Shock, confusion, all kinds of emotions filled the hearts of the four people in the dormitory.

They even reloaded the game, and Zhang Feng, who had the best shooting skills, played the game again.

They explored every corner they could go to, and finally found out helplessly.

This was not a BE caused by missing something, it was really this ending.

"Damn, there's something wrong with Sheffield! Damn it!"

"I've always felt that this bastard is wrong. I should have controlled Allen to kill this bastard during the recruit training."

The game continues.

In the aircraft graveyard, it has become a mess.

Makarov's rebel forces and Sheffield's shadow forces fought each other and became a mess.

After a bloody battle, although they successfully evacuated, Soap and Price also became wanted criminals.

Sheffield was the initiator of all this.

The two decided to repay blood with blood and tooth with tooth, and settle accounts with him!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and Makarov provided the two with Sheffield's location.

The two went deep into Sheffield's lair, and with their exquisite cooperation, they turned into hunters in the dark and killed the shadow troops step by step.

Sheffield felt that something was wrong, so he destroyed the data and prepared to escape.

After a thrilling pursuit, Price successfully blew up Sheffield's helicopter with a grenade.

After executing several soldiers of the shadow army along the way, Soap killed them next to the helicopter.

However, Sheffield was still alive and escaped quickly.

There was yellow sand everywhere, the wind was howling, and the visibility was extremely low. There was an abandoned refinery around.

Finally, Sheffield was found next to a car that was abandoned into a broken iron block.

Zhang Feng controlled Soap and took a dagger to kill the traitor, and cursed: "Damn it, die! Traitor!"

But unexpectedly, the former leader of the 141 Special Forces also had very superb combat skills.

Soap not only failed to kill him, but was knocked down and the dagger was taken away and stabbed in the body, and was seriously injured.

Sheffield looked down and took out the revolver again, ready to get rid of the soap.

At this time, he finally said why he did this.

It turned out that the nuclear bomb that exploded five years ago took away 30,000 soldiers under Sheffield.

But these fallen soldiers did not win honors and pensions, and no one cared about these poor soldiers except their families.

As an ardent patriot, he was very dissatisfied with the current state of the country. Corruption was rampant and soldiers did not get the respect they deserved.

So he planned all this.

Let Alan go undercover to Makarov, but through some means, Alan's identity was exposed, causing Alan to die at the airport of the bear.

Use this incident as a fuse to make the bear mistakenly believe that the initiator of this incident was the Lighthouse Country, and provoke a war between the two countries.

Use war to destroy the existing order, and then rebuild it on the ruins to rekindle people's patriotism.

But the war did not achieve the expected effect, and even the capital has not fallen.

In this situation, Makarov, who knew all of Sheffield's plans, became a thorn in his side and had to be removed as soon as possible.

The document that Xiaoqiang and Ghost snatched back contained this secret.

For Sheffield's grand plan, in order to avoid information leakage, these two British special forces, who were also the handlers of important intelligence, must die.

Price and Soap, who had never believed in Sheffield, were also on the elimination list, but they were helplessly escaped from the aircraft graveyard by the two.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Price rushed over in time and wrestled with Sheffield.

The bullet rubbed Soap's body and shot into the ground, and he barely saved his life.

Not far away, Price and Sheffield wrestled together.

Soap dragged his seriously injured body to crawl towards the pistol that fell to the ground.

But before he could get it, Sheffield rushed up and kicked it away.

Sheffield was still strong and strong. After the crash, he fought one against two and was able to win.

The seriously injured Soap could only watch Price being knocked to the ground, with Fisher's heavy punches falling continuously.

"Damn! Price, stand up!"

"Kick him in the balls, quickly!"

"Where's the gun! Why is there no gun at this time?"

"Will BE be wiped out again?"

Seeing Price who had lost his ability to fight, several players in the dormitory were also anxious.

At this time, except for the pistol kicked away by Sheffield, there was only one thing left.

The dagger on Soap's chest!

A prompt to press the F key appeared on the screen.

Zhang Feng immediately began to press the F key frantically, and the keyboard sounded non-stop.

