Half an hour later.

"Go to bed after finishing this chapter."

After one hour.

"I will definitely sleep after finishing this chapter."

Two hours later.

"I will definitely sleep after finishing this chapter!"

Four hours later.

"Fuck! Why don't you let me sleep? It's endless, isn't it?"

It's late at night.

Meng looked at the screen with bared teeth, very hesitant.

Reason told him that it was time to go to bed. If he stayed up late, if his girlfriend caught him, a quarrel would be inevitable today.

But since it is called an interactive video game, it also inherits the consistent style of excellent film and television dramas.

An attractive hook is left at the end of each chapter, and then quickly grabs the player's heart at the beginning of the next chapter.

With its excellent rhythm, it constantly attracts players to continue playing.

"This feeling of saving each of my companions by relying on my own choices is really addictive." Meng Dazui sighed, "It's just that this choice is becoming more and more difficult."

Three destined protagonists meet together.

Jericho - In this dilapidated ship in the port of Detroit.

Kara, who escaped here, discovered a secret. Alice, who had been accompanying her all this time, was not a human being, but an android.

As a housekeeping android, she was programmed to be kind to the human children at home.

Alice, on the other hand, is a child android who meets the needs of a human being with parents, but she does not have a light ring on her temple, causing her to be mistaken for a human.

In the implanted program, little Alice naturally has a strong dependence on the role of her parents.

One longs for children, the other longs for parents.

Kara was tortured by Luther's soul.

"Has your affection for Alice diminished after knowing all this?"

Kara didn't speak, just hugged Alice tightly.

Although the program told her that the child she loved was a human child, what did it matter whether it was red blood or blue blood?

Kara, Luther and Alice, three ordinary people who just want a peaceful life, have no intention of participating in Marcus's revolution.

They plan to go to the Maple Leaf Kingdom in the north, where they can live a free and safe life.

But what she didn't notice was that an android she had seen mixed into the cabin.


Connor, who has been investigating the abnormal androids, finally found Jericho and saw Marcus, the leader of the abnormal androids.

At the same time, I overheard shocking news.

There is a dirty bomb hidden in the city. Once it explodes, it will turn the entire Detroit into a hell where only androids can survive.

The two finally met.

Facing Connor, who was holding a gun, Marcus was worthy of being a leader. He stayed calm in the face of danger, moved his emotions with reason, and persuaded the android opposite him who had the same taste as him.

At this point, Connor faced two choices.

The first, becoming an anomaly android, joins Marcus.

Connor has experienced countless adventures with Uncle Hank along the way. He has repeatedly struggled between being more like a human and more like a machine, which has caused his software to loosen and cause abnormalities.

Options that can only be unlocked by the more human Connor.

The second one is to destroy all hopes of his compatriots with his own hands and act firmly like a machine, executing the most original orders given to it by its superiors.

Meng Dazui bared his teeth in discomfort as he looked at the two choices, and wailed, "No, why are you leaving such a cruel choice to me? For the first time, I feel that it is not a good thing to have such good interactivity."

But in the end, he chose to break the shackles, become an abnormal android, and join Marcus.

Connor, who had been through so much, could never be a machine again.

But at this time, government soldiers had learned the location of Jericho, and a force had entered Jericho.

After Connor's help and detonating a bomb, the remaining androids who suffered heavy losses came to a church.

The androids have no way out and a decision must be made.

It is a last-ditch fight, a violent revolution.

It is better to fight peacefully, win support from all walks of life, and politically integrate the android group into society.

It was a sleepless night.

Connor, who blamed himself very much for this, made a decision to steal the plan.

Connor also has the same ability as Marcus to awaken his companions.

He planned to sneak into the Model Control Life Headquarters building alone, go to the underground warehouse to awaken and liberate tens of thousands of newly produced androids.

If successful, whether it is peace or war, we will have a trump card that is enough to turn the tables.

It’s time to finally make a decision.

Marcus stood on the stage in the church and gave his final speech to all the surviving androids.

A decision that determines the fate of all androids.

[Protest] March towards concentration camps peacefully to put pressure on the government

[Revolution] Attack on concentration camps to free androids

At this point, Meng Dazui hesitated.

[Let’s make peace. If peace doesn’t work, detonate dirty bombs and force peace.]

