The players in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

[Wait, what the hell? Which company are you in? ]

[Fuck! I won't be sleepy if you say that]

[Big brother, are you playing such a big game? Okay, I believe you are not falsely advertising]

[Does this count as Southgate and Naughty Cat cheating Baofeng Entertainment? ]

[Okay, okay, you play it this way, right? I said that this promotion method feels familiar]

The barrage of comments went viral, and the popularity of the live broadcast room soared. Countless people rushed into the live broadcast room and swiped the barrage of comments crazily.

This news was forwarded by many players in a very short time, on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

Many players who didn't watch the live broadcast were stunned when they saw this news.

No, this is not April Fools' Day, right?

How come Southgate joined Naughty Cat after a while without going online, and then brought out a seemingly awesome "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare"?

Is this reasonable? !

When many players heard the news and rushed over, the live broadcast had ended and the live broadcast replay had begun

After watching the live broadcast again, many players finally got a taste of it.

It seems that many things that feel outrageous are not a big deal at this moment?

Players who originally felt that it was false propaganda no longer said anything, and even thought that this short one-minute promotional video was too conservative?

That's Naughty Cat?

Unlike the players on the Internet who were in an atmosphere like the New Year, Moreno was still confused in the office at the headquarters of Baofeng Entertainment.

"Warzone 9 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Damn, damn traitor! There must have been collusion, it must be, it must be!"

"Asshole, what a bastard! Naughty Cat, you actually poached my people?! You used dirty tricks, right! I was wondering why Southgate could find a job so early. It turns out that you had already hooked up!"

Moreno was already overwhelmed by anger, and he only thought that Naughty Cat poached his capable people because he made a highly similar game "Call of Duty: War Now" and was short of manpower.

But after calming down.

"Damn it! I was impulsive. I should have known not to change the release date."

I regretted it.

I thought I was bullying a small company and crushing it to warn other peers who covet the golden period at the end of each year.

I also satisfied my heart and let Southgate, who couldn't tell the difference between the big and small kings, open his eyes to see the world.

But I didn't expect Southgate to join Naughty Cat.

I didn't expect Naughty Cat to make an action shooting game that is almost entirely on one track.

And it's so big.

Although Moreno didn't think Baofeng Entertainment would lose, it was Naughty Cat after all.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow.

Facing Lin Mo's game, anyone has to be a little bit afraid.

It can be foreseen that the sales of "Warzone 9" this year will be affected.

Some players play "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" out of curiosity. There is nothing they can do. If they buy one, they won't buy the other.

Moreno was a little irritated.

Why is this cat like a nightmare, haunting it?

The most important thing right now is, what to do!

Should we postpone the release date, even for a month?

This thought just came up and then died down.

Anyone with eyes can see that the early release of "Warzone 9" is aimed at "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare".

The meaning of targeting is obvious.

If they knew that this was Naughty Cat's game, they would change the release date in one day.

I can't afford to lose that person!

Are we going to release it just like that?

Moreno gritted his teeth. He was planning a big plan for Baofeng Entertainment. If it succeeded, he could retire directly and live a life of luxury in the future.

All the actions of Baofeng Entertainment in recent years are closely related to this plan. Once successful, it will be the benefit of all shareholders.

That is to plan a century acquisition case in the game industry. Baofeng Entertainment will sell itself to Giant Hard Company at the price of the most expensive game company in history, and build an unprecedented game empire for the latter.

But now is not the time to make it public, otherwise it will be accused of manipulating stock prices and will be in trouble.

The game department of Juying Company is interested in several famous IPs under Baofeng Entertainment, as well as mature game ecology and complete community culture.

Compared with building these from scratch, as the world's largest technology company by market value, it is more willing to spend money to buy them.

For this plan, and to expand its influence and increase the possibility of being acquired.

Baofeng Entertainment and Juying Company signed a bet agreement. If Baofeng Entertainment has a total revenue of 45 billion US dollars in the next three years, it will acquire Baofeng Entertainment according to a certain proportion of the highest stock price.