Soap's painful groaning was unbearable to listen to, and the screen turned blood red as the dagger was pulled out.

He pulled it out suddenly, holding the tip of the knife, and pointed it at Sheffield not far away.

The latter seemed to have noticed something and looked here in disbelief.

Then, the dagger was thrown out suddenly, drawing a perfect line in the air, hitting Sheffield's eye socket and piercing deep into his brain.

This man, the mastermind, finally fell to the ground.

"Don't eat the sour radish! Go to hell!"

"Damn it, Xiaoqiang, Ghost and Alan are waiting for you down there!"

Ashes to dust, earth to earth.

Everything was over, and Nikolai finally arrived in a helicopter to rescue the two.

However, watching Nikolai walk down the helicopter to help Soap walk onto the helicopter, Liu Xianming suddenly shuddered and said with a strange look: "Although I know it's unlikely, Nikolai won't also take out a pistol and open fire."

When this was said, everyone was silent.

"Really. A little scared."

"I found that I have PTSD."

Fortunately, there was no moth this time.

The four people just breathed a sigh of relief. Those who should send messages tore off the broken tempered film on the screen and continued to send messages, and those who should smoke looked at the broken lighter and wanted to cry.

Suddenly, Liu Xianming seemed to realize something and suddenly asked: "No. Sheffield is dead, but what about Makarov?"

Zhang Feng was also stunned.

"Good question."

Then they all looked at the computer screen.

As expected, at the end of the end credits, a new countdown popped up.

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" Chapter 3 Unlock Countdown: 31 hours

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

You can hear a pin drop in the dormitory.

After a long time, Zhang Feng said dryly: "It's just a game, it's almost enough. I'm not jealous, not at all."

Go to bed, sleep.

"It's just a game, what's there to be jealous about? What game is different to play?"

Go to bed, sleep.

"It's just that the campaign plot is five or six times that of "Warzone 9", and there are no plug-ins. This is nothing, I don't envy it at all."

Go to bed, sleep.

Liu Xianming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. These teammates, are they psychologically traumatized?

Don't they plan to eat dinner?

But at this time, it's not just these people in the dormitory who are psychologically traumatized.

The plot of the "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" series has completely exploded on the Internet.

Countless memes are circulating in major group chats, forums, Weibo and short videos.

For example, some emoticons.

Two girls are chatting.

A: "I can't believe that boys didn't cry when watching Titanic."

B: "Yeah, don't they have any feelings?"

The next picture shows a boy crying as he watched Xiaoqiang and Ghost being killed.

There are so many secondary creations and fan works, countless.

There are even many rumors circulating on the Internet.

For example, a player photoshopped a high-imitation picture, in which the ghost found Sheffield's action and killed him, but Xiaoqiang avoided death.

Many people said below, "It's true that I also triggered this ending!", and then made up an almost impossible condition to attract countless tearful players to try it repeatedly.

I thought the plot of Modern Warfare was already invincible, but I didn't expect there was a second chapter, which once again beat Warzone 9 in terms of quality and story.

But it's not over yet, there is actually a third chapter!!

Even if the plot of the third chapter is made like shit, it is already invincible, not to mention that no one believes that Naughty Cat will make the story plot like shit.

Faced with such momentum, the players who choose to believe in Baofeng Entertainment and choose to believe in "Warzone 9" are completely broken.

[Hahahaha! I'm not crazy, my "Warzone 9" is the best of the year this year, the multiplayer mode is green and healthy, and the single-player plot is tense and exciting for a long time]

[Daoye, I've done it! Hahahaha, I found the hidden plot of "Warzone 9", and the subsequent plot is as long as 30 hours! ! ]

[I said that we should trust Baofeng Entertainment. I heard that Naughty Cat's new work was changed from DLC. The plot campaign is four hours long, and the first day of the multiplayer mode is full of cheats. What? Take medicine? What medicine? I said I'm not crazy]

It's not just the players who are crazy. At this moment, countless employees of Baofeng Entertainment are already in a state of superposition of crazy and non-crazy.

The unlocking time of the second chapter of Modern Warfare is November 1st, China time.

