As for players asking about Naughty Cat's new game, it was expected.

However, this was also a pre-set answer. It only mentioned the game type, and the specific name and gameplay of the game will not be announced for the time being.

As for the company, there are indeed two games being produced at the same time.

Last year's WGA suffered a great humiliation, and the trophy was stolen.

This year, all major games of various mainstream types will be brought to the stage. No matter what type of game EA makes, it is not capable of stealing the trophy.

I can refuse it, but you can't steal it.

Otherwise, where can I put my face?

Since there is this plan, try to cover it in all aspects, and don't let go of mobile terminals, that is, mobile games.

At present, in the field of mobile games, especially in the track of "second games", it can be said that Genshin Impact is dominating the sky.

So far, many versions have been launched.

As a game that has swept away countless peers, it is natural that it has been slandered and persecuted by peers again and again since it went online, and all kinds of bad voices have never stopped.

However, the game's strong ability to attract money still speaks for itself. Not only did it not decline, but in the next year's major update, it brought a new version of the country, Inazuma, and its ability to make money has reached a new level.

Many peers are really slandering it with all their might, and they join in if they can't beat it, and they have set up open-world mobile games one after another.

They want to replicate the next original god.

From Lin Mo's point of view, this is impossible.

In the final analysis, it is the content-driven play mode that wins, not the open world.

So, it's time to let the players and peers in this world see it.

The open world may not be the answer to the version. As long as the content is good enough, the so-called "backward" turn-based system can also be rejuvenated.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's eyes glanced at the original paintings on the desktop.

There is a royal sister with purple hair, playing the violin elegantly, with decorative sunglasses on her head, wearing lavender stockings, and a spider pattern on the back of the windbreaker.

There is a boy with double horns on his head, lotus on his feet, and the overall color is white and dark green, with "dragon" as the design theme.

There is a fox-man Lolita with green tones, dark circles under her eyes and a tail like a ghost fire, and many Taoist exorcist props on her body.

And so on.

This is one of the two games being developed at the same time, and the mobile game that will be released first is "Honkai Impact 3: Star Railway".

The original characters are several characters in the game.

In the past, when many game manufacturers were chasing the answer to the open world version, this turn-based mobile game with a somewhat retro gameplay style came out with many doubts.

Then many game manufacturers were surprised to find that.

The open world mobile games they made were not as good as other people's turn-based games.

This is not only due to the excellent quality of the game, but also the focus is on accurate self-positioning.

Unlike many games that try every means to pull daily activities and do activities, they just let players live in the game.

"Honkai Impact 3: Star Railway", referred to as "Honkai Impact 3", the biggest feature is to reduce the burden on players, or it is defined as a secondary game.

Many players are very busy, and the time they can spend on entertainment every day is very few.

Sometimes when I am free, I would rather watch short videos than play games, and I suffer from electronic impotence.

In the final analysis, it is too tiring.

But Bengtie is different.

If there is no activity, you can complete the daily tasks by going online for less than five minutes every day.

Even if there are activities, the activities with the most rewards are permanent activities, without time limits, and will not force players to participate quickly.

What players need is to experience the exciting main content after a version update every 40 days or so.

A game experience like chasing anime or dramas.

There is not no content to grind in the game, but it is much less than similar games.

In contrast, it is extremely generous welfare.

Today is the anniversary of the opening of the service, and I will give you 10 consecutive draws, and then a sign-in week 20 draws reward.

The game won the prize, and a limited UP five-star character was given, and the strength is not bad.

Starting with the new version, I will give you 10 consecutive draws for signing in.

The weather is good today, um, I will give you some card drawing resources.

In short, no matter what, I will give you welfare.

It just so happens that with so many benefits, you can still make money, which makes countless peers envious.

The reason is because of the solid storytelling ability and character creation ability.

Players often play games impulsively and emotionally, and it is not uncommon to spend a lot of money for their favorite characters.

As long as you can continue to produce high-quality plot content, you don’t have to worry about not making money.

