Isn't that right?

Zhou Wenguang clicked into the slice collection of Xingtie again.

Seeing Cocolia's Tiandong Wanxiang dropped down, the music of Wildfire sounded, Meng Dazui stood up and shouted: "Everyone stand up!!"

Lao Xue carefully analyzed the plot, analyzing why Cun Hu glanced at the protagonist star, but did not favor the great guardians of Beloberg.

There was also the foreigner Fukua brother who covered his head with a look of shock and confusion, and he was as exaggerated as his name.

Sister K was still in that live broadcast style, with tears in her eyes and said coquettishly: "Brothers, it's too exciting, I'm wet. Ask where I'm wet? I'm wet everywhere."

When playing the two games, all the anchors had completely different mental outlooks.

How could this be?

Zhou Wenguang quickly opened the backstage to check the data.

Today is the first day of Xingtie's public beta. As expected, the data has declined significantly. This is expected, and it is even much better than the expected data.

But there are also things that puzzle him.

"Why is the participation rate so low for the latest updated event?"

On such an important day, the project's chief designer naturally couldn't stay out of it and was still working overtime.

After being called into the office and asked, he also expressed his thoughts.

"Mr. Zhou, I think it's because the rewards are too small, and the activities are too complicated and troublesome, so players are not willing to play. Should the next wave of updated activities increase some rewards? Or reduce the difficulty?"

This answer made Zhou Wenguang frown and feel very uncomfortable.

I carefully prepared the task activity, but I don't want to play it because I think the rewards are small? These are all carefully designed plots, BOSS.

As for increasing rewards

"No, we can't increase rewards." Zhou Wenguang said without hesitation, "If there are too many rewards, players can draw the characters they want, how can we make money? Making games is not for charity."

"What about the difficulty?"

"The difficulty can't be reduced! If the difficulty is reduced, won't it become Genshin Impact? How can the reduced difficulty make players spend money to draw higher constellations and better weapons?"

The designer carefully reminded: "But. Today's "Honkai Impact: Star Dome Railroad" gives a lot of rewards, and the difficulty is not high."

Zhou Wenguang said firmly: "So this game won't go far! The impact on "Tower of Infinity" is even less than our expectations. If this goes on, the various data of this game will continue to decline. Just wait and see!"

"Well, okay. But the popularity of Star Dome Railroad today is not bad."

Zhou Wenguang sneered and said: "The popularity is not bad. But that's because Shark Platform and Naughty Cat have business orders, and many anchors have to broadcast in order to make money as part of the platform's mission."

The designer was a little depressed.


But other live broadcast platforms without business orders, the popularity of Star Dome Railroad is not low.

Starting the next day

The performance of the two mobile games that were launched before and after is still strong, and there are still many people live-streaming the Tower of Infinity.

But strangely, compared with the popularity of Star Iron in secondary creation, cosplay, plot analysis, and meme creation, the discussion of the Tower of Infinity is indeed a bit lower.

Starting from the third day, it was also the eighth day after the public beta of the Tower of Infinity.

Most Star Iron players who don’t spend krypton energy have completed the story of Beloberg, and the cover of the song "Wildfire" began to appear on a large scale in the music area and short video platform of Bilibili.

After that, many players officially entered the national style map Xianzhou Luofu and began to experience the new adventure of the train group.

The train group that was originally going to the event star Pinoconi was invited by the star core hunter Kafka to temporarily change its destination to Xianzhou Luofu.

One after another, charming Chinese-style characters began to appear, including General Jing Yuan of the Immortal Boat Luofu, Ting Yun, the Ferryman of the Heavenly Ship Division, Fu Xuan, the Master of Fishing, Qing Que, and the Star Core Hunter Blade.

Some of the most anticipated hidden plots began to be revealed, including the entanglement of the Five Warriors on the Cloud, the hatred between the Hunting Star God and the Abundant Star God, and the Millennium War between the Immortal Boat Alliance and the Abundant Evil Creature.

Even philosophical debates, is immortality a blessing or a curse?

Different from the prosperous scene on the Star Iron side.

What made Dongrong Interactive Entertainment feel a little bad was that the first batch of players who had experienced all the plots of the Infinite Tower began to quit.

Facing the decline in daily active data, Zhou Wenguang patted his chest and assured Moreno: "This is normal. Please rest assured that everything is fine in the Infinite Tower."

