Liu Xianming almost died laughing.

He has played several games of the game that was released on the same day, but the threesome on the other side have not yet started the game.

Feeling a little proud for a moment, he smiled and said: "Look, what did I say? You should listen to my advice and turn to the bright side. Now that the game has been officially released, I just don't know if the first season pass will be given away."

Roommate A smiled awkwardly and whispered: "It's the first day, so it's normal for something to happen."

"So, do you want to play "Call of Duty"? It's free anyway."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Feng, who was irritated by the long time to download shaders, was a little moved, but then he thought about the hard drive capacity of his laptop.

In the end, he still said with a grimace: "Isn't downloading "Call of Duty" now in vain and waiting for "Warzone" for so long? Besides, my laptop capacity can't keep up."

"Okay, it's because you don't want to play, it's not because I don't call you, then I don't care about you, come on."

With that said, Liu Xianming happily clicked on the multiplayer mode again.

Get ready to have fun!

As each round is completed, many props, equipment and killstreak rewards in the game are gradually unlocked.

Basically there are new things unlocked at every level.

It's a lot of fun to play in actual combat.

At the same time, Liu Xianming also discovered the ingenuity of game design.

Kill streak rewards!

As a design that encourages attacking and killing enemies, powerful weapons will be unlocked after the kill streak reaches a certain level.

There are reconnaissance drones that can show the location of enemies in an area, explosive drones that can explode, and cruise missiles.

It's cool to highlight one.

At the same time, various reasonable designs are used to increase players' profits and minimize the existence of old silver coins.

It would be really boring if this game just stayed in the corner.

Liu Xianming also quickly discovered the game skills. With the blessing of mobility, if he consciously searches for places such as corners, he still has an advantage against guns, and the success rate is very high.

After another round, all the kill streak rewards have finally been unlocked.

At this time, the excited shouts of roommates finally came from the dormitory.

Take off your headphones and watch.

The other three roommates finally finished the update and started the game, looking very excited.

Just as he thought, play the multiplayer game first, and then slowly savor the story and battle when the night is quiet.

The three of them are playing on a small map at the moment, and the purpose is to make the players kill happily.

The gameplay of this map is also to capture points, ABC is three points, and you win by capturing the points. There is nothing special about it.

It is difficult to make any major innovations and changes with this basic gameplay.

But compared to "Call of Duty", "Warzone" has a bit more exaggerated graphics and special effects.

"You two hold A, and I'll take down B!"

Zhang Feng made a very domineering speech and rushed straight to point B.

As expected of a veteran who has played shooting games all year round, his understanding and shooting skills are obviously better than many players who launched the server on the first day today.

It really depends on one person successfully breaking through point B and successfully occupying it when subsequent teammates come to support him.

Then he did not stay near the point, and went deep behind the enemy's rear alone. He shuttled back and forth between bunkers and buildings, constantly disrupting the opponent's offensive rhythm, so that the enemy never assembled a decent counterattack.

One, two, three.

It wasn't until he killed 7 people in a row that he was unlucky enough to bump into a shotgun player and was taken away with one shot.

Liu Xianming smiled and said: "It's a pity that this game doesn't have a system like kill streak reward, otherwise you would have unlocked a very powerful weapon to help you."

"Well, it's a bit of a pity. I think that cruise missile is pretty cool."

Roommate A: "If you don't have it, then you don't have it. I don't think the kill streak reward is that important."

Roommate B: "That's right."

Zhang Feng chopped melons and vegetables all the way, and finally won the game with a big score.

After the game ended, he looked back and said proudly: "Look, "Warzone 9" is doing pretty well, right? We have to thank Naughty Cat. With the pressure of competition, Baofeng Entertainment's anti-cheating efforts are unprecedentedly high this time."

Liu Xianming nodded: "This game is indeed very cool. It is indeed a field that Baofeng Entertainment has been immersed in for more than ten years. As for anti-cheating, didn't they say there were cheats in the third test?"

"A test is a test, and official is official. Can this be the same?"

"But with the destructive power of those plug-ins like locusts, I have some doubts about how long Warzone 9 can last."

At this time, the second game was also started. Liu Xianming was not in a hurry to play his own game. He drank water from the water cup and watched his friends play the game.

"Wouldn't it be great if we intensify rectification efforts and greatly reduce the number of cheats? It's very difficult to kill them all."

At this time, Zhang Feng was still the same as before, relying on his old player's marksmanship and body skills to shuttle behind enemy lines, disrupting the rhythm, and killing people at the same time.

