"Call of Duty? Yes. Yes."

When seeing this name, Southgate almost blurted out, wanting to ask "Is it a shooting game similar to "Warzone"?".

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them hard again, and it was so hard to hold them back.

There was once a genius game designer who left a classic saying in the game industry-

The plot of a shooting game is like the plot of an adult movie, it can be there but it is not necessary.

But later it was proved that this view was not entirely correct.

In that era when the Internet was not well developed and the main way to play games online was LAN rather than the Internet, the first generation of "Warzone" relied on its solid campaign plot to gain a reputation.

Then in the subsequent games, it gained a foothold by relying on the refreshing and exciting multiplayer mode. Even many players bought the game and directly entered the multiplayer mode without playing the campaign plot.

After the series became famous, such a campaign plot led the way, supplemented by a multiplayer shooting game, would be directly labeled and compared with "Warzone".

Lin Mo knew what the other party wanted to say, and he was not angry. He said lightly: "Yes, it is the action shooting game of "War Zone" style that many players think."

Hearing what he wanted to say in his heart was directly said by his future boss, Southgate was embarrassed.

But after thinking about it for a while, indeed, if you think so, you can understand why the job search is so smooth.

"Call of Duty" is obviously a large project that requires long-term operation.

The young man opposite with amazing talent, as the boss of Naughty Cat, has dozens of IPs under his name, and is still constantly developing. He must be too busy.

In this case, the many years of front-line development experience and many years of operation director experience in the "War Zone" project team have become very valuable assets.

Thinking of this, Southgate's heart was inevitably a lot hotter.

He doesn't think he is a genius, but he still has sufficient confidence in this field.

Also, although he is not young, his heart is not dead.

I thought that working in the "War Zone" project team was the peak, but now it seems that it is very likely to create another glory in his career.

Thinking about it, I was a little excited.


Southgate asked in confusion: "Mr. Lin, there are so many talented people in the gaming industry, why me? You have at least two other candidates to choose from."

Although he would not belittle himself, he also knew how attractive Naughty Cat was to talents.

Lin Mo smiled and said: "I heard that Moreno once said, 'See who dares to take you in', so I want to try what will happen if I take you in."

Southgate's face was embarrassed, and he thought of countless answers in his heart, but he didn't expect it to be this one.

But this is in line with a rumor in the industry that Mr. Lin is very willful.

Maybe he is joking?

If Southgate has the superpower of listening to his heart, he will know that this is really not a joke.

Lin Mo really thinks so.

There have been several frictions with Baofeng Entertainment this year. Logically speaking, these are all misunderstandings, which can be said to be unprovoked disasters.

You do yours and I do mine, and we don't interfere with each other.

As a result, Baofeng Entertainment jumped up and down every few days, blaming all the failures of its plans on Naughty Cat.

But the problem is that both the interactive film game "Future World" and the mobile game "Tower of Infinity".

They have big flaws in themselves, and it is difficult to promote the Baofeng platform even without Naughty Cat.

In this case, it is natural to be able to disgust Moreno, a colleague who has never met.

After accepting that he was just lucky to be selected by Naughty Cat, Southgate talked enthusiastically about the "Call of Duty" project team where he will stay for many years in the future.

It would be fine if he didn't talk about it, but the more he talked, the more frightened he became.

Just the variety of multiplayer modes made Southgate's scalp numb.

After hearing the end, I couldn't help but ask: "Boss Lin, are you planning to catch all the shooting game players who haven't played Naughty Cats?"

Lin Mo nodded and said: "Why not? Not every player likes competitive games. Many players just want to experience the refreshing shooting or various interesting small gameplays. Where was I just talking about? Oh, right, the capture of points and flags on small-scale maps, right? Then let's talk about the 64v64 large-scale map battlefield and the kill streak reward."

This conversation lasted for three hours, and it finally stopped when it was time to eat at noon.

