Moreno only felt provoked.

How did Southgate find his next home so quickly?

And, do you want it to be so fast?

How long has it been? Not even a week!

In a daze, I even thought that Southgate had already found a new home, so he made a special move to break up with Baofeng Entertainment to get a better escape and go to other companies?

But, which company is so disrespectful?

It’s only been a few days!

Isn’t this a slap in the face to Baofeng Entertainment?

Moreno was in a bad mood, quite bad.

It is a matter of course that a divorced ex-wife is pregnant with someone else's child.

But if you have an affair with someone while they are still close, and then get divorced after getting pregnant with someone else's child, that is a different concept.

When I think of this, I feel annoyed.

the next day.

The live broadcast starts on time.

The place where the live broadcast was taking place was a studio, and you could see that there seemed to be something stuck on the wall behind it, but there was only a small edge, so you couldn't tell what it was.

Southgate appeared in the center of the screen, not at all haggard and tired as many people imagined. On the contrary, he greeted the camera energetically.

"Hello, fans and players, welcome to my live broadcast room. You are welcome to post more comments and chat and discuss together. Today I will mainly chat with you. At the end of the live broadcast, I will give you a surprise and announce my New trends.”

[Are you going to set up your own studio? What's the new game? 】

["War Zone 8" is because you have become different, you should be responsible! 】

[The last time you appeared in front of everyone was ten years ago, right? Time flies so fast]

Although there are not as many barrages as expected, they are still quite active.

Among them, there is everything you can say.

Some players are nostalgic for the past, some players regard him as the culprit for the poor reputation of "War Zone", and some players are looking forward to this middle-aged man's new place.

Moreno looked at the screen coldly, his face full of displeasure.

If you were still a little skeptical when you first saw this news yesterday, now that you hear these words, you can basically confirm something.

This guy is not only launching a live broadcast to announce his new destination to so-called fans and players, but he is also hyping up his new destination.

This live broadcast is a large-scale show.

At the same time, there are also some disgusting tendencies.

As for who is disgusted?

Need I say more?

Moreno was in a very bad mood and watched the live broadcast in front of him coldly.

I would like to see which company is so popular.

In the live broadcast room.

Southgate seems to be answering the question of the barrage, or perhaps there is no barrage at all and he is directing and acting.

"Some players asked why the reputation of a certain series of games has collapsed so much in recent years? Good question. I think this fundamentally goes back to the corporate culture of the parent company. Many players think the term corporate culture is pretentious, but it is a game One thing that the company cannot avoid has a profound impact on the quality of the finished game.”

[A certain series? Couldn’t you just say it’s “War Zone”?]

[Good guy, how much resentment does this have towards Baofeng Entertainment?]

[This is almost to blame for the temper of Baofeng Entertainment]

[What about Naughty Cat’s corporate culture? Striving for excellence? 】

"I saw a friend mentioned the word "excellence", and it is indeed true. There is a saying in China that goes like this: When a soldier is raging, a general will be raging in the nest. If the top management of a company does not intend to make a good game, but just treats the game as a It’s a tool for making money, how can it be a masterpiece with good reputation?”

Southgate did not mention Baofeng Entertainment in every sentence, but he mentioned Baofeng Entertainment in every sentence.

Surprisingly, although the players' voices of condemnation are not few, they are indeed not many.

Players are also somewhat dissatisfied with Baofeng Entertainment's increasingly ugly appearance over the years.

Although you still have to buy it, you still have to scold it.

I can't swallow this breath without scolding.

And Southgate is also happy to guide players' public opinion, as if he is venting his anger.

About twenty minutes into the live broadcast, Southgate suddenly raised his voice a little louder and said: "Okay, players, now we will announce the first part of the surprise."

"I'm sorry that I didn't set up my own game studio, but joined a mature game company. The new project is a shooting game with a wonderful story campaign and an exciting and exciting multiplayer mode. Many friends are paying attention to it. The release date is October 30th! As for the name, please allow me to give you a hint.”

As soon as these words came out, the barrage instantly surged a lot.

【What the hell? ! With that said, is your new company making a spiritual sequel to Warzone? 】

【Holy shit! Are you going to work with the new owner to fight back against the tyrant Baofeng Entertainment? 】

【come on! Only with competitors can we force the "War Zone" series to improve! I support you, but I will still buy Warzone]

[Me too, I don’t think any company can make action shooting games better than Baofeng Entertainment]

Upon hearing this, Moreno was stunned for a moment and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha! Action shooting game, multiplayer mode? Do you really want to rebel against Tiangang? All the games that challenge "Warzone" are dead, and no one can survive. Even if you are the founder and veteran of this series, it is the same !”

"I thought you were going to make a good move, but this is it? I thought you were a smart guy, but I didn't expect you to be crushed by Warzone with a bunch of idiots? Hahaha!"

After letting out a long sigh, Moreno instantly felt much better, and even the meaningful words in the live broadcast room became cute.

Anyway, it's just the dying wail of an idiot, nothing to be afraid of.

Really, what's the idea, the release date is set at the end of October?

This is deliberately hitting the gun!

Originally, the release date of Warzone 9 was at the end of November, which had been announced at E4.

Now it seems that a reverse delay is not impossible?

If Southgate joined a company that makes action games, RTS games, and fighting games, there would be nothing he could do.

But now, the opportunity has come.

Thinking about it, Moreno directly called Nelson, the current chief designer of Warzone 9.

"Issue a notice, the game will be released ahead of schedule, October 30th!"

This sudden sentence confused the person on the phone for a while, and then he hesitated to reply with one word.


"Don't you understand! I said, let "Warzone 9" be released ahead of schedule."

Nelson said a little flustered: "But boss, some of the finishing work of the game has not been completed, and if it is released a month in advance, the end of the preseason and the beginning of the first season will not be able to catch up with the Christmas node. By then."

