Although it was distressing, Baofeng Entertainment could only follow the bet, just like a gambler with red eyes.

Skin pack? deliver!

Pass? deliver!

Even the rule that the cp points after completing the first season pass can be used to buy the second season pass has also been changed.

What should be given was given away, and what should be changed was changed.

BGN, a well-known paid media in the industry, suddenly published an article.

"Vicious competition is an overdraft of the gaming industry's potential"

It is not stated explicitly throughout the article, but the implicit meaning is to diss Naughty Cat.

However, this article failed to put Naughty Cat in the whirlpool of public opinion. Instead, it made Naughty Cat better known.

After all, players actually get the benefits.

[Please overdraw this kind of potential, thank you]

[Laughing to death, Naughty Cat is forcing the industry to progress, which is why many companies now behave conscientiously. How can this be vicious competition? 】

[This is called healthy competition, great healthy competition]

[BGN Daily Sima, just get used to it]

The off-field turmoil did not affect Naughty Cat.

It's just that Lin Mo is a little regretful. Is his opponent this time a little difficult?

Baofeng Entertainment actually followed suit, which was completely unexpected. Moreover, on the same day that Naughty Cat announced the pre-order benefits, it acted very quickly.

If it had been a few days later, Naughty Cat's reputation for giving away things would have fully matured, and "Warzone 9" would be completely at a disadvantage.

All I can say is that it is worthy of being one of the big old manufacturers, with both speed of response and determination to cut off a man’s wrist.

Since the outcome cannot be determined outside the game, let’s rely on the quality of the game to speak for itself.

In the virtual battle between players and manufacturers from both sides, the time has come to the end of October.

"Tomorrow is the time for the release of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare". Do you want to buy it or not?"

Liu Xianming looked left and right in the dormitory, looking at the roommates with some dissatisfaction.

As a die-hard fan who has supported Naughty Cat since the CSGO days, I have bought not only all of Naughty Cat’s games, but also 70% to 80% of them.

As for the choice between Naughty Cat game and "Warzone 9"?

Is there any choice then?

As early as the first day of pre-sale, he paid for it without hesitation, and then waited anxiously for the server to be launched.

Today is the 29th, and tomorrow is the official launch day.

Looking around, whether it's Zhang Feng or the other roommates A and B with whom they usually have a good relationship.

Everyone looked a little embarrassed and hesitant.

Seeing them like this, Liu Xianming asked with a somewhat unkind expression: "Hey, no, you're not going to buy "War Zone 9", are you?"

His eyes stopped on Zhang Feng, and he looked a little embarrassed. He coughed lightly and said: "You know, I have been a long-time fan of the "War Zone" series for many years, so..."

"I know this. You were addicted to playing "Terrorist Force" back then." Liu Xianming rolled his eyes, "I don't know who was scolding you while playing."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Feng touched his nose and looked a little embarrassed.


I buy new works every year, but I regret every time I buy them.

If you don't play it, it feels very addictive. If you play it, you will curse it non-stop.

Although Liu Xianming led him into CSGO and became a firm fan of Naughty Cat, the two situations are a bit different.

CSGO is a free game. Although I didn’t trust Naughty Cat, a game company I had never heard of and a newcomer to the game, downloading it only took time and occupied some memory.

Now, both games require money to buy

But let’s talk about buying “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”

There is still some distrust.

Zhang Feng coughed lightly and said, "It's not that I don't believe in Naughty Cat. After all, the IP of "Call of Duty" is too young. If Naughty Cat accumulates one more year, I will definitely abandon "War Zone"!"

Liu Xianming rolled his eyes and scolded with a smile: "Since you have consumed so many genuine Naughty Cat games, I won't criticize you. But the problem is, do you think Naughty Cat's technical skills and development experience are good? , will it really be bad?”

Hearing this, Zhang Feng obviously hesitated.

After hesitating for a long time, he said in a low voice with doubts: "It shouldn't be bad. But it can't be better than Baofeng Entertainment, right? After all, it is also a major company that has been making shooting games for more than ten years."

Liu Xianming hesitated and said: "If you were still convincing before, now Naughty Cat can even make a large-scale game like "Cyberpunk 2077". What else can't it do? Moreover, Naughty Cat clearly said Yes, only pre-orders will give you the first season pass, so don’t regret it then.”

After hearing this, roommate A shrugged nonchalantly and said: "Anyway, I have already bought "War Zone 9". As for regrets, I probably won't."

Roommate B also nodded.