As for the official public beta date of the game, it has been set, August 26.

The public beta date of the previous life of Collapse Iron was March 7th of the lunar calendar, and March 7th is also the name of a very important character in the game, the game’s poster girl.

It’s a bit regrettable that the date didn’t match this time.

Although the date didn’t match, it did match the public beta date of another game.

It’s still a game of an old friend.

Zhou Wenguang’s Dongrong Interactive Entertainment’s new open world mobile game "Tower of Infinity".

Dongrong Interactive Entertainment has not had a good time recently.

Its biggest project is the operation of the "Sword Immortal" series and the mobile game "Frontline War 2".

Needless to say, due to Zhou Wenguang's various stupid moves and his own self-destructive behavior, he successfully caused the two IPs to die violently.

Although the later "Sword Immortal" series of TV series successfully appeared on TV stations, the false popularity brought by various traffic stars also made the game popular for a short time.

But it was still useless.

After the sudden death of "Frontline War 2" later, Zhou Wenguang became low-key.

But it can be seen that he is still very unconvinced.

The new open world mobile game project "Tower of Infinity" has reached the final testing stage after a lot of recruitment.

At the end of this month, it will be officially launched.

There have been so many conflicts before, and there is no intention to reconcile anyway.

It's not too much to disgust again, right?

In the field of mobile games, Genshin Impact has always been one-handed, which is quite boring to be honest.

After the official public beta of Collapse Iron, this situation can be broken.

Become two-handed.

Lighthouse country.

Games cannot be compared, the more you compare, the more desperate you will be.

Moreno looked at the screen in front of him silently.

Although I didn't have any expectations, I thought "Detroit: Become Human" would be lame and make mistakes.

But when I really played the game, I still felt a wave of despair.

In this line, because of his old-age hand speed, Kara made a lot of QTE mistakes when escaping.

The game did not end, and there was no accident from the Deus Ex Machina to save her.

She died so simply, without any waves, just like the most ordinary android in this world.

When I played it later, the characteristics of the old-age hand speed were brought into play again.

Marcus, also died.

But the game did not stop. Marcus was replaced by his lover North, one of the three leaders of Jericho at the beginning of its establishment and a representative of the radicals.

In the advancement of the plot, it may be that he was holding the idea of ​​experimentation, or it may be that he was really handicapped.

North also died.

Connor's awakening allowed this equally special android with leadership ability to stand on the high ground of the church, and issued a war declaration like the God who saved all androids.

In the game, there is not only strong interactivity, but also like a world.

No matter what happens, it will continue to run.

Originally, after trying out Future World, I was quite interested in this interactive video game.

Adapted from a movie, the quality is indeed much higher than that of similar games, and I thought I had a sure win.

As a result, it seems that the eyes of players all over the world are now focused on Detroit: Become Human.

The plan to make Baofeng platform feel more present was unexpectedly a failure.

"Damn naughty cat."

Moreno cursed and dropped the controller, looked at the time, and turned off the game.

After waiting quietly for a while, the guest who was scheduled to visit today came.

Arnold walked in with a tired look.

The last time the two met was more than a month ago.

At that time, the two reached an agreement and officially signed a contract to let the interactive video game Future World land on the Baofeng platform.

It was just fate.

Originally, one side hoped to keep his position as CEO, and the other side hoped to use the game Future World to expand the influence of the Baofeng platform.

A double loss.

Moreno was still okay, but the business purpose was not achieved.

Looking at Arnold in front of him, he looked haggard, with a blister on his lips due to inflammation, and he looked particularly in poor spirits.

"You came from afar, is there something going on?"

Arnold hesitated for a moment, then said: "You should also know the recent situation of the game "Future World". Its quality is actually not bad, but because "Detroit: Become Human" is so popular, and the free table pet is full of gimmicks, the popularity of "Future World" is very low. As long as we increase the publicity and promotion efforts, we can."

