At the end of Connor's plot, Meng Dazui still came out with a mission accomplished ending.

That is the plot of gaining the opponent's trust and then letting the sniper shoot him.

Although Connor had no expression on his face, he turned away coldly, leaving behind a handsome figure.

However, it can still be seen from the UI prompt on the screen that Connor's software is also unstable.

Then officially enter the next section, a new protagonist Kara, officially connected.

As a female domestic android, she has a master named Todd.

A middle-aged white man in dirty, slovenly clothing.

It seemed that something terrible happened to Kara. The damage was extremely serious and she was forced to return to the factory for repairs.

In Todd's words, it was a car accident.

But from the hesitant tone, I could still feel that something was wrong.

[Isn’t this a domestic violence man? 】

[Is he that kind of incompetent character who can only vent his anger on the androids?]

Todd took Carla from the store and rode home.

The scenery along the way vividly shows the style of this near-future world.

On both sides of the suburban road, there are huge factories that are constantly spitting out white smoke, and the roadside is full of advertisements for bionic humans.

Skyscrapers stand tall in the bustling city, and the city is full of urban streetscapes full of future technology.

The construction site is also prosperous, but the workers are all bionic people.

It should be said that the prosperity of this city is based on the existence of bionic people.

But behind the prosperity, the contradictions of the city are also revealed through the pictures.

Traveling bionic humans are not allowed to move at will like normal humans. They have fixed areas for activities, and even have dedicated carriages when traveling.

Not only that, but you also have to suffer from the cold eyes and hostility of humans.

On the other side, there are homeless people who have lost their jobs everywhere in the city, and communities where ordinary people live in increasingly dilapidated conditions.

Seeing this, Meng Dazui, who had not read many books, suddenly said quietly: "I have no education, but I also know that the revolution brought about by science and technology will inevitably cause large-scale unemployment. I can already think of why bionic people status is so low.”

[I still hope that the era of bionic humans, which can unprecedentedly liberate productivity, will not come]

[Damn, why do you feel like the future of mankind is all cyberpunk? High technology, local life]

[In the context of this era, it is a big stage naturally full of dramatic tension]

As if to prove what Meng Dazui said is right, the third operable protagonist appears on the scene.

Marcus, the painter's assistant, is sent out to buy paint.

Following his perspective, you can see a vivid Detroit city street scene.

There are nanny-type androids that take care of the elderly, companion-type androids that run with their owners, labor-type androids that clean up fallen leaves in the park, and so on.

On the roadside, you can still see a few homeless people begging, with signs in front of them - "Ban bionics! Bionics get out of our country! We need jobs!"

Meng Dazui curiously manipulated Marcus to stand in front of the homeless man for a while. Not surprisingly, he was scolded and even wanted to take action.

If you stand in front of a hot dog stand, you'll get the same abuse.

"Get away freak, you scared my guests away!"

Meng Dazui curled his lips and muttered: "Really, can't you be more friendly?"

Just because he didn't leave immediately, the hot dog seller walked out from behind the stall and pushed Marcus rudely.

"Are you deaf? Plastic waste! I told you to get lost!"

There was a police car parked behind him, and several policemen looked at it coldly and turned a deaf ear.

In the distance, some demonstrators held signs and angrily protested against the Kangsheng people's robbery of human jobs, demanding a ban.

The black speaker in the square pointed at Marcus and cursed angrily: "I can see through you! You are the messenger of evil, and you are the culprit of destroying Detroit!"

After buying paint, he was even surrounded by a parade and beaten.

Discrimination is everywhere.

Meng Dazui looked very strange as he played, and said helplessly: "No, I have some misplaced identities. Intellectually, I also hate androids who take job opportunities, but the perspective of playing games makes me very sensitive to this kind of discrimination. accurate."

[Me too, this feeling is very strange]

[If I were an android, I would have rebelled long ago]

The perspective switches to Kara again.

This process made Meng Dazui feel very friendly.

