At this time, the original disadvantage of the turn-based system - the unsmooth battle has become an advantage.

Because only when the enemy and the enemy attack one by one can the shocking performance, the music that sets the atmosphere and the inspiring lines appear just right on the computer of every Star Iron player without feeling abrupt at all.

The giant robot Creation Engine is controlled by Cocolia, and sometimes the giant fist falls with the power of landslides and cracks.

Sometimes energy beams emerge from the eyes, and the scorching energy melts the surrounding ice and snow.

It is obviously just the first act of the battle, and it is obviously just some small monsters. With the new background music, the atmosphere of the BOSS battle has been fully rendered.

However, the continuous attacks have forced the protagonist group into a desperate situation.

The giant fist of the Creation Engine was raised high again and was about to fall.

Suddenly, a red light flashed in the sky, and then a rail gun fell accurately, directly smashing one of the arms of the Creation Engine.

Xiao Yao was stunned at first, then screamed excitedly: "Is it Ji Zi? The trial and the plot said that Ji Zi has a very powerful rail gun! Yes, there are only three little ones coming down from our train group, and the parents are still watching here!"

[Good guy, the three-body people are fighting against the primitive people, right? Isn't this a dimensionality reduction attack? ]

[This taste is too authentic, with a kind of old-fashioned two-dimensional burning and bloody feeling]

[It feels like the gathering of the Avengers! But it's not annoying. How can I never get tired of watching this kind of plot of united efforts to fight the BOSS?]

The Creation Engine temporarily stopped, and Xing climbed up the huge body of the Creation Engine without hesitation, aiming directly at Cocolia at the top.

The enemy floating in the air wanted to block it, and was about to attack, but he didn't know where he was attacked, and turned into fireworks in the air.

Looking back, Bronya turned into a sharpshooter, one shot at a time, and shouted: "I'll cover you!"

Xing nodded heavily and continued to rush up.

It was just that the Creation Engine woke up, the terrain changed, and she was thrown down.

At this time, Xier took action.

"Catch me!"

She flashed into the air twice, caught the protagonist, and threw him into the sky fiercely.

However, the platform for the battle was only one step away, but it was like a natural moat.

Just as she was about to fall down helplessly, Dan Heng's spear flew accurately and stabbed on the cliff. With a leverage point, she made a gorgeous turn in the air and finally landed on the platform.

At this time, Xiao Yao was already excited with tears in her eyes, covering her mouth, and her voice was a little choked.

"That's the feeling! My God, how can it be so handsome! When I was a child, I loved to watch this kind of passionate cooperation, the feeling of fighting to death and defeating strong enemies! Since when did it become popular to be dark and deep? That's the wrong way!"

Seeing Xing, Cocolia was no longer polite.

The blizzard was getting bigger and bigger, even blocking the view a little, and the whistling wind brought snowflakes flying in the air in disorder.

The ice and snow evoked by the star core covered her body, and when she appeared again, she was no longer in human form.

Because she borrowed power that did not belong to her, all the flesh on her body disappeared. Looking closely, it was like the deep universe, with a mysterious black and purple color, and stars twinkling.

Behind her floated four huge ice spikes, delicate as works of art, emitting cold light.

"Listen. This power is surging and singing. The promise given to me by the star core is the only hope for this world! Seven hundred years ago, it expelled the antimatter army-today, it will also erase your existence!"

[ohhhhhhhhhh! The foreplay is over, and the show begins! ]

[Crap, this BOSS is too handsome, right? Can you make a figure? ]

[The sound and picture are perfectly matched! You can do this in a turn-based system! ]

[That's it. The protagonist fights the BOSS alone? Is this really okay? Can other partners come up? ]

The answer is of course there is a problem.

Whether in the plot or in actual combat, how can a single person defeat a strong enemy?

After a few short rounds of fighting, Kokolia waved her hand.

Alissa Rand's frozen lance, which represented the city builders' faith in preservation, flew out and pierced Xing's chest.

When he opened his eyes again, he had come to a space in the universe.

Because of the resonance of the star core, Xing saw many of Kokolia's memories.

This was her struggle and her pain for so many years.

The fate of the entire Beloberg rested on her.

The people swallowed by the rift and the cold wave, the friends who left after making a decision, the Silver Mane Iron Guards sacrificed by her, and the abandoned lower city.

The little demon sighed and said, "From God's perspective, Kokolia is very stupid. But from her perspective, isn't embracing the star core the best way? She actually just wants to save her hometown, not to rule the world, nor for her own selfish desires. There must be something pitiful about hateful people."

At the end of the road, there was a soul called the Guardian's Will, and she asked a question.