Since it is not the first Saturday of November yet, the Lighthouse Country is still in daylight saving time.

At 9:30 pm in China time, 9:30 am on Monday morning in the Eastern Time of the Lighthouse Country is the time for the stock market to open.

Moreno stayed up all night and looked haggard.

"I guessed that your Naughty Cat's production capacity is ridiculously high, but I didn't expect it to be so high."

He picked up the coffee that had already cooled on the table and took a sip with self-mockery.

It's not long before the stock market opens.

What kind of scene will happen in a while can be foreseen.

In the stock market, retail investors have the most emotional fluctuations. Once there is any disturbance, they will run away like a frightened rabbit.

Although I didn't plan to completely agree to Call of Duty, I didn't expect to lose so much.

The sales of the game are not bad, barely reaching the worst result estimated.

But this sales can be said to be a last gasp, overdrawing the future.

If "Call of Duty" is only better than "Warzone 9", old players may still pay for it for sentiment.

But now, it can be said that it is a complete and complete beating.

Especially after the second chapter of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" was unlocked, the exciting and explosive plot has formed a moat for word of mouth.

Not to mention that the third chapter of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" is still ready.

This story is not over yet!

Players who bought "Warzone 9" have been broken, and the few advantages have been ignored.

Players’ word of mouth and evaluation will affect the sales of the game, which in turn will directly affect the stock price and will also affect the success or failure of the gambling agreement.

These two things will directly determine the success or failure of the century acquisition.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was half past nine.

The stock market opened.

At first glance, my eyes went dark.

Although it was expected, I didn't expect it to be so bad.

Even seeing this miserable situation, I don't know how to save "Warzone 9".

Should we launch some inexpensive plot campaign DLC?

Or give away skin packs?

Or vigorously crack down on plug-ins?

Or wait to die?


Can't wait to die.

Moreno's face was extremely ugly.

In the gambling agreement with the giant hard company, the number was not groundless, but was carefully calculated to be achievable.

Although the reputation of "Warzone 9" collapsed, relying on the accumulation of players in the series over the years, the sales volume is actually not bad.

But it definitely cannot complete the task it should complete and sell to the ideal sales volume.

Considering the huge amount of gambling agreement with Giant Hard, if there is no big hit in the future, there is a high possibility of a deficit.

If the gambling agreement can be completed, Giant Hard will acquire Baofeng Entertainment at a premium price and complete this century acquisition.

But if the gambling agreement is not completed and the acquisition fails, not only will it not get any benefit, but it will have to pay a lot of money to Giant Hard.

Since "War Zone 9" cannot achieve the set goals, the deficit will have to be made up from other places.

Where to find it.

Thinking about it, Moreno suddenly had an idea.

The agency agreement for "Cosmic Rift" in China seems to expire next year?

Thinking about it, Moreno let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair.

If there is no way in the end, this is the only way.

I hope that before the renewal negotiations begin, the company's other games can have a good performance.

At the same time.

West, CEO of Giant Hard's game business, also frowned in dissatisfaction at the opening stock price.

"Damn idiot, do you have to collide with Naughty Cat Games? What's wrong with this?"

As an elite on Wall Street and a well-known CEO in the gaming industry, he saw through Moreno's tricks at a glance.

He didn't dislike these, on the contrary, he admired courageous and capable partners.

If Moreno could bet on the failure of "Call of Duty" in the field he was best at, he could step on Naughty Cat to become a god.

This would cost a lot more money for the acquisition plan of Giant Hard Company.


For the giant Giant Hard Company, this is not something that cannot be borne.

On the contrary, the more Baofeng Entertainment shows its value, the more it can have a place in Giant Hard Company's future strategic layout.

But now, it's messed up.

If it weren't for the acquisition case, he wouldn't care whether Baofeng Entertainment was dead or alive.

But now, the two have a stake.

In addition to Baofeng Entertainment, there is really no suitable company to acquire.

While thinking, the phone rang.


"Boss, I have contacted Naughty Cat and got a reply from him."

"Oh? What did he say?"

"They rejected our goodwill."

Hearing this, West's expression turned cold and he was very unhappy. (End of this chapter)

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