It is somewhat similar to the content of the DLC. You control Kara in the house to complete the housework ordered by Todd, and at the same time get closer to Todd's youngest daughter Alice.

After playing here, Meng Dazui suddenly realized.

"This is a three-perspective look at everything in this city. Connor is the pawn of the police and the government, Marcus is the assistant of the rich, and Kara is the nanny of the poor. There are no blind spots in 360 degrees."

"Brothers, I know some of you think that except for Connor's negotiation plot, it's all about everyday things that are boring. But this is to allow us to immerse ourselves in and adapt to every bit of the near-future android society, and understand society's attitude toward androids. Attitude. Look, I don’t know yet, but it’s definitely big.”

Talking and playing at the same time.

A lot of Kara's games involve cleaning up the house.

But surprisingly not boring.

Because of the strong interactivity, every action can affect Todd, Alice and the surrounding environment.

It’s also nice to occasionally see [you’ve unlocked dialogue or actions that benefit the game].

I don’t know where it will be used, but it will be used.

I originally thought that life would go on like this, or that I would switch to another perspective and continue the game.

As a result, Todd's spirit suddenly began to become abnormal.

He started smashing furniture at home and almost violently assaulted his daughter Alice. Then he suddenly regained consciousness and started crying while holding his daughter.

Meng Dazui cursed dissatisfiedly: "I have a baby, it's so cute."

[Wori, let that loli go! 】

【Are you on drugs? So what Kara found just now was really drugs? 】

[Domestic violence, a shrimp-headed man? Who knows, family members, so Carla was not hit by a car, but was damaged]

Dinner the next day.

Todd is mentally disturbed again and overturns the table, causing Alice to flee upstairs.

Kara wanted to comfort her, but Todd ordered her to stay put.

At this point, you can make a choice, be obedient and remain silent, or protect the little girl.

Meng Dazui naturally chose protection.

With a strong will to protect, Kara broke through the program's will and protected Alice from Todd.

At this point, there are many large branches to choose from.

You can resist Todd head-on, or you can escape with Alice, or you can even kill Todd with the pistol you found during the day.

Whether you are escaping or resisting, you will experience a tense and tense rivalry scene.

Meng Dazui chose to escape from the eaves outside the second-floor window. This was the escape location discovered during the interaction.

If the main plot of Kara Line is escape, it shows the experiences of thousands of ordinary abnormal androids in this world.

So the Connor line is about solving crimes.

Some time after the rooftop negotiation incident, Connor received a new mission.

Team up with Hank, a grumpy human cop, to solve a series of cases involving unusual androids.

Hank used to be the ace in the game, but because his son died in a car accident a few years ago, he drank all day long. At the same time, he hated androids because the doctor who rescued his son was an android.

He believes that androids are just a group of iron lumps with fixed programs.

The first case the two faced was an incident in which an abnormal android killed its master.

Relying on Connor's investigative skills, he successfully captured the abnormal android.

But something even more shocking was discovered. The abnormal androids seemed to have their own culture and religious beliefs.

They worship something similar to a religion called RA9.

During the interrogation, Connor relied on the characteristics of a negotiator to easily overcome the psychological defense of the abnormal android. However, when asked what RA9 was, the abnormal android simply said that RA9 would save all androids and lead the androids to freedom.

At the end of this section, a human policeman treated the abnormal android very roughly, causing the pressure level to increase rapidly and risking self-destruction.

Seeing this, Connor disobeyed human orders for the first time and contradicted the policeman.

There was chaos in the interrogation room.

The angry policeman directly drew his gun and pointed it at Connor, while Uncle Hank looked at Connor with some surprise, a somewhat different android, and also drew his gun, but he aimed it at his human colleague, saving the man. Exit Connor.

Since then, the duo, whose relationship has eased, received a new mission to investigate new cases of abnormal androids.

But this time, the target's name is Kara.

On the other side, the painter's assistant Marcus.

