Lighthouse Country, Storm Entertainment Headquarters.

Moreno frowned and asked into the microphone of his mobile phone: "Rejected? Not even willing to meet with our Storm Entertainment China Region Director in person?"

"Yes, sir, the negotiation failed." The other party's response came from the mobile phone.

Hearing this, Moreno frowned and sneered: "It seems that this colleague is really arrogant."

"However, the news from the middleman said that Lin Mo did not disagree with the game delay, but because the game release time has been announced, another delay will disappoint the players. If the game release time has not been announced, he does not mind giving his colleagues a face."

Moreno snorted coldly and cursed: "Hypocrisy, disappointing players? Ha. This Lin Mo is very arrogant. He doesn't even sell the face of my Storm Entertainment?"

"I thought this matter could be negotiated. I heard that Lin Mo is also our game player. When he was still a UP host, he made a video of "Cosmic Rift". Rumors also said that he played the "War Zone" series and his skills are not bad."

This matter is naturally known and researched.

But I was still very dissatisfied with being rejected.

I thought that since I was a player of Baofeng Entertainment, I would give some face to a giant like Baofeng Entertainment.

After all, the number of Naughty Cat games released each year is amazing, and it is not a problem for one game to be delayed for one or two months occasionally.

But I was still rejected.

Coupled with the previous E4 incident, Moreno, the CEO, was in a very bad mood.

Most of the resources in an industry are concentrated in the industry of the top companies, and the top companies have to look at each other.

It is true that there is competition between each other, and there are also many cooperations. Normally, this kind of small face will be given.

Unexpectedly, Naughty Cat suffered a setback.

It really didn't give any face.

After a moment of silence, a voice came from the phone: "Sir, I still don't recommend taking any action on Naughty Cat's side. This is not a cat, it's a tiger."

Moreno said lightly: "There is no intersection in business at present, but if there is a chance, I don't mind letting Naughty Cat know about the embarrassment of Baofeng Entertainment now."

After that, he hung up the phone without hesitation.

Then, he angrily cursed "Damn it".

The upcoming release of "Detroit: Become Human" not only made EA very uncomfortable, but also made Baofeng Entertainment very dissatisfied.

With the interactive movie game trend set off by "It's Over! I'm Surrounded by Beautiful Women", everyone wants to take advantage of the popularity.

Players are also very interested in this type of game.

Originally, "Future World" was all good, which could attract the attention of players, and use this wave of topics and the fact that "Future World" currently has no competitors to attract non-Baofeng Entertainment players to download the platform.

It played a perfect publicity role.

As a result, the luck was very bad, and a more invincible interactive movie game appeared.

Naughty Cat's "Detroit: Become Human".

This time, not only EA, but also Baofeng Entertainment felt uncomfortable as if they had eaten shit.

The limelight was robbed.

It means that a lot of publicity money has been wasted and turned into nothing.

Moreno even had a plan. If Naughty Cat could delay the release of "Detroit: Become Human", he could even make some profits.

If this doesn't work

Moreno snorted coldly.

In the second half of each year, you Naughty Cat better not release a shooting game.

Otherwise, the "War Zone" series will let you know what a shooting game is!

The manufacturer's actions did not affect the players who were looking forward to the game at all.

Within ten days after the release of "Finished! I'm Surrounded by Bionics", the craze for interactive film games continued.

During this period, countless inferior games imitating "Finished! I'm Surrounded by Beauties" were released, and they all achieved good sales data.

But many people also know that these are just appetizers for players.

The real feast will be officially released on the 30th.

The first 3A-level masterpiece since the release of this type of game.

On the day of release.

Meng Dazui let out a long breath, looked at the endgame lost at 14:16 with regret, called up the console, and typed quit to exit the game.

"Okay brothers, let's stop playing CSGO today. My teammates are too weird."

As he said, he returned to the desktop without hesitation and double-clicked the icon of a stand-alone game.

"Oh no, Detroit: Become Human, start!"

[Damn, you cunning old thief]

[CSGO is work, single-player games are life, right]

[I know that every time Naughty Cat releases a new game, you just play CSGO and then slack off]

"Hehe, brothers understand me." Meng Dazui smiled, "The key is that you are not curious? You all played the DLC last time, don't you want to see it?"

In the past, when there was a new game and wanted to play it, the audience was generally resistant.

But "Detroit: Become Human" and interactive film games, this fresh game type and excellent program effect, still attracted countless players.

