Moreno never expected that he would encounter a contractual problem like EA one day.

There are countless games released every day, and it is normal for them to collide.

If it is a game from another company, it will be fine.

But Naughty Cat

is a little difficult to deal with.

No one knows what kind of shocking game this company can bring.

"Has the PV been released? Let me see."

"Okay sir, I will prepare it now."

The waiting time was not long, but Zhou Wenguang's stiff expression and nervous mood could be seen.

"This is really unfortunate."

Hearing this, Moreno did not show anything on the surface.

In fact, he was still a little disdainful in his heart.

Is this because he was scared by Naughty Cat after several encounters? So cowardly?

Can't you be more confident in your own work?

Just thinking about it, the brief preparation work was completed, and a promotional video was released.

No, it should not be said to be one, but a set.

"This, this is a real-life video? A micro-movie?" Moreno muttered to himself in confusion, "Is Naughty Cat showing off again?"

Zhou Wenguang nodded hesitantly: "It's not impossible. Lin Mo likes to do this kind of thing, making a big event in a place you don't expect."

But when they really clicked it, the two of them were silent.

This can't be called PV, this should be called an advertisement.

The kind of advertisement that is put on TV, or on the big screen in shopping malls and subways.

The name of the first video is "What You See Is What You Get".

At the beginning, a boy opened the lid of the braised beef noodle bucket and frowned.

Pick out a piece of beef from the bucket.

The next second, the narration sounded, this is a clip from a TV show.

"Scientists have discovered a new substance in instant noodles. This exploration has mobilized all the scientific research power of the Genius Club. For a long time, the problem of not being able to find beef that matches the packaging in instant noodles has been plaguing mankind. After three years of research, this discovery has received high attention from all walks of life and is expected to impact the world's highest research award."

Accompanying the picture is a series of absurd and unruly pictures and hilarious scenes.

A serious scientific research team is doing research on instant noodles.

It's just the most common instant noodles in daily life, but it has created a feeling of researching nuclear weapons.

To the end.

A sick transition.

"The real thing is always inconsistent with the packaging? "Honkai Impact 3: Sky Railway", what you see is what you get."

Then there is a comparison picture, the characters on the computer and the mobile phone use the ultimate move at the same time, and the picture effects on both sides are exactly the same.

The video ends.


Zhou Wenguang:

The two of them were silent.

No, is the promotion of this game sick! What is this!

It is also possible to see what this video is saying - our Bengtie is not like other games that are clickbait.

This is because since the emergence of Genshin Impact, mobile games that were originally about art, plot and benefits have begun to be about publicity.

Many mobile game promotional videos are fake at first glance, and those who don't know may think they are mobile versions of scam games like "The Doomsday Disaster".

After watching the advertisement, Moreno said in confusion: "There are not many game scenes in the video, but it seems to be a turn-based game?"

Zhou Wenguang also nodded and said: "I saw it too, it seems to be a turn-based game. Or is it a turn-based gameplay in the game? "Genshin Impact" is an open world, and Naughty Cat has no reason to let the game degenerate to the turn-based era."

As he said, the staff got a signal and started playing the second advertisement.

A working social animal took out his mobile phone and was about to clear his physical strength happily, but overtime work came.

After finally finishing his work, he was about to clear his full physical strength.

Another meeting is needed.

A few hours later.

After finally finishing the meeting, the young man picked up his mobile phone and a satisfied smile just appeared on his face.

The supervisor came over with a smile and said, "Team building tonight, let's go sing!"

Then there was another scene change.

Narrator: "Want to play games but always get interrupted? "Honkai Impact 3: Star Railway", free your hands and play at any time!"

The scene changed again, it was a guy singing in a KTV, he only needed to look down occasionally and then hang up to see the game screen automatically killing monsters.

Seeing this ad, there were even whispers from two Baofeng Entertainment staff members in the room.

"This is too real."

"Yeah. My original god's stamina is always full and I don't have time to clear it."

There was no time to care what the two said.

Because this time I could really see the game screen.

It's really turn-based!