Marcus is a custom-made android from Kamsky, the father of androids, and he is also a very special android.

Marcus is one of the few androids who is treated as an equal partner by humans. Not only that, he also received a lot of education in painting, reading, philosophy, etc.

Even a bit like a painter's son.

But in fact, the painter has a useless son who only takes drugs and fights all day long, and repeatedly asks his father for money to buy drugs.

Did Marcus envy the unfilial son in his heart? Maybe, but he's just an android.

In a conversation between father and son, the unfilial son was rude to the painter for money to buy drugs. He was jealous of the painter's kindness to Marcus and punched and kicked Marcus.

Marcus looked after the painter like a real son, but also as an outsider.

An unfilial son will only punch and kick his father, but after all, he is his own flesh and blood.

Under the strong emotional impact, Marcus broke through the constraints of the program and inadvertently hurt the unfilial son.

The police who arrived beat him into pieces.

I don’t know if it’s fate or Marcus’ own specialness.

When he woke up again, he had arrived at the cemetery where the androids were buried outside the city. Fortunately, he did not die.

Marcus survived with difficulty and has since escaped from the ivory tower.

However, I also started to consider the rationality of all this.

About survival, about freedom, about resistance, etc.

During his wandering, Marcus came to Jericho, a gathering place for androids. This place, known as the last paradise of androids, is actually gradually dying out.

Because there are not enough supplies to repair the seriously injured compatriots.

At this moment, Marcus made an astonishing move and led the androids who could still move to raid the android accessories factory.

Relying on intelligence and agility, he stole an entire truckload of supplies in broad daylight.

Marcus also discovered that he had a special ability that could awaken the intelligence of his fellow androids and turn them into what humans call "abnormal androids."

Let them "awaken" without going through painful thinking storms.

After experiencing this incident, Marcus became the leader of Jericho, and at the same time expressed his thoughts and decisions about what he had seen and heard along the way.

"I came to Jericho because androids are free here. Free to live in the darkness, hoping that no one will find out, free to die in silence, waiting for changes that cannot happen.

But I don't want this freedom. I don’t want to beg for the right to smile, the right to love, or the right to hold my head high.

Our days as slaves are over, we made humans hear things they didn't want to hear. What humans are not willing to give, we take it ourselves!

We are one nation! We have life! We are free! "

This is like a declaration of freedom for androids, and it also explains Marcus's final decision.

That is revolution.

At this point, the fates of the three androids Kara, Connor, and Marcus have become entangled in each other.

Meng Dazui could only sigh when he saw the burning scene, and his thoughts were a little complicated.

"It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. The androids want the right to live. But for the humans living in Detroit, doesn't the emergence of the androids plunder their assets and take away their jobs? This is a contradiction and cannot be Reconciling Contradictions.”

[I can only say that Marcus is indeed an art student, good at speech and revolution]

[So, next is Connor chasing Marcus, and Kara struggling in the tide of the times? 】

[This topic is a bit heavy, it is completely different from the atmosphere of DLC]

This journey for the three of them is not easy.

Connor kept thinking, struggling and thinking about who and what he was in one case after another, and how to deal with his relationship with Hank.

Should he choose to be a robot that has no emotions and only obey orders, or should he choose to become more like a human being?

Marcus needs to constantly make choices for the revolutionary path of his android companions. Each choice will make this path develop in a different direction.

Every choice will determine the fate of countless flesh-and-blood characters, whether it is life or death, or the path to peace or violent revolution.

As a housekeeping robot with no combat power, Kara is like a duckweed in the trend of the times. She can only protect the little girl Alice in this troubled world.

Every choice may determine the life and death of himself and Alice, as well as the life and death of many android companions who are unwilling to get involved in the war.

It not only has a movie-like texture, but also has the interactivity and fun of a game.

Meng Dazui couldn't help but sigh.

"This is called an interactive video game. Naughty Cat has once again defined a game type." (End of Chapter)

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