The time gap between the launch of the "Warzone" series on the Origin platform and other platforms is about a few hours.

During this period, many players also experienced this situation on other platforms such as Game Box.

However, the number of players is still relatively small, so this kind of voice is regarded as an exception.

Now that the game is on the Origin platform, the number of players experiencing this problem has increased countless times.

All of a sudden, the pot exploded.

[Damn, this game is sick. There are so many cheaters, why don’t you ban me, the one who drives the accelerator? 】

[Stupid Baofeng Entertainment can’t tell the difference between an accelerator and a plug-in?]

[Bad review. When will the lockdown be lifted? The good reviews will not change! 】

[I have long said that Baofeng Entertainment’s control over reviews is the most powerful thing. Many people used to criticize me, but now do they believe it? hehe】

Even players who have not encountered account bans still have various problems during the game.

[I played the game for two hours and crashed three times! ! ! 】

[Laughing to death, brother Gua just opened the lock and shot each one. He was so unscrupulous and no one cared about it]

[If you want to experience the hearty plot, then go to the multiplayer mode to fight for 300 rounds. I laughed so hard that I ended up eating two pieces of my answer]

Then a very strange situation occurred.

On all platforms except Origin, the game's average score is mostly between 6 and 7.5.

Of course, we don’t dare to set it too high. After all, the true status of word-of-mouth is there.

Only on the origin platform did the ratings plummet.

78% positive, 67% positive, 53% positive, 44% positive, 31% positive

On a platform without fraud, "War Zone", especially the eighth game in the series, has revealed its true reputation.

There are even many comments that mark players who have refunded their money, and they are also bluntly swearing.

[I am a veteran player of the "War Zone" series, and I really can't help but come here to scold you. Is Baofeng Entertainment bad at making games? totally not! What he is so stupid about is that he doesn't take the players seriously and doesn't treat the players as human beings. He feels that no one can replace him! That’s why you dare to be so arrogant! 】

All kinds of abuses came and went.

Many people are sensitive to one thing. It seems that players do not just comment on the quality of the game impartially.

They vented their dissatisfaction with Baofeng Entertainment over the years in the comment area of ​​"Warzone 8" on the Origin Platform, one of the few pure lands on the Internet where ratings have not been manipulated.

Even players of "Cosmic Rift" and other games later poured in to leave negative reviews.

There was a tendency to besiege Guangmingding.

On the first day the game was launched on the Origin platform, by the third day, the praise rate was almost touching the red line.

Seeing that the game's rating is about to be flooded with negative reviews, the origin platform has triggered a mandatory refund policy to protect the rights of players.

Those who left negative reviews became even more enthusiastic, and it became a carnival for players.

This was also somewhat beyond Baofeng Entertainment’s expectations.

I didn't expect the ratings to be very good, but that's okay.

But the problem is that I didn’t expect it to be so bad!

Such overwhelming negative reviews are like countless players holding a straw man behind the screen with "Baofeng Entertainment" written on it, and then driving nails like crazy.

I wish Baofeng Entertainment would die soon!

Even if the official announcement has been made, saying that it will unblock players who have been blocked by mistake, that it will rectify cheaters, and that it will add servers, it will not help.

in this case.

Southgate showed no expression on his face as he walked towards the office he really didn't want to go to, holding a thick stack of documents.

Standing outside the door, he let out a long breath and felt tired. What he had done during this period was really against his original intention.

Over the years, I have become more and more disappointed with the industry.

"Calm down, don't get angry, just listen to the scolding"

Then walked in.

The first thing I saw was Moreno's dark expression.

Ignoring the cannibalistic look, Southgate directly began his reporting work.

“So far, the traffic diversion of the War Zone series to third-party platforms has gone very smoothly. 1.3 million new registered players have been added to the Baofeng platform, and this number continues to rise.

Among them, the Huaguo District has the largest number of registered players.”

"That's enough!" Moreno interrupted the report very rudely, with a look of complete annoyance on his face, "How did you do it? When are you going to say the popular comment about "Warzone 8" on the Origin platform? The Origin platform posted it When are you going to tell me about the refund warning?”

Southgate felt that he still couldn't completely calm down in his heart. He might be heartbroken for the company he had stayed with for so long, or he might be extremely disappointed.