"You know, this is impossible." Moreno said lightly, "I talked to Naughty Cat. Since Lin Mo does not plan to postpone the release time of "Detroit: Become Human", it is normal for you to compete with EA's game."

Killing people also requires killing their hearts.

As soon as these words came out, Arnold's face was a little angry, but he did not show it for a while, forcibly suppressing his anger, but his tone was still a little cold.

"The quality of Naughty Cat games is known to the whole world, and few companies can compete with it. This is not caused by the poor quality of EA games."

"Really? Game companies should let their works speak for themselves. Why is Baofeng Entertainment never afraid of colliding with any company's games? Others always avoid us?"

Speaking of this, Moreno's face was not very good.

Relying on several major IPs and technical talents accumulated over decades of hard work, which company in the industry would not give Baofeng Entertainment some face?

But unexpectedly, the first time he opened his mouth and expressed his hope that the other party would postpone the release of a game, and even Baofeng Entertainment could give compensation.

He was rejected.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

This was very impolite, and Arnold's face turned blue and purple.

If he didn't really need help from others, why would he suffer such anger here?

But when he thought of his future, he lowered his voice a little and said, "Future World is indeed a good game with potential, but its focus is not on interaction. As long as the publicity and promotion efforts are increased, it can still bring a large number of users to the Baofeng platform, so."

"This is a hopeless game. You and your other two partners should face the facts." Moreno interrupted unceremoniously, "You should also face your own fate."

As soon as these words came out, Arnold's face changed drastically, and his face was uncertain.

After a long time, he sighed and felt much older.

"I admit that I lost. I'm just curious, what third-party games do you want to introduce to absorb fresh blood? Those who underestimate Naughty Cat will end up with bad results."

Moreno nodded and said lightly: "If nothing unexpected happens, you will know tomorrow."

After that, Arnold sighed and walked out of the office.

That night, Electronic Arts Entertainment issued an announcement.

Arnold resigned and took the initiative to leave the CEO position where he had worked for a year.

So far, he has become the shortest-serving CEO in the history of Electronic Arts for decades.

He was ambitious when he took office, and this ending is miserable.

Compared with being dismissed, resigning on his own initiative has saved the last bit of face.

The next day.

"Choosing the right partner is the beginning of success, don't you think? Mr. Moreno."

Zhou Wenguang couldn't hide the smile on his face.

After such a long time, the deal was finally made.

Moreno nodded and said, "Of course, with the excellent quality of "Tower of Infinity", I believe this is a win-win situation for both you and me."

Just now, the final negotiation ended.

A rather strange deal was reached.

The PC client of the mobile game "Tower of Infinity" is limited to two years on the Baofeng platform.

If you want to play on a computer, you need to download the Baofeng platform.

After the advent of the live broadcast era, many mobile games have also launched PC clients.

But it's better to say that it's a simulator launch than a client.

After "Genshin Impact" became a hit, almost all mobile game projects included the PC client in the scope of design and development at the beginning of the project, which became a trend or fashion.

Zhou Wenguang saw the influence of the Baofeng platform overseas and envied "Genshin Impact" for making crazy money overseas.

Moreno, on the other hand, saw the popularity of "Tower of Infinity" as the first open-world mobile game to be launched after "Genshin Impact", especially in China.

Now that all the details have been negotiated, the contract can be signed soon.

While waiting, the two began to brag about each other's business.

On one hand, they praised each other's great achievements in shooting games and MMORPGs, and on the other hand, they praised each other's outstanding ability in the field of mobile games.

After waiting for a while, it was finally time to sign the contract.

But along with the contract, there was also bad news.

"Mr. Moreno, I just got a piece of news. Naughty Cat really released a mobile game. The public beta time is at the end of the month."

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Wenguang, who was present, was stunned for a while, subconsciously tensed up, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

Moreno frowned deeply and cursed inwardly.

Then he looked at the brand new contract that had not yet been signed.

So the question is, should this contract still be signed? (End of this chapter)

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