At last, Lin Mo let out a long sigh, rubbed his stomach, and said, "Okay, let's eat first. Finally, I have one last thing to say, which may be the most difficult problem to overcome in your future work."

Southgate's face was stern, and his expression became more serious. He said, "Please speak, I will try my best to overcome it."

Lin Mo smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. You need to learn Chinese. Although your daily work place is in Naughty Cat Los Angeles, Naughty Cat is a Chinese company. You don't have to be proficient, but you must know it."

English is indeed one of the most common languages ​​in the world, and the two have been communicating in English this morning.

But so what? This is a Chinese company.

I think you have to know Chinese, otherwise you can find another place.

You can communicate in English before you learn Chinese, but you must learn it.

If you don't want to learn?

To paraphrase a sentence, you dare not have a lot of parugans.

As expected, after hearing these words, Southgate showed some scornful expressions on his face, apparently wanting to bargain.

But after hesitating for a few seconds, he finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "I will study hard."

"That's good."

"By the way, Mr. Lin, when do you plan to launch the game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare"?"

"The game will be officially announced in the near future and will be officially released at the end of October."

Southgate was stunned when he heard this, and said quickly: "Mr. Lin, I suggest it be postponed temporarily."

"Extension? Why? When will it be postponed?"

"At least until the beginning of next year." Southgate persuaded earnestly, "The end of every year is the time for the release of the "Warzone" series, and this year's release is the orthodox sequel to the series "Warzone 9"."

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and said: "This is probably the most popular sequel in this series. How come, Moreno guessed the type of my new game? I am afraid that it will affect the sales of "War Zone 9", so I asked you to be a lobbyist? "

Hearing this, Southgate was a little confused and quickly explained: "No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I have nothing to do with Baofeng Entertainment. It's just that these two games are very large in size, and most players only know how to play them." If you buy one of them, the two months before and after will be considered as being released at the same time. Moreno previously said that if Naughty Cat has a shooting game released before the end of the year, he will let..."

"Let me also experience the feeling of being crushed after a car crash in the game type? Are you afraid that I will be crushed, so you suggest that I skip the ticket?"


Southgate suddenly ran out of words and was speechless for a long time.

Lin Mo couldn't help but smile when he saw this, and said with a smile: "The release date of "Call of Duty" has not been announced yet. If Moreno is afraid of affecting the sales of his "War Zone" and comes to me for help, it is not that he cannot do it for the sake of his peers. Even though he is very hostile to Naughty Cat, if he is afraid that "Call of Duty" will not be as good as "Warzone" and will lead to sudden death, then there is no need to say that I am looking forward to the emergence of such a company. This means progress for the industry as a whole.”

"That's amazing confidence." Southgate nodded in admiration, "I was worrying too much."

Lin Mo laughed and said nothing, nor did he explain much.

Calling it self-confidence is actually not entirely correct.

I really can't find a reason to lose.

In the gaming world of Lin Mo's previous life, the name "Call of Duty" was known to everyone.

Many older players first came into contact with this IP through pirated copies of "Call of Duty 4".

At that time, many people did not have the awareness of genuineness. They either knew the name of the game from fellow game enthusiasts, saw it on the download ranking list of pirated websites, or recommended it from the boss of the pirated disc market.

Then, I was impressed by the grand scenes, wonderful plot, excellent shooting feel, and perfect level design.

Passed down from generation to generation, the accumulation of everything from technology to experience is terrifying.

Zombie fighting is popular, then create a COD style zombie fighting game.

Chicken eating is popular, so let’s create a COD style chicken eating.

Terribly inclusive!

Several production teams take turns to play, ensuring that the latest COD is released every year, and they also have an advantage in trial and error.

Try something new every year, and eliminate some old stuff every year that players don't like.

In the beginning, there were many competitors on the same track, but later on, no one could match them. It has long been different.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to lose in the face of "War Zone", an IP that seems invincible because there is no competition?