He said calmly: "Sir, it's not time to report this item yet. The European region has the second largest number of registrations, with a number of"

Moreno opened his mouth to curse: "That's not what I want to hear! I mean..."

"Boss!" Southgate suddenly said loudly, "You only know that the reputation of "Warzone 8" has collapsed, but do you know the evaluation of the previous games on the Origin platform?"

Moreno was startled for a moment, never expecting that this subordinate would actually talk to him like this.

Before I could organize my words, I heard Southgate continue: "At present, the first generation of "Warzone" until "Warzone 4" has a favorable rating of 87% to 94% on the origin platform. Then Do you know the positive rating of "Warzone 5"? 47%!

In the minds of hardcore gamers, these two works are the dividing point of the series from prosperity to decline.

Since then, this IP series has become a complete annual product, with the original and the spin-offs being released alternately, and sales soaring while reputation plummeting.

The most important thing is that the current Moreno became the CEO when the fourth part of the original series was released.

So, after hearing this, Moreno looked at him with a gloomy expression and said coldly: "Under my hands, the production capacity of this series has more than doubled, and the profits created have made the entire gaming industry jealous. I let the name of this IP resound throughout the world! Reputation? Is it important? Which work's sales are not climbing in an orderly manner? Those unrealistic ideas you had at the forefront of game development are ridiculous!"


Southgate gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger.

After the fourth part, which had a good reputation and sales, he hoped that the fifth part could continue the high-quality plot campaign volume of the fourth part, replace the game engine to have better picture expression and scene destruction function, and set up a special anti-cheating team to protect the rights and interests of PC players.

However, all these proposals were rejected.

Southgate was also transferred away from the front line of development work because of his tough attitude.

Since then, many former colleagues have become increasingly dissatisfied with the current decisions of Baofeng Entertainment and have left the company one after another.

Today's production team is like a Theseus ship. Except for the name of the production team, it has no similarities with the past from inside to outside.

Moreno's tone was much more severe, and he said: "I don't want to hear your thoughts. I just want to ask you one thing, can the problem of negative reviews on the Origin platform be solved! If you can, do it immediately. If not."

"Then I'll quit."

After that, Southgate let out a long breath as if he had put down some burden.

He looked at his former boss in front of him with contempt, and said disdainfully: "Sooner or later you will drag the entire Baofeng Entertainment into the fire pit. The current game industry is different from before, idiot."

After that, he left a free and easy back, and did not give the other party a chance to speak, and turned around and left.

"Damn it! What are you scolding me for? You'd better have another way to make a living. I want to see which game company will take you in."

Close the office door to isolate the noise that you don't want to hear.

Let out a long breath, be silent for two seconds, and smile bitterly.

"Damn it. I said I wouldn't get angry, but I still got impulsive. But I've wanted to leave this damn place for a long time."

Then he looked at the closed door, spat fiercely, turned around and left.

On this day, many players who were just having fun suddenly saw a piece of news.

Southgate, one of the meritorious producers of the Warzone series, who has now left the first-line game development, officially resigned and left Baofeng Entertainment where he had worked for more than ten years.

This news made many people a little sad.

But before they had time to feel sad for long, good news came.

"Warzone 8", the game that has become a vent for many players, has received a lot of negative reviews after the ratings plummeted for several consecutive days.

Triggered one of the developer terms.

If a new game receives a huge amount of negative reviews within a short period of time after its release, players can unconditionally refund the game as long as they initiate it, regardless of the time of playing!

This day instantly became a carnival day for players.

Seeing that some people in the comment area of ​​the game also complained for him, Southgate still felt very relieved.

At this time, he was playing the game leisurely at home, and the teammate who played with him was one of the original members who had created the IP of "Warzone".

"I said, what are your plans for the next step? How can there be someone like you who only considers the next job after leaving the job? Obviously, many headhunting companies have tried to find you before but couldn't dig you up."

In Area B of Purgatory Town, Southgate controlled a gangster to install the C4 bomb, and then hid behind the coffin to prepare to deal with the police who returned to defend.

"Maybe I didn't want to work in this company in my heart a long time ago. You should also know what the latest "Warzone 9" that has not yet been released is like. It is a low-quality product that was changed from a DLC to a formal game release. I don't want to do such a thing against my will."

