Seeing Zhou Yun sweating profusely across from him, Lin Mo smiled slightly and said, "Don't be so nervous. This matter is not that easy to keep secret. It is an unexpected surprise that it can be done to this extent."

Zhou Yun sighed after hearing this: "If there are any people in the world who are most afraid of naughty cats having problems, I must be one of them. How can there be such an angelic boss?"

Indeed, naughty cats can also play the role of angels.

Sometimes Zhou Yun himself even doubts whether Naughty Cat is a game company or a technology company.

When it comes to all kinds of fantastic ideas, they are no worse than Genting Technology.

The key is that these are not groundless rumors, but are well-founded. Boss Lin, who is well-known in the gaming industry, is no worse than him, a person engaged in R\u0026D and technology, in related fields.

Therefore, because I have sufficient confidence in Lin Mo, I still have to act when it comes to the outside world, but I don't worry about it from the bottom of my heart.

If people like Boss Lin can't survive the difficulties, that would be unreasonable.

I am still nervous today because I am afraid that there will be some problems with the confidentiality work, and I am afraid that the leakage will affect the subsequent series of events, so I am nervous.

Lin Mo nodded and said: "Then you have to keep an eye on the research and development of Switch. Without Naughty Cat, there may not be Naughty Dog anymore."

"Naughty Dog? That name doesn't sound like a good name for a game."

After playing a joke that no one could understand, Lin Mo stretched out, looked at everything that was ready, and said: "You are wrong about this. At least this company has done good things to a certain extent. Works. Okay, go back, I’ll scare you.”

"Okay! Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will never let you down."

Thinking about everything that can be achieved on the Switch, and then comparing it horizontally with other game consoles, even a person who doesn't play games can't help but be excited.

Not to mention the players!

A few days later, it was the opening day of the Electronic Arts Awards.

This award ceremony was held for the first time, and there was Jeff, a well-known journalist in the game industry who is well known in the industry.

The ceremony begins.

It didn't get much attention.

Especially the opening time of this ceremony is not friendly to the Western world, the major countries that traditionally consume games.

In this type of event, there is a fee for broadcasting the game.

And it’s per second!

This time, the Electronic Arts Awards were not attractive enough. Although there were many manufacturers participating, the fees for broadcasting the films were not particularly expensive.

But not many people are willing to spend this money.

It can be said that it is thankless.

Even many people in the industry are wondering, how did this exhibition get started?

Is there any mysterious financial backer behind this?

With many doubts and distrust, the Electronic Arts Awards officially opened.

Although there are not many manufacturers participating, it is only a little less than the WGA.

But people sent from various manufacturers can see that there are not many people worthy of being on the table.

Basically, it was the same way Naughty Cat sent to other ceremonies in previous years, randomly sending some people from the company to attend to receive the award and add a brick to the honor room.

There was not much time left before the opening. Jeff took a deep breath and said, "To be honest. When I founded the WGA with a group of like-minded people, I was never as nervous as I am now."

Lin Mo tugged on his collar with some discomfort and said, "To tell you the truth, I do too."

"It's because your clothes are tight, but you're not nervous. These are two completely different concepts."

"Yeah, too."

Lin Mo usually doesn't wear formal clothes in most cases, and Naughty Cat has no strict requirements for workers' dress.

So inside the company building, you can see the big boss wearing jeans and a hundred T-shirts, female employees wearing JK skirts and male employees wearing two-thorned monkey pain shirts.

Wearing formal clothes like this today is really rare.

Before long, the time was up.

No matter how nervous she is, to use an inappropriate metaphor, it’s time for the ugly daughter-in-law to meet her parents-in-law.

As Jeff walked onto the stage, the ceremony officially began!

At this time, this scene was transmitted to thousands of households along with the signal.

[The style of the Electronic Arts Awards is so cool. Is this cyberpunk style? Naughty Cat really created a trend]

[It is indeed a cyberpunk style. The Electronic Arts Award organizing committee has made it clear that every year thereafter, the venue will be decorated with the most popular game style of that year, presenting a brand new visual style]

[Be careful, this is in line with the game's award ceremony. I have always felt that the WGA is a little too solemn, like a classical concert]

[I just don’t know if there will be any surprises today? 】

"Surprise? Huh!" Freeman from the Lighthouse Country snorted, "I'm afraid I'm thinking too much! Surprise? Are you kidding me!"