[Then we must revolutionize, and political power comes from the barrel of a gun]

[Isn’t it nonsense to place your life on others? Revolution! 】

When Meng Dazui saw the barrage's suggestion, he nodded heavily: "That's right, political power comes from the barrel of a gun. This is a bloody lesson from history. If you don't choose, you are not a Chinese!"

After that, he rubbed his sore eyes and chose revolution without hesitation.

Marcus asked impassionedly and loudly: "Since they want war, let's go to war! We have to fight for freedom. If we don't succeed, we will die! Are you ready to come with me?"

The whole church was filled with people.

"Well said! Fuck him!"

"Marcus! Marcus! Marcus!"

"For freedom! For Jericho!"

At the same time, the whole country has entered a state of alert.

All bionic humans must be gathered together and scrapped.

All fugitive androids found can be killed directly.

In his speech at the press conference, the president refused to define androids as a new type of life.

War is inevitable.

At this time, Connor has sneaked into the model-controlled life building alone for his inner beliefs. It is called restoration, but it is actually revolution.

Entering the elevator, Connor suddenly became angry, defeated the two soldiers in the elevator, and took the elevator to the underground warehouse.

After liberating himself, Connor showed extremely strong fighting ability. One person is better than thousands of troops, and easily broke through the soldiers' defense lines.

In front of them are countless androids that have not yet been activated.

Just as he was about to start transforming these androids, another Connor walked out of the crowd with a gun pointed at Uncle Hank.

It turns out that Connor's anomaly has been noticed for a long time. In order to prevent the worst outcome from happening, another RK800 model of the same model of android was recently dispatched as a last resort.

Uncle Hank is the only human being that Connor cares about, and he was captured as a hostage.

Faced with a choice again.

Should he continue to desperately awaken tens of thousands of androids, or should he stop and save Uncle Hank first?

Another dilemma.

Meng Dazui sighed, looking at the sharp-tongued Uncle Hank who had accompanied him all the way, but still couldn't bear to let him sacrifice.

Just stop.

The moment the counterfeit Connor's RK800 gun was turned, Uncle Hank grabbed the gun without hesitation.

The options appear again, whether to continue the transformation, shoot the RK800, or intervene in the battle to save Uncle Hank.

Naturally, we must save Uncle Hank first.

After a chaotic battle, the two poles were reversed, and a real and fake Monkey King came.

Facing two identical Connors, the one who got the gun became Hank. He needed to ask questions, and then determine which one was Connor and which RK800. Kill the pirated one and save the real one.

Although the two of them looked exactly the same on the outside, they were completely different at the core. It only took a few words to identify the impostor.

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, and RK800 fell to the ground. The last obstacle disappeared, and no one could stop Connor from awakening his companions.

The will of freedom is spreading, and a force that can change the situation in Detroit is awakening.

the other side.

Carla and Alice fled when Jericho was attacked, but were caught on the way and sent to a concentration camp.

Everyone was forced to take off their clothes, turn off the function of simulated skin, and line up in a row to be destroyed.

It seems that the androids who return to their robot appearance can make the soldiers responsible for destruction feel less guilty.

Emotional rendering reaches its limit.

At this time, outside the concentration camp, the resistance war officially started.

In the blizzard, Marcus held high the banner of revolution and launched a charge.

Behind him, countless androids roared loudly and followed him towards the square.

“Give me freedom or give me death!”

Following Marcus's slogan, the battle with the human soldiers began, and all the androids began to charge.

However, the human army had better equipment and more numbers, and the battle quickly became anxious.

Since it is an interactive video game, the game does not give Meng Dazui, a sharpshooter, a chance to show off his marksmanship.

Instead, Marcus needs to make decisions one by one to determine the success or failure of this battle.

Every decision has a probability of success, and will be accompanied by the sacrifice and death of the android companions.

The fighting outside the concentration camp did not affect the slaughter inside.

The androids who had shed their human skin were lined up in a row waiting to be destroyed and killed. The atmosphere was so desperate that it was terrifying.

In the concentration camp, Alice meets many old friends she met along the way.

The disfigured and insane Rafe, the receptionist at the amusement park, and the strong man Luther who protected Kara all the way.

At this time, Meng Dazui once again encountered a difficult choice.

There is a gap in the corner of the concentration camp. As long as a companion is sacrificed and the soldiers' attention is diverted, Kara and Alice can escape.

