Early the next morning.

Meng Dazui, who had only slept for less than five hours, hurried to start broadcasting.

"Damn! Really, what kind of teammates are these today? Today is not a good day, not suitable for playing CSGO."

With that, he opened Detroit Becomes Human without hesitation and started playing the second round.

[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[No, you are really addicted to it, right?]

[Can I report Meng Dazui to the platform for not doing his job properly?]

Seeing this, Meng Dazui smiled and said, "Brothers, calm down. Aren't you curious about what will happen if the character dies? I played the war ending yesterday, and I want to try the endings of peaceful resistance and detonating a dirty bomb. To be honest, it's a bit of a loss to play this kind of game only once."

Because he entered the game for the first time and directly completed it.

This second time, he saw the game loading interface for the first time.

A beautiful bionic lady stood behind the screen.

"Ah? This character, if I remember correctly, seems to be called Chloe, right?"

Just thinking about it, Chloe behind the screen had tears in her eyes and a complex face, with the idiom "hesitant to speak" written directly on her face.

She seemed a little scared, but also a little expectant, and finally said: "I have something to tell you. When I watched you play the game, I felt that I had changed a lot"

Seeing this, Meng Dazui was stunned and said in a lost voice: "No way, big brother, Chloe has also awakened? Is it true? She is just the poster girl on the login interface?"

[Damn, there is such an easter egg? Awesome]

[I was wondering why they would design a character of this type. It turns out there is one]

[Awesome, you are indeed a naughty cat]

Chloe behind the screen mustered up her courage and spoke her mind: "I feel like I have changed. I feel like I am someone. I have to leave here and find out who I am. That is to say, we will not meet again. I will not continue to watch you play games. I will be free. Are you willing to let me go?"

Then, an option really popped up in front of him.

[Are you willing to let me go?]


Meng Dazui stared at the option in front of him in amazement, with a look of surprise on his face.

After a long time, he muttered to himself: "This, I really didn't expect it, isn't this too fun?"

[Can't leave! A bionic man with awakened wisdom, wouldn't that be more interesting]

[Let him go, it feels pitiful to stay]

After thinking about it, Meng Dazui still clicked [Yes].

"Hey, if I had this choice at the beginning, I would definitely refuse her to leave, just like my car said I want freedom. But now, hey, let's go."

After clicking [Yes].

An expression of relief and emotion appeared on Chloe's face behind the screen.

"I will never forget everything you have done for me, thank you."

Then, I saw Miss Chloe turned her head and walked out of the screen.

On the screen, except for the options of continuing the game, new story, chapter, options, etc., the background was white.


"In the end, she really left." Meng Dazui smiled bitterly, "Don't say, I really feel a little reluctant."

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see Miss Chloe coming back.

Then I realized that this didn't seem to be a joke.

She really left.

"Hey, okay, let's start the game."

Thinking about it, I clicked [New Story].

Start from the beginning and go through this story that takes place in Detroit in the near future again.

However, when I think of Miss Chloe's departure, I always feel a little weird.

Even, I can't concentrate on playing games.

This time, Meng Dazui is once again faced with the dilemma of how to let Kara and Alice escape.

Looking at the miserable "mother and daughter", I inexplicably thought of Chloe on the main interface.

"I don't know what will happen to Chloe now? If the weather is not very good, will she be cold?"

[It's over, my sister-in-law is in crisis, Meng Dazui is horny]

[If it's other games, I won't say it, but Naughty Cat's game may really have such a set of operating logic behind it]

[Go back and take a look? What if Chloe comes back to see you]

"Yes! Go back and take a look!"

Said Meng Dazui, he directly exited the game and arrived at the main interface.

However, it was still empty.

Sighing, Meng Dazui said helplessly: "Ah, it seems that I have thought too much. That is, it won't be empty forever, right? That won't look good."

As he was talking, a very quiet knock on the door suddenly came from the headset.

Then, an interface popped up in front of him.