When the game was unlocked, the game area live broadcast on the Shark platform was almost all replaced with this game.

Meng Dazui, it is considered to be a relatively late starter!

It is not surprising that it is popular on the live broadcast platform.

The large number of options in the game makes the game process different for each anchor.

It also allows many streamers to fully express their personalities in various game options.

The effect of the program is great.

This point is reflected in the DLC "Done!" I'm Surrounded by Androids" was released.

But after all, it is still a DLC whose main purpose is advertising.

Will there be any new surprises in the official version of the game?

At this time, a sudden paid eye-catching barrage floated out and appeared in a conspicuous position where everyone could see it.

[Anchor, how do you think this game compares to "Future World"? 】

Meng Dazui was also happy when he saw this barrage, and then said with a smile: "Are you kidding? This is Naughty Cat's game. "Detroit: Become Human" is very interactive, maybe as interactive as a UI Better than the entire Future World game. Okay, just kidding.”

As soon as this was said, even though it was a joke, it still aroused attacks from many people.

[I know you are a fan of Naughty Cat, but you can’t slander other companies’ games like this, right? 】

[You really dare to say that the UI is more interactive than other games? 】

【Beautiful black! 】

This kind of rhythmic situation will happen in everyone's live broadcast room, especially since Baofeng Entertainment has been going all out for promotion recently, there are more such situations.

Meng Dazui didn't bother to pay attention and directly entered the game.

Let’s play!

After the cat LOGO with the light ring on the temple at the beginning of the film passes, the game officially begins.

Just as soon as he came up, Meng Dazui was severely surprised.

Instead of entering the UI interface immediately, a pretty android lady appeared.

She has inherited the tradition of the game, she looks very good, and she has an aesthetic that is close to reality.

When speaking, you can see the movements of the muscles on the face, and the expressive micro-expressions have a modeling that is not a game, but a real person.

"Hello! Welcome to the "Detroit: Become Human" game experience. I am an android and your personal attendant. Before we begin, please set up to enhance your game experience."

Meng Dazui said with some surprise: "Okay, this beginning directly points out the theme of the game, and it gives a full sense of immersion."

The android girl’s name is Chloe.

She helped with the entire setup process at the beginning and explained the whole process. It felt like it was not like a game image, but like there was a real android communicating on the opposite side of the screen, and she even configured the machine according to the player's monitor. advise.

After all settings are completed.

"Get ready, you're about to enter the world of Detroit. Don't forget, this is not just a fictional story, it's our future."

Having said this, Chloe's expression became much more serious, even a little sad.

Meng Dazui nodded excitedly and said, "Okay, after playing so many games, my first impression of this game is quite different."

The screen goes black and a time appears.

August 15, 2038, 8:29 pm.

As time passed, the sound of flipping coins appeared.

The screen gradually lights up.

An android was in the elevator watching the elevator rise gradually, playing with a coin in his hand.

This coin is flying up and down on your fingertips, making it fancy and cool.

The first protagonist, Connor, appears.

Enter the room, which is a luxury apartment for rich people.

Seeing Connor coming up, a crying mother with red eyes rushed over: "Please, please, please save my daughter."

But after seeing Connor's appearance carefully, the mother's expression immediately changed.

"Wait a minute, you want to send androids? You can't do this! You can't do this. Why not send real people?"

The crying mother was pulled away by the police in the building, and Connor's work began.

But not just the victims, there is also distrust within the police force.

"Why send an android to negotiate? That guy could jump out at any time!"

Meng Dazui curled his lips disdainfully: "It's really full of discrimination against androids. If Connor turned around and left, it's a pity that he doesn't have this function."

Through a conversation with the police captain, I learned that a hostage situation had occurred in this house.

An abnormal android shot and killed the male host and kidnapped a little girl on the rooftop. Danger may occur at any time.

The purpose is to rescue the girl at any cost.

For this purpose, Connor needs to gather information.

There are many interactive items in the house, and each interaction will give you some information.

If you know some important information, you can increase the chance of success in negotiating and saving the girl.

Through interactive gameplay, the truth of the matter was gradually pieced together.

The android is a male servant named Daniel. He has a good past with this family and has a very good relationship with the little girl Emma.

However, the male owner plans to buy the latest android to replace him.

As a result, Daniel had extremely painful emotions and impulsively made things get out of hand.

While Connor was exploring, one could also hear hysterical roars from the rooftop and the sound of shooting from time to time.