If it fails, then Baofeng Entertainment will have to pay 8 billion US dollars to Juying Company.

Therefore, this is why Baofeng platform has unprecedentedly opened up to third-party games, absorbing fresh blood like crazy.

However, the promotion plan of Baofeng platform is currently blocked. If several flagship products under the platform have problems again and cause the stock price to plummet, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It's hard to get off the tiger.

But in the end, Moreno still made a ruthless look and decided to release it on time.

Now investors in the game industry are looking at the wind direction, and they are looking at Naughty Cat, an unlisted company.

Those who make games with Naughty Cat, or those who release games at the same time as Naughty Cat but don't fail suddenly, will be favored.

Small studios will be offered olive branches by big companies.

Listed companies will see a surge in stock prices.

Moreno cares most about stock prices!

The risk of two games colliding is very high, but if "Battlezone 9" wins. No, if they are evenly matched, according to past experience, the stock price will rise.

At that time, as long as the revenue gap is not too big, the moment the acquisition is completed, Moreno's shares in Baofeng Entertainment can bring a very considerable income out of thin air.


"Damn it, isn't it just Naughty Cat! I don't believe that the "Warzone" series that has been operating for so many years can't beat your new IP!"

As he said that, he immediately got busy again and arranged the work.

Promotion costs, add budget!

If there is not enough time to polish the game, then work overtime, and if you can't work overtime, then work overtime to death!

From the day of Southgate's live broadcast, the atmosphere of Baofeng Entertainment has changed, and it has become urgent and serious.

This has never happened before!

It can be seen how much pressure this incident has brought to Moreno.

At the same time, players are also in a dilemma.

Which one to buy?

Should I buy "Warzone 9"?

I have been disgusted by this series so many times, and I am about to have high blood pressure because of the various operations of Baofeng Entertainment.

Should I buy "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare"?

Although it is not that I don't trust Naughty Cat, it is the first game of this type after all. Can it really compare with the accumulation of Baofeng Entertainment for so many years?

Players are also divided into two camps.

The game has not been released yet, and it is still early, and the two camps of players have already started Void PVP, spraying each other non-stop.

The "Warzone" camp believes that Naughty Cat wants to compete with the big boss who has been famous for many years in the golden period of the game's release at the end of the year, just to get peaches.

The "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" camp believes that the game may not be as good as you, but at least there is no plug-in, and it is refreshing whether you lose or win.

The officials on both sides have not stopped.

Today, "Warzone 9" released a plot PV, named "Kill the Traitor".

Tomorrow, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" will release the latest poster, which reads "Break the Phantom of the Past".

Not only players, but also manufacturers are full of yin and yang.

In the past, Naughty Cat has never been serious about publicity, or has never encountered any opponents.

At most, competitors hire water army to black them mindlessly, which seems a bit passive in the scene.

But this time, they really met an opponent.

After all, the "Warzone" series is an old IP with a history of more than ten years, and the manufacturer is also capable, but they are too greedy and do not make good products. Every year, they make a lot of money, which has caused complaints from players.

In other words, Naughty Cat has the confidence to hit it head-on with an action shooting game during the golden period of game release at the end of the year.

Other manufacturers either release it in advance or other types of games that do not conflict with it.

There are two most common subtitles under the "Call of Duty" IP, Modern Warfare, which is famous for its shocking war scenes, and Black Ops, which is famous for its bizarre plots.

If we don't count the later remakes, there are three Modern Warfare series! The campaign plot is very rich.

Since it is difficult to gain an advantage in conventional publicity, let's use Naughty Cat's traditional skills.

Give it away!

Give half of the campaign of Modern Warfare 1 to players, and play it for free after downloading.

At the same time, the preseason from the release date to the start of the first season is also free to play!

Dear players, since you have downloaded the game and played the campaign plot, why don't you try the free multiplayer mode?

Wait until the time comes and you will be thirsty for the high-quality campaign plot fragments, and you will be left wanting for more by the exciting and refreshing multiplayer mode.

Are you still afraid that you won't buy the game?

After this announcement was issued, players were also confused.