"What are you panicking about?" Moreno said a little dissatisfied, "If players want to give themselves a game as a Christmas gift, there is no other choice except "Warzone 9", which will not affect anything."

"This, this."

"Execute the order!"


Although changing the game release time will cause some trouble to the game's promotion rhythm and make some partners busy.

But in Moreno's heart, this is still necessary.

Let the game industry know that in the second half of each year, especially at the end of the year, from Christmas to New Year, don't forget to try to snatch players from the "Warzone" series!

By the way, punish the traitors who eat at home.

After making this decision, Moreno made a few more phone calls and arranged a lot of work.

In a blink of an eye, another twenty minutes passed.

While running the live broadcast room, he opened the social media to take a look.

At this time, the official account of Baofeng Entertainment and "Warzone" had already issued a message, announcing that the release date of the new work "Warzone 9" would be advanced.

Looking at the live broadcast room again, players were already discussing it.

[Damn! "Warzone 9" is released early? Is this unintentional or specifically targeted? ]

[This is over, Southgate, your new club's game is going to be cold]

[Hey, what are you thinking, how can a shooting game dare to be released at the end of the year? ]

[Even Naughty Cat released "Titanfall", which is barely of the same type, in June. Can your new club be more powerful than Naughty Cat? 】

Seeing this barrage, Moreno snorted coldly and said, "Even if "Titanfall" is released at the end of the year, I will smash it! Who do you and your new employer think you are?"

While watching and cursing, the screen in the live broadcast room went black, and a short game trailer was played.

A few words were clearly marked on it: real game screen.

Then, Moreno couldn't help laughing, and the laughter became louder and louder.

"Is this a real game screen? Do you really think you are a green onion? You said this is a real game screen of the "Warzone" series."

This trailer does not show the main characters, nor does it show important plots.

It just shows a theme, that is, war.

There are transport ships swaying in the storm, the chaotic and violent Middle East, the launch of nuclear weapons, the destruction of cities, and special forces carrying night vision goggles to perform missions at night.

Although each picture is very short, the purpose of this short film can still be seen.

Show off!

[If it is really a promotional video edited from real-game footage, then the technical ability is quite top-notch]

[But, is there such a powerful game company in the industry? Why has it been silent for so long?]

[Maybe it is secretly developed, this is interesting]

Moreno completely disagreed with the barrage and curled his lips in disdain.

The bigger the project, the more it must guarantee profits and avoid all unfavorable factors, such as collisions with similar games.

In this world, only Naughty Cat can be willful by relying on its exquisite and popular games.

The one-minute promotional video quickly came to an end.

Two lines of letters scrolled back and forth on the screen, and finally two lines of words appeared.

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare"

"Hehe, the name is good, but I don't know how much water your so-called real-game footage has. Where do so many powerful big companies come from? Are you teasing children?"

Moreno seemed to have seen this game being crushed by his own "Warzone 9", and the traitor Southgate was crying loudly.

A voice came from the live broadcast room again.

"Okay, now that I've watched the trailer, I'll answer some questions about the game."

"Are there friends who are very concerned about Call of Duty and are worried that it will be affected by competing products and lead to poor sales? You can rest assured that we are absolutely confident in the quality of the game."

"I know that players doubt the authenticity of this real-life screen. Many manufacturers have indeed faked it in recent years. Please rest assured that our company never falsely promotes, and this is indeed a real-life screen."

[How much does the game cost? 】

[A detailed introduction to the multiplayer mode. Are there any new modes? 】

[How long is the plot battle? 】

Although the game trailer is only a short one minute, it still piqued the interest of many players.

Some players are really tired of "War Zone".

Faced with many tricky questions, Southgate answered them one by one, and his words were full of confidence.

In this process, it is obvious that the popularity in the live broadcast room is now very high, and there are not many people watching the live broadcast.

Many people were attracted by the announcement of Warzone 9’s reverse delay and the announcement of Call of Duty.

Time passed quickly, and another twenty minutes passed.

Moreno glanced at the time impatiently and muttered: "Is there something wrong? How can a game name be announced early, but the name of the game company is hidden until the end? What is there to hide?"

Obviously, Danmaku also has many players who think the same as him.

However, players are not so curious about which company, they are just a little skeptical about whether this game is false advertising and what kind of company can make it.

["Call of Duty" always feels like a fake game. What level of company does it take to make this?]

[It feels like the more you talk, the more outrageous you are. People who don’t know better think you made a version of “War Zone 10”]

[This is too much. Do you really think that brothers have never played games? 】

[Don’t be too pretentious, what company did you go to? 】

Having said this, Southgate looked at the time again, and another twenty minutes had passed.

"The time has come. Today's live broadcast ends here. The details of the game will be released through the official account later. I saw your barrage, and they all asked me which company I went to, and dared to promote a game like this. So, Now is the time to unravel the mystery.”

Moreno glanced at the screen irritably and cursed in a low voice: "You are so nagging. Why do you just say no to any company, act as the Riddler, and even bring a cat over? Are you sick? From Baofeng Is the entertainment so exciting to the head? Wait a minute.”


Element awareness.

Looking at the barrage in shock, he found that the live broadcast room was already flooded with question marks.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【ah? ? ? ? 】

[Damn, can’t you? ? real or fake? 】

Then, the camera slowly moved back, and more and more images entered the lens.

The logo on the back is shown.

Moreno's eyes widened and he stood up suddenly, looking incredulous.

"Damn it! They're all working together, right? I didn't expect you would actually dare to send Naughty Cat to my door!"

Now, many players in the live broadcast room completely understood.

Why is Southgate so confident?

Because the logo and words on his back are clearly written.

Naughty Cat · Los Angeles. (End of chapter)

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