As they talked, the two of them had a very clumsy cooperation.

The teammate threw a flash bomb, but it was thrown.

Southgate was fooled the moment he stepped out of position, but the opponent's gangster was fine.

Helpless, bitter, lost a small game.

Although the two middle-aged men still love games, their reaction speed is not enough to support such a competitive game.

"Don't want to go against your will? Then you can switch to other game companies and continue to return to the front line of development to do your old business. I know you have been in this industry for a long time and are a little disappointed with the industry, but you can't just give up on yourself?"

Southgate bought a full armor and full bullet AK47 and walked from the side road to the balcony under Area A, intending to use a flash to attack the middle road.

And said: "Other companies? They are not as good as Baofeng Entertainment. Although they are all greedy and disrespectful to players, they at least have the ability to independently develop 3A games."

During the chat, the tactics failed again and the police beat him zero for five.

"But you haven't tried Naughty Cat. The industry has let you down, but has Naughty Cat ever let you down?"

"Join Naughty Cat? How is that possible? It's harder than turning the tables on the opponent with a Desert Eagle."

In this round, all teammates had no money.

Some teammates suggested that Shaying try to make a comeback, while others wanted to save money to play the next game.

Now that we are talking about this very attractive weapon, Southgate did not hesitate and bought a half-armored Sand Eagle.

The game starts, rush to the bandit's mouth.

A policeman jumped across the middle and headed towards the boiler room, just as he was about to jump into the bunker.


A headshot from a very long distance.

"It seems God wants you to try Naughty Cat."

"If I win, I'll give it a try."

Southgate made a casual joke and then looked directly at Banana Road.

With a preview, he pulled out and found a policeman right behind the barrel, holding a sniper in his hand.

Another headshot!

Instantly 5 against 3.

Generally speaking, in the map of Purgatory Town, if the police with full armor and ammunition are at point B, they usually guard the point alone.

The five people rushed into the spot like hungry tigers, and managed to complete this somewhat incredible comeback.

Although in the end, they still lost the game with a score of 11:16.

"I said, you are still so passionate about shooting games at your age. From CSGO to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds to Apex to Overwatch, there is nothing you can't master, and there is nothing you can't study thoroughly. If you don't stay in a wonderful and colorful production team, it's really boring. A waste of your talent."

In the voice, after not getting a reply for a long time, his teammates encouraged him again.

"Moreno has said such harsh words to you, and Baofeng Entertainment has so ruined the IP we created. Aren't you angry? Don't want revenge? Naughty Cat is really different from the big companies you are familiar with."

Southgate was silent for a long time, which was enough for a song, and then he sighed and said: "Okay, then I will try to see if Mr. Lin, the genius who is famous all over the world at a young age, will want me." Laocaibangzi.”

"That's right! That's the truth. Maybe your entry into the job will go smoothly?"

"How can it be."

Two days later.

Southgate looked at the Naughty Cat HR and boss Lin Mo in front of him with a confused look on his face, and was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Is it really so smooth?

Are you dreaming?

After repeatedly making sure that I had heard correctly and that I had indeed been invited to join.

"Mr. Lin, I'm very happy to join Naughty Cat, but I just want to ask why it went so well?"

Lin Mo looked at the resume and said: "Because you are exactly what we need, a talent with game development experience and rich IP operation experience."

"I can understand that Naughty Cat's FPS game under development will be IP-based?" Southgate asked with some confusion, "But whether it is Overwatch, CSGO, or Apex, they have only dabbled in IP operations. . Why this time?”

Lin Mo smiled and replied: "You seem to have some misunderstandings about Naughty Cat. It is true that competitive shooting games support Naughty Cat, but Naughty Cat's shooting games are not meant to be just competitive games."

Listening, Southgate's heart skipped a beat.


I learned from Chloe, the desk pet given as a gift in "Detroit: Become Human", that Naughty Cat has a shooting game in development.

But it’s not said to be a competitive shooting game!

It can't be a game like the "Warzone" series, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, Southgate saw Lin Mo take out a sketch of the game logo from the folder.

There is a name written on it - "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare". (End of chapter)

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