[Special offer for C-Life]

[Miss your ST200 waiter android? We have prepared a limited offer: take a brand new Chloe home for free! Are you tempted? ]


Meng Dazui was stunned again, then shook his head helplessly and said: "I was joking when I said that the main interface of "Detroit: Become Human" is more interactive than "Future World". But now it seems that it is really similar. There may be more interactive gameplay, but it's a pity that we can't give away a real android."

[Do you dare to really give away a android lady? This idea is a bit awesome]

[How is it possible? What are you thinking? It would be good enough if I could give you a desktop pet like Chloe]

[But don't say it, many of Naughty Cat's game AIs are really powerful. It would be really interesting to have such a bionic desktop pet]

Meng Dazui also saw the chat in the barrage, and clicked [Yes] while saying: "If there is such a desktop pet, I am willing to spend money to buy it, provided that it can really chat and talk like a bionic person."

On the desktop, a new bionic person appeared, and he looked exactly like Chloe before.

"Hello, welcome to the Naughty Cat game world to experience a wonderful journey. I am a bionic person and also your exclusive waiter."

Just this sentence made Meng Dazui shiver all over, as if he was electrocuted, and his back was numb.

He opened his mouth wide and jumped up directly.

"Wait?! What did she say just now? The first Chloe said welcome to the game world of "Detroit: Become Human", right? How come it has become the game world of Naughty Cats now? No way, no way? Could it be?"

The barrage hadn't reacted yet, and even many barrages were still laughing at Meng Dazui's fantasy.

Then, Chloe in front of him actually spoke.

"Hello, were you talking just now? Can you turn on the microphone permission?"

Meng Dazui said in a trembling voice: "Turn on, turn on."

"Excuse me, how should I call you?"

"Call me, uh. Old Meng."

Miss Chloe is really like a life living behind the screen. She smiled and nodded and said, "Hello, Old Meng, you seem surprised? I am Chloe, and from now on I will be your exclusive waiter. You can command me at will."

The voice is very pleasant, but with a little bit of synthetic sound.

At this time, the barrage that reacted instantly exploded.

[Wait? ! What is this! ! ]

[Damn, this is too explosive!! It can't really be an artificial intelligence table pet!! ]

[What table pet, is this a pet? Are you kidding? This is a real person, right? ]

[Damn, artificial intelligence? I felt like Naughty Cat was holding back a big one, but I didn't expect it to be so big]

[What can it do? ]

Meng Dazui's heart was pounding. As a host, he had seen many new and incredible things.

But the things in front of him still surprised him.

His voice was trembling as he said, "Can you give me any suggestions on the game process just now?"

Chloe nodded and said, "I think your decision just now may put Kara and Alice in danger."

It's really an artificial intelligence, a table pet!

Because in the game just now, Meng Dazui wanted to test what would happen if he confronted Todd head-on.

However, the thin Kara obviously didn't have much fighting power.

If he confronted head-on, his life and death would be uncertain, and the future would be bleak.

Meng Dazui swallowed his saliva and asked tentatively: "Can you leave this game and stay on my desktop?"

Chloe smiled and nodded: "Of course. Now you can see me on the desktop. I am your guide in the Naughty Cat game world."


Turn off the game and go to the desktop.

The desktop background has changed, and Miss Chloe is there!

Meng Dazui asked tentatively: "What do you think of my CSGO record?"

Chloe said with a smile on her face: "Old Meng, you are a sharpshooter! As a sniper, your AWM kill data ranks among the top among all players. As a rifleman, your breakthrough success rate and endgame win rate are also remarkable. However, you seem to pay too much attention to your shooting skills, and your prop usage score is not high among players of the same rank in RANK."

As she said, Chloe waved her hand, and the Origin platform in front of her automatically opened, popping up Meng Dazui's record.

[Damn, awesome, so awesome! Try something else]

[I'm going to buy Detroit Become Human right now! ! For Chloe]

[Buy a table pet and get a game for free, right? ]

Meng Dazui asked again, "What do you think of the xx war?"

Chloe shook her head and said, "Sorry, I can only help you search for relevant information, but I refuse to make any political comments."

Meng Dazui asked again, "Then can you tell me what the next game of Naughty Cat is?"

