genius designer in the world who can lead the trend in the game industry, but he is definitely not poor.

On the contrary, it is one of the richest game companies in the world.

There is someone behind this trend of interactive film and games!

Or, there is a cat helping.

A very naughty cat who likes to see the surprised expressions of his peers and players, a cat with bad taste.

Lin Mo knew it a long time ago, he had guessed it a long time ago!

Is this also part of your play?

When everyone was surprised that interactive film and games suddenly had such a huge market, you let your own DLC come out surprisingly.

Then let all the peers who were considering whether to follow suit be surprised.

What kind of hobby is this!

Arnold had no idea that his crazy imagination made Lin Mo on the other side of the earth sneeze crazily.

At this time, he still thought that he had fallen into a trap.

In the office, the eyes next to him were cold.

"Arnold, you didn't find out about this?! Damn it, are you going to kill us? You are the leader of one of the largest game companies in the world!" Spencer scratched his hair like crazy, his face was extremely ugly, "This DLC has been announced a long time ago. In other words, we took the initiative to run into Naughty Cat? Damn it! What a good thing you two did!"

Arnold was scolded.

But he couldn't refute it.

Because he also wanted to slap himself a few times, the kind without mercy.

Because the interactive film and game version of "Future World" has now signed an agreement with Baofeng Entertainment.

The release date is fixed!

There is no way to change it!

Unless the contract with Baofeng Entertainment is torn up.

But in this way, he will face a sky-high compensation.

It's self-defeating again!

The last time he paid so much money in the agreement with the Hot Sauce, it was embarrassing enough.

If they pay compensation again this time, it won't be a shame.

They may be investigated.

But if they follow the contract and don't change the game release time, you can imagine what the outcome will be.

If it was facing other similar competitors, there would be no worries.

But for the interactive movie game version of "Future World", there is no confidence at all!

The opponent is too strong.

If the whole game is made according to the quality of this DLC, there is no chance of winning.

That is, the toy car hits the armored car head-on.

You can imagine how badly it will be hit.

At that time, the position of CEO will really be lost!

It's over, a dead end.

There was some despair in my heart.

But Pavard, who was the one who agreed to cooperate with Baofeng Entertainment at the beginning, was relatively calm among the three.

After thinking for a moment, he slowly said, "This is the situation now, and it can't be changed. If nothing unexpected happens, this is Lin Mo's experiment. He let his friends try the interactive film and game type and found that the effect was good. Naughty Cat Headquarters immediately made a fine product and made a DLC for the game "Finished! I'm Surrounded by Beauties" as an advertisement for "Detroit: Become Human", using its popularity on short video platforms to advertise. The question now is how to reduce losses." Spencer nodded and asked, "What do you think?" "Why not let Baofeng Entertainment come out and coordinate with Naughty Cat?" Pavar suggested, "Baofeng Entertainment wants to earn the distribution fee of the third-party game login platform, but it still pays more attention to the performance of the games that log in to the platform every day." As soon as these words came out, Arnold's eyes lit up. It seems that there is a way? Baofeng Entertainment is also one of the giants in the game industry. Since it is a giant, its reputation will naturally not be very good. However, the IP under its umbrella is really strong. With its extremely strong first-party games, it has built a wide and deep moat. It is also one of the few manufacturers like Naughty Cat, where each game has sales of tens of millions.

For example, the flagship IP "War Zone" series is one of the most famous and popular shooting games in the Lighthouse Country and even in Western countries.

In order to ensure production capacity, there are even four production teams developing sequels to ensure mutual competition and the release of new series every year.

In the industry, it still has a lot of say and face.

By default, before and after the release of "War Zone" every year, it is also a restricted area for the release of shooting games.

Shooting games from other manufacturers will be killed if they hit it.

Not only that, there are also MMORPGs such as "Cosmic Rift" that have been operating for many years.

"For such a large company, even Naughty Cat should give some respect, right?" Pavard said with a smile, "Anyway, Naughty Cat has such a high production capacity, and it won't mind whether the game is released a few days earlier or later. Even if this thing fails, it can give Naughty Cat an additional enemy."

Arnold's spirit returned to his body that was about to dry up, and he nodded and said, "Leave this matter to me, I will go to Baofeng Entertainment to communicate."

A few days later.

"The commission is lower than that of the Origin platform, and it also gives away games. This Baofeng Entertainment is coming in with great momentum." Lin Mo nodded as he looked at the news on the computer, "So, Lao Wang, you are here to be a lobbyist again? Whose face is this time?"

At this time, in front of him.

Wang Zhicheng was holding a small orange cat in his arms and rubbing it, and the cat made a comfortable purring sound in his arms.

