"Rejected? Actually, rejected?"

West snorted coldly, thinking that Lin Mo was just as stubborn as the rumors said.

In the past, there were game collisions in the gaming industry.

Countless games are released every year, and there are only so many prime time nodes. It is not uncommon to see collisions. Even every weekend, there are several games released in a cluster, ranging from small games of more than ten yuan to 3A masterpieces of two or three hundred yuan.

In most cases, those who are not confident in their own works will avoid them first and take the initiative to avoid them. It is rare for two games to collide with each other.

But since the emergence of the outlier Naughty Cat, the situation is different.

The production capacity is too strong!

Not only is the investment quantity large, but the quality is also explosive. Other game manufacturers can't avoid it.

Avoid this and that, there is no way to avoid it, there is no way to avoid it.

I heard that many colleagues have come to the door, hoping that Naughty Cat can postpone the game or postpone it, but none of them succeeded.

"Other manufacturers ignore it, don't they even give me face?"

West was very dissatisfied.

This time, Naughty Cat was contacted in the hope that the other party could negotiate the release time of the game in the future, avoid some time to avoid misunderstandings, and give certain compensation.

In order to avoid the dilemma of affecting the acquisition case again, this matter has been planned for such a long time, and there is no room for error.

He thought it was not an excessive request, but it was still rejected.

"Is it the most willful boss in the gaming industry? Others can't control you, so can't I control you?"

West snorted coldly, and a plan had already taken shape in his mind.

In the world, there are two major consoles, which divide almost all the console player shares, and the two together account for more than 85%.

XGame console of Giant Hard Company and PlaySquare console of Souni.

As for the remaining 15%, they don't like to rub the glass board on their mobile phones, and firmly embrace the handheld gamers who are about to be eliminated by generations.

These players often play games on the subway on their way to work, or during lunch break at work, or lying comfortably on the bed at home.

Except for a few purely competitive games like CSGO that are only logged on to PC, Naughty Cat has logged on to the console platform.

If one platform is missing, it means that the sales of the game will be reduced by a large part, and not all players are willing to switch platforms to play games.

On PC, the Origin platform is invincible, but what about the console field?

Can you still reach the sky?

"Naughty Cat hopes you can understand the situation. This time is a warning."

"You don't want Naughty Cat games to be removed from XGame, right?"

West muttered to himself and then issued a notice, or a task.

That night.

Just when many players were still immersed in the plot of the second chapter of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", a piece of news shocked many people.

One of the two major console platforms, XGame console of Giant Hard Company, removed the popular "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" from the shelves for rectification!

The reason is that some part of the game content involves moral and ethical issues.

Although the screenshots given in the statement are thickly mosaiced, they can still be recognized at a glance. This is the plot of the airport massacre in the second chapter.

Countless XGame console players worked a day and were about to play the second chapter happily when they returned home, but were caught off guard by this unexpected news.

Instantly, the online public opinion exploded.

No one even discussed "Warzone 9" released on the same day, Xiaoqiang and Ghost's Death, and the third chapter of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" that will be unlocked the day after tomorrow.

Everyone's attention was focused on this explosive news.

[Fuck, what's going on? Are you sick? Why are you taking the game off the shelves for no reason? ]

[Don't you understand? Is it strange to be taken off the shelves for such a bloody scene?]

[It's so funny, I don't know what the review before the game went online is doing, and now the game is on sale, it's taken off the shelves? Isn't this relying on their status to bully the manufacturer?]

[That's right, this kind of thing has happened on the two major console platforms before.]

More players who bought "Call of Duty" on XGame are in a state of confusion.

The game is taken off the shelves, and the downloaded games are not affected, but they can't play multiplayer games online.

The third chapter of the story campaign needs to be downloaded after unlocking.

Now, I can't play it even if I unlock it.

The game I bought for no reason has become a defective product?