But don't be careless.

"Call of Duty" is not without its shortcomings. It can even be said that there are many shortcomings, especially in the multiplayer mode.

The biggest problem is


This is a common problem in shooting games, and it is also a thing that is theoretically impossible to eliminate.

Even Lin Mo couldn't completely eliminate the existence of cheats by relying on the system's black technology.

It was only when CSGO appeared that a wave of attacks brought Dawei into trouble, which acted as a deterrent. Later, it became much easier to deal with cheats.

So how did Activision in the previous life deal with plug-ins?

The answer is not to govern and basically give up.

I have heard of many players being banned for various bizarre reasons, but I have never heard of a player being banned for cheating.

How rampant was cheating?

If you only turn on perspective, you are considered a half-green player.

That is to say, the multiplayer mode of COD is not very competitive, and no one pursues competitiveness, so cheating does not completely ruin the game.

This problem obviously does not exist in this life.

The biggest problem can be solved, and the rest, such as pricing, servers, ugly food, etc., are not big problems.

Naughty Cat is not a listed company like Baofeng Entertainment. It has financial pressure and sometimes has to do everything possible to get gold coins from players' pockets.

In this case, Lin Mo only needs to consider how to use a better and more conscientious game operation model to steal the players who belong to "War Zone".

You don’t even need to rob, you just need to wait for Baofeng Entertainment to be stupid, and players will naturally pursue better products.

Some gossip about "War Zone" has not spread on a large scale among the player community, but among practitioners in the industry, especially the management of top game companies such as Naughty Cat, it is a news that is almost confirmed.

If it is a serious sequel to "Warzone 9", then "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" is really not easy to grab.

Many players have developed consumption habits, especially in Europe and the United States. Many players may only play five or six games in a console's seven or eight-year career cycle, and they will buy "War Zone" once every two years.

This "Warzone 9" bears the label of an orthodox sequel, but it is actually a large-scale DLC of the previous game "Warzone 8", and the supplements are sold as new games.

Sometimes business wars are so simple and unpretentious, you just need to wait for your peers to be stupid and to be foiled by your peers.

In the whole morning, I had almost finished chatting with Southgate.

The other party declined Lin Mo's hospitality and said that he could simply have a meal in the company's canteen.

"Mr. Lin, Naughty Cat's announcements have always been eclectic. What are your plans for the official announcement of "Call of Duty"?"

Lin Mo smiled playfully and said: "I originally planned to go through the process normally, but now I suddenly thought of a disgusting good idea."

Disgusting people?

Southgate's eyes lit up. It was obvious who the target was when he said this.

Thinking of that CEO who was as greedy as a goblin, it would be great to be able to disgust him.

"All ears."

Lin Mo glanced at him and asked, "Would you mind holding a live broadcast for those fans who are lamenting the resignation of you, the veteran of "War Zone"?"

Start a live broadcast?

Southgate said without hesitation: "I don't mind!"

A dull afternoon in September.

Southgate, a well-known practitioner in the industry, suddenly sent out a tweet.

[Hello, players and fans! I'm Southgate. Everyone should already know that I have resigned from Baofeng Entertainment and left the War Zone project team. Many friends who care about me are asking me about my next plans, which will be revealed soon and will shock you. I've found a new job! And there is a surprise for you. I will start a live broadcast tomorrow to announce this exciting news to you. 】

Below the tweet is the local time when live broadcast is started in major countries and regions.

This tweet did not cause much excitement, but there was a lot of discussion in a small area.

[Will a new studio be established? I hope to see an excellent shooting game like "Warzone" back then]

【So fast? Is this resignation or getting fired? 】

[A surprise so soon? I will definitely go see it then]

[Just a lost dog who was kicked out, unable to make waves]

Moreno typed a line of words and clicked send.

"Surprise? I want to see which company dares to take you in! Then, I will give you a surprise. A big surprise!" (End of Chapter)

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