Seeing this, Zhou Wenguang let out a long sigh and couldn't help laughing: "What kind of stupid move did Lin Mo make? Reversing history? I thought it was another work that subverted people's understanding of mobile games. That's it? An outdated turn-based mobile game? And it uses such a sick and LOW promotion method?"

Moreno was also obviously relieved.

He had already thought about it in his heart. If this game was an open world game, or some other mobile game type that he didn't understand at all, he would refuse to sign the contract at the last minute without hesitation.

He didn't think that the game "Infinite Tower" could beat Naughty Cat.

The signing of the exclusive agreement was for Baofeng Entertainment to attract new blood and let the majority of players know that there are third-party games available for purchase on the Baofeng platform.

At the same time, publicity costs and a sum of money paid to Dongrong Interactive Entertainment will also be paid.

If the results of Naughty Cat's new game "Honkai Impact: Star Rail" do not meet expectations, it will be a big loss.

But, if it's a turn-based game, that's not necessarily the case.

Today's gamers have very different tastes.


No one has bought it for a long time.

Thinking about it, he said: "Naughty Cat also has games that are not big in size, such as "Ready" or "Dead by Daylight". Maybe this is just out of Lin Mo's personal preference, and he wants to lose money to make a turn-based mobile game. Satisfy your hobbies.”

Hearing this, Zhou Wenguang nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, that must be the case."

During the chat, the silly and magical advertisements on the big screen continued to play.

They look absurd and uninhibited, but they all have meanings and are full of creativity. Each one is stuck in about fifty seconds.

After these silly advertisements, it was finally the turn of the serious game PVs, and there were two of them.

The first one is character PV.

A energetic girl who likes to take pictures, March 7, a lively and cute girl with pink hair, is also a game poster girl, and is one of the most iconic characters.

However, Moreno and Zhou Wenguang had no time to experience March Seven's distinctive personality or character art design.

Because the character combat demonstration in the video is also turn-based, the combat mode can be more confident now.

The atmosphere in the room became much more cheerful.

As for the second one, it’s a video called [Space Comedy].

What makes people even more dumbfounded is that the protagonist with gray hair and golden eyes opened the lid of the trash can and looked inside with a look of curiosity and apprehension.

Then, with cheerful music, the characters appeared one by one.

The protagonists, March Qi and Dan Heng's protagonist team, the rock-punk style Sylva and the blonde armored guard Jeppard, the two siblings, the purple-haired royal sister Kafka, the crazy male swordsman, and the Internet-addicted girl Silver Wolf The trio of star core hunters.

Each character's appearance can roughly tell their personality or identity.

But combined with the cheerful and even funny music and the name "Space Comedy", an unorthodox comedy style comes across.

But by this time, Moreno and Zhou Wenguang had no intention of watching the video.

In other words, I don’t think I need to read it.

"It's just a turn-based mobile game where a bunch of kids have adventures on a star train that can travel in space? It's not something to be afraid of."

"Yes, when "Infinity Tower" cooperates with Baofeng Entertainment, won't it be even more powerful and kill people indiscriminately?"

"But don't be careless. After all, it's Naughty Cat's game."

"Hi, I just watched it. Many people are dissatisfied with the fact that Naughty Cat's new game is a turn-based mobile game. Many people are badmouthing it. Moreover, in just a few videos, countless classic animations have been plagiarized. Little clips from movie games, games like this can get you into trouble.”

Mobile games often use a "reservation" method to increase popularity. Each time the number of reservations reaches certain rewards, you will receive certain rewards.

Although, so far, there is no game where the pre-order bonus cannot be obtained due to insufficient number of players.

Pre-registration for "Honkai Impact: Star Rail" not only provides rewards, but also unlocks more PV and information with each node.

This day, almost nothing was done.

The two of them spent their time chatting awkwardly, waiting for the number of reservations to reach a certain point, and then watching the PV.

It's evening.

Although there are indeed a lot of doubts online, it is still a Naughty Cat game and its popularity is not low.

Unlock video PVs one by one.

Some are character PVs, and some are introductions to the world.

But what is 100% certain is that the turn-based system is indeed not a small gameplay in the game, but the main gameplay.