"After the information search is completed, it's time to negotiate!" Meng Dazui was full of confidence. "Let me tell you, I have been a good talker since I was a child. If I hadn't been good at games, I would have become a negotiation expert. I'm a professional."

With that said, he controlled Connor to walk to the rooftop.

What greeted him was a bullet from the abnormal android Daniel, which hit Connor's chest, causing blue blood to splash.

Rapid BGM, heavily armed special police, and movie-like mood management made the atmosphere tense instantly.

Connor, who was shot, felt no pain at all and slowly walked forward.

Daniel: "Don't come over! If you come over again I'll jump down!"

Relying on the information collected in advance, Connor approached step by step.

"I know you're angry, Daniel, but you have to trust me and let me help you."

"I don't want help! No one can help me!"

Seeing the increase in the chance of success, Meng Dazui nodded and said: "This is because we have collected important information and found out that his name is Daniel, so we have gained trust. Let me tell you, in this case, you have to use both kindness and power to achieve this goal." The best negotiation results.”

There was an injured police officer lying on the ground on the rooftop, and Connor stepped forward to check.

"He's losing blood and will die if he doesn't get medical attention. I need to put a tourniquet on him."

But this action stimulated Daniel, and a bullet was fired, causing sparks to explode near Connor.

"Don't touch him or I'll kill you!"

At this point, two options appear.



Seeing these two options, Meng Dazui chose to ignore them without hesitation.

"This is a human life, we can't help but save it, right?"

But after making this choice, the mission success probability has dropped to 66%.

Daniel's expression became even more nervous, and even Lao Xue changed his sitting posture uneasily.

Daniel continued to question: "Do you have a gun?"

[to be honest]


Lao Xue said while analyzing: "Of course we can't talk about this. We need an extra insurance policy."

If you choose to lie, there will be no change in the task completion rate.

Then four options appeared in front of you again.

[possible reason]

[You and Emma]



The first two options are options obtained by collecting information.

Make your choice and move forward slowly.

"I know you and Emma have a good relationship. You feel she betrayed you. But she didn't do anything wrong."

"She lied to me! I thought she was just like other humans!"

Relying on the information and materials collected in the room before, although Daniel is still very excited, the probability of completing the task is gradually increasing. Daniel's emotion is returning to stability, slowly increasing to 82%.

The color of the light ring above the temple has also changed from red, which initially represented negative emotions such as nervousness and irritability, to blue, which represents calmness.

"You're upset that they're going to replace you, isn't that right?"

Daniel's voice had a hint of crying.

"I thought I was a part of this family, I thought they cared about me, but it turned out that I was just a toy that was thrown away after use!"

The task completion rate further increased to 86%.

Meng Dazui laughed loudly and said: "Look, what is the strength of a negotiator? Just watch, I let this little unlucky guy and the little girl survive."

[Haha, just wait and wait for the little unlucky guy and the little girl to be killed by you]

[Is it possible for all three parties to be destroyed? 】

As he spoke, new options popped up.

[Giving pragmatic suggestions]

[blame Daniel]

[Indicates software malfunction]

Meng Dazui thought for a while and said: "At this time, we can't put pressure on the other party, so we have to blame the unstable software."


"You're dysfunctional, Daniel. There's something wrong with your software. We're going to fix it and everything will be fine."

"I'm not crazy! Everything is normal with me!"

Instantly, the probability of completion plummeted.

Meng Dazui took a deep breath, and his face became tense instantly, as if he was afraid that Daniel opposite him would jump.

"Damn, it's not scientific?!"

Daniel, who was in a bad mood, glanced at the helicopter in the sky and shouted loudly: "This noise is too noisy! Tell it to leave!"

Meng Dazui quickly complied and directed the helicopter to fly away.

Fortunately, the probability of completion has improved a lot this time.

Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, a new option came again.

[Last chance]

[Obtain the trust]



Choose the second one.

"You have to believe me, Daniel! Let the hostages go, I promise nothing will happen."

"I want everyone to leave, and I want a car! I'm going to let her go as soon as I get out of Detroit."

At this point, new options appear again.

[Use a gun]

[sacrifice oneself]



Meng Dazui frowned and thought carefully, and said: "Tighten or tighten, some are loose and some are tight. You can't give in blindly. This is a negotiation skill. Therefore, here you have to refuse first, and then put forward your own conditions. Run over the sales Brothers must know that they must be brave enough to put forward their needs to customers. ”

After making the choice, Connor on the screen said: "That's impossible. As a robot, you must obey. Put down the gun and let go of the hostages!"