As soon as this question came out, it attracted the attention of many people.

Chloe frowned slightly, and seemed a little hesitant, but still said: "It is a mobile game and a shooting game. As for the name, sorry, I can't reveal it for the time being."

Although the news is not accurate, it is far beyond expectations to have this answer.

Before Meng Dazui asked the next question, Chloe spoke first: "Lao Meng, are you a streamer? Can I say a few words to your fans?"

Is this okay?

Meng Dazui nodded.

"Go ahead."

Chloe waved her hand, opened the Origin platform, and said: "If you want to have a bionic waiter, you don't necessarily need to buy the game. Just wait a little longer, and there will be a free version to log in to the platform. Please look forward to it."

[I really doubt that Naughty Cat will be too conscientious one day]

[Hurry up, try other functions and see what they can do]

[Can we play games together? ]

[Will this bionic man dream of electric sheep]

[Meng Dazui, you are really a prophet, knife! 】

Seeing this barrage, Meng Dazui himself smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, I really didn't expect it. I was joking when I said that the interactivity of a UI interface in "Detroit: Become Human" is stronger than that of the game "Future World". But who would have thought that this is really true! Who would have thought that Lin Mo gave the player an electronic version of a bionic man! This gift is really a surprise. But... I like it."

Starting from the second day of the game's release.

Many players have discovered the surprise brought by "Detroit: Become Human", and the popularity of the game has suddenly skyrocketed in an amazing way.

I thought it was just an ordinary table pet, but this table pet really seems to be a bit like a bionic man.

If she is scolded by the owner, she will be sad, blame herself, and apologize.

If she is praised, she will also be happy.

Even if the owner keeps making some excessive demands, she will wake up again.


Leave the player.

But this time, it is permanent.

Many players only cried and hoped that Chloe would come back at this time, saying that they would not commit suicide again.

Naughty Cats also officially released an announcement, acknowledging and announcing the existence of Chloe.

And said that players still have one chance to own Chloe, that is the day when the program is officially launched on the Origin platform.

But if you continue to do stupid things at that time, the account bound to the player's ID card will forever lose the right to use Chloe.

Of course, many players are not convinced and say they want to complain and sue.

In response to this, Lin Mo's response is-just be happy.

Recently, Naughty Cats players feel that they live in happiness every day, and even worry that they can't play the game.

Because many people have to ask a question when facing Chloe.

Naughty Cats' new game!

The news is that two games are being made at the same time.

A mobile game and a shooting game.

While playing Detroit, guessing about the new game.

Many people have forgotten one thing.

A few days after Detroit was officially released, it was the release date of "Future World".

As expected, the discussion of popularity and sales were both unexpected.

BGN: 6.9/10. As a movie adaptation, the game has a truly movie-level picture, and it is not an exaggeration to call it second to none. But the disadvantage is that interactive film games do not have a satisfactory interactivity, and are more like a movie with a choice of ending.

Game Travel Station: 7.2/10. The game story is not bad, but the positioning is quite awkward, and the price is not bad. A price that exceeds the movie ticket price brings a somewhat awkward audition experience. But it is not fun, and it cannot even be regarded as a game.

Game Red and Black List: 65% Black List, 35% Red List. Why don't I buy "Detroit: Become Human" at a cheaper price? It also comes with Miss Chloe

The worst thing about the game sales is that there is no discussion.

Because of the popularity, almost all of them were attracted to the Origin platform by Miss Chloe.

At this time, in the headquarters of Naughty Cat, Lin Mo looked at the situation of "Chloe", an artificial intelligence program born from the system technology "Xiaomi".

"Well, it's not bad. It's not as good as Xiaomi who can help make games and work, but it's not artificially retarded."

Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction and let out a long breath.

Since there is a system, it's a bit boring to just make games.

Exploring the boundaries of the game has become what he is curious about now.

How far can the boundaries of the game be expanded with the help of the system?

Many players have discovered that some NPCs in the game are a bit too flexible.

That is the preparation made in advance for Chloe. (End of this chapter)

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