At this point, I finally felt relieved.

The contract signing ceremony begins again.

One night without words, the next day.

A piece of news overwhelmed "Honkai Impact: Star Rail" and became a hot search topic in various countries.

"Infinity Tower" reached an exclusive agreement with Baofeng Entertainment and became a partner, and released the latest promotional PV.

in this video.

There are vast maps, numerous monsters, interesting puzzles, beautiful scenery, smooth combat, and sexy characters.

In short, the most outstanding thing is a dazzling one.

The various ways to play are dizzying, and one of them stands out.

There is also a sentence that is mentioned again and again - embrace the future of gameplay.

It can be seen that the game's action system has also been greatly upgraded, with a higher operating limit in the open world.

In comparison, turn-based games like Honkai Impact: Star Rail seem a bit bleak.

Among mobile game players, both games have also triggered a lot of discussion.

[I was still worried about finding a game to play, but now I have some options]

[Why do you want to go back to making turn-based mobile games? It’s not that I can’t do a better type, it’s really boring and disappointing]

[Am I the only one who thinks traveling between planets is cool and romantic? 】

[I made a reservation for "Tower of Infinity", I want to see what the gameplay of embracing the future is like]

Under the advertising campaign, the phrase "embracing the future gameplay" and the name of "Infinity Tower" were both on the hot searches.

Inside the naughty cat.

"Mr. Lin, I have changed the plot of Wu Xiao on the Cloud. Do you want to take a look?"

Wang Zichen had dark circles under his eyes and was waiting for the evaluation with excitement.

Lin Mo looked at him, hesitant to speak, and finally could only say: "I want to advise you to take more rest. I guess you won't listen to me. Anyway, you should pay more attention to your health."

After that, he looked at the script seriously.

The most important thing about the game Collapse is the plot, which is the bones, blood and soul.

The game itself is relatively lightweight, and the plot story is the most important reason for many players to stick to it.

So, the main writer of the script is naturally Lin Mo.

As an assistant, Wang Zichen polished each story and put forward some useful opinions and suggestions to make the whole story more interesting.

For example, the plot of Yunshang Wuxiao was a plot with mixed reviews in Lin Mo's previous life.

In fact, the story itself is not bad, but the angle and way of telling the story are problematic, and the behavior and thinking logic of many characters are written in the dark line, which makes this plot not good.

Wang Zichen's job is to find similar plots and think about changing the solution to make the story more exciting and easy to understand.

As a professional game company, it is very easy to make the story obscure and difficult to understand.

The most difficult thing is to make players understand a very exciting story very easily.

The most difficult thing is to discuss some serious topics in a playful comedy.

The collision of ideas is the soul of the story.

After reading the revised script, Lin Mo pointed out several minor deficiencies.

Wang Zichen listened very carefully, and then said hesitantly: "Mr. Lin, I am a little scared. There are some serious propositions to discuss while playing and joking. Will players like this hodgepodge style?"

I wanted to hear a firm answer of "yes".

But unexpectedly, Lin Mo shook his head and said: "If there is only a story, then it won't."

Wang Zichen swallowed his saliva and asked: "Mr. Lin, there should be a "but" in your words?"

This time, Lin Mo nodded and said: "Yes, that's right. You have to understand that the reason why games are called the ninth art is that it is a cultural form that integrates vision, hearing, interaction, and reading. And turn-based games are the easiest type of games to control the rhythm. As a screenwriter, you have to believe that your colleagues in the company can express your story in the most perfect form."

Wang Zichen's eyes lit up.

Lin Mo added: "Be more confident. The game we make depends on selling characters to make money. How can we make money if the characters are not well created?"

"I understand, Mr. Lin!"

Wang Zichen nodded heavily and hurried to work.

Lin Mo glanced at the densely packed files on the screen.

So much music and animation is to enhance the sense of substitution when the plot nodes come, to better render emotions, and to make the plot experience of the 1.0 era of Collapse closer to the 2.0 era of Pinoconi.

If the plot is not done well, it will be a waste. (End of this chapter)

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