[Fuck! ! Does it mean that before it is put back on the shelves, I can't play my multiplayer mode? ]

[This is a rip-off. The company in the Lighthouse Country is so hypocritical. I don't know how many times the mold has done this kind of thing all over the world. As a result, now there is a scene in the game and they find an excuse to remove the game? ]

[Damn, how long will it take to remove it and rectify it? I have asked for leave and prepared to kill Makarov as soon as possible. Tell me that I can't play it? ]

[I am really convinced. How can playing a game cause so many things?]

This sudden news caught many people by surprise, whether they are players or practitioners.

Many people have only one thought in their minds.

What's the purpose?

It seems that there is no conflict between Juying and Naughty Cat?

Haven't they always cooperated well?

Some people have tasted something different when things are abnormal.

Early the next morning.

Naughty Cat is a well-known young company in the industry. When the shocking news broke at 11 o'clock last night, 90% of the employees were still awake.

Such big news made many employees come early today.

As employees, they know more than others.

But after coming, they were all whispering and had no intention of working.

"I heard that Director Du Rui went to ask Mr. Lin what to do last night, and the answer he got was to sleep and talk about it today."

"Will future works also be restricted from XGame? Wouldn't that reduce sales by a large margin?"

"What can we do? The sharp drop in income will not lead to layoffs, right?"

"It's not impossible. But fortunately, even if you leave Naughty Cat, you won't have to worry about finding a job."

"But I don't want to go anywhere else, I just want to be here. Hey, Mr. Lin is here!"

As he said, many people looked over.

What they saw was Du Rui quickly following him.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, looked at Du Rui who was in a dilemma, and scolded him with a smile: "Can you calm down?"

Du Rui said with a frown: "Boss, it's time and you are still not in a hurry. This is obviously their revenge for us not giving face to Juying Company. This time it's "Call of Duty", and next time there will be something else."

As they talked, the two entered the office.

On the table, there was coffee prepared by the secretary in advance.

Lin Mo drank it beautifully, and then said: "I don't have the habit of bragging. However, in recent years, the growth rate of the game business of Souni and Juying has been very gratifying. Why do you think it is?"

Du Rui said without hesitation: "Because of Naughty Cat!"

This is not narcissism, but a fact.

The game market in this world was once a red ocean, a real stock market.

Each player has a limited amount of money to play games in a year. If you play this, you won't have that.

Because game companies are muddling along, the game industry is extremely rotten, and bad money drives out good money.

As a result, many players sneer at games as a form of entertainment.

But with the emergence of Naughty Cat, every game has become a big hit and every game has gone viral.

It has attracted many non-gamers to enter the wonderful game world.

In terms of Naughty Cat's games, it is a real incremental market.

Seven or eight games worth tens of millions are released every year. Without Naughty Cat games, a large chunk of revenue is lost.

After figuring this out, Du Rui asked, "Mr. Lin, do you want to change the content of the airport level?"

Lin Mo sipped his coffee and shook his head.

"Then do you want to seek a dialogue with the giant hard company?"

Lin Mo continued to shake his head.

"What if the game department of the giant hard company just refuses to give in?"

This time, Lin Mo put down his coffee cup and said, "Then, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be permanently removed from XGame, and players will be refunded and compensated. In the future, Naughty Cat's games will also refuse to log in to this console."

Du Rui took a breath of cold air. Such a large market can be released just like that?

"What if something goes wrong with Souni?"

Lin Mo glanced at the third quarter report sent on his desktop screen and said, "If something goes wrong with Souni, then even PlaySquare will be abandoned!"

Du Rui felt his scalp tingling.

He knew that the outside world said that Lin Mo was a willful boss. As a veteran who joined when Naughty Cat was still a small company, he did not deny this.

But he also felt that a genius was qualified to be willful.

It was just that this speech still made him a little overwhelmed.

Two major console platforms, all abandoned?

"Mr. Lin, wouldn't this be like cutting off one arm? No, cutting off both legs?"

Lin Mo shook his head and said, "Naughty Cat has invested in so many subsidiaries, isn't it just to prepare for a rainy day? It just so happens that the triangle has stability, and the name of the three major companies is also more pleasant."

When these words came out, Du Rui understood.