When running through a bunker, there was a player wearing a ghillie suit running forward.

Just as he was about to open the camera to shoot, he suddenly saw the guy in the ghillie suit who was facing him diagonally in front of him. He pulled the gun instantly and aimed at his head.

The black muzzle of the gun seemed to say: "Suprise, fuck Fuck!"

Headshot, death.

Zhang Feng and Liu Xianming were both stunned, and they looked at each other subconsciously.

"Hey, he's a master. It's also my fault that the running noise is so loud here. I've also had this kind of magic operation."

Liu Xianming said with a fake smile: "Okay, okay, I barely believe it."

As he said that, he ran all the way to a high ground and secretly killed a sniper player, and then switched to the gun that the other party bought a skin pack.

Open the scope and aim.

Then I saw the ghillie suit brother who pulled the gun in one second just now, and once again performed what professional-level gun suppression is.

At such a long distance, the sniper was killed by a rifle headshot.

This time, Zhang Feng was silent.

His eyelids twitched wildly, and he secretly said that it was not good.

No way!

Although there were a lot of plug-ins in the past, there was no such exaggerated situation!

This is the first day of the game's release!

Then, not only Zhang Feng, but also roommates A and B felt something was wrong.

"Eh? Is this guy's shooting so accurate? He killed me before I even saw him?"

"Damn, this is too fast, isn't it?"

Then, other players in the game also felt something was wrong.

They all spoke up in the public channel to question.

[I don't eat beef]: No, there was a cheat on the first day? What a joke

[Pochi-chan]: It's impossible, doesn't it take time to make a cheat?

[I'm Kamisato Ayaka's dog]: This is just cheating me

But facing the scolding and doubts of the crowd, Brother Jilifu said nothing and played the game silently.

In the end, even relying on one person, he could suppress everyone on Zhang Feng's side and make them unable to breathe.

All three points were occupied, and they were about to lose.

Roommates A and B had already left the keyboard with their hands, and looked at the tragic scene of their own being slaughtered in a daze.

Zhang Feng wanted to struggle and was still a little unconvinced, but under the power of technology, he was still disciplined and had no temper at all.

"No, is this a master or a cheater? How can there be a cheat made on the first day? Is the opponent typing?"

One of the three players was watching the game and quickly looked at what the brother in the ghillie suit said on the screen.

[Mai is crawling in Sakurajima]: My wife is not at home, I am lonely and unbearable, so I secretly play "Warzone 9"! Group number 246xxxxx, 560 a month and 980 a year, guaranteed safety and excitement

Seeing this, the silence of the three people in the dormitory was deafening.

Thinking of the anti-cheating of Baofeng Entertainment just now, I blushed.

Liu Xian knew that it was not appropriate to add happiness to the pain of his roommate, but he couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Feng gritted his teeth, took out his phone and searched for the group number, clicked to apply to join,

Liu Xianming hurriedly stopped him and said: "Hey, what are you doing? Do you want to embrace the power gained by sacrificing your parents?"

"No! I want to see what's going on and why the plug-in can be made so quickly this time."

The plug-in selling group has not been approved for the time being. Liu Xianming sighed, patted his friend's shoulder and smiled: "Come on, I'd better play "Call of Duty" without plug-ins."

As he said, he opened the game and changed the kill streak reward.

After thinking for two seconds, he brought the carpet bombing unlocked by 10 kill streaks, the air gunship unlocked by 12 kill streaks, and the giant armor unlocked by 15 kill streaks.

Zhang Feng just played a game and was in a bad mood. He left his computer and stood behind him, intending to see the performance of "Call of Duty".

"What are the effects of such a late kill streak reward?"

"I don't know, unlock it once and play it and you will know."

As he said, he entered the game.

The map is very coincidental, it is still a nuclear bomb town.

Encountering a map he had played before, and having just seen Zhang Feng's game ideas, Liu Xianming followed suit.

Carrying props that could temporarily restore health and two close-range combat weapons, he rushed straight behind the enemy.

Apparently, there are many novice players in the multiplayer mode of "Call of Duty". They are very straightforward and only rush to the points they want to occupy, and rush to the place where the killing is the most brutal.

As soon as he entered the battle, Liu Xianming scored a five-kill streak behind the enemy.

The other three watched and judged behind him.

"What is this kill streak reward? Is it a free skill?"

"I guess so. I've seen a reconnaissance drone before that can see the location of enemies in the area for a period of time."