[Naughty Cat is still awesome, rich and powerful]

[Competition is good, manufacturers fight and players benefit, it's really good]

[Naughty Cat: Come on, guys, just come and play, why bring money, this is not giving me face]

[Okay, I was planning to buy "Warzone 9", now I can play "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" and wait and see]

Naughty Cat's generosity instantly ignited the game player community, and this gunpowder smell also made the spectators full.

Moreno was so angry after seeing this news that he had high blood pressure, and directly greeted Southgate's ancestors and all female family members.

Players don't know what "Warzone 9" looks like, how can Southgate not know?

A DLC game!

It's just a number of an orthodox sequel!

No matter how big the DLC is, how big can it be?

It is definitely not as big as a normal work, and the play time is longer.

This move is disgusting to the extreme.

Nelson looked at the boss whose face was as black as ink and asked tentatively: "Boss, should we also give away some chapters of the story campaign for free?"

Moreno shook his head with a sullen face and said: "No, there are only so many chapters in the story. If we give away more, paying players will feel that their money is not worth it and will suffer a backlash in reputation."

"Then, should our multiplayer preseason also be free to play? Or..."

Moreno interrupted in a distracted manner: "No, you know about Naughty Cat's anti-cheat. The problem of cheating is still rampant even when it is charged, let alone free."

"What about giving away in-game props?"

This suggestion made Moreno think for a while, and then nodded and said: "This is possible. Organize an event, participate in forwarding the news of "Warzone 9", and you can get a purple-quality gun skin with spray paint."

Nelson nodded, accepted the order, and turned to walk out of the office.

Moreno let out a long breath and cursed inwardly: "What a tough opponent."

Then he was about to work for a while to formulate the anti-cheating budget and allocation, and the office was pushed open again, and Nelson came back again.

He said with an awkward expression: "Boss, what we just discussed may not work."

"Not work?" Moreno frowned, "You don't mean to say that Naughty Cat will also give weapon skin packs, right?"

Nelson said with a bitter face: "Not entirely, Naughty Cat gave it."

"Lin Mo is really willing to give it! It really deserves to be called Naughty Cat, rich and powerful, and good at tricks." Moreno gritted his teeth and looked a little ferocious, "Give it more! Upgrade the skin pack to orange!"

But after saying this, I thought the subordinate opposite would show some surprise, but unexpectedly, Nelson was not surprised after hearing it, but his expression became even weirder.

Moreno: "Why, is Naughty Cat giving more than one skin pack? Then keep giving it more, Naughty Cat gives a few, we will always have one more than them!"

Nelson looked bitter, as if he didn't know what to do at all.

"Boss, the skin pack that Naughty Cat gave is secondary. The main thing is that Naughty Cat also gave a first season pass. As long as you pre-order the game, it will be given."

When Moreno heard the word pass, he was really stunned, and even a little defensive.

Aren't you Naughty Cat so rich? ! You don't even make this money? Just give it away?

For a game that continues to operate, the money from selling passes can support half of the subsequent income.

This is also a very important means to support daily activity.

Moreno broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, feeling a little bad.

As soon as this news came out, the balance of many players who were still waiting and watching was about to tilt.

No, we can't just sit there and wait for death.

"Give it away! Let's give it away too. Whatever Naughty Cat gives away, we will give it away!"

Moreno felt his heart bleeding with every word he said.

That's all money, it's income.

Moreover, if he makes such a move, he has to explain it to the investors.

But if he doesn't give it away, he will lose the opportunity and it will be difficult to do it later.

However, after saying this, Moreno looked up and was horrified to find that the subordinate in front of him was still hesitant and bitter.

"Do you have anything else to report to me?"

Nelson glanced at his pale boss and explained carefully: "According to the information released by Naughty Cat, as long as you complete the first season pass of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you will get 1400 CP points. These are exactly the price of the second season pass."

Moreno's eyes went dark.

"Malicious competition!! This is malicious competition from Naughty Cat!! Damn it, damn it! I want to sue Naughty Cat!" (End of this chapter)

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