It's been a while since the WGA passed.

Freeman also had a somewhat short temper.

The kindness has been released, but there has never been a chance to talk directly to the naughty cat.

Even the official account still has no movement. Congratulations on your game for winning the WGA Game of the Year.

The ridicule from the outside world was small.

Doubt your decision is great!

Freeman even wondered for a while, could Naughty Cat really have a way to overcome the difficulties?


How can it be?

Why? On what?

At this time, on the stage of the Electronic Arts Award, Jeff said passionately:

"In this year, we have encountered many wonderful works, many works worthy of being recorded in history.

At the same time, there are many excellent ideas, even some ideas that are enough to give birth to a great game category, although they are still some young seedlings.

The Electronic Arts Award is only awarded to works of art that are worth remembering!"

As soon as the voice fell, the stage fell into darkness.

The surround sound sounded a sound that only players could understand.

It was like the sound of wanting to connect the game console to the TV when I was a child and adjust the TV channel back and forth.

First, there was an old and magical melody of the BGM commonly used in the red and white machine era. With the sound, you can see a plane appear on the stage, shuttling through the enemy's bullet screen, defeating one enemy after another.

This is the childhood enlightenment game "Time and Space Battlefield" for many players in this world, a horizontal bullet screen shooting game.

Not only was there the sound of BGM, but also the voices of the participants on the scene were deliberately recorded.

You can hear bursts of exclamations.

Because this plane uses holographic projection technology.

Naughty Cat's exclusive technology!

Since it appeared in the Super Bowl, it has become a symbol of the strength of world sports events or activities, representing the unparalleled financial strength of the owner behind it.

Very expensive, very expensive!

[Fuck! It's Jeff, he can do this? Why did he ask Naughty Cat for authorization? ]

[Naughty Cat fans are not afraid of problems with the company. With this technology, it is not a problem to support the company]

[If Naughty Cat was not very short of money recently, I would have suspected whether this was sponsored by Tao Linmo]

[Then maybe, Naughty Cat can't stand the WGA's shabby things, is it strange to invest in Jeff to create his own game ceremony? ]

On the stage.

Careful people can find that this small plane is not static.

The calculated score in the corner seems to be more than just the score obtained by the player when playing this game!

Represents the year!

As the score continues to increase, the appearance of the small plane also changes.

From the mosaic style at the beginning, it gradually became high-definition, and the details and actions became more realistic.

The destroyed enemy planes also slowly changed their appearance.

Each one is a childhood symbol in the hearts of hardcore game fans!

Those who have obtained authorization will use those classic symbols, and those who have not obtained authorization will use images and symbols that players can understand.

The enemy planes destroyed in the previous moment are still the appearance of "Time and Space Battlefield", and the next moment is the classic witch BOSS image in the classic arcade "Witch Action", and then the knight of the classic European and American RPG "Red Empire".

They are all excellent works that can be called works of art over the years.

Then, the BGM has undergone some changes and has become very modern.

The small plane has become a common cool style in modern science fiction works, and the symbols representing classic games shot down have also appeared with a voice that makes the audience cheer.

The fly-headed policeman of CT in CSGO!

Seeing this scene, I don’t know how many viewers in front of the screen stood up directly.

Thinking of the owner of this technology, an unthinkable guess appeared in many people's minds.

Freeman's heart sank, and he sat up straighter unnaturally.

Then, the ugly and cute zombies in Plants vs. Zombies, the Nergigante in Monster Hunter, and Adam's Hammer in Cyberpunk

Familiar images appeared one by one, making the assistant ask in confusion: "Could this Electronic Arts Award be sponsored by Naughty Cat, and the long-promoted mysterious guest is Lin Mo?"

"You say it!!"

Freeman cursed angrily, somewhat dissatisfied with the assistant's reminder.