Roommate A shrugged and said, "That's just the way it is. I thought this so-called kill streak reward was so powerful."

As he was talking, Liu Xianming, who was concentrating on the operation, suddenly shouted, "Ten kills in a row!!"

Carpet bombing, unlocked!

Maybe because he killed too hard, all the enemies came to besiege him at this time, and there were enemies everywhere.

Liu Xianming could only shrink to the second floor to hold on.

The moment he saw the kill streak reward unlocked, he started it without hesitation.

The character took out a tablet with a map on it, and he could use the mouse to select the bombing location.

He chose his location here without hesitation!

Liu Xianming shouted, "Fire at me!"

As he said that, he saw a black dot appear in the blue sky from the window, which quickly grew larger and flew towards here.

Then, bomb!



The sound of breaking through the air, the sound of explosion, and the blazing fire.

In an instant, a quad kill sign popped up, and all the enemies who did not enter the house were eliminated.

Roommate A's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but swear: "Fuck! Didn't you say to scout the area?! You call this scout?"

Zhang Feng didn't expect this effect, and complained: "I didn't say that the only reward for killing streaks is scout!"

Roommate B: "Damn, we agreed on Modern Warfare, are Iron Man and BT coming soon? Direct dimensionality reduction strike!"

Not long after the server was launched, many players were still playing the first game, and the shocking performance of the killing streak reward made the enemy a little overwhelmed.

Shocked, the friendly forces simply gave up occupying the point and rushed to the enemy's birth point.

With the firepower support of his teammates, Liu Xianming immediately became lively and more cherished his life.

The three people watching behind him became careful in breathing, for fear of affecting their roommates' killing streak.

The reward for 10 killing streaks is so cool, how cool would the giant armor for 15 killing streaks be?




"14! Hold on, hold on! Run!"

"Fuck!! 15!! Awesome!"

In the last wave, facing two people coming at the same time, Liu Xianming fired ahead of time and killed one person before dying.

Exactly 15 kills in a row!

After resurrecting, he clicked the kill streak reward without hesitation and started the gunboat!

Take out the tablet and start it.

The perspective switched to the sky, and the pilot of the gunboat received the order to start the weapon system.

From the high-altitude sky perspective, you can see all the enemies on the map, all marked with red dots.

There are three types of controllable weapons, 25mm and 40mm naval guns, and Hellfire missiles.

Then, it was a massacre.

The two caliber naval guns can easily penetrate most bunkers and tear the enemy apart.

The Hellfire missile is a weapon of mass destruction, and one missile kills at least two enemies.

Ordinary players on the ground are completely confused at this time. Some people don’t even know where the attack came from!

Some people fled in panic, while others found the gunboat flying in the sky and fired at the sky.

All of them became targets and were exposed to the terrifying firepower.

The kill record on the left side repeatedly refreshed the screen, and only Liu Xianming's kill record was recorded.

One, two, three. Seven, ten, thirteen.

"Fuck! This is too cool, right?" Zhang Feng's eyes turned green with envy, "Damn, they are slaughtering others like chickens! So cool! Is there an official plug-in? It's just that the unlocking conditions are a bit harsh."

It's a pity that as the gunboat ran out of fuel, the happy time ended here.

Liu Xianming looked at the little game time left, and his eyes turned red.

"Come on! Giant force armor! Let me see what this thing is!"

Click to use, and a smoke bomb appeared in his hand.

After throwing it on the ground, an airdropped courier fell down.

Go forward to pick it up.

The next second, Liu Xianming's character was already wearing thick bulletproof armor, really like an Iron Man!

The weapon in his hand also changed, becoming a handheld six-barreled revolver.

Unlimited ammunition!

Instantly, powerful firepower began to pour down. Two enemies just bypassed the bunker and wanted to attack, but they were torn to pieces by the revolver with no recoil and full firing rate.

The guns of other enemies hit him, just like tickling, without any threat at all.

Zhang Feng took a breath and said quickly: "A meal! Let me play with this giant armor!"

Roommate A said righteously: "This is a giant armor, a rare item that can only be obtained by 15 consecutive kills, is it worth a meal? I will give you three meals and sing a song!"

Roommate B gritted his teeth and said: "I will introduce my ex-girlfriend to you. Let me play!"

Liu Xianming laughed, feeling the exhilaration brought by the giant armor slaughtering chickens and dogs and the excitement of the changing background music, and said: "Don't even think about it! You guys, if you want to play, go buy it yourself!" (End of this chapter)

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