The power of the guardian is fading, the will of the star core is irresistible, the rift is always expanding, leaving only despair and bewitching whispers. The power of the guardian will eventually dissipate, and the faith of the city builders will eventually waver.

In this situation, how to protect Beloberg, which is swaying in the wind and snow?

The answer of the star is - there will always be someone who will not waver, so let others protect it!

The somewhat ethereal voice of the guardian's will sounded.

"A mere passer-by is determined to shoulder the fate of the entire world? Then go touch the light of amber. See if your inner will is strong enough. Strong enough to attract His gaze."

The so-called light of amber is a lance.

The lance that had pierced Xing, which was previously frozen, now showed its original appearance.

It has a beautiful amber body and flames burning around it.

Xing gradually approached, and at the moment when his hand touched the handle of the lance, he seemed to hear the sound of the giant hammer of the Amber King, the star god of Cunhu, falling on the anvil.

At the same time, the music sounded, from low to high.

As the lance was pulled out, I don't know if the courage to disregard life and death for a strange country was recognized.

In the boundless universe, the star god who symbolizes the fate of Cunhu cast a glance.

In reality, Xing landed steadily, and there was no wound on his body?

The frozen lance turned into a scorching flame lance. After 700 years, the power of Cunhu returned to this frozen planet.

The Creation Engine was also inspired by the power of preservation, and the only remaining giant hand slowly held the star and landed on the ground.

Behind him, March 7, Dan Heng, Bronya and Seele came to meet.

As the flame spear pointed directly at the floating Cocolia in the sky, the third act and the final battle finally began.

The sound of the background music gradually became louder, and it was exciting to listen to it.

Xiao Yao analyzed excitedly: "There has never been a savior, nor a god emperor. Preservation is earned by oneself, not charity! When choosing to use the star core to solve the antimatter army, Beloberg is destined to lose the favor of the preservation star god!"

[What the hell is this music called? It's so exciting]

[Damn! Who said that the plot of Star Iron is not as good as that of Infinity Tower? Stand up! Come out for me! ]

[Damn, this plot is too exciting, I haven't been so excited for many years]

[The perfect combination of sound, picture, rhythm, and gameplay, this is the charm of turn-based games! 】

Cocolia: "You know nothing about the plight of this world. You know nothing about the ending that awaits it!"

Bronya is no longer confused, her voice is so clear in the cold wind.

"Even if we are destined to perish, we will hold hands and bravely walk into the darkness!"

March 7: "No! With us, that ending will never happen!"

BOSS battle, start!

The new destiny of the star faces the new BOSS, bringing freshness and fun.

The three-act script fully reveals its charm at this moment, and the appropriate background music makes Xiao Yao and every audience in front of him fully mobilized.

But, it's not enough.

Even after Cocolia summoned two ice pillars that can release AOE, the player then controlled the giant fist of the creation engine to smash down, making the screen tremble.

Soon, the first stage ended and the second stage began.

"The only salvation."

With the murmur, Cocolia's appearance changed again. She was covered with a layer of light gold, and a terrible energy was gathering in her hand. The true power of the star core was about to be revealed.

Xiao Yao subconsciously adjusted his sitting position, covered his pounding heart, and said, "I'm so nervous! I won't lose, will I? I should upgrade the level of the relic or the light cone (weapon)."

[Cool! ! ! ! ! ]

[The whole scene arrangement, my god, can a turn-based game be done like this? ]

[No, is this really a mobile game? A turn-based mobile game? Cheating! ]

Xiao Yao was very nervous. Before Cocolia took action again, he kept adding blood, and then asked the star that protected his fate to start the defense mode.

Cocolia: "The power of the star core is with me! You are just the dying struggle before the world collapses!"

Instantly, the guitar sound and low singing disappeared, and turned into an extremely passionate singing, a shocking rock music!

The singing sounded like the horn of the final attack, and also like the elegy of Cocolia, a pathetic and hateful person.

"I will create this great new world with my own hands!"

The energy in Cocolia's hand directly turned into a star, which fell from the sky and smashed down fiercely.

The exciting music of "Wildfire" is matched with the shocking pictures, and all the emotions burst out at this moment.

This star hits the ground, and the earth shakes in an instant, as if the world is about to end. Damage numbers pop up one after another on each character, and the blood volume drops madly.

[Fuck, how can it be so cool? Damn, kill me to cheer up the train group! ]

[Ward sent? ? ? ? I can't remember how many words I said today about being cool]

[Awesome, awesome, I can't say anything else, just awesome, awesome without saying anything]

[Fuck! Master Zhong's apprentice, right? Isn't this heaven and earth shaking! ]

Xiao Yao's face was flushed with excitement, and he couldn't say a word, but there was even a faint mist in his eyes because of excitement.