After moving to the new building, the location is no longer in short supply, and some rooms have been specially vacated to raise cats.

The company name Naughty Cat is finally no longer a clickbait.

Hearing this, he touched his nose awkwardly, coughed and said, "Boss Lin, you know it was hard to attract investment at that time, so I owed a lot of favors." Lin Mo sighed helplessly and said, "You said you don't want to take good care of yourself in your old age and find a boyfriend for your daughter. Why are you still messing around in the game industry? I know what you are going to say, shut up! Wang Yi is just a designer in my company." Wang Zhicheng's face immediately looked a little disappointed, he hesitated to speak, and looked at Lin Mo with a pair of eyes. It didn't seem like he was talking to his former boss at all, but like he was looking for a son-in-law for his daughter. "Well, okay, okay, I know Mr. Lin has great ambitions and doesn't want to be sentimental, but my daughter is really pretty, just a little old."

"Let's get down to business!"

"Okay, okay." Wang Zhicheng's face became more serious, "The president of Baofeng Entertainment's China branch asked me to be a lobbyist. You know what Baofeng Entertainment is doing. It wants to rely on various policies to attract third-party game developers and players, so I hope to talk to you about whether it is possible to postpone the release of "Detroit: Become Human" so that the performance of "Future World" can be justified."

Lin Mo nodded and said neatly: "Impossible."

As soon as this sentence came out, the office was quiet for two seconds.

Just wondering if it was too impolite, Lao Wang was old after all, and he was also an employee of Naughty Cat and an important member of "It Takes Two".

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhicheng laughed and said, "Ah, it's a failure, as expected. There aren't many people who can make Mr. Lin take a step back."

"If the project hadn't announced the release date, it could be discussed, but now that the time has been announced, there is no room for tact."

"Oh? Why?" Wang Zhicheng asked curiously, "Because of economic losses or company image?"

"No." Lin Mo shook his head, "Because I am also a gamer, and I really hate the behavior of delayed tickets when the game I am looking forward to is not released on time. It's as simple as that. Jumping tickets at will is disrespectful to the players. An announcement to all gamers about how poor the company’s project management capabilities are.”

Wang Zhicheng was stunned in surprise.

I thought about countless possibilities and considered many things from every angle.

Being rejected is a psychological expectation.

But the reason, I didn’t expect it to be this.

If other gamers say this, they may feel that they are pretentious.

Which company can avoid bounced tickets?

The games that Wang Zhicheng made when he was young were also frequent ticket bouncers!

But when Lin Mo said this, I didn't feel that the other party was showing off at all.

On the contrary, it seems to be a matter of course.

As for why, it may be the game that increases the volume without increasing the price, it may be the DLC that is free in large quantities, it may be the sincerity that never falsely promotes, it may be the humanitarianism of permanently donating the proceeds of a game to the victims of a certain incident Spirit.

"Well, I'm not surprised. I told you before I came here that I can't guarantee that this will happen." Wang Zhicheng smiled freely, "But Baofeng Entertainment had some issues with you before, so you have to be careful."

At the E4 exhibition, because the promotion method of "Resident Evil: Village" was too unique and the process was too short, it could not be launched on the stage.

Therefore, the organizing committee reluctantly placed it second to last.

But this time, something unexpected happened.

"Resident Evil: Village" shocked players so much that many players thought it was the last project and left the game one after another.

As a result, the scene of Baofeng Entertainment, which finally appeared, was extremely ugly, facing a half-empty venue and many players without looking back.

This matter must put pressure on the E4 organizing committee, but at the same time, I have expressed my dissatisfaction in public many times.

For naughty cats.

Lin Mo had no choice but to spread his hands after hearing this.

"The matter was arranged by the organizing committee at the time. I can understand Baofeng Entertainment's dissatisfaction, but it's really not my fault. Besides, those who don't know what I said may think that I have offended someone in some dangerous industry."

"Hey, Baofeng Entertainment certainly can't do anything to you. However, Naughty Cat's shooting games may be targeted in the future."

The number of Naughty Cat shooting games is actually not that small.

It's just that except for "Titanfall", they are all competitive games.

It is not a competitive product with the "War Zone" series, which has a single-player plot and a thrilling game.

There have been cases where the releases were released at similar times, but the impact on each other was not significant.

Hearing this, Lin Mo said nonchalantly: "I really have no intention of targeting Baofeng Entertainment, but if a game becomes a competitor in the future, let's rely on our strength to compete."

Wang Zhicheng heard a burst of emotion, feeling extremely envious in his heart.

What kind of confidence does this give you in your own work?

It's better to go back and tell the truth.

This matter is beyond the scope of our ability to resolve. (End of chapter)

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