The sixth day of the opening of the Star Iron server, the eleventh day after the opening of the Infinite Tower server.

A topic on Weibo became popular inexplicably.

# I can no longer find friends to play with in the Infinite Tower

In the Weibo posts under the topic.

[I played with my friends before. We agreed to go online every day to clear our energy. We had a lot of fun at the beginning, but later I was the only one playing]

[Playing this game every day is more tiring than going to work. All my friends have quit, but my friends in StarTie are still playing. Anyway, it's only five minutes a day]

[This game might as well be a PC MMORPG. It's a bummer to play it on a mobile phone]

[I have my own main game. StarTie doesn't take up too much time. Not bad]

At the same time, the number of online players has further decreased.

Faced with Baofeng Entertainment's questioning, Zhou Wenguang quickly explained: "Your company's main products are mostly 3A masterpieces, so you don't quite understand the cycle of mobile games. This is a normal situation."

It's a promise and an oath, and it's almost fooled.

Only at the end, Moreno asked again: "But the popularity of "Honkai Impact: Star Rail" is not low."

Zhou Wenguang could only grit his teeth and said: "Don't worry, this is a rule for mobile games, and Xingtie cannot escape it. Many players have already experienced the plot of Xianzhou Luofu, and it is time for players to escape from the trap on a large scale. It’s time.”

"I hope so."

After speaking, the contact information was hung up.

Zhou Wenguang took a deep breath and cursed angrily: "Damn it! What the hell is going on!!"

It's obviously a specially written plot, and the quality is absolutely high.

It is obviously a well-designed combat system, and its playability and depth are absolutely guaranteed.

It is obvious that the art team and IP team have put great effort into designing the characters, and the intense art and plot are all online.

But why did the game become so cold after experiencing all the plots in version 1.0?

And this trend is terrible, it keeps falling.

It’s hard to imagine what the future of this game will look like two months from now.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenguang felt that he should also play games?

The report submitted by the company is really too written.

The in-game prize-giving questionnaire alone is completely unable to gauge the true thoughts of the players. 99% of the players fill it out just for the sake of the little bit of mosquito legs.

Since I don’t play the game, I have to find out what the current problems are with the game.

How about posting a question on Bihu? Ask the players what they think in their hearts?

The tenth day after the Star Iron server was launched, and the fifteenth day after the Infinity Tower server was launched.

"Mr. Lin, morning."

"Mr. Lin, help me draw a card!"

"Mr. Lin! I'm going back to my hometown to get married. I'll treat you to wedding candy!"

When I walked into the company, many employees I knew and didn’t know came up to say hello.

Some of them are wearing casual clothes, some are wearing sportswear, some even have their hair dyed, some are wearing pain shirts, and some are holding limited edition figures to put next to their workstations.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are monsters and monsters dancing around.

Lin Mo also greeted everyone one by one, ate a toffee wrapped in red with the word "happy" in his mouth, and even randomly drew a card for an employee.

Well, looking at the number of stars, there are at least 5,000 in krypton, and it can be said that the salary is recovered.

Then, it went crooked.

"Play games after work. Happy wedding, may you have a son soon."

He patted the other party's shoulder and handed the phone back. After saying hello with a smile, he walked towards the office, leaving behind the employee who was crying because the card was drawn crookedly.

Naughty Cat’s current entry threshold is the best in the industry, but at the same time, its welfare benefits are also the best in the industry, and it is far ahead.

After all, the difference between each game is only a hit or a big hit, and the game production cycle is extremely short.

The most direct result is the extremely harmonious atmosphere within the company and Lin Mo's extremely high reputation.

come back to the office.

Today's main work content is to finalize the announcement of new projects that were developed simultaneously with Star Rail, but before that, the daily routine work must be completed first.

"Okay, any new industry news?"

As usual, I opened the media to read the missing news, and then opened social media to check the public opinion of the players.

Finally, I casually opened the Q\u0026A website and took a look, and a question jumped to the homepage of the question.

[Question: How do you evaluate the game "Honkai Impact: Star Rail"?

I think the plot of Bengtie's game is a bit too young for the ages, and I don't think the plot of this game is very good, but why are so many people having so much fun playing it? why is that? 】

"Oh? Isn't this question interesting?"