One minute later.

The battle was in full swing, and the passionate chorus sounded again.

At this moment, Xiao Yao just activated the star's big move.

"The tip of the spear has been ignited. Flame spear, charge!"

The lance, which represented the will to protect, finally took away the last bit of Cocolia's blood.

The backlash of the star core swallowed her body in an instant.

But in the end, this poor person was still thinking about the bright future that the star core would bring to Beloberg.

But she had no chance to see it again, so she could only smile at Bronya, her adopted daughter, and then die generously.

[This game experience of chasing anime is really true, just like watching a wonderful anime]

[I still like this kind of plot full of positive energy, isn't it good to ignite a little blood? ]

[make acg great again! ]

The battle is finally over.

Bronya also lost her mother, but she had no time to grieve, and Beloberg still needed her to take charge of the overall situation.

The train group returned to the lower city again.

Only at this moment did I understand how precious the somewhat lengthy adventure in the lower city was.

Looking at the friends I knew one by one, the tenacious souls, cheering because the star core was sealed and the upper and lower city were unsealed, watching the children in the lower city finally set foot on the land of the upper city, finally seeing the blue sky for the first time, and smelling the air without dust and rust for the first time, there was an inexplicable sense of satisfaction and joy.

Not long after, it was Bronya's speech on taking office as the Great Guardian.

The three members of the train group sat quietly in the farthest corner of the square.

Xiao Sanyue drank her drink, Danheng read a book quietly, and Xing looked at the young and strong guardian on the stage with a smile.

Hiding his merits and fame.

After the inauguration speech, I said goodbye to my friends in Beloberg, and it was time to embark on the journey again.

The excitement of the main task came to an end for the time being. There are still countless friends I have met on this land, and there are many interesting things waiting for Xing to solve.

The server was opened at ten o'clock in the morning, and Xiao Yao, who had recovered, looked at the time again.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening.

"It's time to get ready for a rest, Qiongbao." Xiao Yao yawned, "I'm tired after playing for so long. The plot level of Xianzhou Luofu is stuck and I can't advance. See you tomorrow. Oh no."

As he said that, he opened the recharge interface without a trace of fireworks and recharged all the double items.

Then he opened the card drawing interface.

Ten consecutive, ten consecutive, ten consecutive

"In order to broadcast the main storyline to you as soon as possible, it is necessary to use Xingqiong to exchange for physical strength to upgrade, but it is definitely not enough. In order not to waste it, just draw it."

Listening to Xiao Yao's words so lightly without blushing.

[No? ? ? Who said not to draw cards and not to recharge 648? ]

[Damn! If you can't use it, you should recharge less! ]

[Okay, at least she convinced herself]

The cards have been drawn, the tasks have been completed, and it's time to log off.

After logging off, Xiao Yao was just worrying about how to clear the physical strength that was pulled up today to ensure that she could broadcast the plot of Xianzhou Luofu in the first echelon.

Then she remembered that this is not "Infinite Tower". Clearing physical strength and doing daily work is like going to work.

Because it is a turn-based system!

There is automatic combat!

"Not bad, a good game is one that is easy and happy to play. At least I like it very much."

Said, she happily clicked on the automatic mode, then went to change clothes, remove makeup, and take a shower.

Even when taking a shower, he did not forget to play a song of Wildfire on the smart speaker in the bathroom.

Unlike many anchors who played the main story of Star Iron and then took a rest.

Zhou Wenguang was extremely puzzled at this time.

"The reaction of foreigners to the Cocolia BOSS battle? The reaction of domestic anchors when playing Star Iron? No, what is this?"

Looking at the 200,000 and 300,000 views of each video, people were dizzy.

No, isn't this game just released for a day?

And isn't there an update for "Tower of Infinity" today? !

Zhou Wenguang, who was not convinced, searched it specifically.

It really exists!

"Reactions of various anchors to the BOSS battle of Tower of Infinity" "Reactions of various anchors after the plot of Tower of Infinity"

The number of views is not low, more than 200,000.

Zhou Wenguang nodded with satisfaction, is this almost enough!

Click in to take a closer look.

Old Xue clicked the mouse quickly, not paying attention to the plot at all, muttering: "Why tell me where to fight and who to fight?"

Meng Dazui even cursed while reading the plot: "What the hell! What is written here! Are you bullying me for being uneducated?"

Sister K cursed at the game: "I'm not so tired even when I give a man a XX hand!"

Zhou Wenguang looked at it and his face turned black, damn!

Why is the style wrong here? (End of this chapter)

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