Zhang Feng looked very hesitant and struggled a lot, but finally made a decision: "I will buy "Warzone 9" first. When the part-time salary is paid, I will buy "Call of Duty" and play the game together."

"Oh, based on experience, sooner or later you will regret it and complain about it, feeling sorry for the wasted money."

"Probably not, right?"

The next day is the weekend.

The four people in the dormitory got up early early and had a delicious breakfast at the snack street near the school, which was a luxury.

After all, today is a special day, and maybe the fun will end at night.

A breakfast that can fill your stomach is still very necessary.

When I returned to the dormitory, the first day patch of the update was also updated before I left.

Liu Xianming looked at the three traitorous roommates and asked, "Really not coming? The pre-season multiplayer mode is free these days."

Zhang Feng smiled, threw a pack of cigarettes to his friend, and said, "You play first, and the three of us will experience the multiplayer mode of "Warzone 9" first."

"Okay, then I won't talk to you."

As he said, he put on his headphones and opened Call of Duty.

After entering the game, the playable content is divided into three major parts, the story campaign, the multiplayer mode, and the yet-to-be-opened battle royale gameplay Call of Duty-Warzone.

"Let's play a multiplayer mode first to feel it."

There was no rush to play the story campaign, so I clicked into the multiplayer mode first, and there was a short teaching process.

How to switch weapons, how to run, how to slide, how to squat, etc.

If you say the first impression, it is that the character's mobility is really strong.

Not only the mobility, I simply tried the feel of suppressing the gun.

Although there are obvious differences in the feel of various guns, the common point is that they are easy to get started.

It is rare that a novice finds it difficult to control the gun and completely misses the target.

Whether it is the hip-fire accuracy, the speed of opening the scope, combined with the mobility and short ttk.

A simple trial can make you feel the design concept of the game - cool!

Whether it is the cool feeling brought by speed and body skills, or the excellent feel of shooting, the refreshing sense of hitting is the same.

I can't wait to start the official game and click on the queue for multiplayer mode.

In the multiplayer mode, various gameplay modes are so dense that you can't count how many gameplay modes there are at a glance.

Since you can't read it all, don't read it anymore.

Just click start.

It didn't take long for the game to start.

The map is Killing House, and the mode is 5v5 occupation of strongholds.

On a not-so-large map, strongholds will randomly appear on several refresh points.

As long as the friendly side occupies the stronghold, the score will continue to increase. The one who reaches 250 points first wins.

The game started, a helicopter flew over the sky, and players slid down the rope ladder one by one, maintaining a handsome offensive formation and marching forward in a line.

The game officially started.

Liu Xianming was still not used to the way of playing this game, and he was still taking the pre-aiming and searching for points that he was used to when he played the game before.

Looking at his teammates, one by one, they were like monkeys, some climbing over obstacles, some running wildly and then sliding, rushing to the refreshed stronghold.

Seeing this, Liu Xianming also abandoned the previous CSGO's cautious step-by-step play.

Start charging!

Before rushing to the stronghold, I saw my teammates take out a grenade from their crotch and throw it over.

After a bang, the first head appeared.

The second enemy was obviously not used to the way of playing the game, and stayed there at a loss.

Seeing this, Liu Xianming raised his gun and shot without hesitation!

A refreshing and exciting sound effect sounded, like the sound of a bullet drilling into the enemy's body, which was very enjoyable to listen to.

When the enemy fell, there was a knockdown sound effect and a small yellow word popped up on the screen.

+50xp annihilation!

Then, an enemy on the left side of the screen ran out of the bunker very recklessly.

Liu Xianming made a precise sweep and transfer, killing the second player who was advancing.

Although his shooting skills were not as good as Zhang Feng, he was also a hardcore player of CSGO. Although the feeling of suppressing the gun was different, the multiplayer mode of "Call of Duty" did not require a good gun suppression skill at all.

Just a good positioning ability is enough!

+100xp annihilation!

Double kill!


Sound, picture, performance, and pop-up words.

Everything is for positive feedback, and the accumulated positive feedback brings an unparalleled sense of pleasure.

Combined together, there is a feeling of being addicted to shooting.

It makes him eager to see more enemies and tilt all the bullets in the gun out to get more pleasure.

But he was not so lucky next time. A new enemy rushed over, and Liu Xianming, who was left with little health, was killed with just one shot from the shotgun.

Not only was he not upset, but his hands felt warm.