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and clicked on this question out of curiosity.

One of them responded with a thumbs up.

[The plot of the game Beng Tie is Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people, which is limited by the players' own understanding and preferences.

If you like to think, there are many philosophical propositions in the game based on the real world, and you can quietly experience the collision of thoughts.

If you like the plot of the bloody king, there is a train crew and the people of Beloberg fighting against the death of Cocolia.

If you like tricks and conspiracies, there is the game between Medicine King's Secret Story and Immortal Boat Luofu, and the layout of Shence General Jing Yuan.

If you like the background of a grand world view, there is also the collision and decryption of Star God and Destiny at the cosmic level.

Of course, if you only like Krypton CP, there are also beautiful girl posts like Xier and Bronya. 】

As a game producer, Lin Mo couldn't help but enjoy watching it. His words were a little one-sided, but it was true.

An excellent story is to let different characters have different tastes.

Different interpretations from various angles sometimes make the producers amazed and impressed by the players' imagination and imagination.

Look at the next item.

[[Baring Teeth] Collapsing Iron is really fun. When the screen is dark, my face is smiling]

This time, Lin Mo looked at it and was stunned. Then he couldn't help but smile and shake his head. He leaned back on the chair with his arms as pillows, dazed in a daze, with a warm current flowing in his heart.

As a creator, this may be the most heart-warming time and the time when you can most realize the meaning of your work.

Click this to answer the comment below.

[It’s such a sincere feeling, it makes me cry inexplicably]

[Is it so romantic? Full marks]

Looking at it, Lin Mo couldn't help but like it and then left a comment of his own.

Dongrong Mutual Entertainment.

"Star Iron is not tiring to play, and it won't take up time for playing other games? Damn! So I've got so many sincere game contents in Tower of Infinity wrong?"

"Star Iron's plot is well written? What's wrong with the plot of Tower of Infinity? Isn't it just a little obscure? I don't have any appreciation ability!"

"Easy to get started? Can I play while working? Both male and female characters are well written? Lots of benefits?"

Zhou Wenguang looked unhappy and felt that his question was a bit useless.

I originally wanted to get an answer, to know why Star Iron's performance is better than Tower of Infinity.

Why don't players like the plot with a lot of information, full of metaphors and well-designed? Why is the battle system with breadth and depth considered troublesome? Why is it boring even though the content is so rich?

It turns out that there is no useful content for me under this answer!

I flipped through the answers one by one, and I became more and more impatient and angry.

I felt that I vaguely saw the answer, but I couldn't break through this layer of window paper.

This feeling of anxiety in my heart is very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, an answer flashed before my eyes.

Zhou Wenguang was stunned and quickly slid back.

[[grin] Bengtie is really fun. When the screen is black, my face looks like I’m smiling]

This plain and simple sentence completely stunned him.

Why are you smiling?

Because I’m happy.

This is a comment that he has never seen in the comment section of his own game.

His hands were shaking a little, and he opened the comment section to take a look.

The first comment was also the one with the highest number of likes.

[Thank you for liking my game]

Looking at this name and the V sign representing certification in the lower right corner, Zhou Wenguang felt sour and uncomfortable.

Envy and jealousy.

As a creator, how could he not understand what this competitor, who he had only met less than three times, was thinking?

Is money important? It is.

A sense of identity is also very important.

Looking at the screenwriters in the company who were depressed all day because of the failure of the game recently, Zhou Wenguang’s heart was also very complicated.

In addition to making money, who doesn’t want to see players leave a "awesome" comment in every corner of the Internet after experiencing the plot to their heart's content?

Who doesn't want to see UP hosts make videos to praise their games?

Even if Naughty Cat can now buy several Dongrong Real Estate, the parent company of Dongrong Interactive Entertainment, Zhou Wenguang has never been jealous.

At this moment, he suddenly became jealous and envious.

Apart from the water army hired by money, how long has it been since I saw players praise their company's works from the bottom of their hearts?

"Maybe the answer is not that hard to find, it's because players are happier when experiencing "Honkai Impact 3: Sky Railway". I feel that in the past few years as a creator, I have lived a very failed life."

Zhou Wenguang laughed bitterly and laughed at himself.

Forget it, admit defeat.

Losing to Naughty Cat is not shameful. (End of this chapter)

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