The next moment, more and more game images appeared, including those from Naughty Cat and other manufacturers, surrounding the plane.

An explosion sounded, and the stage fell silent.

A game-ending UI and a player's depressed muttering appeared on the stage.

The cursor moved to the restart button and clicked OK.

Instantly, the stage lights lit up again.

Looking at the stage again, where was Jeff?

Standing there is the mysterious guest of the night, the heavyweight mysterious guest that the Video Game Awards Organizing Committee has been hiding for a long time.

Lin Mo!

Even though Freeman had guessed it vaguely, he couldn't help but get furious when he saw Lin Mo really appear.

No wonder. No wonder!

He couldn't get in touch with him no matter how hard he tried, and he didn't care about the goodwill of WGA and refused to have a direct conversation.

Feelings have long tied the company and Jeff's Video Game Awards together.

"Damn it, you will regret it, you will definitely regret it! I can squeeze Jeff out the first time, and I can beat him the second time! You want to turn the tables with the Video Game Awards? It's a pipe dream!"

The little assistant shrank his head when he heard the boss's angry scolding.

At this time, it's better not to speak.

The barrage also exploded.

[Fuck! ! ! Is it true? Apologize for doubting me just now! Apologize quickly! ]

[Awesome, Naughty Cat is still sponsoring the Video Game Awards even though it's like this? It's going to announce something important! 】

【I told you, if it wasn't Naughty Cat's sponsorship, how could Jeff get so many Naughty Cat game image licenses】

【Interesting, this ceremony suddenly became more interesting】

When they noticed something was wrong, the popularity of the video game awards live broadcast rooms in various countries exploded instantly.

Basically, the players who clicked in to watch had no reason to leave.

Many people were curious about such a trendy opening that was close to the theme of video games, and such a heavyweight guest.

What exactly did Naughty Cat plan to bring?

At this time, Lin Mo looked at his colleagues who were very surprised in the audience and made a polite opening speech.

"Video games have gone through decades of development, which has led to today's prosperity. I am very happy to be the award presenter of the first Electronic Art Award and to present the award for this year's heavyweight works. This is my honor.

In every year thereafter, the Electronic Art Award will invite game developers who have made outstanding contributions to the industry to present awards for the outstanding works of the year. I hope to carry on the past and pass on the glory of the ninth art."

These words made many retired game developers who are still paying attention to the industry feel a little moved.

Some people like money, some like sex, and some like fame.

Many star producers and many long-established large companies have their own reasons.

If I could have another chance to present awards on stage, I would let the names of my past works be known and accepted by new players.

Few people would refuse.

What a great honor!

Even if Naughty Cat dies, Lin Mo's name will undoubtedly be engraved in the history of video games.

If I can be invited to present awards in the future, doesn't it mean that I will be recognized as having the same status as Lin Mo and Naughty Cat?

Seeing this, Freeman understood.

He gnashed his teeth for a while.

Why can the Electronic Arts Award get the authorization of so many classic works?

This is to tie up the interests!

You can also get a glimpse from the barrage.

[It should have been like this a long time ago. WGA has become a chicken award that is paid for awards]

[It's a bit interesting. Is this Naughty Cat's counterattack against WGA? Sure enough, with Lin Mo's temper, he will not go along with WGA]

[This is interesting. Lin Mo and Naughty Cat are the award presenters. Does the Naughty Cat game winning the award count as praising itself? ]

[Stupid, this is obviously sending a special signal. Naughty Cats does not need awards to reflect its value, on the contrary, the award ceremony needs Naughty Cats to prove its value! 】

[Indeed, even if Naughty Cats declines from now on, the meaning represented by this name is enough to establish an independent award ceremony to judge the quality of the game]

At this time, it is not just Freeman.

Whether it is Souni or Juying, whether it is Baofeng Entertainment or EA, they all noticed this ceremony that was not right.

This opening shows one thing.

Today is not just about awards.

Some big events are going to happen!

Keep your eyes open.

As for what the big event is. Is there anything bigger than the two major console manufacturers tacitly practicing to ban Naughty Cats games? (End of this chapter)

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