There were already some tears in Meng Dazui's eyes. He couldn't help but pause the game, covered his eyes and let out a painful groan.

"I am really your uncle. Don't let me choose. I don't want to interact anymore. I can accept the death of a certain partner, but I really don't want to command them to die. If it's just me, I don't have to sacrifice my partners. I will die generously, but there is Alice here. Old thief Lin Mo, I am your uncle. You have created so many impressive and lovable bionic characters along the way, just to make me decide to choose at this time. Who is going to die?"

But the game must go on.

Meng Dazui smoked one cigarette and then another.

I put out my cigarette butts and finally decided.

Sacrifice no one and die generously.

"I'm sorry, I really can't make any decision, Marcus, hurry up!!"

The perspective switches again to the outside of the concentration camp.

The war has reached a fever pitch.

Marcus doesn't want to sacrifice any of his comrades, but war is cruel.

One by one, former comrades fell, and each flesh-and-blood character left forever.

Meng Dazui was extremely focused at this time, not missing any QTE button, in order to allow Marcus to save more companions.

After all, they were outnumbered, and the android rebels suffered heavy losses.

Just when the troops led by Marcus were facing annihilation, a new force joined the battlefield.

Connor finally arrived.

Even though I had guessed in the previous plot that there would be a scene where Connor came to the rescue, seeing this scene actually made Meng Dazui burst into tears.

After more than ten hours of hard work, he has completely immersed himself in these lovable characters.

I really can’t bear to let any of the characters go.

As Marcus shot a soldier in the head with one shot, he picked up the RPG and fired it, followed by a loud bang.

The rebels finally broke through the last line of defense in the concentration camp.

At this time, Kara and Alice were already standing on the execution platform, with tears in their eyes, ready to face their final fate.

Until death is imminent, she still doesn't want to sacrifice any of her partners.

Suddenly, gunfire rang out, and the human soldiers abandoned their armor.

I walked out in disbelief and saw the cheering compatriots.

Kara and Alice, as well as those who protected them all the way, hugged each other and cried.

After going through untold hardships, he finally gained freedom and the right to survive.

Watching the characters surviving the disaster, watching the passing souls, watching the "father and son" Uncle Hank and Connor embracing each other.

For a moment, I was filled with emotions.

At this point, the main part of the game officially ends.

Meng Dazui leaned back on his chair as if he was exhausted and took a deep breath.

"Guys, you know what I love about this game?"

As he spoke, he counted them one by one with his fingers.

"Concentration camps, peace or revolution, racial issues, war issues, etc., there are too many things to talk about. However, there are almost no private goods in the game, everything is for a good story and fun."

"I'm already curious, what if I let all three protagonists die? What if I choose a peaceful solution? What will the story be like? It's really a game full of interactions!"

"This is called an interactive video game. This is no longer the game that will kill "Future World", it will kill all similar games."

"Okay, I'll go to bed today and explore other options tomorrow! Damn!!!!"

Meng Dazui suddenly burst out into a scream.

Because behind his back, a slap suddenly landed on his shoulder.

He quickly looked back and took a deep breath when he saw the person behind him. He coughed slightly and explained in a far-fetched way: "Well, I don't specifically want to stay up late. Please listen to my explanation."

I smiled bitterly in my heart.

Damn it, now we're going to quarrel again.

The biggest disadvantage of having a girlfriend is that you can't live broadcast all night like you used to do live broadcasts.

Because I stayed up late, I also had sex many times.

【Been captured alive! Live streaming domestic violence? 】

[Hello, sister-in-law! I’ll report my sister-in-law for secretly looking at beautiful women in the middle of the night]

[Punish the big mouth to kneel on the durian! 】

Amidst the cheers of the barrage, the girl behind him urged: "Read the file quickly, I want to see how the peaceful resolution will end."

"I'm sorry! I know I should go to bed early, my dear wife." Meng Dazui was stunned when he realized it, "What did you say?"

"Hurry up, I'm so sleepy. I'm going to sleep after watching the peaceful ending."

"You won't be watching my live broadcast, right?"

"What else? Read the file quickly, don't waste time."

"Uh okay."

Meng Dazui couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Can I say that I am already very sleepy and just want to sleep?

Why are you trapped in a cocoon?

There was actually a day when I was urged to update by my girlfriend.

It’s really a long time to see you. (End of chapter)

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