"I have been following other people's orders my whole life." After hearing this, Daniel became emotional for a moment, and then he put on a free and easy expression, "This time I make the decision."

Then, without hesitation, he led the little girl backwards and jumped hundreds of meters off a tall building.

Only the little girl's desperate screams and Connor's expression of disbelief were left.

"Ah?! Failed! You're not big brother, why are you jumping when you say it!" Meng Dazui looked like he was about to vomit blood, "We have something to discuss, big brother!"

【Ha ha ha ha! The conversation is over, what did I say? 】

[Laughing to death, maybe Connor is an expert, but you, Meng Dazui, are not]

[Screwed up, hahahaha]

[I’ve said it all, you can’t put pressure, you just need to gain trust]

On the screen, a big mission failure message popped up, but the plot was still advancing.

After the plot ended, the plot branch of this small chapter popped up.

The dense branches and numerous endings made Meng Dazui take a breath.

"Holy shit, this is too much, right? At the time, I thought the scene in "The End" was interesting enough and quite complicated. But in "Detroit: Become Human", the plot only lasts for more than 20 minutes, and the branching options The interactive elements are already comparable to the entire game of "Finished"!"

[No, after all, this is Lin Mo’s game]

["Finished" is quite good, but after all, Lao Xue is not a professional gamer and has little investment]

Seeing this, Meng Dazui immediately reloaded the file and returned to before the negotiation started.

"Brothers, do it again! I don't believe it anymore. I can't save this little unfortunate guy and this little girl!"

During this negotiation, Meng Dazui tried out some options that he had never chosen before out of curiosity, which made Daniel very excited and the software very unstable.

Seeing him so excited, Meng Dazui felt something bad and directly chose to draw his gun!

"Boy, you are facing the Gunslinger of Purgatory Town. I advise you to calm down!"

Connor: "Calm down Daniel, this is not what you want."

Daniel: "You lied to me. You lied to me!!"

Two options appear on the screen again, shoot and persuade.

After Meng Dazui thought for a while, he said: "If we shoot, won't the little girl fall off the rooftop with him? It's better to persuade him."

However, Daniel showed a ferocious expression when facing Connor who was trying to persuade him to put down his gun.

The gun aimed at the little girl turned around instantly and shot towards Connor!

Just listen to a "bang" sound.

A blue blood hole appeared between Connor's eyebrows, and his whole body fell down weakly.

Daniel's mood also completely collapsed.

"I-I don't want to do this! No, no! You forced me, I have no choice."

Then, jump.

Seeing this, Meng Dazui slammed the table angrily.

"Damn, I thought I could aim by myself!"

[Are you sure you are a negotiation expert, not a negotiation expert? 】

[Little girl: I am really Shuan Q]

[The special police said that you are holding back and causing trouble. Without you, there wouldn’t be so many things]

[No, there really is an ending in which all three parties are wiped out]

Two bad endings in a row, the mission failed.

Meng Dazui said with some dissatisfaction: "Actually, I can guess how the negotiation will be completed now. But I just want to see, Lin Mo, how many BEs you have done!"

Read the file again and experiment again.

Connor and Daniel fall together, but save the little girl.

After gaining trust, they got closer, tried to snatch the gun, and got into a fight, only to be kicked downstairs.

Wanting to protect Daniel from being killed, the two of them were accidentally killed by their own snipers.

The ending where Daniel shoots himself in the temple.

One after another, each is different.

There is even an ending. If you do not do your job right from the moment you enter, or even inadvertently damage some scenes, you will be expelled from the apartment by the SWAT captain, which will directly lead to the failure of the mission.

Meng Dazui's scalp was numb during the experiment, and this short plot lasted a full 90 minutes.

Only twice did I see the words "Mission Success".

Once, Connor shot Daniel to death and saved the girl.

Once, after gaining Daniel's trust, Connor nodded coldly while putting down his weapon and the little girl.

The sniper shot without hesitation, killing Daniel.

In addition, there are more than a dozen failure options, including various ways of death for Daniel and Connor.

Meng Dazui let out a long breath, tapped the screen, and said: "This fucking thing defines what interactive video games are. Players can choose the options they want, which will lead to different endings. I I'm a little sympathetic, how can this "Future World" compete?" (End of Chapter)

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