He widened his eyes and was a little overwhelmed.

Is this going to make consoles? From governing across the river to dividing the world into three parts?

Today, Naughty Cat is no longer just a game company, but when talking about Naughty Cat, most people assume that the game department is the head office.

That's not wrong.

After all, it is the main blood transfusion department.

Technology companies are bottomless pits that burn money before they produce results. Naughty Cat has burned countless real money over the years.

After so many years of planning, is the first result coming?

New console?

The Big Three?

Sounds pretty cool?

As a game designer, I was already trembling with excitement at this time.

Doesn't that mean that the console with the most powerful first-party game lineup will appear?

"However, don't make this public for the time being. The new console will only have the opportunity to take root and sprout when the opponent makes a fool of itself."

Du Rui nodded like pounding garlic, and quickly responded: "Yes, I won't say anything nonsense. I'll notify the public relations department to prepare for it!"

"Well, go ahead."

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he made preparations in advance, otherwise he would be a little passive.

In this industry of bad performance, Naughty Cat is like a firefly in the dark night, too dazzling, which naturally makes other peers unhappy with it and hate it.

This is also the reason why some game developers with ideas and ambitions could only be buried in the end.

However, this phenomenon will slowly change.

Because Naughty Cat's investment includes not only technology companies, but also many game companies that are not willing to go along with the crowd, have ideals, ambitions, creativity and skills.

Even if only one or two of these game companies can finally hatch results, it is enough.

Before that, the players on XGame must be appeased first.

First of all, refunds.

The game has been removed from XGame, and the third chapter of the main story campaign and the multiplayer mode are no longer playable.

Players can initiate a refund without considering the game time, and they can get an unconditional refund no matter how long they play, including value-added services, character skins, weapon blueprints, etc. in the game.

The second is compensation.

If the player does not choose a refund, he will receive a game CDK on the Origin platform.

As for why Call of Duty on PlaySquare is not sent?

After this incident, Lin Mo no longer believes in the integrity of these console manufacturers.

Who knows when there will be another moth?

Players' consumption habits cannot be changed in one or two times, and this requires opponents to give opportunities.

For example, the example of "Warzone 9" this time, such a bad game, still sells well under such circumstances, is the best example.

A centipede is still alive even after it dies.

If the production level of "Battlezone 9" is good, the campaign plot is not so short, and the anti-cheating is better, it will be a very difficult opponent.

The same is true for the console platform.

Lin Mo will never be the first to give in. If there is a first time, there will be a second time.

With such a large production capacity and such excellent game quality, if Naughty Cat is controlled by others everywhere, and still makes a hammer game, it should go home to raise pigs as soon as possible.

If XGame continues to make things difficult and aggressive, it will be a typical opportunity.

But if there is a lot of thunder and little rain in the follow-up, "Call of Duty" is allowed to be put on the shelves again after being removed for a period of time, and there is no forced change of game content, and there is no hostility to other Naughty Cat games, it will be more difficult to deal with.

If there is really a console war, what kind of console will be brought to this world?

Lin Mo's answer is Switch.

In the previous life, whether it was the old Nintendo console or the handheld game console, it has been called the women's and children's machine for many years, which has a somewhat derogatory meaning.

This is because Nintendo consoles have a characteristic, that is, backward functions.

They are all the same generation of game consoles, and even the same game, the graphics performance on the Nintendo machine is the worst.

However, the functional limitations did not prevent the Nintendo consoles and handhelds from becoming popular. The reason is that the first-party games are so powerful that the first-party games are enough to support the sales of a console.

Moreover, the design of Nintendo games is naturally suitable for all ages, regardless of gender, age or youth.

At the same time, due to the existence of the system, the problem of poor function of the modified version of Switch will be greatly alleviated, which is the most suitable choice at present.

As for the escort masterpiece

If P5 is the best in the world, then there is a game that can be called the best.

With it, this game is enough to support the first game lineup of the new console.

The only question now is whether the industry will give Naughty Cat this fair and legitimate opportunity to intervene in the game console industry! (End of this chapter)

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