He was about to light a cigarette while the resurrection bar was reading to continue killing enemies, but he found that it was completely unnecessary.

There was almost no time for resurrection, so he went straight into the battlefield and continued to fight!

The whole game seemed to be announcing something to players who were used to competitive shooting games.

Forget the heavy death penalty, forget the pre-aiming tactics, forget all this!

I am not that coquettish bitch.

Just kill, just feel good!

Liu Xianming was indeed happy.

The two sides went back and forth, taking turns to occupy the stronghold.

A full 15 minutes passed unknowingly in a round.

It was a pity that they lost with a score of 243:250.

If they lost 14:16 in CSGO, they would have been furious at this time. If it was a random game, the team voice was already talking at this time.

"No, buddy."

If it was a roommate's black game, then at this time, they would also be clearing out the traitors and holding a meeting, which would often make the dormitory atmosphere very tense.

But now, after the narrow defeat, there is no sense of frustration at all, as if it is completely unimportant.

The word "failure" did not last long, and the game has already started queuing for the next round.

This round, the map is Nuclear Town, which is still a smaller map.

But this time the gameplay is to occupy points.

There are three points on the map that can be occupied. After occupying the points, you will continue to gain points. The winning conditions are the same.

The style of this map is different from that of the Killing House. It is an outdoor map with bright sunshine.

There are two dilapidated buses in the middle of the map, and there is a two-story building on each side. At the same time, mannequins can be seen everywhere in the map.

On one side are bright graffiti everywhere, and on the other side are yellow sand and tumbleweeds flying when the wind blows over the abandoned and rusted cars.

There is a different kind of artistic beauty.

The structure of the map is relatively simple and balanced in design, because the area is smaller, the rhythm is faster.

You can rush or hook in the corner to be an old silver coin. At the same time, there are several points that can cross the central axis of the map, giving sniper rifles room to play, but not making the big sniper too strong.

Soon, players on both sides were involved in a tense and exciting battle.

Soon, the battle entered a white-hot stage.

No one seemed to care about the outcome of the game, and everyone rushed to one point.

In an instant, this place turned into a meat grinder.

Grenades, thermite, and clay bombs were everywhere.

The sounds of submachine guns, rifles, shotguns, and sniper rifles intersected each other.

Everyone was killing with bloodshot eyes. For a moment, there was no old silver coin on the map. Everyone was killing with bloodshot eyes and rushed to this place.


Liu Xianming's forehead was sweating from killing, and he was hot from excitement!

Resurrected again, this time switched to a shotgun, and rushed straight to the point to kill.

Win or lose? It doesn't matter!

It's just that this time he was running on the road.

The mouse accidentally floated up to the sky, and he saw a missile with wings flying straight towards him.

In an instant, there was an explosion, and his character and the teammates who had just resurrected were torn to pieces by the missile.

"Ah?! No, what is this? Everyone is fighting, why do you have a missile?"

Liu Xianming was stunned for a while. This time he did not skip the kill replay, wanting to see how he died.

I saw a player on the opposite side kill one person with a sniper, and an icon in the kill streak reward column in the lower right corner lit up.

The name is cruise missile.

After using it, the character took out something like a tablet and tapped it with a stylus to start it.

After a short black screen, the view directly changed to that of a cruise missile, falling rapidly towards the nuclear bomb town.

When it was about to land, you could see the wings of the shell ejected, and you could control the high-speed moving missile with the mouse to control the bombing target at will.

At the same time, all the hostile players on the map were marked with a bright red dot.

Two of the red dots were close together, obviously himself and another teammate who was blown away.

"Fuck, is the kill streak reward so cool?"

Liu Xianming suddenly heard such a sentence in his ears, he shuddered, took off his headphones and looked back quickly.

The three teammates were all behind him, looking at his game screen in shock.

"Damn, what are you three doing behind me if you're not playing games? You scared me!"

Zhang Feng looked a little embarrassed, touched his nose, and said, "It's still updating."

Liu Xianming asked in confusion, "Update? Didn't it download the first-day patch when I went to have breakfast?"

As he said that, he looked at Zhang Feng's screen.

It showed that the shader file was being downloaded.

There were still 20GB left.

Liu Xianming asked in surprise, "No, this kind of thing must be updated in real time in the game with this super slow network speed?"

Zhang Feng's face became even more embarrassed, and hesitantly said, "Maybe. Baofeng Entertainment's habits are different from other manufacturers."

"Oh. Then tell me again, what do you think of Naughty Cat's level?" (End of this chapter)

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